Becca Odom Wellness

Becca Odom Wellness

Becca Odom Wellness provides trauma-informed continuing education programs to helping professionals as well as free trauma-informed resources to the community.

Becca Odom is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Registered Yoga Teacher with over a decade of experience specializing in anxiety, trauma recovery and stress management. Becca's passion is to combine Somatic Approaches with EMDR for trauma recovery and to empower others with tools to heal themselves. She has been offering trainings on Yoga for Trauma and Resiliency nationally for the last 7 yea


Last chance to join me in this Polyvagal Theory in Therapy Training!

I am SO excited to teach this training this Friday, May 10th from 12:00-4:30 pm EST.

Polyvagal Theory is such a passion of mine and has completely changed my work life and personal life.

I see the world through this lens now and I am such a better person for it.

If you’re curious to learn more about Polyvagal Theory and how it could support you both personally and professionally, join me this Friday!

For more information and to reserve your spot, see the link in my bio!


This week, I shared a new video on Trauma-Informed Approaches to 4:7:8 Breathing!

These simple tools can help people begin to build a breathwork practice for deeper nervous system regulation.

Using this stair-step method can ease people into using the practice of breath retention, and helps build towards more advanced breathing exercises, like a traditional 4:7:8 Breath.

Consent, invitation and compassion are important elements to bring into any practice.

To watch this free full video, please visit: or see the link in my bio.

May we all love the life we live...


Recently I have felt like I walked through a portal.

It's been building for years and I finally moved through something, completed a cycle, released something big.

The total solar eclipse was definitely part of this shift.

We are living through big, intense, important times right now.

Staying present, clear, open and steady is the only way through.

I am here for it, I am here for you.

We are stronger together.

Let us rise strong.


This is something I talk to my therapy clients about all the time:

Real, deep, sustainable change takes time.

We cannot just whip around and suddenly change our behaviors like jet skis.

We can steadily, slowly, and consistently change our behaviors like cruise ships over time.

When we can set realistic expectations for this process, we can build stepping stones to support this growth along the way.

It took years to get to where we are today, it is going to take time to heal, evolve, and change.

For more trauma-informed tips, tools, and trainings, see the link in my bio!

May we all love the life we live...


Neuroception is our ability to assess risk, danger, and safety in our daily life.

This assessment is below our range of consciousness, where our story follows our nervous system state.

This is where we have an instinctive perception of what is happening around us, and then we make sense (or create a story) about it afterwards.

When we use this concept in our daily life and relationships, we can help create a deeper sense of safety in these experiences.

We can begin to listen to the cues from our body to understand our instinctive reactions to our experiences and relationships.

We can consider how our body language, facial expressions, vocal tone, etc. might be sending cues of safety vs. danger to someone else.

Bringing this awareness into our daily life and interactions can help others feel safe enough to connect, whether that is in our personal or professional relationships.

For more trauma-informed tips and tools, see the link in my bio or join me for my Polyvagal Theory in Therapy Training on May 10th!

May we all love the life we live…


The Power of Enough.

I often am talking to my therapy clients about finding places or people that are safe “enough”.

Often in life, we can look for absolutes, and those are hard to come by.

If we can add the word “enough” into the picture, so many possibilities can open up around us.

It’s easy to overlook these safe enough experiences, but it is so deeply healing to highlight them and savor them.

- Where in your life do you feel safe enough?
- What relationships feel safe enough to speak your truth?
- When do you feel okay enough to let your guard down and rest?

These questions can plant seeds for other possibilities to grow. Every little bit counts.

For more trauma-informed tips and tools, see the link in my bio and join me for my Polyvagal Theory in Therapy training on May 10th from 12:00-4:30 pm EST!

May we all love the life we live…


This week, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and tried rock climbing for the first time in 6 years.

Stretching our comfort zones is a key part of building resilience in our daily life.

Finding a balance between bulldozing past our comfort zones and staying stuck in one place is an important part of this process.

This can be driving a different way home, trying a new hobby, connecting with a new friend, going somewhere new, setting a new boundary, etc.

Finding a task that feels tolerable enough while still stretching your comfort zone is a helpful way to begin this practice.

It can help us feel more confident and capable of making long term changes in our life, slowly but steadily.

For more free resilience tips and tools, visit

May we all love the life we live…


“If we don’t know where we are, we don’t know what we need.”

This is one of my favorite sayings to use as a trauma therapist.

Being able to track our nervous system responses helps us know what our body is going through, and how best to support it.

In this video, I share about a recent scary experience where I could use these principles and practices in the moment.

When we know the signals that our nervous system sends when we are in states of stress or ease, we can build resilience and recover from trauma.

Common stress signals are:
- Body tension
- Shaking or tremoring
- Shallow or holding the breath
- Clenching the jaw
- Sweating, etc.

Movement is a very effective way to help this stress cycle complete, along with breathing and social connection.

Whether you walk it off, shake it off, or otherwise, trying to move the body can help our brain receive the message that the threat is over.

For more trauma-informed tips, tricks, and trainings, see the link in my bio.

May we all love the life we live…

Photos from Becca Odom Wellness's post 28/03/2024

Throwback to a favorite peak memory of mine:

My 33rd birthday, in my favorite spot at The Biltmore, surrounded by my closest Asheville ladies.

It feels like a lifetime ago and I love accessing this memory during times when I need a mood boost.

Memories can be a stressor or a resource, depending on how we use them.

What is one of your peak memories you like to access when you need a boost?

Reading other people’s resources can help us resource too. Let’s feed this positive feedback system, y’all!

Photos from Becca Odom Wellness's post 26/03/2024

I am thrilled to announce that my upcoming Polyvagal Theory in Therapy training has been approved for NBCC credit!

This training is a guide to using somatic approaches to therapy through a Polyvagal lens to prevent burnout and support trauma recovery for clinicians and clients.

My passion is bringing dynamic, engaging and quality trainings to helping professionals for Continuing Education (CE) credits to support their professional and personal development.

Join me for this live virtual training on Friday, May 10th from 12:00-4:30 pm EST and earn 4 CEs!

For more information and to reserve your spot, see the link in my bio.

May we all love the life we live…


Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Spring Renewal Workshop last week!

We explored how to navigate the changing seasons around us and also how to support changing seasons within us (health conditions, divorce, losing a job, etc.)

We love teaching about attachment and somatic therapy toolstogether!

We have many more offerings and surprises coming your way this year!

To be the first to know, join the newsletter through the link in my bio.

May we all love the life we live…



Tomorrow is the day!! I am so excited to hold this safe space for people to drop in, slow down, shake off winter and plant seeds for this new season.

Elizabeth and I will be teaching tools to support regulating your nervous system and fostering a sense of safety that will continue to cultivate in this new season.

We are both licensed therapists bringing our decades of experience into this offering. We love holding space for others to learn tools to heal.

A recording will be available for a month after the live workshop!

See the link in my bio to reserve your spot.

May we all love the life we live...



Burnout is extremely common, especially at this point in our culture and world.

3 key components of burnout are:
1. Emotional exhaustion – the fatigue that comes from caring too much, for too long.
2. Depersonalization – the depletion of empathy, caring, and compassion.
3. Decreased sense of accomplishment – an unconquerable sense of futility or feeling that nothing you do makes any difference.

Completing the stress cycle is one of the most important ways to recover from burnout.

Whether that’s through movement, social connection, crying, creative expression, etc., we must find what works for us and do it…often.

Prioritizing this is a way to ensure we can effectively make decisions, respond rather than react, and maintain our engagement for the long haul.

This is all easier said than done, and a drop in the bucket still counts.

Start small and build, set up rewards, do something to complete the stress cycle before (or while) you watch that show or scroll on your phone.

A little bit goes a long way, when maintained over time.

May we all love the life we live…


This time of year we begin to welcome back the light, the longer days and warmth.

The tree buds can be a reminder of our own growth and opening back up into the world.

This process can be gentle or it can be forceful, ultimately we are just here to ride the waves and do the best we can. A few helping resources can be:

- Get sunlight directly in your eyes in the early morning or late afternoon (when the sun is low in the sky)
- Shake it off and move your body
- Get feet in the grass, walk around and soak it up

Helping people heal has been my life calling for over a decade. It requires that I do my own healing work, it's a reciprocal relationship and I feel honored to be part of it.

This Friday, I will be co-facilitating a Somatic Spring Cleaning Workshop with Elizabeth Gillette!

Join us March 22nd from 2-4 pm EST and a recording will be available for a month afterwards for further integration support.

Learn tools to release the winter heaviness and resources to open into the spring bloom. We are so excited to be holding this space together and we hope to see you there!

See the link in my bio to reserve your spot. Self-Care CEs available upon request.

May we all love the life we live…

Photos from Becca Odom Wellness's post 16/03/2024

I loved teaching my Intro to Ethics of Trauma-Informed Care training at the conference this week!

Sharing these tools so therapists can teach their clients new ways to regulate their nervous system and prevent burnout is my life passion.

Every little bit goes a long way.

My next live offering will be my Spring Renewal Workshop with .gillette next Friday, March 22nd from 2-4 pm EST!

We are thrilled to hold space for shaking off the winter and renewing our systems for the spring.

May we all love the life we live…


Shaking and bouncing is an amazing way to release tension from our body and reset the nervous system.

It sends a clear message to our brain that we can release tension and bounce back from the stresser.

Whether it's a quick shake of the hands or a full body bounce and shake, taking 30-60 seconds to do this practice can really go a long way.

For a quick Shake and Bounce video, see my latest YouTube video at

May we all love the life we live…


4 years ago, almost to the day, I taught my last in-person training before the pandemic officially hit.

We were unsure if we should be hugging, but we still hugged. I could feel the energy building each day before lockdowns began to take place.

It only feels appropriate, 4 years later, to be heading down to Little Rock to teach at the NASW-AR Conference this week.

I’ve always had a special place in my heart for teaching Social Workers. The values of Social Work align so deeply with my own values.

I live it, I breathe it, I love it, even when I’m dancing with burnout.

It’s my life’s calling and passion.

I am so excited for what’s to come this year in my work and my offerings.

Stay tuned, y’all!

May we all love the life we live…


Let's do this, y'all! I have BIG surprises are coming your way. ⁠

I am so excited to share more with you soon, so stay tuned! ⁠

Feeling myself step into my power this last year has been such a transformational experience. ⁠

To have steady footing, wise mind, open heart, and a strong back.⁠

Trying to lead by example, teach what I know, and gather together hearts and minds to create more healing in this world. ⁠

To be the first to know about these big surprises, join my newsletter at

May we all love the life we live...⁠


I think of the Vagus Nerve like a “radar system” detecting safety in our daily life.

It is a beautiful and complex system that is changing the way we view mental health and trauma recovery.

Learning how to navigate and work with this system can change the course of our life.

Whether you are a therapist, teacher, body worker, medical or helping professional - this training can support you in being more trauma-informed in your daily life.

Helping others through a healing journey begins with the healing of ourselves. I hope this resource will support you along this journey.

Save on the Early Bird Discount by reserving your spot by Friday, March 8th at

May we all love the life we live…


This week, I shared a new video on my Youtube Channel on Polyvagal Theory and the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).

If we can begin to understand these concepts about the ANS, we can learn how to navigate our nervous system's stress response in our daily life.

I love the phrase: “If we don't know where we are, we don't know what we need.”

Identifying where we are on the ANS stress response system is key to knowing what we need to respond more effectively.

Learning these concepts is key so we can begin to enhance our ability to self-soothe, co-regulate and move through the world with more ease.

In my Polyvagal Theory in Therapy training on May 10th, I will dive deeper into these concepts and more!

Visit for more information and to reserve your spot!

May we all love the life we live…


If we don’t know where we are, we don’t know what we need.

This is one of my favorite reminders on how to build a resilient life.

Orienting is tuning into something - the present moment, sensations in our body, the faces and sounds around us, etc.

We can use the tool of orienting to help create a sense of safety and connection in our daily life.

I love sharing orienting practices to help us ride the waves of life with more buoyancy.

For free resources on orienting and other trauma-informed practices, visit

May we all love the life we live…


Our Spring Renewal Workshop is a way to drop into a safe space to shake off the heaviness of winter, open towards the spring season, and nourish the nervous system along the way.

Elizabeth and I intend to create a safe space to get cozy, deepen our connection with ourselves and set intentions for this new season to come.

We will bring in somatic and attachment based tools to support healing within relationships in our daily life.

For more information and to reserve your spot, please visit

May we all love the life we live…


One of my favorite Sneaky Self-Care Tools is an Energy Bath.

This week, I shared an Energy Bath Practice on my YouTube Channel.

The Energy Bath is a Qi Gong practice that helps us bring more awareness to the body to release tension from the body.

This practice can support releasing tension as well as building energy within the body and orient us back to the body to feel more grounded in the present moment.

This technique can be practiced anytime you feel like you've been "slimed" and need to “shake it off”.

For more trauma-informed tips, tools and trainings, visit

May we all love the life we live…


Compassion is an essential part of building a new and better version of Self in the world.

Most of us are the hardest on ourselves and I find using Compassion Meditation in my daily practice can help me feel more ease, connection and resilience in my life.

After a movement practice (walking, exercising at the gym, biking, etc.), try sitting down with a guided meditation and let yourself receive.

We need the space held for ourselves so we can start to deepen these practices and we eventually hold this space for ourselves in our daily life with more ease.

I have a Guided Meditation Compassion practice available on my website now, visit for this resource and more!

May we all love the life we live…


Knowing how to share new tools and techniques with clients is essential to supporting their healing process.

As a somatic therapist, I get so excited to read testimonials like this where people feel inspired and supported to share these resources with their clients.

My trainings focus on tools to support both the therapist and their clients in their individual healing journeys.

For more trauma-informed tips, tools and trainings, see the link in my bio!

May we all love the life we live...

Photos from Becca Odom Wellness's post 22/02/2024

Hey y'all! Here are two CE opportunities below!
Want CEs while gaining skills to prevent burnout?
My Ethics of Trauma-Informed Care Training is currently available for self-paced, earning up to 6 Ethics CEs.
My Polyvagal Theory in Therapy training is live on Friday, May 10th, earning 4 CEs.
​Participants will leave with simple, effective interventions to manage stress, prevent burnout, and create a sense of safety with clients.
For more information, you can visit
Please let me know if you have any questions!


I am so excited to announce this Polyvagal Theory in Therapy training!

This topic is a passion of mine and I am so excited to share it with the world.

This training is a guide for therapists on using somatic approaches through a polyvagal and trauma-informed lens to prevent burnout and support trauma recovery.

We will provide tools for both therapists and clients to use in their daily life to heal and create a sense of safety.

These tools incorporate simple and effective techniques to build resilience and recover from trauma.

For more information and to reserve your spot, visit


In tomorrows newsletter, I share a new practice to Ground in the Moment on my Youtube Channel.

Orienting is helpful to bring us more into the present moment, ground the nervous system and create a deeper sense of healing. ⁠

This practice can be helpful in these these life moments:⁠
- At the beginning of a work meeting⁠
- Before you make an important phone call⁠
- After you soothe an upset child, etc. ⁠
- To start a therapy session with a client⁠

These exercises can shift our nervous system state, which can shift the course of our entire day. ⁠

Benefits to this practice include:⁠
- Role modeling self-regulation⁠
- Creating an opportunity for connection through co-regulation⁠
- Embodying the tools we teach⁠

Our body only speaks one language, body language. ⁠

We must learn tools to speak the body's language so we can create more healing within the MindBody connection. ⁠

I hope you find these supportive! ⁠

To be the first to know of new offerings and resources, join my newsletter at


I am SO excited to share that Elizabeth Gillette and I are teaming up again!

This time, we are offering a Spring Renewal Workshop together on Friday, March 22nd.

This workshop focuses on simple and effective attachment-building techniques to refresh the nervous system and support you in your daily life.

Shake off winter and welcome in the spring in this intentional practice! A recording will be available afterwards.

This is a self-care experiential training and a Certificate of Completion is available for purchase for certain helping professional's licensure renewals.

For more information, visit

Videos (show all)

This week, I shared a new video on Trauma-Informed Approaches to 4:7:8 Breathing! These simple tools can help people beg...
Neuroception and Polyvagal Theory
“If we don’t know where we are, we don’t know what we need.”This is one of my favorite sayings to use as a trauma therap...
This Friday will be my FINAL time teaching Level 1 live! I love the interactions and engagement of a live training and c...
Here's a clip from my Level 1 Ethics of Trauma-Informed Care training! In my trainings, we focus on somatic approaches t...
Level 1 Training Sample Video
Getting outside is a great way to ground into your body and senses. Taking in the sounds, colors, smells and sensations ...
Decompression is such an important part to integrating and composting energy from the day. As helping professionals, we ...
The Butterfly Hug is an EMDR technique that can be a grounding resource to help you orient to a space and reinforce a po...
In this 60-second reset, I invite you to practice an ear massage. Our ears are a place in our body where we can be in di...
Knowing what to do when in a fight/flight response is key to moving through the stress response. Often we have to discha...
I had the honor of teaching my training at the @naswwv Social Work Conference today! I love hearing feedback from social...