Bike Safe Boston

Bike Safe Boston

All things Boston biking, with an emphasis on bike law and policy. Bikers, you've heard the story. Maybe it's even your own. You have rights on the road.

You collide with a car, but the cop let the driver go before you could get his info. So you're left stranded with massive medical bills and a busted-up bike, with no way to get in touch with whoever hit you. I'm an attorney and cyclist, admitted to practice law in Massachusetts. I started my own firm, specializing in bike law, with the aim of protecting the bodies AND bank accounts of Boston biker

Wait for an Ambulance, So You Won’t Need One 23/07/2024

You're riding and you hear a siren behind you—what should you do?

Wait for an Ambulance, So You Won’t Need One Wait for an Ambulance, So You Won’t Need OneSh*tty AI-generated image of the average Boston commute, very high accuracy. Thanks to our many hospitals, encountering ambulances running code 3 is super...

Bike Habits: Crossover 24/10/2023

New post: Crossover
A simple tip for riding in the city. Make it a habit. Let it wash over you.

Bike Habits: Crossover Bike Habits: CrossoverOne of the habits that I have developed while riding in the city is something you really should try. It is deceptively simple, but it’s made me a better and safer cyclist. Here’s...

Locking up 31/03/2021

New blog post on the legal implications of locking up your bike in public

Locking up Locking up Photo credit I’m often asked about bike parking—specifically, where it’s allowed and not allowed. There isn’t much specific legislation about locking up bikes, but there are still a couple...

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