P.O.E.T = Peace on Earth Team

P.O.E.T = Peace on Earth Team

The Peace On Earth Team We are a growing group of Christians UNITED IN LOVE. We encourage you to pray with us here on the P.O.E.T. group page.

We are sold out to God, and ever grateful to Jesus for saving us and giving us His Grace. Our goal is to "love our neighbors as ourselves" and thereby bring a network of the "peace of God that passes understanding" to the world. When we live the POET lifestyle we are bringing God's will to pass here on earth as it is in Heaven. Join us to learn how to walk in Christian Love and how to have success


Healing room today on free conference line 425-436-6354, access code 663-887 #, at 5 pm cst. Delivery work today from head to toe. Bring no unbelief or doubt. See you there.


We have fulfilled the law in loving our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus loved the Samaritan, the sinner, and the Prodigal son. At the same time, He came against the Pharisee and Sadducee, the merchandizers and those who idolized other gods. Did Jesus come to bring peace on earth? The Word tells us He didn't come to bring peace but a sword. He came to destroy the enemy - Satan and his cohorts. Yet, my mind traveled to that tune: "What the world needs now is love, sweet love. That's the only thing that there is just too little of." Family, we need to overcome. We overcome with the blood of the Lamb, our testimony, warfare and love. For if we have not love, we are a clanging cymbal.


MIRACLES January 20, 2021 Welcome back to Miracles for the New Year of 2021. Come and get your miracle on January 21, 2021, at 6 p.m. ct! This is...
