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The Mission of GemPowerment is to educate about the multi-dimensional aspects of the Mineral Kingdom as an ally of Healing and Empowerment for Humanity, and to create alignment between them for the Highest Good. Quantum Wellness Modalities and Therapeutic Gemstone Products, Personal Gemstone Readings, and Channeling from the Devas of the Mineral Kingdom, to bring in Light for Transmutation and Enlightenment!

2,000-year-old gold jewelry from mysterious culture discovered in Kazakhstan 03/06/2024

Howdy, GemPeeps! Check out these amazing gold earrings from about 2,000 years ago! Do you think this style would make it today at the Met Gala or the Oscars? Amazing craftsmanship! Stay sparkly and rock on! ♥

2,000-year-old gold jewelry from mysterious culture discovered in Kazakhstan Researchers think the artifacts were made during the little-known Kangju state.


We are currently living in what ancient proverbs would call, "interesting times." A few things that keep me sane and connected are my hubby, my dog, trees, crystals, and music! Lovin' the "Rock" collection!! We are transforming ourselves and our new resonant reality at the speed of light so these grounding things are needed even more! Sending love and peace to each of you, my Sparkly GemPeeps! ♥

Photos from Vosges Haut-Chocolat's post 07/05/2024

Howdy, GemPeeps! Hope you are all flowing with the new energies and taking respite when you need it from the intense solar activity and geomagnetic storms comin' at us the last few days! I saw this post and thought, especially on today's New Moon in Ta**us, this is the perfect solution to address both!! Crystals and chocolates...the best combo for these intense times! Sending you all my love and remember to stay sparkly! Have a Gem of a Day! ♥


Even ancient people loved their nephrite! Check out the famous Hattusa Green Stone from the Hittite Empire!

Hattusa, the capital of the formidable Hittite Empire in ancient Anatolia, was a hub of power and culture. Within its walls, the Great Temple housed the enigmatic Hattusa Green Stone, a rare cubic block of nephrite that has captivated the imagination of visitors for centuries. This revered artifact is believed to possess the mystical ability to grant wishes, drawing pilgrims and travelers seeking its blessings.

The Hittites, known for their military prowess, skilled diplomacy, and cultural achievements, left a lasting mark on the ancient world. Their empire spanned regions of modern-day Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon, showcasing their influence and organizational skills. Despite their strengths, the Hittite Empire eventually succumbed to external pressures and internal conflicts, leading to its collapse around 1200 BC.

Today, the Hattusa Green Stone stands as a poignant symbol of the enigmatic Hittite civilization, offering a glimpse into the beliefs and practices of this ancient culture. As a popular tourist attraction, the stone continues to draw visitors who are intrigued by its mystical reputation and its connection to the rich history of Hattusa and the Hittite Empire.

How Long To Make a Lab Grown Diamond? | Diamond Nexus 18/03/2024

It's estimated about 40% of the global diamond market now consists of lab-grown diamonds. While I do appreciate that this is a much more Earth-friendly way of having diamonds in our lives (yes, coal-powered electricity is used often as most of the stones come from China), what is not commonly known is that many of the GIA-certified diamonds with paperwork including origin are FAKE! Not even GIA can tell the difference! The mark-up on this is huge, of course, what's why it's done. Many technologies have been suggested to the diamond industry how to voluntarily identify the source on the stone itself, but so far not many takers. And for many of us, we really want natural diamonds because of the energy. So, I am sharing this article on how lab-grown stones are created. I suggest you do research if you are in the market for diamonds! Sometimes the best value stones are the older ones. Hope you find this helpful! With Love to each of you my GemPeeps! Lisa the GeMystic/GeMaven/GemYenta!

How Long To Make a Lab Grown Diamond? | Diamond Nexus Lab grown diamonds can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to produce, depending on the size and complexity of the diamond being created.


Perfect for a Year of the Dragon with my long-time friend and ally, Amethyst! Wishing all you beautiful GemPeeps ease, grace, abundance, and Joy as we waltz our way into the new Earth energies! Stay sparkly and Love Your Mother (Earth)! ♥

Amethyst dragon table


OK...this is cool! Stay sparkly and rock-on, GemPeeps! Sending you love! ♥

Photos from Incredible world's post 10/09/2023

Sharing some stone art with y'all, my beautiful GemPeeps! Stay sparkly! ♥

Crystals: Healing, Manifestation & Alchemy | Gaia 22/07/2023

This has been a fun show so far...

Crystals: Healing, Manifestation & Alchemy | Gaia Crystals: Healing, Manifestation & Alchemy - 1 Season, 2 Episodes, This exclusive Gaia Original series delves into the roaring crystal

Timeline photos 05/05/2023

For my fellow dowsers out there! Did you know we got an actual day? I had no idea! Stay sparkly, GemPeeps! In-joy and Full Moon Blessings (with eclipse in Scorpio) to you all! ♥

Happy International Dowsing Day.

British Society of Dowsers


Wishing all those celebrating a very Happy Beltane! Have a Gem of a Day, GemPeeps! ♥

Welcome to Beltaine, May 1st, the Gaelic festival of fertilization when bonfires are lit, inviting the powerful sovereign Earth goddess to rise up, allowing her creations to be fertilized by the Sun God.
It's great time to attract people into our lives who genuinely fertilize our dreams, ideas & aspirations, rejecting relationships who disrespect our sovereignty. This profound union between Earth and Sky is symbolized by weaving dancers around a maypole.


Howdy, GemPeeps! Don't know about you, but with the 4/4 portal and a Full Moon this "stoned on the beach" is lookin' pretty nice! Stay sparkly with radical self-care! Much love, Lisa ♥

5,000-year-old crystal dagger found in a secret Iberian prehistoric tomb | Mysteriesrunsolved 15/03/2023

Howdy and happy almost-Equinox, Sparkly GemPeeps! I'm certain none of you are surprised by this amazing archeological find! Quite an amazing piece! Stay shining! ♥

5,000-year-old crystal dagger found in a secret Iberian prehistoric tomb | Mysteriesrunsolved One of the most impressive crystal daggers, which dates to at least 3,000 BC, shows the extraordinary skill of whoever carved it.


Howdy, sparkly GemPeeps! Whew! What an intense few years this has been! And it's only the beginning as we are in the cosmic crucible definitely through the solar maximum in 2025! It's all good...we all contracted to be here in this amazing time, but we are like coal under a great pressure...and the good news is we will come out as diamonds! This article from the amazing Aluna Joy Yaxkin presents a beautiful summary of the meta-view for what's really going on, which helps me when I feel overwhelmed with the day-to-day experiences. It's best to read the whole thing and, if you're new to this kind of information, keep an open mind and heart. For those on the journey for a longer time, I'm certain you will resonate. ♥

Aligning with the Cosmic Quickening.

We have come to another huge pivotal and a unique evolutionary time all activated by, at the very least, the pre and post equinox energies. There is just a lot going on. Our physical and spiritual evolution is already receiving a huge quickening that I’m sure you are already feeling. There is nothing scary about this time, it just means we will need to catch up to speed with the quickly changing universe. Our DNA is getting upgraded at a higher rate. Some parts of who we thought we were, or what we felt was our truth, will be left behind in the old cycle. It is all going to feel a little shocking, surprising and unexpected. The Star Elders knew this was going to happen. It is a normal part of this process of shifting cycles or ages. But their nice way of sharing about this was to say… it is all going all be a surprise.

Our ascension/awakening symptoms will intensify at this time. Anytime evolution and awakening begins to move forward at a quicker pace than “normal” our physical bodies might try to temporally recoil as we enter new territory and unique frequencies. This is a hard wired survival reaction from our human space suit. It is normal to be hesitant of anything that it has never experienced before. We may be master of our minds and our hearts at this point, but our bodies born in the old cycle, still have other ideas as the last bits of primal fight or flight programming is erased for good. I can already see the collective is starting to lift out of the fear programming and it is becoming more positive already. There is no slowing down this global awakening and there is absolutely no way to try to back up as the old world fades behind us.

There are physical symptoms our body might experience. Anything our physical body uses to move forward in life may be an issue. Hip and lower back issues can intensify when we experience this thrust forward in evolution. This is because our old self is still a little apprehensive about moving into the new great unknown. Our knees may give us unusual whinges for the same reason. We may also feel the effects in our digestion and have tummy gurgles and other embarrassing digestive issues. It might feel hard to catch our breath at times, or have more anxiety. We also may have heart palpitations. All these symptoms are temporary knee jerk reactions triggered by our old fading programs as we stepping forward into new and more refined frequencies.

It is perfectly normal to feel that weird winge of anticipation tainted with a touch of fear of the unknown when we enter new territory. This means we are doing something new and fresh and we are evolving and growing. Fear and excitement feels exactly the same way in our bodies. I’m sure you all know the saying “feel the fear and do it anyway.” So when you feel anticipation, just remember that this is also your spirit being excited about what is coming. This is a simple trick to rewire your physical reaction.

Many of the larger planets that have been in retrograde for a long while are now going direct and starting to move forward. We have become used to the stalled energy, but now we are being thrust forward into the future. Even magnetic north has been moving in a certain direction for quite some time but it has stalled and is now starting to move back in the other direction. If we are aware of it or not, what happens on earth and or solar system and the universe effects everything else, including our human spacesuit.

We are also entering into solar maximum, an 11 year cycle, and this always triggers a huge time of transformation in the consciousness of humanity. The sun upgrades our DNA. But something really caught my attention about another sun in our solar system. (Thanks Kathy) The right shoulder of Orion - Betelgeuse - one of the brightest stars in the sky is showing signs of going supernova beginning in 2019. Anything that happens on any Sun (a star) in the universe, this would include the red star Betelgeuse, will also affect the Sun in our solar system. What effects our Sun in our solar system will also effect all of the planets in our solar system. Anything that effects our planet also effects all life on it. This means the wobbling death throws of this star, will affect us on levels we could not imagine in this moment. We have certainly seen a major shifts in the collective consciousness since 2019. Scientists don’t feel we will experience this supernova in our lifetime. But this wobble, visible in our night sky, certainly effects our solar system and all life. One ancient clue that a supernova had effected humanity in the past was left as a petroglyph in the sacred site of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. It is the famous supernova petroglyph!

Orion and the star/sun Betelgeuse has a huge ancient history that is linked to current humanity. This is the Orion conflicts that happened eons ago. If this Sun in the constellation of Orion begins its death cycle, as all stars do eventually, my question is could it take with it the memory of that conflict and all the programs that conflict created. The 3 star belt in Orion is the one place were peace and harmony was maintained, an also ancient wisdom was stored in Sirius. But could the loss of Betelgeuse erase all those repeating conflict ripples? (Fingers crossed)

The Orion conflict energies ripped through Atlantis and creating it’s demise. That catastrophe of the fall of Atlantis is echoing through the current time line right now. This would explain a lot of the fear and catastrophobia the collective has been exhibiting. But we have a deeper level of mastery at this point in our evolution and have avoided manifesting a major catastrophe in this age. Good work by the way everyone!

Those ancient conflict ripples may have gone back even further and caused the loss of the planet Maldek. It was a planet that was the same distance from our sun as Earth. Maldek was very much like Earth, but was a lot more watery. When that planet was destroyed it became the asteroid belt. A lot of these asteroids fell in Perú and they have built sacred temples around these fragments of this lost planet. The loss of this planet of peace wounded many souls on a very deep level and we see a ripple effect of this catastrophic event in humanity today.

So with a lot of these points considered, we could arrive at the conclusion that the dying process of a star in our solar system, Betelgeuse, could very well make impact on the consciousness of humanity. It could erase a pattern that we have been repeating more times than we could ever remember. Only a few souls remember the Orion conflicts and vaguely at best. And only a few remember the loss of the planet Maldek even if it’s imprinted on many souls living today. These memories are painful to remember. Many remember Atlantis. Some clearly remember Lumeria, which by the way did avoid acting out the Orion conflict energies and was consciously closed at the end of its cycle. And who knows how many ages came before these ages, where the conflict program was played out again and again. Until we all realize the depth and magnitude of what has been repeating and see a bigger cosmic perspective, throughout time and space, we will keep repeating these patterns.

So I’m sharing this with you today because this has captured my attention. I am excited about the possibility that conflict programs on this planet could be altered and even erased by a cosmic event happening in Orion. I believe we are in the process of doing this now. It’s under pinning energy for our future. I am excited about the possibility of the end of all forms of war and the great suffering it also brings. And I am excited about the rise of a new path for us that is beginning now, and the greater possibility of global and universal cooperation, unity in diversity, and most of all peace.

Anything is possible.
If we can imagine it, we can manifest it.
The Star Elders always say …
the only thing that limits us …
is our imagination.

So Dream BIG. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

Your Heart Donations are always appreciated and has kept me going this year. Thank you very much! Or you may send your gratitude and support through the ethers. They help cover energetic and monetary expenses for getting these messages to you.

PILGRIMAGE TO THE CELESTIAL STONES of SCOTLAND - The Sacred Sites of Caledonia - Stone Circles and Holy Isles in Scotland - July 15-29, 2023.

We will be working with an ambitiously and carefully curated list of Sacred Sites, Energy Places, Ley Lines & Portals and Holy Isles. We are taking you to as many of the best energy spots in one pilgrimage. Find out all the details here. This will be a small intimate group no more than 18 people and space is limited.
Only 4 spaces left in this group.


Wow...she's got a whole world, on her hand! Sending my GemPeeps some gemmy love! ♥

Clarity is the Clue…

Vermicular pinkish and green moss chlorite in Brazilian clear quartz.
I bought this ring 6years ago, only for that stone…

Now you are more and more to be interested with, empty gems are boring !

Solar flares and the Consciousness Connection 09/01/2023

Many GemPeeps and others are experiencing odd and possibly new-to-them symptoms in the past few years due to the up-tick in activity from our local Sun. This is an excellent article explaining how this happens, what possible effects can be, and how to rate/measure the activity. I suggest you read the entire thing because we have a few more years of this until the solar maximum in 2025 and things start to chill out again. Normally I would suggest many grounding stones from a GemPowered perspective (black tourmaline, shungite, agates, etc.), but as always, I recommend going with your gut and/or muscle-testing yourself on what stone(s) is perfect for you. Stay sparkly and shine on my beloved GemPeeps! ♥

Solar flares and the Consciousness Connection Are you experiencing sleep disturbances, feeling irritable for no reason, anxious, jittery, having visual distortions or feel immensely drained? If so you may be experiencing the effect of Solar Flares.


When you can't get enough to open your Crown chakra!

Huge Blocks of charoite only from the Aldan Shield, Sakha Republic, Siberia, Russia.

Photo Copyright ©️ Alex gmineral/IG


Blessings to all the GemPeeps out there! ♥


This is a jade burial suit! What a waste of gorgeous stones...I would wear that any time I have to go anywhere with a crowd! lol Lots of geomagnetic storms and lots of solar activity this week, GemPeeps. Resting and sacred self care are so important, as are hydration and if you can spend time in nature all the better! Sending love to each of you Sparkly Ones! ♥

Jade burial suit, Han Dynasty 202 BC.

October 2022 Ascension Update - DNA Upgrade 03/10/2022

A great read for these times, GemPeeps!

October 2022 Ascension Update - DNA Upgrade October 2022’s theme: DNA Upgrade October’s Keywords: DNA Upgrade, Auric Boundaries, Clarity Hello Awakened Soul, The largest upgrade of 2022 is upon us! As I mentioned in previous Ascension updates we have been prepared thus far for a DNA upgrade, and are now entering the final stretch in this ...


Don't know about you, GemPeeps, but relaxing in a beautiful tub like this next to the ocean sounds like a little bit of heaven! With all the intense energies of late I could sure use it! Sending much love to all you Crystal Souls out there with a gentle reminder for self-care and giving yourself Grace. That's what helps keep the Vibe up! Sending sparkles your way! ♥

GemPowerment - Etsy 01/09/2022

Howdy, GemPeeps! With all the intense energies and all the changes that seem to be everywhere, it's time to treat yourself to healing jewelry! Shop the GemPowerment Etsy site for a channeled, reiki-infused power piece made with highest quality stones, beads, sterling silver, and crystals! I am now offering a rare discount! Time to see if any of the jewelry resonates with you! Have a Gem of a Day and thanks for looking!

GemPowerment - Etsy Shop GemPowerment - Therapeutic Gemstone Creations by GemPowerment located in Seattle, Washington. Top shop for gifts. A buyer bought a gift from this shop and gave it a 5-star review!


Howdy GemPeeps...just peeking back in! Hope you are having a great summer here in the northern hemisphere and a lovely winter in the south! Keep on lovin' your mother Gaia! Sending gemstone kisses! ♥

A handy graphic for ID'ing all the black stones:
