Florence Gaia, RN, M.Ed. Transformational Nurse

Florence Gaia, RN, M.Ed. Transformational Nurse

Are you interested in navigating the storms & uncertainties of life free of negative self-talk, with more ease, resilience, peace of mind?

Learn to have an unshakable connection to your Inner Guidance/healing powers to move forward with self confidence. 20min FREE Consult via Zoom then choose 1 of the following packages:
>> 4 sessions (75 mins each) about 10 days apart, to learn the breathing technique and begin to release stuck emotional energy bringing a sense of relief & peace of mind. COST: $380.
>> 8 sessions, about 10 days apar


This is the essence of my teaching and the work I do with clients using ancient healing practices of conscious Breathwork & shamanic journeying. More than changing your mindset this is about a whole new life-body transformation,a radical self-care & self regard.

Staying positive isn’t about suppressing negative emotions or always being cheerful. It’s about allowing yourself to experience every feeling authentically and without guilt. Embracing the full spectrum of your emotions, understanding that you are multifaceted, and loving every part of yourself is key. The aim is not to achieve a constant state of happiness, but rather to cultivate deep self-acceptance and compassion for all aspects of your being.🌿


“Have you ever noticed how many times Christians say, “Jesus was abandoned by all his friends?”
Because, No.
The Women never left.
Until his last breath and beyond.
A Woman was the first to discover he was risen.
And, like every time a dude is all: “You would have denied him three times too,” I’m like: “Nah, bro.”
By god’s grace, I would have been with the other Women weeping at the foot of his cross.
‘Cause Mama doesn’t run away. Mama stays. Mama watches until the very last breath.
What I would give if someone preached an Easter morning message about the
I’d be a mess of tears.
If just once the dudes would de-center themselves.
Like, why is this too much to ask.”

~ Elizabeth Esther

Art: Lucy Pierce
Lucy Pierce- Artist and Wordsmith,

'White Rural Rage' looks at the most likely group to abandon democratic norms — MSNBC 26/02/2024

Great discussion!

'White Rural Rage' looks at the most likely group to abandon democratic norms — MSNBC Paul Waldman and Tom Schaller join Morning Joe to discuss their new book 'White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy'.


Our Mother,
who is in heaven and within us,
we call upon your names.
Your wisdom come.
Your will be done
in all the spaces in which you dwell.
Give us each day
sustenance and perseverance.
Remind us of our limits
as we give grace to the limits of others.
Separate us from the temptation of empire,
and deliver us into community.
For you are the dwelling place
within us,
the empowerment around us
and the celebration among us,
now and forever. Amen.
—Yolanda Norton

(with thanks to Melina Rudman, Writer for sharing with me!)

For beautiful Divine mother imagery, I also heartily recommend the book we've pictured.

An ectopic pregnancy put her life at risk. A Texas hospital refused to treat her. — The Washington Post 23/02/2024

THIS make me cringe & crazy.

An ectopic pregnancy put her life at risk. A Texas hospital refused to treat her. — The Washington Post The 25-year-old woman and her mother blame the Texas abortion ban for a delay in care that put her “in extreme danger of losing her life.”


From The Guardian with edits:
“Biden may not be the perfect environmental champion we’d like. BUT the alternative is pure disaster for any attempts to back away from climate crisis tipping point we are fast approaching.
Those advising and encouraging DT are agitating for an even more stringent approach than his previous term – an EVISCERATION of the Environmental Protection Agency, the IRA repealed or at least throttled, the Paris climate agreement not just dead but buried, a zealous crackdown on federal climate science, a reversal of anti-pollution rules for cars and power plants.
The choice may not be ideal, but it is clear. With the battle lines drawn on climate, American voters will be making that choice for the rest of the world, as well as for themselves…..”
how important is clear clean air & water? How much more extreme weather can we take? Are we smart enough to see the big picture?

Photos from Florence Gaia, RN, M.Ed. Transformational Nurse's post 23/11/2023

Thankful for the air and the water, and the very ground beneath my feet, for the warmth of the Sun, the light of the moon, for the stars twinkling in the night sky, reminding me to shine my little bit of light where I can, however I can. let me absorb all the beauty I can to lighten my heart, to soothe my restless mind ,to fill my soul.


I don't go to the movie theater often, but this was well worth the trip last night. This is a true story of the way the Osage tribe, originally from Missouri, then forced to move to reservation in Oklahoma and then discovered an oil, rich land in 1920s were once again victims of white greed with a complex plot to eliminate the Osage inheritors on a one-by-one basis by any means possible. Martin Scorsese was the Director.


"Establishing a morning breathwork practice gives you a head start for the day. It's a personal moment to connect with the most important person in your life—you."
Do you often tend to jump right into your to do busyness of the day and let it steer the trajectory of the day? On the flip side, starting with 6-8 minutes of breathwork Feels like permission to (literally) put my mental emotional well-being before work.
We often put aside difficult emotions & their corresponding negative messages and that allows them to build up within like little bits of debris in the kitchen sink drain. Our energy begins to feel sludgy.  Breathwork with toning helps tremendously to clear out any build up. The inhale is a big belly breath with open mouth that moves up into a full chest bringing in lots of high vibrational oxygen to our whole system.  The exhale Is a relaxed sigh, occasionally making a Toning aaaahh sound. And no pausing between breaths. This activates a vibrational switch that opens up a pathway that helps drain mental emotional debris clogging our energy. Once that begins to clear, we begin to experience our peaceful core, a compassionate self acceptance beneath the waves on the surface.
So give yourself that little six minute gift in the morning and see the difference !


ReWilding Your Spirit: Tamed to Adventurer! with Flo Gaia, RN
Do you need support getting to this place?

first ❤️


And sometimes we reclaim our voice our values when we get triggered and have deep sadness and anger at the same time. If we allow these darker heavy emotions to rise up, they can open us to our naked Truth and help us cut dysfunctional ties, say a big NO, reset strong boundaries. This is painful soul work and it touches the backbone of who we are. It HEALS corrects & transforms old wounds. Breathwork, shamanic & inner child work, being in nature all combined are tools to support us through.

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
🖤”Touch the bones”🖤


THIS is the courage and strength you must show when a force, even bigger than you threatens you or your tender heart, your peace, or rightful place in the world, your personal space.


A heartwarming story for sure.
How do you get untangled from the things that bind your mind heart and soul? Is it people or a spiritual practice? I know for me it was my therapist decades ago, my circle of women friends, Transformational Breath™ and shamanic healing journeys, my time with my native teacher in Montana doing sweat lodge &’vision, quest – wonderful things that freed me from restrictive thinking, sadness & anger, remnants of past trauma….. to find true, inner peace and contentment, with who I am, where I am going in life.

A fisherman who was fishing east of the Farallon Islands (just outside of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California) spotted a whale who was fully entangled and bound in a fishing net.
The fisherman radioed for help and within a few hours, the rescue team arrived and determined that the whale was so badly tangled that the only way to save her was to dive in, cut the ropes and untangle her…. a very dangerous proposition as one slap of the tail could kill a rescuer. They worked for hours with curved knives and eventually freed her.

When she was free, the divers say she swam in what seemed like joyous circles. She then came back to each and every diver, one at a time, nudged them, and pushed gently, thanking them. Some said that it was the most incredibly beautiful experience they had ever had.

The guy who cut the rope out of her mouth says her eye was following him the entire time and he will never be the same.

May you be so fortunate to be surrounded by people who will help you get untangled from the things that are binding you. And, may you always know the joy of giving and receiving gratitude. 🐳

Credit: Diem Jones


As the seasons change we see it, all the colors of the trees in the mountains, the clouds shifting shapes continuously can we allow ourselves to grow evolve, change and shift with that growth not remained fossilized with our attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and thoughts but allow our spirit to guide us to new shores within our psyche.

San Juan Mountains, Colorado, USA.


"May your life be like a wildflower, growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day." -- Native American Proverb; Photo by Rachelle Fish
I recently listened to webinar of Almaas  speaking about the “front and back side of life”.  the front side is our ordinary day to day living, dealing with the ups and downs of life, the physical realities. The back side is the invisible, spiritual, emotional realities, our inner heart-soul work, our inner consciousness. How much nourishment do you give that side of yourself?
He also asked a probing question: How much do you experience the beauty and joy of your own being? And if not, what is getting in the way? what is the restriction or limitation? Can you explore that even if it means painful difficult emotions or memories? And finally neutralize or release them so CAN enjoy the beauty of your original soul goodness.
THAT is what my visioning next summer is about !


Happy Earth Day from me and our good friends over at NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

For our children and grandchildren, we must stand united in our effort to save our only home.


“RECLAIM YOUR VOICE - Speak Your Truth” ~ FREE 3-part virtual class. UNstifle yourself even if your voice shakes > open your mouth, show your teeth a little, stretch your neck out with your head up, growl softly and stand your ground! We’ll do fun exercises to loosen up our voice: breathwork toning, yoga poses, active affirmations, drumming meditations, humming vibrations and discovering your spirit animal to activate your throat chakra. This frees up your voice releasing the fear and tension that blocks it. You will feel more anchored in a firmer sense of self-empowerment, no matter the outcome.
Date/Time: Fri. Nov. 18, 25, Dec. 2 ~ 5-6pm MT
To Register & receive Zoom linK Click here:


Bone by bone, hair by hair, Wild Woman comes back. Through night dreams, through events half understood and half remembered...
Clarissa Pinkola Estés🌿



Videos (show all)

Public Comment on Sport Wolf Killing in CO
Shamanic Breath & Body Posture to reduce Anxiety
Full Moon Virtual Drum Circle
Drumming as Music Medicine


Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 17:00
Thursday 11:00 - 17:00
Friday 11:00 - 17:00