METRO Purple Line

METRO Purple Line

The Rush Line is now the METRO Purple Line!

The Purple Line is a proposed bus rapid transit (BRT) line serving Saint Paul, Maplewood, Vadnais Heights, Gem Lake, White Bear Township, and White Bear Lake. The Purple Line will feature electric buses operating primarily in dedicated transit lanes mostly following Robert Street and Phalen Boulevard from downtown Saint Paul, Ramsey County rail right-of-way (shared with the Bruce Vento Regional Tr


Join project staff for a Virtual Community Meeting on Wednesday, August 14 from noon –1:30 p.m. to learn more and provide feedback on whether Purple Line should run along the Bruce Vento Regional Trail Corridor or the White Bear Ave Corridor. Your feedback will inform the selection of the best route for the Purple Line.

Find meeting details, learn more about the project, and share your feedback:


Join Purple Line project staff anytime between 5 – 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 30 at Hazel Park Recreation Center to learn more and provide feedback on whether Purple Line should run along the Bruce Vento Regional Trail Corridor or the White Bear Ave Corridor. Your feedback will inform the selection of the best route for the Purple Line BRT at the end of the summer.

Find meeting details, learn more about the project, and share your feedback:


Should Purple Line run along the Bruce Vento Regional Trail or White Bear Avenue?

Provide your feedback that will inform the selection of the best route for the Purple Line now through August 30. Visit the project website to find more information on ways to share feedback and to find upcoming events:


Join Purple Line project staff anytime between 5 – 7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 17 at the Maplewood YMCA Community Center to learn more and provide feedback on whether Purple Line should run along the Bruce Vento Regional Trail Corridor or the White Bear Ave Corridor. Your feedback will inform the selection of the best route for the Purple Line at the end of the summer.

Find meeting details, learn more about the project, and share your feedback:


Join METRO Purple Line Bus Rapid Transit project staff at community meeting and pop-up events, engage in door-knocking conversations, or connect virtually to provide feedback on:

- Whether Purple Line should run along the Bruce Vento Regional Trail Corridor or the White Bear Ave Corridor

- Purple Line bus lane options, including a new center running bus lane option in the Saint Paul section of the White Bear Ave Corridor

Your feedback now through August 30 will help inform the selection of the best route for the Purple Line at the end of the summer.

Find meeting details, learn more about the project, and share your feedback:


Share your thoughts by this Friday, April 12:

The METRO Purple Line bus rapid transit project has spent the last several months developing and evaluating potential layouts that show roadway design and transit station locations for White Bear Avenue route options.

Provide your feedback that will inform the selection of the best option for the White Bear Avenue route online or at an upcoming community meeting:


Join us on Tuesday evening to learn about opportunities and impacts the White Bear Avenue design options could have for residents and businesses. Come by any time to ask questions and provide your feedback. Details:


Join project staff tomorrow for a virtual community meeting. Learn about opportunities and impacts the White Bear Avenue design options could have for residents and businesses and provide your feedback. Details:


The METRO Purple Line bus rapid transit project has spent the last several months developing and evaluating potential layouts that show roadway design and transit station locations for White Bear Avenue route options.

Provide your feedback that will inform the selection of the best option for the White Bear Avenue route online or at an upcoming community meeting:


Join us at upcoming Purple Line community meetings to learn more about the opportunities and impacts the White Bear Avenue design options could have for residents and businesses. Come by any time to ask questions and provide your feedback to project staff. Your feedback will inform the selection of the best option for the White Bear Avenue route.

Find meeting details, learn more about the project, and share your feedback:


Project staff have continued to refine the station locations for the White Bear Avenue route option based on community and stakeholder feedback and design considerations. One of those refinements includes moving the Larpenteur Avenue Station to Idaho Avenue for further evaluation.

Staff continue to evaluate roadway design and transit station locations options for White Bear Avenue route. The layouts and evaluation results will be presented at community meetings in early 2024 for public input.

Find more information and ways to engage:

Photos from Ramsey County, Minnesota's post 12/12/2023

Help shape the Purple Line route and stations by taking a brief survey!


Due to weather cancellations and delayed postcard invitations, Purple Line staff have added two days for the community to join project staff for a round of corridor walks/rolls to discuss what’s working well today and what could be improved along Maryland and White Bear avenues.

These events will continue to provide an opportunity to review design considerations, constraints, and opportunities for bus rapid transit along the corridor and ask questions. Each date will cover an approximately one-mile section of the corridor on either Maryland or White Bear Avenue but will focus on key points of interest among participants.

All are welcome, and we hope to see you there!

- White Bear Ave. between Maryland and Larpenteur Ave., Friday, Oct. 20, 4-6 p.m.
- White Bear Ave. between 11th/Gervais and Beam Avenue, Wednesday, Oct. 25, 4-6 p.m.

Details and registration:


Join project staff for a round of corridor walk events in October to discuss what’s working well today and what could be improved along Maryland and White Bear Avenues.

This is an opportunity to review design considerations, constraints, and opportunities for bus rapid transit along the corridor and ask questions. Each date will cover about a one-mile section of the corridor on either Maryland Avenue or White Bear Avenue but will focus on key points of interest among participants.

All are welcome, and we hope to see you there!

- Wednesday, Oct. 4, 4-6 p.m.
- Friday, Oct. 6, 4-6 p.m.
- Tuesday, Oct. 10, 4-6 p.m.
- Thursday, Oct. 12, 4-6 p.m.
- Saturday, Oct. 14, noon-2 p.m.

Details and registration:


The Corridor Management Committee (CMC) concurred with project staff's recommendation to advance 12 proposed Purple Line bus rapid transit station locations for further technical evaluation and community engagement along the Maryland and White Bear avenues route.

The number of stations and station platform locations will not be finalized until the CMC makes a recommendation on a preferred roadway and transit design concept, currently anticipated in March 2024.

Find more information and ways to engage:


The METRO Purple Line bus rapid transit project is studying Maryland and White Bear avenues as an alternative to the Bruce Vento Regional Trail corridor to the Maplewood Mall area. Check out our interactive feedback map of the White Bear Avenue route option to review it and provide feedback on what you enjoy about the corridor, your vision for its future, and your thoughts about Purple Line on Maryland and White Bear avenues.

View the interactive map and provide feedback:


Where would you like the METRO Purple Line to stop on Maryland and White Bear avenues?

Let us know by attending one of our in-person or virtual community meetings or by commenting on our interactive map. Join us and learn more about the proposed station locations, share your feedback, and ask questions.

Find meeting details, learn more about the project, and share your feedback:


Join us at upcoming events to learn about the White Bear Avenue route option, ask questions, and provide feedback. Attendees may come and go at any time; there is no formal presentation.



The METRO Purple Line project is beginning to evaluate White Bear Avenue as an alternative to using the Bruce Vento Regional Trail Corridor following a public engagement process in Maplewood about the trail alignment.

The evaluation will allow for a comparison of White Bear Avenue to the trail to inform a recommendation on a final alignment and northern endpoint for Purple Line. This new study allows the Metropolitan Council / Metro Transit and Ramsey County, Minnesota to continue listening to our communities and work with our funding partners to create a transportation system that provides economic, social, and environmental benefits to the region.

More information about the next steps of this study and ways to engage will be shared later this year.

Learn more about the METRO Purple Line:


We’re exploring new location options for the Purple Line’s Arcade Street Station in St. Paul. Your input on station location options will help us further evaluate.

Let us know your preference by taking our short survey at by November 23!


Enough room exists within the public right-of-way bought for future transit use to fit the Bruce Vento Regional Trail, Purple Line Bus Rapid Transit project, and landscaping and greenery.

Improvements that will be added during the reconstruction include a new trail surface for improved pavement quality, safer trail crossings with streets, and improved and new grade separations (for example, bridge over Johnson Parkway).

Learn more about project design and engineering:


On Friday, a Purple Line committee voted to suspend advancing design of the Locally Preferred Alternative to downtown White Bear Lake in keeping with their city council’s wishes.

Instead, this summer project staff will study route modifications with a northernmost station at Century College, Maplewood or Vadnais Heights.


Purple Line route modifications are under consideration.

Project staff are looking at ending the now 15-mile bus rapid transit line somewhere along County Road E between Highway 61 and Interstate 35E in Vadnais Heights or at the Maplewood Mall Transit Center. Both options would include offering connecting bus service between Maplewood Mall Transit Center and downtown White Bear Lake.

Keeping the route as planned, with the northern end in downtown White Bear Lake, is also being evaluated.

The suggested modifications respond to a White Bear Lake City Council resolution that request the Purple Line not enter the city of White Bear Lake. The options were discussed today at the project's Corridor Management Committee meeting. Presentation PDF:

More information and ways to share feedback will be available this summer. The current timeline calls for construction to begin in 2024. Learn more about the METRO Purple Line:


Apply by Friday for the METRO Purple Line Community and Business Advisory Committee, which advises the Metropolitan Council and Metro Transit on how the line can best serve nearby neighborhoods and businesses.

We need your perspective on project design, engineering, outreach, station-area planning and access, as well as construction and operations. The committee serves as an information resource about the community and liaison to the neighborhoods and businesses the line will serve.

Apply online:

More info: #2022%20CBAC%20App


Apply for the METRO Purple Line Community and Business Advisory Committee, which advises the Metropolitan Council and Metro Transit on how the line can best serve nearby neighborhoods and businesses.

We need your perspective on project design, engineering, outreach, station-area planning and access, as well as construction and operations. The committee serves as an information resource about the community and liaison to the neighborhoods and businesses the line will serve.

Apply online:

More info: #2022%20CBAC%20App


The METRO Purple Line has received approval to enter the Project Development phase of the Federal Transit Administration's New Starts program. Project leadership now transitions from Ramsey County to the Metropolitan Council.

The 15-mile Purple Line bus rapid transit project will connect Saint Paul, Maplewood, White Bear Township, Vadnais Heights, Gem Lake, and White Bear Lake.

“Workers and employers, residents, students, and seniors are demanding high-quality transit as they look at where they want to live, work and grow their businesses,” Ramsey County Commissioner Victoria Reinhardt said. “Purple Line BRT is a key transportation solution to help our vibrant East Metro communities stay competitive and connected to the entire region.”

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) gave a key approval to the METRO Purple Line BRT, a 15-mile bus rapid transit line that will operate between downtown Saint Paul and White Bear Lake starting in 2026. The Met Council now takes over project leadership from Ramsey County.

“The Metropolitan Council is proud to prioritize this East Metro investment,” said Chair Charlie Zelle. "With our local government partners, including Ramsey County, we look forward to seeing the significant economic, social and environmental benefit the Purple Line will bring to our region."

Metro Transit project leaders say they will reassess Purple Line ridership as a matter of course, before applying for federal funds in 2024. Co-location along the Bruce Vento Regional Trail will offer improved safety of trail crossings at local roads.

More information about the approval to enter the project development phase:


The METRO Purple Line (formerly the Rush Line) has received a favorable environmental decision from the Federal Transit Administration. Learn more about the successful completion of the project's environmental process:

METRO Purple Line clears major environmental hurdle The METRO Purple Line (formerly the Rush Line) – a planned bus rapid transit project that will serve the East Metro beginning in 2026 – has received environmental clearance from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

Videos (show all)

The Rush Line BRT will connect five cities along a 15-mile route between Saint Paul and White Bear Lake. There are two w...
Qhov Kev Ntsuam Xyuas Txog Ib Puag Ncig tau raug luam tawm losntawm zej tsoom nrog rau tsoom fwv, xeev thiab cov chaw ha...
La Evaluación Ambiental evalúa los posibles beneficios e impactos ambientales, sociales, económicos y de transporte resu...
The Environmental Assessment evaluates potential environmental, social, economic and transportation benefits and impacts...
