Renee & Company

Renee & Company

Family Caregiver support, by connecting, consulting, coordinating and celebrating.

Timeline photos 08/06/2020

"When we know better, we do better." - Maya Angelou. The time has come for us to admit that we know better, and now we can be better. I believe in miracles - how about you?

Actor Rob Lowe: I was my sick mother's caregiver, don't underestimate the stress caregivers face 15/01/2019

Actor Rob Lowe: I was my sick mother's caregiver, don't underestimate the stress caregivers face Forty million Americans work as an unpaid family caregiver. The mental, physical and emotional stress they face is overwhelming. It's time to help.

Free Meal Calendar for New Parents, Surgery, Illness, and More 03/01/2019

Having a tough time getting dinner on the table while caring for an ailing loved one? Meal Train is an excellent resource to get help while you are going through health care challenges. Friends and neighbors can sign up for specific nights of the week to bring dinner for your family. You can even specify dietary restrictions such as low sodium or nut-free. This is an easy place to send people when they are asking for ways they can help.

Free Meal Calendar for New Parents, Surgery, Illness, and More Organize meal giving around births, surgeries, illnesses, and group events. Simplify giving and receiving with a free meal sign up.


Wishing you a very Happy New Year! I would love to help you navigate your caregiver world in 2019!


Do you create new year's resolutions? How about some caregiver resolutions?

Here are some ways to set your caregiver goals and objectives:

Ask yourself, “Where am I now and where do I want to be?”

What exactly do you want to achieve?

How and when will you know you have achieved the goal?

Is this caregiver goal realistic with the time, effort, and resources you have available?

What is really exciting about this goal for you? Why is it important to you?

Best of luck to you in your 2019 care giving. If you need help with a plan, DM me!


Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🎄🎁🎅🏽


How to care for the caregiver at the holidays

1) Have food or groceries delivered or check in when you are on the way to the store to see if they need anything.
2) Offer to gas up their car
3) Offer to run errands
4) Provide respite care
5) Gift ideas: house cleaning service, audio book gift cards, massage, manicure, gift certificates to the movies

The greatest way to help a caregiver during the holiday is to be their friend. It’s emotionally difficult on so many different levels when you are a family caregiver during Christmas. Force your caregiver friend to take a break, to leave the house, to sing a carol, anything to gently pull them into the holidays.


1/3 of the US workforce (approx. 36 million people) are providing some form of caregiving for a parent, spouse, or friend right now. It can be a crazy juggle to try and do it all. Let me help you. Visit my web site to see all of the resources I have available to you!


From childhood on, we're barraged by messages that it's sad to be old. That wrinkles are embarrassing, and old people are useless. Author and activist Ashton Applewhite believed them too - until she realized where this prejudice comes from and the damage it does. Lively, funny, and deeply researched, This Chair Rocks traces Applewhite's journey from apprehensive boomer to pro-aging radical, and in the process debunks myth after myth about late life.

I highly recommend this book and support its message!


One-on-One Consultations

Our team offers decades of experience and knowledge to assist you in even the smallest decisions. Let us help you help yourself as well as the family you are caring for.

Specialists in:

Asset Management
Conservatorships and Guardianships
Power of Attorney
Palliative and Hospice Care
Medi-Cal or Medicaid
Social Security
Home Health Care

Email me at [email protected] for more info!


Does your loved one with dementia seem agitated lately? Here are some tips for effectively helping from Alzheimer's Association:

Listen to the frustration. Find out what may be causing the agitation, and try to understand.

Provide reassurance. Use calming phrases such as: "You're safe here;" "I'm sorry that you are upset;" and "I will stay until you feel better." Let the person know you are there.

Involve the person in activities. Try using art, music or other activities to help engage the person and divert attention away from the anxiety.

Modify the environment. Decrease noise and distractions, or relocate.

Find outlets for the person's energy. The person may be looking for something to do. Take a walk or go for a car ride.

Check yourself. Do not raise your voice, show alarm or offense, or corner, crowd, restrain, criticize, ignore or argue with the person. Take care not to make sudden movements out of the person's view.

See the doctor. See the person with dementia's primary care physician to rule out any physical causes or medication-related side effects.


If you could give one piece of caregiver advice to a new caregiver, what would it be?

Voices of the 21st Century: Women Who Influence, Inspire, and Make a Difference 06/12/2018

Looking for an inspirational holiday gift for a woman in your life? Voices of the 21st Century is available on Amazon!

Book description:
The world as we know it is shifting from a society based on a predominantly masculine model into a new era, one with women at the forefront as the leaders of the twenty-first century. Within these pages, you'll discover 30 powerful female voices rising up to educate, guide, and inspire.

Behind each story is a woman bold and brave enough to have her voice be heard.

Look for my chapter on Raging Aging!

Buy it here:

Voices of the 21st Century: Women Who Influence, Inspire, and Make a Difference 30 Extraordinary Women Come Together to Celebrate a New EraWe are at a defining moment in history . . .The world as we know it is shifting from a society based on a predominantly masculine model into a new era, one with women at the forefront as the leaders of the twenty-first century. Within the...


Caregiver Holiday Tip: Start new traditions
Instead of focusing on losses and what you and/or your loved ones aren’t able to do this year, try doing something new. If your care recipient has trouble getting around, drive through a holiday light display or watch a holiday concert on TV. If you can't make it to a holiday gathering, have a video chat. Are your loved ones unable to participate in decorating this year? Invite a friend over to help, with your loved ones nearby to watch and cheer you on. Start a home holiday movie night tradition — or watch old home movies so everyone can participate.


Wading through the sea of paperwork for insurance benefits for your loved one? As a health advocate, I can help you navigate Medicare, Medicare supplement insurance, managed care, long term care planning and health insurance. Email me at [email protected] for more info!


Are you caring for someone with dementia?
It is easy to both overestimate and underestimate what your loved one can do. It is often easier to do something for them than to let them do it for themselves. However, if we do it for them, they will lose the ability to be independent in that skill. On the other hand, if we insist individuals do something for themselves and they get frustrated, we just make our loved ones agitated and probably haven’t increased their abilities to perform tasks. Not only is it a constant juggle to find the balance, but be aware that the balance may shift from day to day.


Today is ! Which organization calls to your heart? ❤️❤️❤️


Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🥧🍷


Just in case you'd like to share this as a hint on your page before Thanksgiving...


While Thanksgiving is meant to be a happy time shared with loved ones, sometimes it can be extra stressful if you are a family caregiver. Here are 10 holiday tips for family caregivers:

- Recognize your signs of stress and burnout
- Anticipate your holiday hot button moments and have
a plan to cool off
- Acknowledge your feelings - good and bad
- Put self care back on your list
- Find a healthy stress relief outlet
- Get support
- Do mindful planning
- Ask for help
- Keep your holiday simple
- Start new traditions

Is the upcoming holiday causing you stress? Let us know what might be bothering you. We are all ears!


Silver Lining Network Meetup TONIGHT!!!

Meet with other family caregivers and a group of professionals on a panel discussing Care During the Holiday Season at our meetup!

Thurs, Nov. 15
9801 Fair Oaks Blvd #100
Fair Oaks, CA

Register here:

"Oh no you didn't..."​ 14/11/2018

"Oh no you didn't..."​ The Holidays are upon us and as family or primary caregivers that means that we have a bunch of other tasks on our plates. Life just got way more complicated.



Seek respite, even for just a few minutes. Need more time to get things done for your life and practice your own self care? Consider your options—adult day care, in-home care, board and care, assisted living and skilled nursing care. If you need help with these choices, we can help!


Silver Lining Network Meetup

Feeling overwhelmed as a caregiver? Meet with other family caregivers and a group of professionals on a panel discussing Care During the Holiday Season at our next meetup!

Thurs, Nov. 15
9801 Fair Oaks Blvd #100
Fair Oaks, CA

Register here:


Take the time to sit down and make a list of all of your personal needs in order to fulfill them and avoid feeling deprived. This calls for careful planning and scheduling. For example, it’s important to give yourself plenty of rest and opportunities for “me” time. If you have a favorite late-night TV show, remember to record it so you can watch it at your convenience. Carve out some time to read a good book, or meet up with a friend to get coffee and recharge.

Photos from Renee & Company's post 03/11/2018

Dedicated to serving the Family / Primary Caregiver by providing professional resources, education, support and camaraderie through meetings, workshops and events.

Visit us at

Share with your friends, neighbors or loved ones who need this support!!!

R&Co. 03/11/2018

My mother has been showing signs of dementia for a while now. She now is starting to talk to people who are not there. And she has made comments about our 3rd floor walls being wet or covered in ice, which were not true. I grew up in this house the walls never feel wet, let alone have ice on them! There are other signs as well.

So, I called my mother's Dr and talked to the receptionist and told her who I was and who I was calling about. I went on telling her that I understand the HIPPA laws, & Dr & Pt confidentiality laws. I stated "I am not calling about any of my mother's health conditions, nor her treatments."

I explain my concerns to the receptionist and asked, could she put a note in my mother's file to check for dementia "memory test" and for a "CBC" infections.

The receptionist told me "no", there was nothing she could do, just that I could go to my mother's appt with her. I explained to this lady that my mother won't let me, and she said, "sorry can't help you".
Than I asked the receptionist not to tell my mother that I called because it will start a fight between my mother & me, and she could get very aggressive and could possibly do something to me. The receptionist said, "sorry I have to tell her, because you have inquired about her medical condition." I told her " I didn't and I was very clear about that. The receptionist said, "well, I will tell her you called". I said, "ok, but you are starting a problem." She said, "oh well, you shouldn't have called" and went on to tell me to have a good day. Ugh

What am I to do to get my mother the help she needs if no one listens to me? And why would the receptionist have to tell her?

I feel like I am watching a train wreck & nobody sees it or will listen to me.

Maybe I am just asking for too much! I'll just wait for my mother to go into a frizzy or fall before I can help her. I know my mother will get violent with me at some point!

Why would the receptionist need to tell my mother? Again, I never asked any questions about my mother's healthcare!
These are the sort of problems that we solve at the Silver Lining Network and the other workshops at Renee & Company. Check us out or pass the word. We are here to serve the Family Caregiver Community by providing professional resources, education, support and camaraderie.

See you there!!!



Happy Halloween! 👻🎃👽🍫


Family caregiving may have some clouds, but let's look at the silver lining! Join me on Thursday, Nov. 15 for our next Silver Linings Network meetup. Meet with other family caregivers and a group of professionals on a panel discussing Care During the Holiday Season.

Thurs, Nov. 15
9801 Fair Oaks Blvd #100
Fair Oaks, CA

Register here:
