Registered Bengals

Registered Bengals

Registered Bengals, We specialize in TICA Registered Purebred Bengals.


What a great helper!




Bengal Update, Bengaltime for Christmas!
Raised with Love in our home, for your home!

These amazing Bengal kittens are ready to go to their forever homes. They are full of kitten energy and being Bengals that means a LOT.

We raise Bengal kittens here in our home in beautiful Kalama, Washington.

Our kittens are NEVER caged and are part of our busy household almost from birth.

Socialization begins literally at birth when we assist each mom with delivery and care for each kitten until the mom is done having her litter. After birth, each kitten is held and played with each and every day until they are ready to go to their new forever homes.

For information on these kittens or Bengals in general visit our website, send us a message, or give us a call.

Bengals have many advantages over other breeds of cats, including easy care (little to no shedding). Bengals are, Energetic, Athletic & Very Smart.

Each individual will differ from the others, Bengals, in general, are not for you if you are seeking a quiet, lazy sort of companion or a companion who won't be able to figure out how to open those cabinet doors!

Bengals are a unique blending of the Asian Leopard cat and a domestic cat. This blending creates a creature like no other. Living with Bengals is an adventure and not of the armchair variety!

Bengals are definitely not couch potatoes! Possessing the ability to leap to high places, inherently compelled to climb. Bengals are a highly active breed. They can open doors, they are drawn to water are lovable, and loyal.
​A challenge to own, a treasure to cherish. Bengals are as unique in personality as their coat is in patterns.

We are Committed to Breeding Healthy, Happy, Well-Socialized Companions, they are Active, Affectionate, Beautiful Exotic Creatures.

Caution, Bengals are NOT for everyone, They are high energy and crave attention.

Bengals will entertain and amaze you. They will want to actively participate in your life, and they'll want you to actively participate in theirs. Don't choose a Bengal if you'd really rather have a pleasant, quiet low energy companion.

It's Bengal Time!

Lyubov & Andy
Registered Bengals / Bengaltime Cattery
Verified/Reputable Bengal Breeders
Kalama, Washington


Sami born 12/12/21 - TICA Registered Neutered Male
Raised with love in our home, for your home

Pictured is Sami, he is a loving, healthy well-socialized Bengal boy who is now ready to go to his new forever home.

Sami loves to snuggle and will make a great addition to some lucky family.

For information on Sami or Bengals in general message or call us. You can also visit our websites.

A Bengal kitten is one of the most exotic breeds of cat that you will ever come across. The uniqueness of their breed lies within their merged bloodlines giving you an animal like no other.

A Bengal is a cross between a domestic cat and an Asian leopard cat.

Living with Bengals is an adventure and not of the armchair variety! The Bengal is no couch potato!

Possessing the ability to leap to high places, inherently compelled to climb. Bengals are a highly active breed. They can open doors, they are drawn to water are lovable and loyal.

​A challenge to own, a treasure to cherish. Bengals are as unique in personality as their coat is in patterns.

Lyubov & Andy
Registered Bengals / Bengaltime cattery
Verified / Reputable Bengal Breeders
Kalama, Washington


Bengal Update, Sami born 12/12/21 - TICA Registered Neutered Male
Raised with love in our home, for your home

Pictured is Sami, he is a loving, healthy well-socialized Bengal boy who is now ready to go to his new forever home.

As you can see he is a perfect Bengal boy with a very distinctive pattern. Sami loves to snuggle and will make a great addition to some lucky family.

For information on Sami or Bengals in general message or call us.

You can also visit our websites.

Our Breeding Bengals are Negative for all known Bengal Genetic issues including FelV, PRA, and PK-Def & are Guaranteed against HCM for two full years.

We Guarantee our kittens to be free of any life-threatening congenital defects for a full two years.

We breed For these traits: Exotic & Wild Looking Bengals​Small Ears Rounded at the Tips, Whitened Tummies​Fully glittered, plush, soft, clear coats with sharp contrast ​​​​Long Lean Muscular Body​Full Whisker Pads & Thick Blunt Tails​Multi-Color Rosettes Focused on Genetics, Health & Good Temperament

It's Bengal Time

Lyubov & Andy
Registered Bengals / Bengaltime cattery
Verified / Reputable Bengal Breeders
Kalama, Washington


Happy Thanksgiving!

Photos from Registered Bengals's post 18/11/2023

It's Bengal TIme!

Bengal Cat Standards:
Bengals should be alert, friendly, affectionate, and in excellent physical condition with bright, clear eyes.

The Bengals wild appearance is enhanced by its distinctive spotted coat which should be thick and luxurious with a distinctive sparkle. Bengals are large to medium cats, sleek and muscular with a thick tail which is carried low. The females are generally smaller than the males.

Eyes-Almost round, oval preferred, large but not bold. Set on a slight slant toward the base of the ear.

Body-Long, sleek and muscular. Large to medium and robust with the hindquarters slightly higher than the shoulders, showing depth of flank.

Legs and Paws-Legs of medium length, strong and muscular. The hind legs should be a little longer than the front and be more robust. The paws should be large and rounded.

Tail-medium length, thick and even, with a rounded tip; may be tapered towards the end.

Coat-Short to medium in length, very dense, luxurious and unusually soft to the touch. Allowance should be made for a slightly longer coat in kittens.

Basic Bengal Behavior:
It is certain that Bengals think of humans differently than it does other cats (i.e., it does not think of itself as human, nor that the human is a cat). This can be seen in the difference in body and vocal language it uses with the human, when compared to how it communicates with other cats in the household.

Some have suggested that, psychologically, the human keeper of a cat is a sort of surrogate for the cats mother and those adult domestic cats live forever in a kind of suspended kittenhood. With proper training and reinforcement of social behavior, poorly socialized cats can become more social over time. A cat that has been made a 'stray' or has been mistreated, can in time, with patience and understanding, become a social, family cat.

Understanding your cat is an important part of your relationship with your pet. A Bengals body language can tell you a lot about its mood. Bengals communicate a variety of messages using cat body language. Examples include arching their backs as a signal of fear or aggression, and slowly blinking to signal relaxation.

Bengal Cat Body Language:
As is the case with dogs, the tail is often used as a signaling mechanism. A flick or twitch can indicate minor irritation and a tail held high suggests confidence. In addition, a Bengals tail may 'wag' or move rapidly to express a state of conflict. A cat who chooses to lie with its stomach and chest exposed conveys happiness, trust, and comfort (this is also typical of overweight cats, as it is more comfortable for them), however, a cat may also roll on its side/back to be able to defend itself with all four sets of claws.

When the tail is erect for its full length, it is used as a greeting to another cat or to a friendly human and is an invitation for contact rubbing. The tail that is wrapped against the body may mean that the cat is contented or for a nervous cat, it is a defensive posture.

If the tail alone does not give you enough information about what the cat is thinking, take a look at their ears. Cats involved in a standoff will make threatening sounds, however, to really understand what is happening, check the ear position. The defender's ears will lie down flat against the head for protection.

A cat whose ears are lying flat, but with a twist, so that the tips of the back of the ear can be seen from the front, is the aggressor. Forward-pointing ears are used by confident, curious, cats to listen for sounds in front of them. A cat that is hunting prey (or playing) will also keep its ears forward to collect as much auditory information as possible in order to execute a successful pounce.

In a standoff situation, the defending cats pupils will be dilated to provide the cat with wider peripheral vision, an advantage in anticipating an attack. The aggressor's pupils narrow to give him better depth perception, an advantage in judging where to attack. While dilated pupils can indicate fear, they are also indicative of the light conditions. In dim light, the pupils expand to allow as much light to enter the eye as possible.

Perhaps one of the most wonderful of feline body signals, but one that is most often missed, is the slow eye blink. Blinking is a very powerful communication used between cats when they are sitting or lying down. Slow blinking towards a cat shows that you are not a threat and they will most likely return the slow blink telling you that they feel comfortable with you and they like you. It is also a great way to say 'I love you' to your favorite feline companion.

Cats normally greet each other by rubbing faces. When a cat greets you by standing on its hind legs, it is simply trying to reach your face. If you were to lower yourself so your face is within reach, your cat will rub their face with yours. This is only done to humans that the cat trusts.

Another friendly way for a cat to greet its owner is to roll on its back, stretching its legs as far as possible, yawning and exercising its claws. The "belly-up" position is a very vulnerable position, it indicates total trust of the person involved. It is a lazy way for the cat to greet its owner, a more active cat would probably rub itself against your legs. Cats have scent glands on the temples, around the mouth and at the base of the tail. When a cat rubs itself against you, it is rubbing off some of its scents to say "This is mine". Only other cats can smell this scent.

Kneading is when a cat extends and retracts its claws, usually when it is resting on its owner's lap. This behavior comes from kittenhood, kittens knead their mother while suckling to make the milk flow more freely. Adult cats will do this when they feel safe and contented. They see their owners as surrogate mothers and, as pampered pets, will retain some kitten characteristics through their adult life. If the cat dribbles or sucking of the owner's clothes happens whilst kneading, the cat in question will probably have been taken from its mother too early and never had a chance to grow out of the behavior naturally. These behaviors are usually for life.

Flehmening is when a cat screws up its face, the lips curl back baring its upper and lower teeth allowing more chemical aromas to register in the Jackobsen's Organ. The Jackobsen's Organ is situated in the roof of the mouth in two sacks. In wild cats this aids in knowing the "lie of the land", and aids in knowing what other animals may be in close proximity. In the domestic cat this is not so important as with the wild cat and the flehmening reaction is not so obvious. The Jackobsen's Organ is also connected to the part of the cat's brain concerned with sexual behavior and appetite.

Owners of outdoor cats will eventually be presented with gifts of dead creatures, such as mice and birds. For the cat, this is perfectly natural this behavior should never be punished in any way. A Queen will bring prey home to her kittens to introduce them to hunting. For this reason, the behavior is most often seen in female cats. Neutered cats that have no kittens of their own and male cats will also bring gifts home.

Burying F***s:
A subordinate cat will bury its f***s so as not to demonstrate its presence to more dominant cats. A dominant cat will leave its f***s uncovered. A cat kept on their own will bury its F***s by scratching on the litter tray, this has nothing to do with cleanliness - it is a sign that the cat feels that its owner is dominant. In households with more than one cat, you will often find that one or two cats leave their f***s uncovered, whereas the rest will cover it up.

Wagging Tail
A wagging tail could mean the cat is angry or can mean that the cat is feeling indecisive - it wants to do two things at once and cannot make up its mind about which action to take.

Eating Grass
Eating grass often occurs when the cat needs to clean out its stomach by vomiting. If your cat does not have access to grass, house plants or anything similar will be used by your cat. Vomiting will occur soon after the cat has eaten grass. It has been said that cats eat grass to obtain "Folic Acid", something that cats need in minute quantities for their well-being. "Folic Acid" cannot be obtained from meat.

For more Bengal related content and information or to find your purrfect Bengal kitten or Bengal Related Products, visit us at

Raised with love in our Home, For your home!

Lyubov & Andy
Registered Bengals / Bengaltime Cattery
Verified /Ethical Bengal Breeders
Kalama, Washington

Photos from Registered Bengals's post 18/11/2023

Understanding your Bengals Vocabulary
It's Bengal Time!

Building a strong relationship with your Bengals starts with understanding what they are saying. We are Registered Bengals and we raise TICA registered Bengal Kittens. We usually have a house full of Kittens and adults so understanding their needs is a very important part of what we do.

No one wants a mad or frustrated kitty in their home and especially not a Bengal!

Bengals are super intelligent and almost expect us to understand what they are asking for. Below is a list of many Bengal verbal and non-verbal requests or comments.

This is Bengal to human communication, They speak a completely different language between themselves.

A short grunt or meow - Many times Bengals greet people and announce that they have arrived with a short sound.​

A medium meow - is also usually a demand for something, Attention, food, play, etc.

Purring- Your cat is very happy about what you are doing or to see you. Time for some play or petting to bond.

A loud low grunt or meow - Sometimes a request or demand to be fed.

Lots of meowing - This is a greeting if you have been away for a while, it generally means that your cat is very happy to see you.

A long meow - This is usually a demand for attention, play or something else that in your cats opinion you really should know.

A growl or meow - This is a complaint and or a warning that your cat is definitely not happy about the situation. Time to de-escalate the situation. Note, Some Bengals growl when they eat.

Chirping - I see a fly or bird that I really want. Let's be friends
😉 ...

Watch your Bengals tail too as in conjunction with his or her vocalizations they are telling you a lot!

Tail up but not completely straight - Friendly greeting,

Tail straight up and shaking a little - I am very, very happy to see you, I love you!

Tail held straight up - I am very happy to see you!

​Tail almost straight back behind cat - I see something interesting.

Tail down and covering rear - I am worried about this situation.

End of tails swishing back and forth - I'm irritated or upset. Stop what you are doing NOW...

Tail to the side and rear up, I am in heat... Time to Spay or Neuter me...

Tail down, back, and puffed up - I am very scared.

Tail up and puffed - I am very scared and mad, It is Time to get out of the way.

For information on Bengal kittens, or Bengals in general, visit our website.

Raised with love in our home, for your home!
NEVER Caged!!

Andy & Lyubov
Registered Bengals / Bengaltime Cattery
Verified/Ethical Bengal Breeders
Kalama, Washington

Photos from Registered Bengals's post 14/11/2023

Bringing your new Bengal kitten home
It's Bengal Time!

Here are a few thoughts on how to introduce your new Bengal kitten to your home. The biggest concern regarding kittens in their new home are litter box issues.

Kittens are like little small children who always need to be close to the potty and don't always realize they have to go until it's too late. Kittens don't have great memories initially and can get lost in large environments and can easily forget where the litter box is. Kittens can also be so preoccupied with playing that they forget they have to go and if they can't get to the litter box quickly, then they'll pick the closest corner. Be sure you show your new kitten where the litter boxes are, Don't just expect that they will find them.

You can allow your kitten the run of the house but keep several litter boxes close by. Using Dr. Elsley's Kitten Attract Litter should also help entice kittens to start using their new litter boxes. Make sure the sides of the litter box are not too high for your young kitten. Over time, after a month or so, you can slowly switch out this litter to an all-natural litter. Over time you can slowly move the litter boxes from their close but inconvenient places to their permanent places and even decrease the number of litter boxes as the kitten learns their new home and learns to hold it longer.

Or you can start the kitten off with a small area and work your way to bigger areas. So keep the kitten in a bathroom or small bedroom where they can learn the lay of the land and always be close to a litter box. If at any point in increasing the area the kitten roams that litter box problems creep up again you can either decrease the area again and wait for maturity or increase the litter boxes and go back to Kitten Attract litter.

At Registered Bengals, we prefer to let the kittens have the run of the house but with lots of litter boxes to start with.

Expect your kitten's nails to be out more often as they don't learn to sheath them until they're 4-5 months old. A kitten's nails serve as a protective mechanism while they are still young. You can curb this issue by trimming the nails every week or Two. It is a very good idea to touch and rub your young kitten's nails often so they are used to it when you need to clip them.

Want to sleep with your kitten?

Cats are by nature nocturnal animals. This means that they want to be up all night and sleep all day. Since we are on the opposite schedule, cats try to adapt to us by being awake during the day to be with us but require frequent and long cat naps. Cats can learn to sleep with us at night but sometimes require training. You can have a cat bed next to your bed or on your bed that is a dedicated spot for your kitten. Following a bedtime routine, just like for kids, will help a kitten prepare for bedtime. We even tell our kittens "Good Night!" before turning off the lights. If a kitten wakes you up at night because they want to be active, kick them out of the bedroom. Since cats are social and love to co-sleep, this serves as a time out that will teach them quickly that waking you up is not ok.

Keep in mind that you will need to allow the kitten a way to access a litter box as they will probably not be able to last all night without going to the bathroom.

As mentioned before, it's not in a cat's nature to sleep all night and they will have to develop the ability to hold off using the litter box for longer than normal times. When you first get your kitten, they may not even be able to sleep with you at night immediately because they may sleep so deeply that they will urinate in their sleep. The only way to know is to try it and then if it doesn't work, hold off and try again when they are a little older. For more information on Bengals, Visit us at

Lyubov & Andy
Registered Bengals / Bengaltime Cattery
Verified / Ethical Bengal breeders
Kalama, Washington



Bengal History:
A hybrid, created by crossing the Asian Leopard Cat with a domestic cat, such as an Abyssinian, American Shorthair, Burmese or Egyptian Mau.

Japan is the first country to welcome Bengals as family cats in the 1940s.

​Bengals are recognized as a breed by The International Cat Association (TICA) -� providing the show cats are at least a fourth-generation descendant of the wild Asian Leopard Cat-domestic cat crossing. However, the Cat Fanciers Association does not accept the Bengal as a breed for show competition.
With the "leopard" appearance, the Bengal is zooming up the popularity charts, ranking first in TICA, far ahead of runner-up Ragdoll. There are many thousands of Bengals registered with TICA.

The International Bengal Cat Society and TICA work hard to maintain the Bengal's "wild" look with a "tame" personality.

Look of Bengals:
Sleek, muscular body.
Wild exotic looks, sporting many different color coats, including brown tabby and seal lynx point. Coat patterns are spotted or marbled.
Wedge-shaped head, almond eyes, wide nose, strong chin and small rounded-tipped ears.
Distinctive "prowl-like" walk due to the fact that the Bengal's back legs are slightly longer than the front legs.
Bengals grow slowly, taking up to two years before reaching physical maturity.

Bengal Behavior Concerns:
Highly active and full of energy.
Extremely alert and attentive. They watch and learn from people on how to open doors and cabinets and other behaviors.
Look up because most Bengals love to survey their surroundings perched on high shelves and tops of refrigerators.
Very demanding. They want and need interaction with people and pets in the household.
Potential challenging temperament. Experienced cat owners can channel the Bengal's energy and intelligence into productive play and basic obedience commands.
Be aware that some Bengals make growling sounds when they eat.

Grooming Bengal Cats:
Bengals are low maintenance in the grooming department.
Coat is short to medium in length.
Coat offers a silky feel.
low shedding

Suggested Nutritional Needs for Bengal:
Their high-activity level enables them to burn off excess calories and maintain a healthy weight.

Fun Facts of Bengals:
A true cat burglar, Bengals like to steal household objects and hide them.
Bengals rank among the most expensive cat breeds. A show-quality Bengal can cost $3,000 to $5,000.
Bengals love to fetch, play in water bowls, and walk on leashes.
for more information on Registered Bengals, Visit our page

It's Bengal TIme

Lyubov and Andy
Verified/ethical Bengal Breeders
Kalama, Washington

Photos from Registered Bengals's post 13/11/2023

Picking the right registered Bengal breeder.
It's Bengal Time!

At Registered Bengals, We feel strongly that choosing your Bengal breeder is a serious decision and that future Bengal kitten parents should be well informed.

We are a Bengal Cattery (Bengaltime in TICA ) Located just North of Portland, Oregon in Kalama, Washington. We specialize in TICA-registered, Purebred Bengal kittens.

Our kittens are lovingly hand-raised with no cages and freely roam our home like members of our family. Our cats are not “wild”, however, they are very active, love attention, love heights, and many like water too.

Our kittens get lots of individual play time and are constantly exposed to our family and other feline family members, so they are used to interacting with people and other cats. Many have also gone to homes with dogs with no issues.

Choosing a Bengal breeder is a serious decision so it's important that Bengal future Bengal parents be well informed.

Every Breeder should have a good understanding of the Breed, understand Breed temperament and social characteristics. Understanding the nature of the breed allows you and the breeder to understand where the Bengal Breed is getting its characteristics.

Where did the breeder get their Breeding Bengals from? Fresh Bengal lines should be pulled from locations not adjacent to the breeder's location. Breeders that are only out for a profit won't care who they sell to. Responsible Breeders try to be sure that a Bengal kitten is a good fit for the new parents. Bengals are not for everyone so be sure to do your research. We have lots of information on Bengals on our website.

Some questions you should ask yourself are: Is the breeder taking shortcuts by using cheap or inferior food, is the Breeder knowledgeable about the Breed and specific health concerns to avoid, what are the goals the Breeder has for their Breeding program? The reason why motivation is so important is that short-cuts will likely lead to kittens whose health and temperament can be questionable.

It's important to understand how the Breeder is keeping the kittens you are adopting and also how the Breeder treats the Breeding Bengals themselves. You don't want to unwittingly encourage kitty mills, sacrificing the lifestyle of the Breeding Bengals just for an "economical" kitten. This information also goes back into what is the motivation behind Breeding. You should ask if there is a "Socialization Program" in place to ensure that every kitten being produced is going to have that famous Bengal social temperament.

We highly encourage you to visit the environment of the Cattery in person if you can and question the Breeder on their Socialization Program. At the very least facetime or ask for fresh videos showing the kitens in their environment. This is more important for Bengals specifically because they are bred to be very social and absolutely require stimulation and if this fact is being ignored by the Breeder, then you should be prepared to re-socialize your kitten! You should also consider your available time. Most reputable breeders will ask you how much time you have to spend with your new kitten and whether you have children or other pets in the home. WHY? Because Bengals require a lot of stimulation and if you're not able to provide that, most breeders will recommend that you buy two kittens at the same time to ensure your new kitten has a play partner to keep him or her occupied when you are not home. This will prevent MANY behavioral issues in the future

Has the breeder committed to ethical breeder standards in TICA, CFA or other Bengal organizations? Can you find the Breeder online in the TICA organization, CFA the FaceBook community, youtube, ect? An active involvement in the Bengal community shows that there is a passion for the Bengal Breed and that they're interested in sharing and learning from other Breeders. Does the Breeder have a Reputable Breeder status in any organization? This would show they take the time to let everyone know how dedicated they are to the Breed as this distinction requires higher standards and hoops to jump through and is not achieved easily.

People adopt Bengals for many different reasons. Some do so for the hypoallergenic nature they have, while others like the dog-like personality they are known for, but more do so for the exotic wild appearance that garners attention everywhere. This is called the "WOW factor." In the show ring, titles are won by how closely a Bengal will adhere to a strict standard that was determined by TICA or CFA. In the rest of the world, quality is determined by the glittered plush furr that shows stark contrast and bold colors that scream EXOTIC.

Simply put, not all Bengals are created equal and if you have a Breeder who has taken the time and invested savings into acquiring Breeding Bengals that are high quality, then the kittens produced will likely carry the same high quality.

Quality can also be seen in terms of health, which should be obvious. Breeders who mention the personalities of their Breeding Bengals on the respective Queens and Studs web pages are obviously showing they understand the importance of temperament.

You are putting your time and heart into a companion that will be with you for many years. With this kind of investment, it's important that you take the time to research and choose the best TICA Registered Purebred Bengal Breeder to ensure that you are getting what you are looking for in terms of quality, health, and temperament. You should ask serious questions to determine the Breeder's knowledge, socialization program, and breeding goals.

A reminder that there are MANY Bengal scams online. Proceed with extreme caution with these as virtually every single one is a scam and you will either not get your kitten at all or will not get a purebred registered Bengal kitten. If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is...

We encourage you to visit our site and do your homework.

"If it's not a Bengal, It's just a cat"

Raised with love in our home, for your home!

Lyubov & Andy
Registered Bengals / Bengaltime Cattery
Verified/Reputable Bengal Breeders
Kalama, Washington

Photos from Registered Bengals's post 12/11/2023

Why choose a Bengal?

Actually, there are many, many reasons but here are a few.

​Bengals have a wild and exotic look to them, They are truly the Gems of the Feline world.

Bengals have very dog-like characteristics such as loyalty and intelligence.

​A Bengal can be walked on a leash with just a little training.
Most Bengals love to ride in cars just like dogs.
Most Bengals get along well with other pets.
Bengals are highly energetic and retain that kitten-like energy for many years.
Most Bengals like water and will play in it.
Bengals love to play and are great for households with Kids.
Bengals are one of the most exotic cats that you can own.
Bengals are slim & muscular with long lean bodies.
Bengals love to climb and jump and are a joy to watch.
Bengals are very intelligent and can be trained.
Bengals are Hypoallergenic with virtually no shedding.
A Bengals fur is not like other cats, it is soft and silky with a glitter to it.
Bengals are generally healthy with few genetic issues.
If it's not a Bengal, It's just a cat, they are your very own Lap Leopard.

We raise them with love in our home, for your home and our Bengals have not been kept in cages... They Live with us 24/7.

​For more information on Bengals or Bengal kittens visit our website,

Our moms and kittens are NEVER caged and roam freely in our home with us 24/7

Raised with love in our home, for your home!

Lyubov & Andy
Registered Bengals / Bengaltime Cattery
Verified/Reputable Bengal Breeders
Kalama, Washington

Registered Bengals - It’s Bengal Time!

We are Registered Bengals / Bengaltime Cattery and we are located between
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. We specialize in Brown Rosetted, TICA and CFA Registered, Purebred Bengal kittens.

Our Bengal Queens eat cooked meats, organs and ground bone from RAW paws as well as cooked/boiled organic chicken during pregnancy and nursing to give our kittens the best start possible. We offer dry kibble from Royal Canin at all times.

At approximately 3 to 6 weeks we assist our Bengal Moms by offering supplemental bottle feedings of Raw Goat milk and KMR to each kitten several times daily. This creates a very unique bond between the kittens and humans and our kittens will allow us to handle them with no arguments any time we choose. We also provide probiotics to our Bengal Moms and kittens
to get those little immune systems going.

When our Kittens start weaning, we feed them a mixture of shredded cooked organic chicken, chicken broth and Royal Canin "Baby Cat" dry and wet food.

We leave dry food out for our growing kittens at all times and feed
our wet food mixture three, four or more meals a day depending on the kitten’s appetite.

Our Bengals are indoors 100% of the time and around all of the sights and sounds of an average home. Our children, friends and family, social events the vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, refrigerator, washer/dryer, hairdryers and cell phones are all familiar to our kittens. We take our kittens for rides in the car at a very young age to expose them to as much of the real world as possible and to avoid stress later in life.

We do not isolate our babies they are in our active home with us 24/7 and except for Vet visits, have never seen the inside of a cage. We guarantee our kittens, in writing to be clear of any congenital defects, for the first two years of their lives.

Our Breeding Bengals and Kittens are free from FIV, FelV, PRA-B, PK-Def, and HCM.

All of our kittens come to you healthy, litter box trained, nails trimmed,
are used to using the scratching post and very socialized.

We offer delivery in parts of Oregon and Washington and ship nationwide
​to Major airports.

If at all possible, we encourage you to come pick up your kittens and visit our home.

Kittens will come to you with all age-appropriate vaccinations done
and will have an international microchip with a free lifetime membership in case they are lost or stolen.

Our kittens are raised with love in our home, for your home,
They will come to you ready to go and fully weaned,
We guarantee them to be healthy at the time of sale and
free from congenital defects for two full years from birth.

Bengals can make very good Emotional Support Animals (ESA).

If you want the most beautiful Bengal,like the ones you see in magazines;
you will find them here, We raise them with love in our home, for your home.

"If it's not a Bengal, It's just a cat" It’s Bengal Time!

Lyubov & Andy
Registered Bengals / Bengaltime Cattery

Verified / Reputable Bengal Breeders
Kalama, Washington

Videos (show all)

Bengal Update, Bengaltime for Christmas!Raised with Love in our home, for your home! ...
Sami born 12/12/21 - TICA Registered Neutered Male Raised with love in our home, for your homehttps://bengaltimecattery....
Bengal Update, Sami born 12/12/21 - TICA Registered Neutered Male Raised with love in our home, for your home https://be...
REGISTERED BENGAL CAT PROFILE Bengal History:A hybrid, created by crossing the Asian Leopard Cat with a domestic cat, su...
Registeredbengals.comNap time at Bengaltime Cattery.
Bengal Update, Leanna & Friends- TICA Registered Bengal KittensIt's Bengal Time is...
Bengal update,  Lola born on 7-20-23 (12 weeks old) or Registeredbengals.comRaised with Love in our...
Pictured are three of our little ones born on 7/20/23 and now about 12 weeks old. They are now ready to go to their fore...
Bengal Update, Luna's Kittens Born 9-17-23Raised with love in our home, for your home
Bengal update, Tica registered Kittens Born 9-17-23Raised with love in our home,, for your home,https://bengaltimecatter...
Bengal update, Tica registered Kittens Born 9-17-23 - 2Raised with love in our home,, for your home,https://bengaltimeca...
Bengal Update, Alek now 12 weeks oldIt's Bengal Time in this video is Alek, a 12-week...


Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday 07:00 - 21:00
Friday 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday 07:00 - 21:00
Sunday 07:00 - 21:00