Popular Education Consultants

Popular Education Consultants

Popular Education Consultants www.populareducationconsultants.com is an itinerant consultant team b We are educators with a Ph. D.

Popular Education Consultants (originally known in Central America as "La Tapizca") is an international consultant team now based in Florida. Popular Education Consultants is an itinerant consultant team based in Florida
We train and methodologically advice social organizations and immigrant rights organizations and coalitions in the United States and Central America. in Adult Education with s

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 27/06/2024

Popular Education Consultants (www.populareducationconsultants.com/) co-facilitated the Coalition for Spiritual and Public Leadership (https://www.csplaction.org/) second annual congress 2024, in Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois. During the event we all had the privilege of learn from our keynote speaker, John Dominic Crossan (a Historical Jesus scholar) who shared three lectures about the vision, ex*****on, and resurrection of the historical Jesus. Along with that, we facilitated a mini-workshop on "Base Ecclesial Communities" with a group of participants. CSPL is a coalition of this type of communities in fiver parishes of three sectors of Chicago. The parishioners are mainly Latino-Immigrants and African Americans. CSPL works from the paradigm of Liberation Theology, the historical Jesus, and Popular Education. It was inspiring to be there!

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 26/06/2024

Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/) facilitated the Miami workers Center's School of Popular Education-Participatory Action Research. This was a 2-day in-person workshop held at the Miami Workers Center office in Miami (https://miamiworkerscenter.org/), Florida, May 16-17, 2024. The workshop brought together the organization's team and some key members of the community.

The Executive Director, Santra Denis, had a definitive role in customizing the content and specific tools that were learned and implemented during the workshop. Likewise, during the event, she raised questions, insights and comments about the possible application of the school's contents, in benefit of the work that the organization carries out.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 26/04/2024

Los Consultores en Educación Popular (www.populareducationconsultants.com) co-facilitaron el taller "Resultados-Análisis de la Encuesta Actividades para fortalecer a la comunidad", junto con Andrea, Jonathan y Rocío de Poder Emma (https://www.poderemma.org/home), en la localidad de Emma y alrededores en Asheville, Carolina del Norte, el 6 de abril de 2024. El objetivo de esta investigación participativa es crear relaciones de confianza fuertes para poder resistir al desplazamiento y gentrificación y
crear un sentido de comunidad con todas las generaciones e identidades raciales. Para ello se analizaron/priorizaron las necesidades y recursos existentes en torno a la salud física, salud básica, actividades culturales y actividades educativas. Los criterios de priorización fueron: 1. ¿Resuelve la necesidad?, 2. ¿Es realista?, 3. ¿Tiene efecto multiplicador?, 4. ¿Es popular?, 5. ¿Genera alianzas?. Nuevamente, fue u privilegio trabajar con Poder Emma y sus pioneras investigaciones participativas en la región y país.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 29/03/2024

Popular Education Consultants (www.populareducationconsultants.com) facilitó el taller en liderazgo compasivo para la organización Compañeros Inmigrantes de la Montaña en Acción (www.cimawnc.org) el 19 de marzo de 2024, en Asheville, N.C. Durante el taller reflexionamos en los siguientes temas: ¿Qué es ser líder, qué es liderazgo?, tipos de liderazgo, y estilos de comunicación y liderazgo. Para ello, trabajamos en divertidos ejercicios de educación popular como "La Jungla del Liderazgo", y la "Rueda Medicinal" (tradición indígena americana, Lakota). Fue un taller cortito, inspirador. !Gracias compañeros/compañeras de las montañas!

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 26/03/2024

Popular Education Consultants (www.populareducationconsultants.com) facilitated the Participatory Research training for The Black Mountain School of Theology and Community (https://www.blackmountainschool.org)on March 14, 2024. The purpose of this training was to learn the basics of participatory/popular research and how it could be applicable to religious congregations from all around the country in their efforts to renovate their pastoral work. This cohort, comprised of 80 faith leaders from 14 congregations from different regions of the country are going through two years of reading, discerning, and witnessing their congregations path to renovation and encountering with their communities from an organizing point of view. This training, hopefully, will help them out on how to research their communities' realities in order to have a more decisive pastoral work among them. It was inspirational, and a return to our liberation faith to participate in this wonderful effort.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 18/03/2024

Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com)facilitated the ¨Participatory Leadership Workshop¨ for the Workers Center "El Sol Neighborhood Resource Center" (https://friendsofelsol.org/) in order to train the workers council and learn what it means to be a worker leader at El Sol? What does it mean? belong to the El Sol Workers Council? What is our role as leaders? To answer these questions, we participatively reflected on the following topics: What is it to be a leader, what is leadership? Types of leadership, Communication and leadership styles, Desirable and undesirable tasks and attitudes of a leader.

Photos from Centro Memorial "Martin Luther King"'s post 18/03/2024

Chabe had the privilege to participate on this event in Cuba as part of Grassroots Global Justice Alliance delegation. It was so inspiring to learn from other social movements in Cuba and in Latin America.

Chabe tuvo el privilegio de participar de este evento como parte de la delegación de GGJ. Fue muy inspirador aprender de otros movimientos sociales de Cuba y America Latina.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 04/03/2024

Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/), along with a Florida Rising Team (Andrea Romero, Sarai Portillo, Cristian Orbegozo, Ivanna Gonzalez, Ronda Wallace, Esteban Garces and Mike Todd) facilitated "The School on Popular Education-Participatory Action Research / Organizing Bootcamp 2.0" This bootcamp was a 3-day, in-person workshop which took place at the Canterbury Conference Center in Oviedo, Florida, from October 2 to October 5, 2023. The workshop brought together a cohort of approximately 40 participants. A mix between organizers, campaigns/policy, political and communications departments personnel and Regional Directors from all across the state, who are passionately working at the local level to build people-power and transform democracy in their communities as part of FloridaRising(https://floridarising.org/).

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 10/11/2023

Popular Education Consultants facilitated the Alianza Americas Staff Retreat (https://www.alianzaamericas.org/) from September 13 to 16, 2023. During the event we reflected on how to increase the team's level of awareness about the history of racial injustice and terror, particularly against Black Americans in the United States and establish some type of connection between the realities of racial injustice suffered by the Black American population and the current communities of color/mixed race in the United States (structural system behind said dynamics) Internally, the team worked to reinforce the degree of unity of the work team, the organizational structure and internal communication. We are once again grateful to have worked again with Alianza Americas, an organization that we greatly admire.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 10/11/2023

Popular Education Consultants facilitó el retiro del Staff de Alianza Americas (https://www.alianzaamericas.org/) del 13 al 16 de septiembre de 2023. Durante el evento reflexionamos acerca de como incrementar el grado de conciencia del equipo acerca de la historia de injusticia y terror racial, particularmente en contra de los negros americanos en Estados Unidos y establecer algún tipo de conexión entre las realidades de injusticia racial sufridas por la población negra americana y las comunidades de color/mestizas actuales en Estados Unidos (sistema estructural detrás de dichas dinámicas) A lo interior, el equipo trabajó en reforzar el grado de unidad del equipo de trabajo, la estructura organizacional y la comunicación interna . Estamos de nuevo agradecidos por haber trabajado de nuevo con Alianza Americas, una organización a la cual admiramos mucho.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 08/11/2023

The Board of Directors and staff of Alianza Americas (https://www.alianzaamericas.org/) visited the museums: Legacy Museum, the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and the Human Rights Museum in Montgomery, Alabama. The pre-visit, visit and post-visit included a process of participant observation following a script, discussion of prior expectations and subsequent impressions collected during the visit. Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/) contributed to developing these pedagogical instruments. The intention of this visit was, not only, to increase awareness about the history of racial injustice and terror, particularly against lack Americans in the United States, but also to
establish some type of connection between the realities of racial injustice suffered by the Black American population and the current communities of color/mixed race in the United States, increase the individual/organizational mystique around the oppressive racist structural system in the United States and the role that Alianza América plays in the eradication of said social system. It was a very significant visit. We think that if possible, all organizations in the country should follow the example of Alianza Americas.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 08/11/2023

La Junta Directiva y el personal de Alianza Americas (https://www.alianzaamericas.org/) visitaron los museos: Legacy Museum, the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and the Human Rights Museum en Montgomery, Alabama. La pre-visita, visita y post-visita incluyó un proceso de observación participante siguiendo un guión, discusión de las expectativas previas y posterior acerca de las impresiones recogidas durante la misma. Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/) contribuyó a elaborar dichos instrumentos pedagógicos. La intención de esta visita fue, no solamente, el incrementar el grado de conciencia acerca de la historia de injusticia y terror racial, particularmente en contra de los negros americanos en Estados Unidos, sino también el
establecer algún tipo de conexión entre las realidades de injusticia racial sufridas por la población negra americana y las comunidades de color/mestizas actuales en Estados Unidos, el incrementar la mística individual/organizacional en torno al sistema estructural ra***ta opresivo en Estados Unidos y el papel que juega Alianza América en la erradicación de dicho sistema social. Fue una visita muy significativa. Pensamos que de ser posible, todas las organizaciones del país deberían seguir el ejemplo de Alianza Americas.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 11/08/2023

Inspirada por contribuir como Popular Education Consultants-La Tapizca a esta Escuela Internacional de Organización Feminista “Berta Caceres” con 100+ mujeres, personas trans y quienes no se conforman a las identidades impuestas de genera, negras, indígenas, sindicalistas y campesinas de 12 alianzas y redes que pertenecen a La Jornada Continental ❤️🌷💐🌺

Construyendo Feminismo popular en Las Américas.

Inspired for contributing as Popular Education PECI-La Tapizca with the International Feminist Organizing School ( ) “Berta Cáceres” in her territory, Honduras with 100+ femme, trans and non gender non conforming leaders from 12 different networks that belong to La Jornada Continental ✊🏾💐❤️🌼

Building Popular Feminisms in the Americas!!

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 11/07/2023

Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/) facilitated the workshop ¨Community Outreach¨ for La Milpa Collaborative (https://www.colaborativalamilpa.org/casa) and the last CIMA Strategic Workshop (https:/ /www.cimawnc.org/), both organizations in Asheville, N.C. during the month of June 2023. Working for these organizations is, in our case, a real privilege over the years.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 11/07/2023
Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 04/07/2023

Popular Education Consultants (populareducationconsultants.com) facilitó el 1er. Congreso anual de la Coalición para el Liderazgo Espiritual y Público (https://www.csplaction.org/) en Chicago, Illinois, del 2 al 4 de junio de 2023. CSPL es una organización multirracial, multiétnica y multigeneracional con raíces espirituales que trabaja para transformar las estructuras sistémicas raciales, económicas, sociales y ambientales a través de la creación de coaliciones de base, organización comunitaria y formación liberadora. Durante este primer congreso anual estuvieron presentes miembros de 4 parroquias de 5 sectores de la ciudad de Chicago, además de varias órdenes de hermanas religiosas, el Centro de Estudios Pastorales de Loyola, la Universidad Dominicana de Chicago y la Unión Teológica Católica. Para nosotros fue un gran privilegio y una experiencia espiritualmente fructífera cofacilitar este congreso. Un retorno a nuestras raíces religiosas!

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 04/07/2023

Popular Education Consultants (populareducationconsultants.com) facilitated the Coalition for Spiritual and Public Leadership (https://www.csplaction.org/) 1st. Annual Congress in Chicago, Illinois on June 2-4, 2023. CSPL is is a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-generational spiritually-rooted organization that labors to transform racial, economic, social and environmental systemic structures through grassroots coalition building, community organizing, and liberative formation. During this first annual congress, members from 4 parishes from 5 different sectors of the city of Chicago, plus several sisters orders, the Loyola Pastoral Studies, the Dominican University of Chicago and the Catholic Theological Union were present. For us it was a great privilege and spiritually fruitful experience to co facilitate this congress. A return to our religious roots.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 27/05/2023

Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/) facilitated the ¨Community Assessment Workshop¨ of La Collaborativa La Milpa (https://colaborativalamilpa.org/es/), from Asheville, North Carolina, on May 6, as part of its strategic plan, which we are also facilitating. The La Milpa Collaborative is a conglomerate of popular organizations that includes the following organizations: Poder Emma, ​​CIMA, El Telar, Ma HñaKi Hu, Raíces. We have worked with these organizations for the last ten years and get tired of saying: ¨La Milpa is one of the organizations that does the best work with communities in the United States¨ . We feel privileged and grateful to work with them.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 27/05/2023

Los Consultores de Educación Popular (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/) facilitaron el ¨Taller Diagnóstico Comunitario¨ de La Colaborativa La Milpa, de Asheville, Carolina del Norte, el pasado 6 de mayo, como parte de su plan estratégico el cual estamos también facilitando. La Colaborativa La Milpa es un conglomerado de organizaciones populares que incluye las siguientes organizaciones: Poder Emma, CIMA, El Telar, Ma HñaKi Hu, Raíces. Hemos trabajado con estas organizaciones en los últimos diez años y más y no nos cansamos de decir: ¨La Milpa es una de las organizaciones que mejor trabajo hace con las comunidades en Estados Unidos¨. Nos sentimos privilegiados y agradecidos de trabajar con ellos/as/ex

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 13/04/2023

Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/), facilitated the Alianza Americas' Staff Retreat on April 3-4, 2023. For two days, virtually, Alianza America's Leadership Team worked on issues related to its identity as a team, building trust, organizational structure and their annual operational plan. Alianza Americas is a network of organizations in the US, Central America and Mexico which fights for immigrant rights, social equity, democracy, and power building. We've been working with Alianza Americas throughout the years. It's always an honor continue working with them!

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 14/03/2023

Popular Education Consultants (www.populareducationconsultants.com) facilitated the Western North Carolina Workers Center's Workplace Health and Safety Committee Training Workshop these past 10-11 of March. In this training, based on the necessary attitudes, knowledge and skills, the workers attending this series of trainings decided in which Committee they want to participate (Educators, Researchers, Organizers) at the same time that they defined what actions they are going to implement in those fields. to "walk his mountain." Using participatory online methodologies, the WNC Workers Center with the help of PECI, is a pioneer in online organizing in that region.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 14/03/2023

Popular Education Consultants (www.populareducationconsultants.com) facilitó el taller de formación de comités de salud y seguridad en el lugar de trabajo del Western North Carolina Workers Center (https://wncworkerscenter.org/) el pasado 10-11 de marzo. En esa capacitación, con base en las actitudes, conocimientos y habilidades necesarias, los trabajadores asistentes a esta serie de capacitaciones, decidieron en qué Comité quieren participar (Educadores, Investigadores, Organizadores) al mismo tiempo que definieron qué acciones van a implementar en esos campos para "caminar por su montaña". Utilizando metodologías participativas en línea, el Centro de Trabajadores de WNC con la ayuda de PECI, es pionero en la organización en línea en esa región

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 23/02/2023

Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/), facilitated the Alianza Americas' Leadership Team Retreat on February 16-17, 2023. For two days, virtually, Alianza America's Leadership Team worked on issues related to its identity as a team, building trust, organizational structure and their annual operational plan. Alianza Americas is a network of organizations in the US, Central America and Mexico which fights for immigrant rights, social equity, democracy, and power building. We've been working with Alianza Americas throughout the years. It's always an honor continue working with them!

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 23/02/2023

Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/) facilitated the ¨El Centro Hispano de Knoxville, Tennessee´s Community Assessment¨ with the Latinx community in that city. The purpose of this assessment was to inform El Centro Hispano about the Latinx community´s most felt needs, problems and resources in order to plan the organization´s future work in a way that responds to those issues identified by the community members. For us, as always, it was great to work with the community and this great organization!

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 30/01/2023

Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/) facilitated the workshops "Breaking Down the Systems that Perpetuate Fear, Violence and Harassment in Our Workplace" for the group of women supported and trained by the Western North Carolina Workers Center. During the two sessions, the workers reflected: What does it mean to ask/investigate, educate and act to end violence, harassment and discrimination against women in the workplace? They also named three committees of workers' rights activists: researchers, educators, and organizers. Again, working with these women makes us deeply admire their commitment to improve the lives of their colleagues, their great desire to learn and the intelligence to grasp the content. Once again, the Workers Center makes a difference in that region of the country.

Photos from Popular Education Consultants's post 30/01/2023

Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/) facilitaron los talleres ¨Derrumbando los Sistemas que Perpetúan el Miedo, la Violencia y el Acoso en Nuestro Lugar de Trabajo¨ para el grupo de mujeres apoyadas y formadas por el Centro de Trabajadores del Oeste de Carolina del Norte. Durante las dos sesiones, las compañeras trabajadoras reflexionaron: ¿Qué significa preguntar/investigar, educar y actuar para derrumbar la violencia, el acoso y la discriminación en contra de la mujer en el lugar de trabajo?. Asimismo, nombraron tres comités de activistas por los derechos de las trabajadoras: investigadoras, educadoras y organizadoras. Nuevamente, trabajar con estas mujeres nos hace admirarlas profundamente en sus compromiso de mejorar la vida de sus compañeras, sus grandes deseos de aprender y la inteligencia de captar los contenidos. Una vez más, el Centro de Trabajadores hace la diferencia en esa región del país.

Our Story

Popular Education Consultants is an itinerant consultant team now based in Florida.
We train and methodologically advice social organizations and immigrant rights organizations and coalitions in the United States.
We are educators with a Ph. D. in Adult Education with specialization in Popular Education methodologies in the field of community organizing.
We facilitate: popular education trainings, strategic plans, campaign planning, community assessments, participatory research, internal leadership strength programs, succession and professional development plans, etc.

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Popular Education Consultants (https://www.populareducationconsultants.com/), along with a Florida Rising Team (Andrea R...
