Community Acupuncture in NJ

Community Acupuncture in NJ

Community Acupuncture


Affordable care... here on the Jersey Shore


🧠 Did you know? Your brain health and your mindset is very important to both your health and happiness. Make it one of your first focuses to improving your well-being in all aspects of your life.

All of your activities are managed by brain; Thoughts, feelings, emotions, activities, actions, follow through, pain levels, learning, habits, healing, and love. ♥️

🌀Make Time in Stillness; Hypnosis
🌀Practice a Positive Mindset
🌀HypnoPuncture - Make the most of your acupuncture sessions doing it with hypnosis.

Neuroscience research indicates Hypnosis:

Decreases - ↘️Cortisol & ↘️Adrenaline

And Increases -

Schedule today online @


A Zen Den Special Event with Limited Spaces!

Winter Serenity Energy Raising and Meditation with Hannah Mary

Sunday February 18, 2024- Come as you are; leave feeling more peaceful, centered and balanced.

Session will begin with a smudge ceremony, to cleanse, release and renew.

We will bring in higher energies as we focus within, using relaxing breathing and grounding exercise, tapping into source energy.

A guided meditation will lead you to fall deeper in relaxation. Entering a space of serenity, we tap into and activate the Divine within. During the meditation, each participant will receive Reiki Healing Energy.

We will practice raising our energy fields, collectively increasing the healing and light.

It is in each of us to activate the healing potential within.

It is through these connections the path is open path to achieve healing and guidance allowing participants to release, transform, and expand.

No experience necessary.

It is through continued connection that we can heal collectively.

Join us to connect and heal.

Price $30 / 1:00pm - 2:30pm
No Refunds for Any Reason

Preregistration @


⛩️🧧🐲 🎉 Happy New Year! 🎉🐲🧧⛩️

As we welcome the Year of the Wood Dragon in 2024, let's embark on a journey filled with immense potential, creativity, and courage. This is the year to unleash your inner dragon and make a lasting impact on the world. Whether you have personal goals, professional projects, or social causes, this is the time to go all out and pursue them with unwavering determination.

You possess the power, passion, and perseverance to overcome any obstacle that comes your way and achieve remarkable success. With your indomitable spirit, nothing can stand in your way. Embrace the challenges and let them fuel your determination to reach new heights. You are unstoppable!

The Wood Dragon also brings a spirit of generosity, harmony, and compassion. This is the year to share your unique gifts, talents, and resources with others. By extending a helping hand and fostering a sense of community, you can make a positive impact on the lives of those around you. Let your kindness and empathy shine brightly.

Moreover, this is a year to connect with like-minded individuals who share your values, vision, and vibe. Surround yourself with a supportive community that uplifts and inspires you. Together, you can create a wave of positive change and leave a lasting legacy that will be remembered for years to come.

As we step into this extraordinary year, let's embrace the characteristics of the Wood Dragon and all the opportunities it brings. May your year be filled with joy, abundance, and fulfillment. Here's to a Happy New Year filled with prosperity, happiness, and endless possibilities!

“Xīnnián kuàilè” (新年快乐)

———⭐️ 🪵🐉 ⭐️———


Start something new!  or continue your practice with us!

February 4,11,18,25: Zen Den Qigong and TaiChi Class

Save your space! ⏰

Class - Good for all skill levels. We will go over every component step by step and use basic exercises to build skills in each area: Body movement, Breathing, and Mental Focus. When we learn to combine these skills into simple qigong exercises, we will move on to designing our own short daily routines to build a practice habit that is easy to keep. Qigong is a series of relaxed, graceful, flowing movements that improve flexibility, stamina, balance, and inner tranquility.

Class - Good for all skill levels. The gentle movements of Tai Chi bring balance, relaxation, and improved health. In this class we will explore the movements one by one, and then in sequence, making it perfect for beginners but good for any level.

Direct Link to Register:

Or schedule at Click Schedule an Appointment. Click Classes.

Qigong and TaiChi Class
(will run continuously on Sundays /
$30 Drop IN or $250 for 10 Class Package)


It’s time to ignite the flames of self-love within your beautiful soul.

In a world that often demands conformity, chose your own path. Embraced your uniqueness, celebrating the myriad of ways in which you shine. Walk confidently, unafraid to stand out from the crowd, be guided by the whispers of your own mind, heart, and soul.

It took me years to truly understand the importance of being authentically myself. But now, as I look back on my journey, I realize that it is a precious gift to be cherished. So, I want you to know that your individuality is a treasure beyond measure; you’re already perfect in so many ways!

You have the power to break free from the chains of societal expectations, to dance to your own rhythm, and to create a life that aligns with your deepest desires. Embrace every facet of your being, for it is in your quirks and flaws that your true beauty resides.

Remember, self-love is not a destination; it is a lifelong journey filled with self-discovery and new growth. Embrace your worth, celebrate your dreams, and honor the unique tapestry of your existence. You are the author of your own narrative, and I have no doubt that your story can be one of resilience, courage, and boundless love for yourself.

Today I encourage you to embark on this empowering journey starting right now. Stand tall, embrace your uniqueness, and inspire others to do the same. You are a constellation of stardust and magic,and your are a shining light in this life. Believe in yourself, for you are capable of achieving greatness and remember greatness starts within yourself and in your home first. Embrace the masterpiece that you are, and let self-love guide you towards a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and unwavering self-acceptance.

You were created for greatness and so it shall be.

Congratulations on creating your life!


♥ ॐ

♥️ Michelle A Leonard 🌱🧠🌱

Michelle A Leonard Hypnosis & Wellness Services @ Zen Den Center of NJ

NeuroHypnosisWorks. com
Soulsational. info
ZenDenCenter. Com


♥ Zen Den Sauna Special - $25 for 30 Minutes.
30 minutes in warm paradise! The Chromo (color) therapy infrared sauna is more than just exquisitely warm and delightful… it’s also soooo good for you! Schedule online @

**Special** February 10 - February 24; Bring your own towels from home and mention this special on arrival and receive an additional 14% off this service!!!


🚨Pop up Special Announcement for February 8, 13, 15, 18 - 2024🚨

Reserve your seat now:
Retreat; Ear Seeds and a Snooze special!

Schedule at

45 - minutes of deep relaxation. A pop up special!! $20 dollars for Ear Seeds and a Snooze!!! Come comfortable and get cozy in our community studio. Using universal NADA protocols we will place ear seeds and you can rest in tranquility! A peaceful experience to pause and reboot.

With Ear Seeds, you can detoxify your body and speed up you natural healing abilities. Inside this rest you can release anxiety and stress; Get grounded! Great for: stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression and pain relief.


In a world where negativity can easily show face, it is vital to recognize the power of your mind and how your thoughts shape your reality. Just imagine, if you will, that your thoughts are like bricks and your life is the house they build. Every positive thought, every belief in yourself, is a brick adding strength and stability. On the other hand, negative thoughts are like cracked bricks, weakening the foundation and limiting your potential. Crumbling. But hear me clearly, you have the power to choose your thoughts and become conscious creators of your own life.

Think of your mind as a garden, where weeds of negativity can easily sprout and choke out the flowers of positivity. Mindfulness is like tending to your garden, weeding out negative thoughts and planting and nurturing positive ones. Through practices like stillness: hypnosis/ meditation and introspection, we become aware of our inner landscape, the power of our inner landscape to create our reality, and learn to cultivate a healthy mental space that brings personal happiness. What seeds will you plant today?

We all have stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we are capable of. Sometimes, these stories become limiting beliefs that hold us back. But it's time to challenge those negative narratives. Ask yourself, "Is this belief truly serving me? Can I reframe this thought or experience into something empowering?" By rewriting your inner story, you rewrite your destiny.

Positive thinking is powerful, but it is not enough. You must also take action to bridge the gap between your wants and reality. True positive transformation comes from aligning your thoughts with your actions; follow through. Set goals, take steps forward (small steps lead to great accomplishments), and persevere in the face of challenges. Remember, actions fuels thoughts, and your journey begins with the first step with each new sunrise. What can step can I accomplish today?

Instead of focusing on what you lack, cultivate a practice of gratitude. Appreciate the good things in your life, big and small. When you shift your focus to what we are grateful for, you open yourself up to receiving more abundance in all its forms. Focus on the good that exists, focus on your abilities, focus on the good you can create. I’m a so grateful for?

Discovering your purpose(s) is not just about finding a _____ (job, partner, etc.); it's about aligning your life with your deepest core values and aspirations. What sets your soul on fire? What makes you feel truly alive? Explore, experiment, discover and listen to your inner compass; listen to your own Whispers that come from your subconscious mind. When you live purposefully, every step becomes meaningful, and every challenge becomes an opportunity for new growth and happiness.

Life is not always easy; there will be human obstacles, challenges, and setbacks. But what defines you is not what happens to you, but how you respond. View hardships as stepping stones and opportunities to learn and grow. Embrace adversity with resilience and a positive attitude, and you will emerge stronger and wiser on the other side. Breathe. Process. Respond.

Holding onto anger and resentment is like carrying a heavy weight that slows you down. I encourage you to practice forgiveness, not for others, but for yourself. Let go of past hurts, past mistakes, and negative experiences. Forgive yourself for your mistakes, forgive others for their mistakes, and move forward with a lighter heart. Forgiveness liberates us to live in the present and embrace the positive possibilities that lie ahead.

So, my dear one, embrace the power of your thoughts, cultivate a positive mindset, and unlock your full potential. Live a life that actually feels good, you do have the power to shape your reality. Remember, your thoughts are the bricks that build your reality, so choose them wisely. May your journey be filled with joy, happiness growth, and endless possibilities because you chose it to be that way.

You were created for greatness and so it shall be.

Congratulations on creating your life!


♥ ॐ

♥️ Michelle A Leonard 🌱🧠🌱

Michelle A Leonard Hypnosis & Wellness Services
Zen Den Center of NJ

NeuroHypnosisWorks. com
Soulsational. info
Zen Den Center. Com


Tomorrow grab your space! A Zen Den Special Event with Limited Spaces!

November Energy Building Meditation with Reiki & Smudging Ceremony

Join us to while we tap into your body’s natural healing ability. Learn to raise your personal frequency with energy building techniques that can be accessed at any time. Come as you are; leave feeling more peaceful, centered and balanced.

Session will begin with a smudge ceremony, cleansing and renewing as we bring in higher energies. Next we will focus within using relaxing breathing exercise as we begin grounding and tap into source energy. With guided meditation you will begin to fall into deep relaxation, and be lead will lead you to a space of serenity allowing you release and let go. While in deep meditation each participant will receive Reiki Healing Energy.

We will finish by using vibration of our bodies. We will practice raising our energy fields, collectively increasing the healing and light.

It is in each of us to activate the healing potential within.
It is through these connections the path is open path to achieve healing and guidance allowing participants to release, transform, and expand.
No experience necessary.

It is through continued connection that we can heal collectively.
Join us to connect and heal.

** Bring Yoga Mats and Anything Needed to Make your Space Comfortable to Relax.
Price $30 / 1:00pm - 2:30pm
No Refunds for Any Reason


Schedule your appointments this week and next! Free special treat bags while supplies last!

🍂Fire Cupping

October Wellness Specials include:

🍂 Autumn Transformation
45 Minutes Hypnosis Session
with infrared crystal healing mat / $75
“A Session Created to Embrace the Transformative Essence of Autumn Through the Lens of Chinese Medicine Theory and Inspirational Mindset Practices. A Positive Mind and Spirit Altering Experience.”

🍂 Immunity Boost
Community Acupuncture & AromaPoint Therapy / $40

🍂Fall Wellness Special
Ear Acupuncture, Biomat, and Cupping / $75

🍂Fall Detox & Release Special
Ear Acupuncture & a 30 min. Sauna Session / $45

🍂 FALL Sauna Special 30 mins / $25

🍂 Past Life Hypnosis Private Session . $75
Share the Experience with a Friend for an additional $35. This is a very limited time special!

Book your session online @

Direct Link To Schedule:


Pop up Special Announcement for Thursday and Friday 🚨

Reserve your seat now:
Retreat; Ear Seeds and a Snooze special!

(Thursday, October 5 from 12 to 1 PM or Friday, October 6, from 1PM to 2pm )

Schedule at

45 - minutes of deep relaxation. A pop up special!! $20 dollars for Ear Seeds and a Snooze!!! Come comfortable and get cozy in our community studio. Using universal NADA protocols we will place ear seeds and you can rest in tranquility! A peaceful experience to pause and reboot.

With Ear Seeds, you can detoxify your body and speed up you natural healing abilities. Inside this rest you can release anxiety and stress; Get grounded! Great for: stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression and pain relief.


A moment of ZEN …. By recognizing the power within yourself to choose positive thoughts, you hold the key to empowering your own life. Just as you exercise and strengthen your physical body, make time in self care to heal your body, you can train your mind to cultivate uplifting and empowering healing thoughts. Remember, it's a skill that requires practice, but with dedication, you can master it. Additionally, seeking guidance through stillness can be a tremendous source of support on this journey.

Every day is a new chance to make choices that shape your life. Choose gratitude, excitement, flow, healing, a healthy lifestyle, and happiness. Embrace these choices to create a life you love! Make today count.

Today, we wish for you abundance of love, peace, healing, and blessings to envelop you. You are capable of amazing things!

Schedule your appointments today online @


⏰It's time!!
Schedule your Seasonal Autumn Tune Up!

🍂Fire Cupping Special

September Wellness Specials:

🍂 Autumn Transformation
45 Minutes Hypnosis Session
with infrared crystal healing mat / $75
“A Session Created to Embrace the Transformative Essence of Autumn Through the Lens of Chinese Medicine Theory and Inspirational Mindset Practices. A Positive Mind and Spirit Altering Experience.”

🍂 Immunity Boost
Community Acupuncture & AromaPoint Therapy / $40

🍂Fall Wellness Special
Ear Acupuncture, Biomat, and Cupping / $75

🍂Fall Detox & Release Special
Ear Acupuncture & a 30 min. Sauna Session / $45

🍂 FALL Sauna Special 30 mins / $25

Book your session online @

Direct Link To Schedule:


Autumn Transformation - Fall Special
45 Minutes Hypnosis Session with Far Infrared Healing Mat / $75

“A Session Created to Embrace the Transformative Essence of Autumn Through the Lens of Chinese Medicine Theory
and Inspirational Mindset Practices.
A Positive Mind and Spirit Altering Experience.”

Step into the enchanting world of autumn, where the vibrant colors of nature dance in harmony with your inner being. In this unique session, we invite you to immerse yourself in the transformative essence of this magical season, guided by the wisdom of Chinese Medicine Theory and inspirational mindset practices.

Prepare to embark on a journey that will awaken your senses and nourish your soul. As you delve into the depths of autumn's energy, you'll discover the profound connection between your mind, body, and spirit. Let the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine Theory be your compass, leading you towards a state of balance and harmony.

Imagine the crisp air gently caressing your skin as you explore the transformative power of nature's cycle. Feel the invigorating energy of this season as it ignites a spark within you, encouraging personal growth and positive transformation. Embrace the vibrant colors of autumn as a reflection of the beautiful changes taking place within.

During this session, you'll be guided through inspirational mindset practices that will empower you to cultivate a positive perspective and embrace the limitless potential that resides within you. Unlock the secrets of a positive mind and spirit, and witness the incredible impact it can have on your overall well-being.

Just as the leaves gracefully fall from the trees, let go of any negative thoughts or limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Embrace the transformative power of this session as it gently nudges you towards a renewed sense of purpose and self-discovery. Allow yourself to be enveloped in the beauty and wisdom of autumn, and watch as your spirit soars to new heights.

So, are you ready to embark on a truly mind and spirit-altering experience? Join us as we delve into the transformative essence of autumn through the lens of Chinese Medicine Theory and inspirational mindset practices. Embrace the beauty of this season and unlock the limitless possibilities that await you. Your journey towards positive transformation starts here.

Schedule now with Michelle A Leonard at

Direct link to schedule :

Michelle A Leonard Hypnosis & Wellness Services


Looking to add a Licensed Massage Therapist to our family of practitioners -

Full Job Description:

Are you ready to embark on a remarkable journey and experience the magic of being part of something truly exceptional? Look no further! The Zen Den Center of NJ, a highly regarded establishment, is currently in search of a talented and passionate Licensed Massage Therapist to join their thriving team in Ocean Twp, Monmouth County NJ. This exciting opportunity has hours available Thursday - Sunday, with room for growth.

As a member of our team, you will have the chance to deliver top-notch, effective client care while ensuring their utmost satisfaction. We pride ourselves on creating a supportive and nurturing environment where each individual can flourish and develop their unique skills. At our office, you will find a tranquil healing space that offers an exceptional patient experience.

Imagine being part of a collaborative community of like-minded practitioners who are dedicated to making a difference in people's lives. Join our family and be part of the success. We can't wait to welcome you aboard!

Essential Responsibilities for a licensed massage therapist:

* Provides and directs client care within all general accepted practice methods, meeting all federal and state guidelines.
* Perform massage according to the practice's standards and guidelines provided by the state licensing board.
* Complete chart notes and provide feedback to the other providers on the team when the client is treated by more than one person.
* Participate in all facility processes and services.
* Show effective time management of treatment and non-treatment activities.
* Perform necessary clinical documentation to meet facility, state and federal requirements.
* Participates in-service training programs and mandatory staff meetings as requested.
* Discuss the client’s treatment plan and progress with the clients.
* Other responsibilities as assigned.

Education: Candidate must have a certificate of completion from a massage therapy school and must satisfy all licensing requirements to perform services in New Jersey.

Experience: This position is open to new graduates, as well as experience licensed massage therapist.

* Massage License (Required)

Work Location: In person. Ocean Township, Monmouth County.

Apply by sending resume with cover letter to [email protected]; Attention Michelle Leonard to set up an interview.