Life Teen International Videos

Videos by Life Teen International. We are an International Catholic Youth Ministry leading teens closer to Christ.

Thank You, Lord, for an incredible convention with amazing individuals and parishes passionate about leading teens closer to You. And we thank you, attendees, for praying with us, for retreating with us, for praising and worshipping with us. #lifeteen #CYMC

Other Life Teen International videos

Thank You, Lord, for an incredible convention with amazing individuals and parishes passionate about leading teens closer to You. And we thank you, attendees, for praying with us, for retreating with us, for praising and worshipping with us. #lifeteen #CYMC

Go to Saint Joseph. There has never been a greater man for the Son of God and for you.St. Joseph the Worker, pray for us! #lifeteen #CYMC

Did you know we have Full-Time Missionaries? Learn a little about this from some who had the opportunity to dive into a year of formation rooted in the sacraments and focused on forming missionary disciples to lead teens closer to Christ. #lifeteen

Did you know it's the summer in the southern hemisphere right now? 🌎 Our friends down under hosted the #bestcampever ☀️ See and hear the joy in how God is working throughout the world! #lifeteen

A Message for Parents!
Parents of our teens, Jonathan Roumie, the actor who plays Jesus in the TV Series "The Chosen," has a message of encouragement for you. Any family plans to watch the series' fourth season as it releases this week? (And then, of course, disconnect from technology!) #lifeteen #TheChosen

A Message to Youth Ministers!
Who's excited about Season 4 of "The Chosen" launching in one week? Jonathan Roumie, the actor of the most revolutionary person in history (Jesus), has a message for you! #lifeteen #TheChosen

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! We pray this was an Advent unlike any other and for a joyful Christmas season! Check out the final video on our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Christmas

The Fourth Week of Advent
Like Mary, ask the Lord "How?" instead of "Why?" with the confidence He will see you through every moment in your life. Are you ready for Jesus to come this week? Check out the full reflection on our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Advent

The Third Week of Advent
Take a moment to do a heart check… Will you be ready for this season of light? Check out the full reflection on our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Advent

The Second Week of Advent
What are your heart and mind full of? Is there room for Him in abundance? Make yourself aware of God's presence in your life this Advent. Invite Him into your past and into today. Check out the full reflection on our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Advent

The First Week of Advent
Preparing for Christmas is more than decorating and shopping. Advent is a season of waiting and actively preparing for the coming of Jesus. In what ways are you making time to be with Him? Find the full reflection on our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Advent

Advent with Life Teen: Intro
We haven't been the best about preparing for Advent, so let's enter this season together! Join us for a few moments each Sunday as Paul and Zy'Keria empower and equip us to enter this season well. Check out the full reflections on our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Advent

Christ the King - Summit
Jesus is a very different kind of king. His throne is accessible. He invites you by name to His altar in any language in every country. Do you take up His invitation? For the complete Summit reflection of today’s readings, check out our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Summit

Life Teen x Sock Religious Go Live!
Sock Religious President and Life Teen CIO Mark Hart go live this Giving Tuesday, November 28th! 50% of each purchase from Sock Religious will be donated to Life Teen:

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Summit
No one else has the set of gifts God has entrusted to you. Are you using all of your talents to get yourself and others to heaven? For the complete Summit reflection of today’s readings, check out our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Summit

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Summit
The reason we are miserable or unhappy is because we seek things on earth instead of things in heaven. Come Holy Spirit, fill us with wisdom and perspective, now. Help us see the big picture as God does. For the complete Summit reflection of today’s readings, check out our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Summit

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Summit
Do you know God or just know about Him? You’re either walking with the Lord or you’re not. There is no in-between. Choose to seek Him and give Him all of your heart today. For the complete Summit reflection of today’s readings, check out our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Summit

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Summit
Very simply, the first three commandments are about loving God, and the next seven are about loving everybody else. Is it that simple? Live in a way that when others look at you, they see Jesus. For the complete Summit reflection of today’s readings, check out our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Summit

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Summit
There is a bigger, divine law that supersedes all human law. While we strive to be good citizens on earth, here is a reminder to live for heaven above all things. For the complete Summit reflection of today’s readings, check out our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Summit

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Summit
God wants to spoil you. He invites you into His heavenly mansion, but are you focused on worldly wealth instead? For the complete Summit reflection of today’s readings, check out our YouTube page: #lifeteen #Summit