Ken Clark For Arizona

Ken Clark For Arizona

Ken Clark's political page, etc., etc.


I’m proud to have joined to condemn the Pima County Superior Court's decision to uphold a territorial-era ban on abortion. This law is cruel, life-threatening, and under this ban, it's Arizona women and families who will suffer most.

Learn how RCV will improve Arizona's elections! 08/07/2022

I’m sure you are inundated with primary election emails.

Did you know that ranked choice voting eliminates primary elections while giving you more choice?

Join me for a happy hour next Wednesday the 13th to learn more. Voter Choice Arizona

Learn how RCV will improve Arizona's elections! Help bring more choice and more voice to Arizona with RCV! Join now!

Learn how RCV will improve Arizona's elections! 05/07/2022

Please join me on July 13th to hear how ranked choice voting can save our democracy.

Sound like an exaggeration? Come and meet the bi-partisan Voter Choice Arizona team and I think you will agree. Please RSVP below.

Learn how RCV will improve Arizona's elections! Help bring more choice and more voice to Arizona with RCV! Join now!


Your questions about the mysterious SRP board election, answered here.

Who supports clean energy:

How to interpret your ballot:

Please share.

A Georgia election official debunked Trump’s claims of voter fraud, point by point. 05/01/2021

It's amazing to think that so many people voted for the current president un-elect.

The evidence was clear from the beginning that he had no regard for the constitution.

How many of those who voted for him, but said they did not like him, will ever admit that they were scared into it; because they fell victim to the fear tactics of the GOP?

No, Biden is not a communist. Nor are Democrats. Never have been. They are not going to take everybody's guns. It's not even possible. They are not going to destroy health care. It's already destroyed. We already live in a "socialist" country. But we do socialism so poorly, corruptly and expensively that it is unrecognizable.

It's easy to think uncritically when you are guided by fear.

But the fears peddled by the GOP scared enough people that they were willing to vote for a man who continues a lie that even Bill Barr said was not true -- a lie that the faithful Republican public servants in this article debunk, point by point.

Those who continue to share manufactured lies, like those lies that Trump promotes, are complicit in the damage done to our country --even if they tell themselves, "I didn't say I believe this lie, I'm just sharing it."

If you share it, you own it.

We have a choice now: repair our economy, reform our government, heal our sick and our nation's wounds, or continue chasing myths and dragons created by decades of fear mongering and manifest in one narcissistic grifter.

I know where I stand and I won't shame those who chose to come around to the truth. I'll embrace you.

A Georgia election official debunked Trump’s claims of voter fraud, point by point. Here are the explanations from the official, Gabriel Sterling, that rebut more than a dozen of the president’s false assertions.

Georgia Senate Victory Fund Event | GiveGreen 08/12/2020

We need to solve our climate crisis, but we can create new jobs while we do it.

The path forward will be blocked unless we elect Rev. Raphael Warnock & Jon Ossoff to the federal senate from Georgia in their special election in January.

I just contributed and I'm asking you to contribute now for a fundraiser on Wednesday.

Special guests are Hon. Al Gore & Hon. Lucy McBath

Georgia Senate Victory Fund Event | GiveGreen Co-Hosts:

APS offering $144M to Arizona tribes and others affected by coal plant closures 07/11/2020

While you are watching for poll results, here is a ground-breaking agreement, which I hope is codified by the Corporation Commission. $144M+ dedicated by APS to the Navajo Nation to (begin to) address the decades of damage from coal power plants.

I hope this start to meaningful Just and Equitable Transition does not stop here.

APS offering $144M to Arizona tribes and others affected by coal plant closures The plan represents a big investment in communities that have suffered economically as the U.S. shifts its reliance on fossil fuels to other technologies

5th Circuit Denies GOP Request To Block Drive-Through Voting In Harris County, Texas 03/11/2020

ICYMI: 5th Circuit judge denies GOP effort to appeal their effort to suppress 127,000 votes in TX.

In other words, the lower court said the TX effort was baseless. They immediately appealed and the three-judge appellate court (which is traditionally conservative as compared to other circuits) said that the GOP appeal could not show sufficient harm to invalidate the votes.

I'm hearing directly from the Biden campaign that efforts around the country to bring frivolous lawsuits to block votes and/or build a false narrative of voting problems is not working thus far.

5th Circuit Denies GOP Request To Block Drive-Through Voting In Harris County, Texas The decision means about 127,000 ballots cast by drive-through voting in the Houston area will be counted. It follows similar rulings by a federal judge and the Texas Supreme Court.

Guest column: Former Hopi chairmen call on officials to ensure proper reclamation of mines 07/10/2020

I've been getting in to issues around coal power plants + mining on the Navajo and Hopi reservations recently. Did you know that the 50yr old mine at Black Mesa closed 15 years ago, but Peabody mining company STILL has not cleaned it up, as they are supposed to do? Further, the government is not pushing them to do it.

This is a good read.

Guest column: Former Hopi chairmen call on officials to ensure proper reclamation of mines After a half-century of exploitation of Hopi resources, we now have an opportunity to recover what’s been taken from us, and as former Hopi Tribal Chairmen, we are asking Hopi leaders to take a stand.

How to register to vote in Arizona on National Voter Registration Day (or any day before the deadline) 05/10/2020

If you have not yet registered to vote, today is the deadline! Don't miss out on your opportunity. See more here, and share with folks you think need the information.

How to register to vote in Arizona on National Voter Registration Day (or any day before the deadline) Only people who register before the deadline can vote in the Nov. 3 election for president, U.S. Senate, statewide ballot measures and other offices

Clean Energy for Biden Arizona Phone Bank · Mission for Arizona 30/09/2020

So, did the debates inspire you to get active? Join us on our weekly calls! They are to friendly voters and you can call with friends on a live zoom link.

Clean Energy for Biden Arizona Phone Bank · Mission for Arizona Phone banking is where the rubber hits the road and we on the Clean Energy for Biden Arizona team are committed to make over 6,000 calls for Joe by Election Day. We will do it together! We will support each other over Zoom as we call. We will do it one call at at time!


Making phone calls and meeting inspiring people at the same time!

Please join us. It is GOTV time!

Sing up at

Reports of the Republican Party's death are not greatly exaggerated 04/09/2020

This, from former chair of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele:

"I’ve been a Republican for over 40 years,” he said. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to cede that ground to Donald Trump, who is not now nor has he ever been a Republican, who is not now nor has he ever been a conservative. All y’all who want to play this little game that Donald Trump is like you, you’re stupid. You’re being played. You’re getting punked. But what’s so bad about it is you’re complicit in your own punking."

Do you know any current republicans or past Trump supporters who might be open to getting the message?

Reports of the Republican Party's death are not greatly exaggerated The Republican Party may not be dead yet, but it’s probably time to put it out of our misery as it's now a Trump personality cult.

Vote Joe 03/09/2020

ICYMI: try the Vote Joe app on your phone. It allows you to check your personal contacts against the voter file to see who may not be a regular voter.

Then you can reach out to them personally and encourage them to vote or help them problem solve their voting.

We are up against huge dollars and personal contact (virtually) in our networks has the best chance to bringing out people who don’t often vote.

I’m sure it’s on other platforms, other than Apple, too.

Vote Joe

‎99% Invisible: 410- Policing the Open Road on Apple Podcasts 27/08/2020

I usually listen to 99% Invisible for its stories about design -- design operates invisibly in the background in amazing ways. Like in how the world around us is designed.

This episode talked about how the design of the car and traffic has lead to the undermining of the 4th amendment against unreasonable search and seizure.

Whether you are left, right or center, I think the history and status of the 4th amendment might make this worth a listen.

‎99% Invisible: 410- Policing the Open Road on Apple Podcasts ‎Show 99% Invisible, Ep 410- Policing the Open Road - Aug 11, 2020

Clean Energy for Biden - Arizona Launch with Leading Mayors | GiveGreen 24/08/2020

Just a reminder to please join us on Thursday at 6pm for a Clean Energy for Biden kickoff event with Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, Flagstaff Mayor Coral Evans and Tucson Mayor Regina Romero.

Arizona is at a crossroads between retrenching or possibly becoming the solar capitol that it was always meant to be. A Biden/Harris administration will help us pave the way.

Contributions are suggested, but not required.

Clean Energy for Biden - Arizona Launch with Leading Mayors | GiveGreen Instructions to join the gathering will be shared with you 1-2 days prior to the call. For questions please contact Lauren Kuby at [email protected].


You should see the list of impressive AZ mayors and other elected officials who are going to help us kick off the Arizona Launch of Clean Energy for Biden.

Please join me on the 27th for this campaign launch.

We are asking for your attendance, even if you can't contribute right now. All are welcome.

Abolish the Police? Those Who Survived the Chaos in Seattle Aren’t So Sure 07/08/2020

I'm interested to hear thoughts (not an ad hominem debate) on this insightful article.

Abolish the Police? Those Who Survived the Chaos in Seattle Aren’t So Sure What is it like when a city abandons a neighborhood and the police vanish? Business owners describe a harrowing experience of calling for help and being left all alone.

A Just Transition at Navajo Generating Station 06/08/2020

Have you seen this video yet that explains the damage that has been done to the Navajo and Hopi from 6 decades of coal-fired power plants?

It is eye-opening. Please share.

The craziest thing is we can do a huge amount to repair this by simply building tribe-owned clean energy projects on tribal lands.

A Just Transition at Navajo Generating Station After decades of profiting from Navajo natural resources, Arizona utilities, federal & state government agencies, NGS owners and Peabody Energy all have a re...

White Mountain Apache Tribe experiences water shortage at height of pandemic 17/07/2020

This article speaks to how unequal water planning has been in AZ for a century. While building water infrastructure and draining aquifers to feed urban areas, state planners ignored the people who used to live off of their local streams, now dry.

Now these people are dying because they don't have the water to protect themselves against COVID. This is an outrage.

White Mountain Apache Tribe experiences water shortage at height of pandemic About 1 in 10 residents of the White Mountain Apache Tribe have tested positive for the new coronavirus.

Stronger clean energy standards will mean a stronger Arizona economy 10/07/2020

Good article!

It looks like the is talking about updating our renewable energy standard.

This article goes in to the many reasons why they should.

Stronger clean energy standards will mean a stronger Arizona economy Strengthening the state's clean energy requirements will make for cheaper energy, more jobs and cleaner air, all of which makes a stronger economy


All, I posted this when it first came out in 2018 and I highly recommend you put it on your urgent listening list.

The podcast covers how Germany dealt with its past, but we never did. Having lived in Germany during high school, I know that Germans did confront their historic crimes in a way that the US never has.

It gives me hope for the future that there is a proven way that America can confront and heal by acknowledging its past.

We need one of the memorials they speak of here in Arizona and I'd want to work on that project.


We've known for 20 years that renewable energy and energy efficiency (EERE) create more jobs than fossil fuels.

But this study from McKinsey demonstrates that using our economic stimulus funding to boost our economy in a cleaner direction will create more jobs. #

12 charts show how racial disparities persist across wealth, health, education and beyond 19/06/2020

This is a great summary of racial disparity, with data.

So, there are only two conclusions you can come to.

Either you think this data shows that black Americans are somehow different from other races, culturally or physically. In which case, take a long hard look at your racial bias, because that thinking is the very definition of racism.

Or, there is something about our systems of government, education, health care, justice and policing --and our history-- that is the cause.

If you conclude #2, then the only choice is to take action to change things.

12 charts show how racial disparities persist across wealth, health, education and beyond When people talk about systemic racism, they mean systemic: impacting institutions, policies and outcomes across all aspects of Black Americans' lives.

Climate Change Tied to Pregnancy Risks, Affecting Black Mothers Most 18/06/2020

For many of us who have been speaking about cleaning the environment for decades in terms of environmental justice, research like this is not surprising.

I'm sure something like this requires more peer-reviewed studies, like anything. But it is important to be aware of.

Climate Change Tied to Pregnancy Risks, Affecting Black Mothers Most Women exposed to high temperatures or air pollution are more likely to have premature, underweight or stillborn babies, a look at 32 million U.S. births found.

Election challenges a question of law, issue of values 26/05/2020

Several candidates for the Arizona Corporation Commission were thrown off the ballot, but a plaintiff on the cases wrote a great piece about the other elements of our electoral system in AZ, which are more important than any one candidate's signatures.

Worth a read.

Election challenges a question of law, issue of values

Opinion | A Life on and Off the Navajo Nation 13/05/2020

This is a great brief opinion piece on the inequity that has defined life on the Navajo reservation, which has been highlighted by the pandemic.

There are things we can do to improve this situation. It starts with infrastructure and includes allowing the Nation to own and benefit from the clean power that it can generate on its land.

Opinion | A Life on and Off the Navajo Nation The reservation has some of the most coronavirus cases per capita in the country.

Videos (show all)

Your questions about the mysterious SRP board election, answered here. Who supports clean energy: srpcleanenergy.orgHow ...
Mr. Clark Goes to Burning Man, Episode 5. Mutant Vehicles
Mr. Clark Goes to Burning Man, Episode 4. The Default World
Mr. Clark Goes to Burning Man, Episode 2. Leave no Trace
Ken's End-of_Year Report
Turn Outrage in to Action

