Sunny Care Services

Sunny Care Services

Sunny Care Services is a concierge service that helps families navigate the to do's after losing a loved one.

For links in bio:


Who wants to come hike with me at Larkspur’s Taylor Hollow property? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️
The property is stunning and if you’ve ever been curious to know about natural burial, this a fun and easy way to learn more!
I’m bringing lunches for all sorts of I hope you will join me on Saturday may 4 at 10!
Link to register in bio!


This January marks 6 years of Sunny Care Services.

If you had told me back in January of 2018 that I would not only still be doing this work, but truly loving the work I do and the families I get to work with, I would have been skeptical. I am a restless spirit by nature and love all the things that come with new beginnings but tend to lose interest towards the middle and end.

Sunny Care Services has been the outlier for me and I know that this work has held my focus and heart because of the families that I get to work with.

I have had the honor of working with some of the most lovely and dear families and they make up for all of the frustrating customer service calls and never-ending forms that come with being an after loss professional (almost 😅)

I am thankful I was called to this work and am proud to call Sunny Care Services mine.
To many more!


Not all attorneys are alike! And at at Sunny we are BIG advocates for using an estate attorney to draft your estate planning documents (your will, power of attorney, etc) but we know that finding an attorney who you trust, like, and can afford is tricky!
Read our blog on questions to ask in an initial consult with an attorney so you can get a quick read on if this person if a fit for you and your needs.
Link in bio!


Having young kids is such a busy and full season already but you owe it to your kids and to your family to choose who would be their guardians if something happened to you (and your spouse).
It is such an important decision that I know so many choose to put off because it’s hard and awful to think about, but the reality is that if you don’t make the decision, someone else will make it for you. In my opinion, that can be much scarier and harder to think about.
To help you, we put together a blog post of how to make the important decision of who would be your kids guardians. And remember, what works today does not have to work forever! This is something you can change your mind on, but you need to do it!
Link in bio!


For months , and I have been dreaming up an event that feels easy and fun-ish for people to come learn and ask questions about death and how to get prepared for it.
Nothing hard or dark-just us chatting with you about some practical things to do now to get ready. We’ll have small group style chats about:
-natural burial
-advance directives
-getting your physical and digital assets organized if something happens to you
-whatever questions you have!!

Super casual with drinks, food and door prizes and just some practical informative talks!

Promise you will like it and feel better that you did it!

Join me next week and follow the link in bio to register.

Photos from Sunny Care Services's post 19/11/2022

Just feeling so thankful to have finished our Fall 2022 PALS Training Program! So proud of the course and the people who competed the course (a sampling pictured in the next slide). I know that the work of after loss professionals is meaningful and important and I can’t wait to see this industry grow and more families served in the hard space of death and loss.


Need some quick tips on getting your digital estate (think email, photos, documents, etc!) organized?
Watch my conversation with April Harris Jackson from Graceful Aging Legal Services, PLLC on quick ways to make sure your family has access when they need it!


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but it’s time to stop holding on to every important piece of paper because you think you *might* need it one day.
Get those puppies scanned and stored electronically! Saves space and so much easier to find when you need to!

This week’s blog post gathers all the options for scanning your documents from DIY to full outsourcing!
Link in bio!


Got a bunch of files and information compiled but no idea how or where to store it?
This week’s blog focuses on what systems and tools I use to keep our important info stored!
Link in bio.


Show of hands-Who did the brain dump? ✋✋✋
If you did-who else found out they maaaayyyy not know as much about their life as they thought they did? ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋

That was me and it is so OK if it was you too!
Don’t think you are alone in not knowing which account you pay your utilities with or who is the beneficiary listed on your 401k. I didn’t either!

If you need to fill in some of those holes (and more!) to round out your “stuff you care about” info then read this week’s blog on tips for how to do this efficiently!

Link in bio!

Photos from Sunny Care Services's post 20/01/2022

This time of year everyone is organizing their closets and drawers but I’m proposing we organize what lives in our brains.


Because only you know how to run your life: how you pay your bills…where your deed is…how to access your home safe…

And if something happens to you, someone else needs to know that info ASAP.

Step 1 one of getting it all out of your head and organized?
Brain Dump!

Read more on how to do a brain dump and what questions to ask yourself in our latest blog post-link in bio!


This book did a number on me.

I admittedly don’t love sad books. Or self help books. But this book is both and neither at the same time.

Lemons on Friday written by is just so, so good!

Trust me on this-if you or someone you know is grieving (or has ever grieved) then you need this book.
It is healing, practical, hopeful, and inspiring.

This week’s blog post is all about Mattie’s book-how she navigated losing her husband less than a year into their marriage and what she has learned and is still learning about God and herself in her new season as a widow.

You can read more of my conversation with Mattie on the blog-link in bio.

I applied to the FEMA COVID Funeral Assistance Program-Here's what I learned - Sunny Care Services 13/09/2021

If you or someone you know has lost a loved one due to COVID 19, I so encourage you to read this week's blog post about the FEMA COVID Funeral Assistance Program and how to apply.
It could mean up to $9,000 back to families who have suffered a loss due to COVID.

I applied to the FEMA COVID Funeral Assistance Program-Here's what I learned - Sunny Care Services My experience applying to the FEMA COVID Assistance Program and what you should know for your application process


It does feel like a lot right now, right?

There is so much happening in the world and sometimes it’s just good for the soul to hear someone else process the hard and unimaginable.

This week’s blog rounds up all the podcasts that help when things are hard and sad. But don’t be scared by the subject matter -these podcasts are so insightful, inspirational, funny….all the emotions! I so encourage you to check them out!

Some of our favorites mentioned:

Senior Living and the Delta Variant-What To Expect - Sunny Care Services 26/07/2021

Who else thought we would be done talking about COVID by now?

When I first asked our guest blogger, Megan Naiser of Senior Home Transitions - Nashville, TN to write a blog post on the effects of COVID in senior living communities, I was certain it would be irrelevant within weeks.
Not only was I wrong, but the new Delta Variant makes this conversation even more relevant with the complexities it introduces.
Check out this week's blog post to read her thoughts on what could change and what questions to ask when it comes to COVID protocol.

Senior Living and the Delta Variant-What To Expect - Sunny Care Services This blog post covers how the Delta variant can impact senior living communities and what you can expect for yourself of your loved one moving in.

Photos from Sunny Care Services's post 16/07/2021

Being named the executor of an estate can seem scary, especially when you don’t know what to expect.

If you are naming an executor in your will, you should tell that person you are naming them as executor and you should review your will with them so they are not caught off guard.

If you are starting your role as executor, it is important to take inventory of yourself and ask these questions:
-Do I have time for this role?
-Am I emotionally able to serve in this role? Or am I needing more time to grieve?
The role of executor can be overwhelming and it’s important to know if this is a role you can honor or if you need help.

Don’t forget Sunny Care Services is here to help by serving as executor or by helping take the load off of executors.


Can we all agree we need end of life services to be easy and simple?
You’ve just lost a loved one and going through all the awful that goes with that and you need things to be SIMPLE.

We featured a company perfecting that simplicity- Lumen Cremation
Read more about them in our blog and why we love what they are doing.
Link in bio.

Photos from Sunny Care Services's post 16/06/2021

Sharing all the insights I've gathered so far from digitizing A LOT of family photos that have been collected over generations.


Gen Z are undoubtedly the most tech savvy generation out there and who better to write our latest blog on technology trends than our Gen Z intern, Camryn!
Camryn wrote our latest blog post on helpful tools and services to help seniors overcome the technology gap and stay connected with their community and family.
Link in bio!

Photos from Sunny Care Services's post 09/04/2021

I get this question a lot.

What does our service package "After Loss Support" mean?

To put it simply, we work on behalf of the family to do all the tasks that no one wants to do after a loved one dies.

If you really want to get into the nitty gritty, we serve as a legal agent on behalf of the executor. That's what allows us to call companies and shut off services in your lost loved one's name.

The reasons why people hire us for "After Loss Support" have been:

-the family is overwhelmed and grieving and does not have mental energy to take on these tasks

-the family is out of town and can't be there to physically handle things like estate sales and dealing with physical property sales

-the family has not dealt with loss before and they simply don't know what needs to be done

Have more questions about this service offering?
Send us a message! We'd love to get them answered for you.


Are you obsessed with the enneagram like I am?

I LOVED this conversation with Leigh Ann Roberts on how personality indicators like the enneagram can be hugely helpful in navigating hard conversations and situations around end of life.
Circle Center Consulting Dying Well

Photos from Sunny Care Services's post 22/02/2021

I get it-there is a LOT of stuff to sort through with when you lose a loved one and it’s hard to know what to do with it all! But there’s so much that’s lost when we dont keep those precious heirlooms in our family.
Check out some ways we have seen photos, jewelry, furniture and random items incorporated into modern daily life.


Home care has become more than a “sitter service” and this week’s blog features Justin Hammond with Comprehensive Care- Nashville on the changes the home care industry has seen and will see in the coming years.

Innovation in Senior Care-Senior Helpers LIFE profile - Sunny Care Services 31/01/2021

New year, new ideas! Highlighting a new innovation in how to keep your elderly loved ones at home and safe! Link to blog post below:
Senior Helpers Nashville, TN

Innovation in Senior Care-Senior Helpers LIFE profile - Sunny Care Services I love nothing more than seeing new ideas and innovative concepts brought to the elder care space. There is so much to consider and do when taking care of your elderly family members, and this blog series is intended to highlight some of the innovations and newer tools that contribute to an overall....

About Sunny

Hi there. My name is Mollie Lacher, founder of Sunny Care Services. When I lost my dad several years ago, I held on to a feeling that there has to be a better way to go through a loss. Not only is losing someone close to you traumatic and emotionally exhausting, but there is still a lot to do after they pass. I created Sunny Care Services to relieve that burden for grieving families. We are here to serve families who have recently lost a loved one and need help navigating what to do next and may even want to offload the tactical, time-consuming tasks so they can start the healing process.

Videos (show all)

We did a thing during quarantine. The website got a new look! Check it out and let us know what you think!  Link in bio.
