Michael J Kline, The Enoughness Guy

Michael J Kline, The Enoughness Guy

Michael J. Kline, The Enoughness Guy
TEDx Speaker, RIM Trainer, Retreat Leader & Firekeeper


Mike and John noticing growth showing up in real time during this retreat 


When the day of implementing plans and enjoying space with the RIM® Community slows down and it’s time to chill a little. ®


Back in our happy place starting to back to back retreats in Paradise. 


We’re back in Costa Rica

Uncovering Enoughness with Michael J Kline 08/07/2024

Podcast released! Enoughness. Do you have it? Don't you want it? How to feel like you are enough by changing your past feelings with Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM). In this podcast, I argue that you don’t build your enoughness, you uncover it and we talk about the RIM process which is a facilitated process which dips beneath the logical mind to leverage body awareness to heal feelings of trauma.

Uncovering Enoughness with Michael J Kline Enoughness. Do you have it? Don't you want it? How to feel like you are enough by changing your feelings about your past with Regenerating Images in Memory. Our guest this week is the Enoughness Guy, Michael J Kline who argues that you don’t build your enoughness, you uncover it. Regenerating Ima

Photos from Michael J Kline, The Enoughness Guy's post 07/07/2024

We are always in choice. What do you want to see expand ?

YOU WERE ALWAYS ENOUGH. If you knew it or not, and though it may appear to be covered up, your Enoughness is within you. Always. Full TED❌ talk available now (link in comments)

“We don’t build our Enoughness, we Uncover it.” ~ Michael j Kline, The Enoughness Guy



Why we do what we do: “I have been feeling a bit lighter and somewhat detached from my past traumas. It's strange but I feel like they happened to a previous version on me that no longer is a part of me. I feel happier and more in touch with myself and more loving and accepting of myself.” ~ from a RIM client this week

The Path to Enoughness with Michael J. Kline 05/07/2024

The Path to Enoughness with Michael J. Kline See Full Show Notes, Photos & More on our Website⁠: https://www.howwechangetheworld.co/episodes⁠Michael J. Kline⁠ is a transformative coach known as the "eno...

Photos from Michael J Kline, The Enoughness Guy's post 02/07/2024

Enough already.
You Always Were Enough.
Watch the full TEDx link in comments.


Fear is driving Teen Suicides. Statistics provided by the 2023 US National Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ Young People: 14% of LGBTQ teens have attempted su***de in the last year. 45% have seriously thought about it.
The survey found that respondents ages 13 - 17 were much more likely to consider or attempt su***de than those 18 to 24 years old. The younger age group also has significantly higher rates of experiencing anxiety and depression.
This suffering is created by fear and is completely unnecessary.
Let’s NOT blame the LGBTQ person for their fear. Their fear makes perfect sense given that 53% of LGBTQ youth were harassed because others thought they were LGBTQ. 24% reported that they have been physically threatened or harmed in the past year. 25% have been disciplined for fighting back against their bullies. Less than 40% say they live in affirming households.
Given all that, it seems reasonable that they would fear what others think, because it could literally cause them to be homeless, isolated, harmed or even killed. In my own experience, I think fear of isolation is the greatest of these.
What remains completely unreasonable is that all the people who cause the harassing and present the threat – are from the parents that become the child’s first bully to the church that tells them they deserve hell to the politicians trying to get votes on made-up culture wars. These are the people who are acting solely on their own fear of what others think. These are adults who don’t feel they are enough to stand for decency, respect, and love. I want all these people to know that they too, are enough. They can stop bullying. They can stop getting children killed because they don’t know that they can be compassionate. They don’t know they are enough to be new leaders instead of scared followers of out-of-date fear-based thinking. They can stop being afraid of what their relatives would think if they had a gay child. They can tell their church members to mind their own business about their child’s gender identity. Even politicians can tell their voters the truth and lead others with compassion and understanding. They are enough, even if they lost their political power that apparently, they think they need in order to prove their enoughness. Enough already.
You Always Were Enough.
Watch the full TEDx link in comments. , , , , ,


It's Day 15 of the Urri Trek in Costa Rica, Michael J Kline and John Dewey on their 12 million inch trek from coast to coast, share what is really happening when someone tells you,

You're Too Much. Too Sensitive, too loud, too ... well, anything.

These thoughts are shared with us in response to numerous clients as well as a request by a participant in this journey, The Path to Enoughness.

This Video is 9 minutes, so we've added it to Mike's youtube channel:
If you haven't seen Michael J Kline's TEDx talk yet, you can view it here: https://youtu.be/HD1Q4_2EhPc?si=aPD-rFEFPAL7aALJ
Have you ever been told you're "too much"?


I am excited to be appearing on The Dream Journal podcast with host Katherine Bell where I'll be talking about some of my favorite dream-related topics. You can tune in to the live conversation on Saturday, June 29 from 10-11 AM Pacific Time. The Dream Journal is broadcast in the Santa Cruz CA area at 90.7 FM and can be heard streaming live at KSQD.org
Join the conversation and call in during the last half of the show at 831-900-5773, or send an email anytime during the show to [email protected]. Share a dream or ask a question.
Listen live or catch the podcast which will be released on the Monday following the show.
"The Dream Journal" is hosted by Katherine Bell of Experiential Dreamwork. Archives: ksqd.org/the-dream-journal/. Find out about her professional Dream Coaching practice at ExperientialDreamwork.com


I NEVER FELT GOOD ENOUGH. “Never”, often sounds exaggerated, but when did it really start? Maybe it was forever. For me, I think, maybe it started as an unwanted pregnancy. That’s a scary thing for me to say out loud. How do I even know for sure if it’s true? I was my mother’s thirteenth pregnancy, while being married to an abusive alcoholic, living in poverty, so it’s easy to feel only love and compassion either way. I have siblings who think it would be impossible for our mother to not have wanted me, and I respect that. Regardless, I’m thrilled with where it is now. The idea came about as the result of a breathwork session and an Ayahuasca journey.
I had finished my first holotropic breathwork experience. I hadn’t died, and it wasn’t horrible, except for when it felt like hell. It also felt sort of heavenly in a weird way. Holotropic breathwork is intended to release stress and emotions from the body and is often a roller-coaster ride of intense emotions, crying, tingling body sensations, even laughter. I did all that, and I loved the experience and was glad it was over. If you’re not familiar with what I’m talking about, I would say I felt like I was hyperventilating for half an hour, then holding my breath for five minutes to see what shows up. I’ve done it several times and loved the benefits. I also appreciate that it’s a roller coaster ride every time, and I respect that it is definitely not for everyone.
In sharing with the group after the session, the words that surprised me coming out of my mouth, was that my mother appeared, and I asked her “is it okay for me to think that you loved me?” This is not something that my thinking mind would have ever come up with, but that’s why they say breathwork can allow us access to the unconscious in ways that are not normally available to us.
The following night was my first Ayahuasca journey, where things really get interesting. More on that in my next post.


THE BIG LIE about your past. I’ve always been told “you can’t change the past”. This well-intended comment is usually accompanied by advice about how to learn to deal with it. Or perhaps you were told “you can’t change your past, but you can decide your future”. This is great advice, but only when it’s true. Sometimes, moving forward really is that easy, and sometimes it is not. When it feels like it’s not that easy, we often shut down and blame ourselves for not being able to move on. We might decide that our past isn’t bad enough to worry about, we feel shame for even thinking about it. We compare ourselves to others who have much worse, more traumatic histories. So, we suffer through it, and try to convince ourselves we’re fine. We enjoy more wine than we should, we splurge on a luxury item or experience, and call it self-care. In reality we’re numbing the pain that we’ve become so used to, we don’t even think of it as pain anymore. It becomes easy to deny that there is a problem at all. After all, you can’t change the past, so learn to deal with it. See how easily we came full circle? We keep proving the big lie over and over again to ourselves. Why do I say it’s a lie? Can we change our past? Yes! I’ve done it many times for myself and with hundreds of clients. We all get in the time machine everyday anyway. We’re constantly going to our past to figure out how to stay safe, or to judge ourselves and our situations and other people. Since we go back to our old, stored memories and emotions anyway, why not change the past while we’re there?!
I learned this technique called RIM (Regenerating Images in Memory) created by Dr Deborah Sandella, which allows us to create a new felt experience that anchors in our nervous system like a real experience. I went on to experiment with sitting in a ten-day silent meditation, I tried holotropic breathwork, psychedelics like Ayahuasca, mushrooms, Kambo, and Bufo, which took me into the so-called non-ordinary states of consciousness and quite often into my past. What I learned with RIM, is that by leveraging our body awareness and inviting in spontaneous imagination, we can safely and easily dip beneath the logic and dissolve the root cause of issues, in an easy session, over the phone, with no drugs, and being totally in charge of our own experience and safety. So, I think it’s a lie to say you can’t change the past. In my TEDx Talk, I tell a couple stories of my past that I’ve changed.
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Statistics I left out of my TEDx talk: It was a big pressure (and quite a gift) to learn how to say what is most essential in only thirteen minutes. Most people like statistics to validate a point. One statistic I didn’t get to share in my talk is that Americans spend $11billion on anxiety meds each year. Gasp! That’s a lot of suffering we’re trying to medicate. It shows how pervasive the problem is, and/or how pervasive big pharma is. We’re supposed to be disgusted for a variety of reasons – the overmedication that often isn’t needed, or our distaste for big pharma ripping us off, right? What about big jewelry?! Whaaaaat?! Did you know that Americans spend $100 Billion on watches and jewelry alone? That’s almost ten times what anxiety meds cost us and it’s 100% voluntary. I love shiny things as much as the next person. I wear cool beads on my wrist, I have some special necklaces with great meaning to me, and in my talk, I poke a little fun at myself about my Movado. I love its sleek style juxtaposed against my expressive Robert Graham shirts! I wonder how much we spend trying to build our enoughness or try to impress others. I wonder how much we buy to please ourselves, or express our joy, or just because it feels good. My concern is that we are unconsciously buying a lot of stuff for the wrong reasons – the teens stressing over comparing themselves to the cool kids, and the “haves” bullying the ‘have-nots”, and the “haves” getting lost in guilt and shame, regular folks going into debt, even financial ruin, to finance cars, clothes and the like to keep up with whomever. I can’t judge any of it. I just sense this is a complex issue connected to some unnecessary suffering. We go through life trying to build the case that we are enough, but we don’t build enoughness, we uncover it. I know we can uncover our natural enoughness because I’ve been on the other side. Once you do, then you can enjoy whatever you want from a more conscious place. , , ,


People who don’t feel they are enough, like my parents didn’t, continue to pass this on to another generations of kids. Some become bullies on the playground. Some become bullies on the adult playgrounds of universities, corporations, and even entire countries. There is just so much suffering in the world, from something most people want to dismiss. I call that something "Enoughness". The good news is we all have the power to heal, to uncover our enoughness, so we don’t have to continue passing it on to another generation. Please watch and share the full TEDx talk from the link in comments.


“The common human struggle is that old stuck emotions are directing our current decisions, behaviors and beliefs.” (from my TEDx talk). This limits our self awareness as well as the way we seek solutions to our problems. This is tricky because we don’t have any awareness of how true it is, until we look back on it after it’s no longer true. The paradox is similar to the expression that we don’t know what we don’t know.
Some of us prefer to avoid talking about the root causes of our issues. We prefer to move on to our next great idea, or step into action and as long as we stay in action, we’re fine! The problem is, we never solve the real problem, and it keeps coming back like w**ds that were merely cut back, but not pulled out by the root.
On the other hand, some of us love to get lost in analysis to understand the entire backstory, with great appreciation of the complexities. It is easy to get stuck there without ever moving forward or creating a new experience. The truth is, we need a balanced approach to remove the w**d by its root and create a better way forward.
The good news is that it does not have to be this arduous and painful task of rehashing old stories to dissolve the root cause. Yes, I’m saying that pulling emotional w**ds is easier than you think. We need to remember that the thinking part of our brain that we engage to solve problems, doesn’t have access to the emotions that are unconsciously running the show from behind the curtain. My work for over ten years has been about dipping beneath the logical mind to reveal and dissolve the root cause of self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, low self-esteem, people pleasing, perfectionism, procrastination, and more. We tend to beat ourselves up about these things, and spiral into making it worse. We’re actually perfectly ok. We are good enough. The bottom line is that you always were good enough. It just got covered up with life experiences, and we can uncover it.

Why you never feel good enough | Michael J. Kline | TEDxUSFSM 21/06/2024

The Enoughness TEDx talk is published! I hope you'll give it a listen, and if it resonates, please give it a thumbs up and a comment. I'll even be so bold as to ask for a share! Please help us reach other who might feel inspired, helped, or just more of their own enoughness.

Why you never feel good enough | Michael J. Kline | TEDxUSFSM At some point, we've all felt like we are a fraud, that we're inferior, or that we can't seem to be good enough. Michael J. Kline takes us on the journey he ...


When you were little, how often were you told to behave, be proper, be more dignified or somehow be different because of what others might think of how you look? it seems Prince Louis won’t be intimidated or pushed around easily. Love this. So impressed with.


Grateful for wisdom and guidance and friends as we completed our 16 day trek.

Sending love and a shout out to our friend, Luis Mojica at Holistic Life Navigation




SHOUTOUT to this talented Dye Tie Artist 🤩

Austin Mackareth @ Dyes N' Good Vibes



Get Busy Living
How being away from Wifi and off our Phones for 16 days has impacted us

Sharing more conversations from the No Wifi Zones closer to the finish line of the Urri Trek Costa Rica.


Finding Your Own Peace

Master Certified RIM Practioner & Trainer
Certified Jack Canfield Speaker & Trainer

Personal & Group Transformation

Videos (show all)

The Beauty of the Mud
Beauty in Stress
Mike and John noticing growth showing up in real time during this retreat 
Did you know that Oprah Winfrey said that in her thirty-five thousand interviews over 25 years every single guest from B...
Our lack of Enoughness is creating bullies. Watch this full TEDx talk    🔴link in comments           #Enoughness #Enough...
The direct link to this powerful 💥 TEDx talk in comments 👇  “Maybe you were first place but not fast enough to impress d...
Things change, when we really understand, believe and FEEL the enoughness within.  Everything changes.  And it’s beautif...
Grateful for wisdom and guidance and friends as we completed our 16 day trek. Sending love and a shout out to our friend...
I’m not an Idiot - activated states are powerful indicators of something more
SHOUTOUT to this talented Dye Tie Artist 🤩THANK YOU Austin Mackareth @ Dyes N' Good Vibes https://www.facebook.com/profi...
Get Busy Living How being away from Wifi and off our Phones for 16 days has impacted usSharing more conversations from t...

