Like The Moon Coach

Like The Moon Coach

☽ Therapeutic Coaching ☽ Trauma Healing ☽ Somatic Therapy ☽ PsychoEducation

Photos from Like The Moon Coach's post 07/06/2024

Friday + New Moon blessings 🌑⚡️

If by now there’s still a feeling of “I’m under no obligation” or messages like this are still landing as “guilt tripping or virtue signaling”, there’s serious work to be done. We aren’t even sure what else to say or do.


Monday Blessings community 🌔🫶🏼

LESS: Pathologizing the individual.

MORE: People are having normal reactions to familial, societal, global and systemic dysfunctions and harms. And so, what do we do to address those?

Photos from Like The Moon Coach's post 29/04/2024

Monday Blessings 🌖❤️‍🩹

I can’t claim to know how to address the topic perfectly. But the conversations around this are long overdue and need to happen ASAP. The more time passes, the more damage is done by Trauma influencers who haven’t addressed collective trauma. The damage, I believe, is also to their own fragmented souls. Because not leaning into such obvious pain and unsafety is not healthy; for them and for others who look to them for healing.

The Trauma field is heavily taught and practiced through a Eurocentric lens and needs to be decolonized.

Photos from Like The Moon Coach's post 08/04/2024

Monday + powerful Eclipse Blessings 🌚🪷

Photos from Like The Moon Coach's post 05/04/2024

Friday (Jummah) Blessings 🌒🌍

The field of Trauma isn’t properly/fully addressing Collective Trauma; which means it’s not properly/fully addressing Trauma PERIOD. Focusing on individual healing isn’t enough. It was never enough. Healing needs to be decolonized. This isn’t a “calling out” or a “pointing fingers”. This is acknowledgement and recognition so we can all actually heal.

May these last days of Ramadan bring us closer to Collective Healing. Ameen.

Photos from Like The Moon Coach's post 26/02/2024

Monday + Post Full-Moon Blessings 🌍🌕

Photos from Like The Moon Coach's post 15/01/2024

Monday Blessings ❤️‍🔥🌒


New Year Blessings 🌖⚡️

On Neglect: The victims feel its effects and so do we.

Photos from Like The Moon Coach's post 27/12/2023

Full Moon Blessings 🌕❤️‍🩹

This quote though!


Sunday + Christmas Blessings from your Muslim intersectional sister/human relative.



Wednesday blessings 🌔🍉

Acknowledging the powerful root of this slogan is ❤️‍🔥

And just a reminder that the slogan is Kurdish in origin.



Saturday blessings 🗣️🌒

The CALLING IN continues. Yes, I got these words and phrases from actual content I see 😉.

Photos from Like The Moon Coach's post 17/11/2023

Friday blessings 🍉🌒

Since this is a trauma account, I am assuming that at least some people who follow me care about situations of abuse and/or abuse of power. And I’m assuming that at least some of my followers have (unfortunately!) been in situations where their own abuse/trauma was minimized, invalidated and/or negated. And so these are my love notes if you will, speaking on not allowing that to happen regarding macro abuse/abuse of power. There is also, obviously, a huge spiritual element to all this.

Habibi حبیبی is an Arabic word that means “My love”, “My darling”, “My beloved”; while I’m not a native Arabic speaker, it is a commonly used word and it seems more than fitting in this situation.

Last but not least, I will be the first to admit that I am guilty of some of the things I have listed. Maybe not in this specific situation, but most definitely in others. And so, this is not a “calling out”. (Though I will not deny that there’s an emotional charge to it!) We are human and aren’t perfect. We are here to unlearn, relearn and grow. This is a loving invitation to us all to always keeping coming back to grounding ourselves in Truth. Because, there is no True Love without Truth.

Fi aman’illah. “I leave you in the care of God/Universe”


Monday + New Moon 🌑blessings!

Individualized wellness/trauma work is at best incomplete + privileged.

“I am not taking a break from creating trauma content because
of what’s currently happening. Addressing injustice, oppression, systemic violence and inequality IS trauma content.
Liberation work is trauma work!”


Thursday blessings 🌎🤲🏼🌔

Oh People,
This is a time of reckoning!
The human souls who
are oppressed and marginalized
are here to wake us up;
not just for us to feel sorry for.
They are our tests.
They are our guides.
This is a time of great reckoning.

#انسانیت #آزادی #برابری


Thursday blessings 🌎🤲🏼🌔

Oh People,
This is a time of reckoning!
The human souls who
are oppressed and marginalized are here to wake us up;
not just for us to feel sorry for.
They are our tests.
They are our guides.
This is a time of great reckoning.

#انسانیت #آزادی #برابری


Monday blessings 🌒💪🏼🌍

We ARE the leaders we need.
There is no one else.
Power to the people.
United we stand for
justice + humanity.

Photos from Like The Moon Coach's post 13/10/2023

Friday + pre-Eclipse blessings 🌑🌍

Like many others, the current global events deeply affect me personally. I sat with God (Universe) and with myself and these words are what I felt guided to share.

The last slide is a poem by Saadi of Shiraz that is displayed in the UN building in New York.


Tuesday blessings 🌘🫂

Well, I’m just now starting to learn about astrology and I had heard this eclipse season was going to be very significant and activating; it always feels next level though when we actually experience it as humans. SIGH. 💔

For those of us who have the privilege:

A friendly reminder to ground yourselves with simple somatic practices during these trying times. We could all use some regulating.

Some ideas:

Take a walk and use the senses to stay present (orienting).

Do some self-havening or self-holding.

Rub your face, throat and/or heart in a soothing, loving manner.

Make your exhalations longer for a few minutes.

Hug a person you feel safe with.

“For anyone whose voice has been silenced, minimized and/or villainized regarding micro/macro abuse and oppression they have experienced: much love to your heart, soul and throat chakra ♥︎”


New Moon 🌑 and Tuesday blessings ✨☀️

“No recovery from trauma is possible without attending to issues of safety, care for the self, reparative connections to other human beings, and a renewed faith in the Universe.” — Janina Fisher, PhD

# #تروما #اضطراب


Post Full Moon + Wednesday blessings 🌕🙏🏼

Boundaries are less about speaking them to others and more about embodying them with your own energy. If something goes against your boundaries, you have the agency to shift your internal energy accordingly.

Sometimes that means difficult decisions have to be made. Sometimes, it’s a small adjustment. Sometimes that means people are willing/able to meet the adjustment. And sometimes it means an ending has to happen. All in all, your boundaries are more about you and your embodiment journey. 🤍



Friday blessings to you all 🌘🌻

In the Name of God

(the Oneness + Connectedness of it ALL if that resonates more),

I see some new souls here so I figured it’s a good time to re-introduce myself. I’m Mahsa; which means ‘like the moon’ in Persian (Farsi). I am very much connected to the moon! I am a proud Iranian American Muslim. I consider myself a very intersectional soul + human BEing and can relate to most people on some level 🤍🌏.

My academic background is psychology and I am certified in trauma-centered therapeutic coaching, integrative somatic trauma therapy coaching, relational coaching and PsychoEducation mentoring. I also have a background in grounded spirituality and my practice is deeply rooted in Spiritual Psychology.

Some things about me:

◐ Tea is my life force ☕️🫖

◑ I am also an event stylist

◒ I often wish I had a pet duck

○ I am passionate about doing my very small part to heal this world from oppressive systems + injustice for ALL (God Willing)

⃝● My own healing path and also the journey to supporting others in their healing, has been very non-linear + quite challenging AND that makes me who I am today🙏🏼🙋🏻‍♀️. University of Life is no joke and also so wondrous. I strongly believe that we are here to help each other through this human experience. ♾️

“Light upon Light”
نُّورٌ‌ عَلَیٰ نُورٍ


#روانکاوی #روانشناسی


Monday blessings to you all 🌗🌟

A quote by one of my faves:

“There are no enemies inside us. Every part of us is trying to save our lives.”

Ann Weiser Cornell is an author, educator and worldwide authority on ‘Focusing’; the self-inquiry psychotherapeutic technique developed by Eugene Gendlin. She has developed a system and technique called ‘Inner Relationship Focusing’.

#خودآگاهی #خودشناسی #روانکاوی


Tuesday + post Full Moon blessings 🌕💚

A lot of our coping mechanisms serve as distractions from fully facing, feeling and dealing with our pain and reality. And here’s the thing: I don’t think that’s ‘wrong’. Some of us have been through WAY TOO much for our systems to handle. It’s not humanly possible to process it all. So don’t shame yourself for being on your phone too much. For fawning. For over eating. For whatever. Instead just keep BE-ing on the healing journey. With all its ebbs and flows. One small step at a time.

#روانشناسی #روانکاوی #استرس #خودشناسی #خودآگاهی #اضطراب #افسردگی #بهبودی


Tuesday blessings 🌒💐

If you experience a lot of internal “drama”, you’re not broken and chances are, it’s not your “personality”. It’s more likely that you have developmental trauma and/or attachment wounds.

#روانکاوی #بهبودی #اضطراب #استرس #احساسات #افسردگی #روانشناسی


Tuesday blessings 🌒🪻

First and foremost, this is a reminder that you’re human and you will make mistakes. This is a practice to build on and not something you’ll fully embody immediately.

When there’s a strong pull to act on or continue an unhealthy behavior pattern, instead of either giving in to it and/or shaming yourself, try to get curious about the wound behind it. What need is desperately asking to be met? Get to know that need and look for healthier resources to have that need be met.

#افسردگی #اضطراب #استرس #روانشناسی #روانکاوی #اعتیاد #تروما #احساسات #خودشناسی


New moon (tomorrow) + Thursday blessings 🌘🌑

A lot of people who overthink don’t do it out of choice. Overthinking and hyper-vigilance were literally vital to their survival. To unlearn coping mechanisms around that can feel dangerous and rightfully so, given their history.

#اضطراب #نگرانی #ترس #دلشوره #روانشناسی #روانکاوی


Full moon + Eclipse blessings 🌕🌚

It is true that we need connection and healthy relationships in order to heal AND (not but), it is also true that we need to feel safe and at home within our self and body.

#روانکاوی #تروما #روانشناسی #خودآگاهی #خودشناسی


Full moon + Eclipse blessings 🌕🌚

It is true that we need connection and relationships in order to heal AND (not but), it is also true that we need to feel safe and at home within our self and body.

#روانکاوی #تروما #روانشناسی #خودآگاهی #خودشناسی
