Karen Hammond LCSW, ABD

Karen Hammond LCSW, ABD

My passion professionally is focused on working experientially with victims of trauma.


Such great info for those who have been in a toxic relationship.


Hallmark of being mentally healthy:)


20 years ago today my loving father passed away. I miss him dearly! I also see him in each of my beautiful grandchildren.




This encompasses what I see and hear almost daily in my office.

We all are fighting the things done to us or that was witnessed. Remember to be kind and gentle with you on that healing journey 💕 angel


1000 words!

🌳 Heal the root so the tree is stable. 🌳

Created by: Waking Up Free


A reminder to friends who are there and prop one up, and never leave.
Such a gift each person needs. 😊


This is so important for trauma survivors to understand. Pass it one, please.


This is so true!


Remember this…


Backyard camp out with family:)


Honoring humanity. This shows a lovely example.

RIP to these two legends ❤️🙏❤️🙏


Thank you Dave!!

Smart man ❤️👏❤️👏


I still find this fascinating’

Blue Lavender Clinical Services Healing for the mind, body, and soul.
Unique therapeutic approaches in a safe, accepting atmosphere.




This is a great addition to any other education someone might have regarding PTSD.

It is important to know what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder looks like. It is more than feeling stuck after trauma, and can manifest as different symptoms. PTSD is very common and is a normal reaction to an abnormal event(s)

If your loved one has PTSD, acknowledge the reality of their struggle and imagine what it must be like for them. Ask them what you can do to support them, and encourage them to talk when they can without forcing. It's important you don't assume how it feels, or tell them to get over it.

Remember that PTSD is real and people who experience it are often triggered daily which is not a choice. Triggers can be anything that's a reminder of the event and can make them feel like they are reliving it. They are not weak, or being sensitive, dramatic or trying to get attention.

It is very important that if these signs are recognised, to seek professional support to help with processing. Counselling can help to make sense of what happened and give you a non judgemental space to give clarity that you are not crazy.



PTSD and C-PTSD can present like so many other disorders. It is one main reason I am conservative in diagnosing anything that can fit into this realm.

The struggle is real. The challenges are diverse.

Hugs to all who suffer. I understand. No judgement here!

PTSD is an interesting mental health issue. It looks like anxiety, depression, & a myriad of other conditions. This makes it hard to get a diagnosis as depending on what symptoms you’re having when being evaluated you could be diagnosed with something else. To no fault of the doctor PTSD is a fluid mental Illness meaning it moves through all of these. As someone who was diagnosed by the Army with severe depression with flashbacks (I know sounds obvious) it was almost 15 years before the diagnosed me with PTSD which then helped me get treatment for other things connected with it. All of a sudden the other conditions made sense now.

Profile pictures 19/07/2022

So happy to see the su***de hotline is so much easier for people to remember.


Life itself is our best medicine. 💚


Artwork: Gary Bunt


What a sad visual!


Timeline photos 28/03/2022

So important to know…


Yup they can afford it 🤔🤔😡😡


To all little AND big boys…

Imagine if every boy knew this ❤️


Opening Hours

Friday 11:00 - 17:00
Saturday 11:00 - 17:00