ACL Books

ACL Books

ACL Books is a small press and research firm based out of Anchorage, Alaska.

Profile pictures 20/01/2023
Tulsa and the Remaking of Urban Governance | The New Localism 07/08/2021

Julianne down in Tulsa updates us with current Agenda 21 developments.

Tulsa and the Remaking of Urban Governance | The New Localism A year ago, we wrote about how a period defined by a global pandemic, economic contraction and racial reckoning might become a catalyst for institutional transformation in cities. These profound events have simultaneously exacerbated inequities in our cities and revealed the inadequacies of the curr...

Freedom Does Not Mean Being on the Loose 20/07/2021

Freedom Does Not Mean Being on the Loose Reflections on the anti-restriction protesters and hyper-individualists.

The surprising US city where Israeli tech is heading next 15/07/2021

Critical update.

The surprising US city where Israeli tech is heading next As cities between the coasts become tech centers, Tulsa, Oklahoma, will help Israeli startups with remote hiring and US market entry.

Niki Raapana -- The Cure for Communitarianism 23/03/2021

Niki Raapana -- The Cure for Communitarianism Niki Raapana is the co-founder of the Anti-Communitarian League (ACL), an online research center for studying outside the box.