

This page is an resource for addiction recovery. We are not a rehabilitation center however we can li

We are not a rehabilitation center, we are a non-profit organization that works to assist those addicted and uninsured with finding treatment.


Man you really don’t realize the life you are robbing yourself from when you choose that bottle. You don’t realize the things you miss out on. The relationships you lose. Lol Not to mention the basic life lessons missed out on being a unresponsible human. So if I’m not as active on here the next few weeks, it’s cause I got responsibility I’m teaching myself how to take care of…. I love y’all, let’s go another 24


RIP to the friends that never got the chance to grow old with us, the ones that will remain forever young ❤️‍🩹


'But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.'

Matthew 9:36


Every day is a chance to try again


Rips my heart

The reality of addiction.
Our son, Mitch Dunn, lost his battle with addiction/recovery yesterday.
I thought it was hard watching him go through program after
program only to give in to the demons in his head every time.
I thought it was hard having argument after argument with
that brick wall.
I thought it was hard knowing he was making bad decisions
and not taking your advice.
What is hard is having to call 911 because your husband tells
you to with panic and horror in his voice.
What is hard is knowing deep down in your gut that there is
nothing you can do but, you try to give him CPR any way.
What is hard is watching 10+ medical trained professionals
working on him for 30 minutes, hoping they will revive him
and they can't.
What is hard is hearing the firehouse chaplain saying a prayer
to God for his guidance for us because our son is gone.
What is hard is watching your family die a little on the inside
because each and everyone of us tried our damn-dest to help
What is hard is burying your child.
We have to remember we did everything we could. We have
to remember to forgive, not only ourselves but, our child too.
We have to remember he doesn't have to fight those demons
This was the scene in our house yesterday. I pray you don't
have to experience this.

Chris Mahieu-Dunn

Photos from The All American Addict's post 13/04/2022

It’s so weird to see these characters like this. 


NR Hart


If nothing saves us from death, at least love should save us from life“ — Pablo Neruda


I spent half of my life believing my mother was weak for staying in a bad situation and the other half of it telling myself I was strong for doing the exact same thing. Funny how that works. I get it now.

Watch this reel by jesken12 on Instagram 30/10/2021

Watch this reel by jesken12 on Instagram jesken12 • Original Audio
