McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne

McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne

We all are trying to be the best version of ourselves. Arbonne has helped me to strive the be the healthiest, mom, wife, teacher and friend I can be.

Adding activity and self care has changed everything! Let me help you be the best version of yourself.


Happy birthday to one of the coolest coaches ever! Thanks coach Sam for your vision that has totally changed my life!

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 30/04/2023

Happy 14th birthday to our smart, beautiful, funny, crazy, quiet mar mar! We are so proud of you. You are truly a joy everyday ! Love you.


As a teacher, you look for anything to get kids excited! Sometimes you get students that are so creative! Proud of my kiddos!
Yummy cake pops! Yes please!

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 30/12/2022

This year has been a year of trying to find myself. When you are fighting for your health, it can be so overwhelming. I’m so blessed to have my peak challenge fam, coaches and my Peleton coaches! This lotus is just starting to grow and the best version. It may not be perfect but here’s to another year of growth. My chronic illnesses will not get the best of me. Thank you mpc coaches: Mooney, Valbo, Heughan and Hill for helping me grow and see what I’m capable of! Thank you also Jess, Christine and Bradley for helping add my rides into my everyday life! Love sweating with all of you!!!!


Session 4 done and ! Time for stretches!!! Coach mooney, Help! I’m coming to you!!!❤️❤️

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 07/02/2022

Workout done with so many modifications but so excited! Baby steps and taking each day where it is! Today was a good day! Now to stretch with coach mooney!

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 16/10/2021

43 times around the sun as me 43 burpees! It was a little ugly😂 . Birthdays are probably the day I dislike the most. I’m a giver and birthdays were not always the best. But this morning. I opened my eyes to so many messages and heartfelt notes! It meant more than you will ever know. MPC is truly family to me and I will never be able to thank Coach sam heughan for his vision. I’m a new person with hopes, dreams and visions and excitement for the next year around the sun! Love you all so much! Thank you You are truly have made this birthday amazing!

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 09/10/2021

Round one of twins senior picture! They need to stop! I’m not ready for this. Unbelievable can’t wait to keep posting! They look amazing 😭

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 20/09/2021

In this episode of how to embarrass your kids. So fun!

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 02/08/2021

So this morning, my husband, girls and I went kayaking. ( my son hates it lol!) Needed the peace and quiet to quench my rumbling heart.

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 23/07/2021

Representing in Massachusetts! Relaxing before next session 4!


I saw this today and yes!!! The things that seem to cripple us maybe the best things that we didn’t know existed. It may be the very thing that shows you how much stronger you are, that you are beautiful, that you are smarter, that you are capable, that you are enough right where you are in this very moment! You are so much more than just a peaker. You are a lotus peaker. You get kicked and you come back swinging.. You forget the name of the street you live on, you remember the words to “ice ice baby” ( ok that one may be story of a couple days ago😂), when you are sad, you pick your self up by the tennys, straighten your kilt and say “not today!” You are so much more than that difficult thing! I love you guys! My mantra today is “I am a capable of being more than I ever imagined” even when my cycle dies and I had to tear it apart because the belt came off😂😂😂😂.. .cysters


It’s not about the scale, it’s not about the clothes, it’s about how different you mind and body feels!

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 25/06/2021

So I switched my days, session 4 tomorrow but today was really active recovery day. Kayaked for the first time. Thanks Coaches,this proves how much stronger my arms are from workouts and yoga!!!Sporting my Favorite Marie Curie bandana!!!

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 24/05/2021

I am so blessed to be a part of a community named My Peak Challenge. Community, positivity, changing the world and our health! That’s just a part of mpc! We have the most amazing coaches and this weekend was our annual Gala but it had to be virtual! So we sweated, we stretched and partied together! This group has changed my life and I know I am meant for more!Slainte Mhath! 🥃


So I was thinking as I sat here writing lesson plans for next week, how blessed I am. So many times, we think about what we don’t have, what we can’t do.
What if we thought about what we did have in life?
💕I thought about what I do in a day. I work with kiddos that while they can dance on my last nerve, I can be my crazy self and hopefully teach them life lessons.
💕I can write and move everyday which is a gift!
💕I have can sing, dance and be me.
I have a beautiful family that are just as crazy as me!
💕I’ve taught my kids to love the theater and the arts as much as me!
💕The sun is shiny today and I can bask in its goodness.
💕I forgiven every time I mess up! Lol! That’s a lot
💕I’ve taught my kids to be true to who they are and know they are loved.
💕I have an opportunity to help others everyday!

💕I try to have positive mindset everyday even in the trials and love myself more everyday. I lived a life of negativity for so long and it’s so freeing to know tomorrow’s a new day.
💕I have an amazing tribe that encourages me in the good and the bad!
💕I get the chance to meet and be friends with people all over the world.
Sometimes those little moments in your day just make you stop and say “wow!” I had that today!


Long post but worth the read:
Getting ready for school today and thinking about my personal journey:
Things I have learned about myself the past year and 1/2:
❤️ I’m soooo much stronger than I thought.
❤️I am capable of great things. I am teacher, entrepreneur and now a YOGA instructor. Never in a million years would I believed that.
❤️Scars are beautiful!Reminds me, I got through them and I’m still here.
❤️You are not your past. They will take root if you let them so don’t believe them.
❤️Healthy does not mean skinny. I’m getting healthier everyday and while the scale isn’t moving as fast as I wanted, it doesn’t matter. I’m moving again when I never believed I could.
❤️I am enough. I have tried for so long to make everyone happy many times hurting myself in the process. If the person cares about me, then they love me for who I am not what they want.
❤️It’s ok to be put me first. As a mom, we are trained to put everyone first and we are left with the scraps. That’s not good for anyone.So learning to take a little me time despite the scowls.
❤️It’s ok to not be ok. Again society says only be positive but that’s not life. Sometimes life hits us in the face, it’s ok to hurt. We all hide behind masks but when the mask is lifted that is when the growing and healing begins.
❤️Live each day and don’t worry about the house. I was taught the house should be clean but as a full time mom, teacher, wife and chronic illness warrior, my time counts. The house will still be there but my kids asking me to do something, nope that will go away!
❤️I am uniquely made. For so long, I tried to hide who I was, my weird self, the awkward girl that actually hates talking to new people because I’m petrified. The girl that sings and dances all the time. The girl that will walk around examining every ounce of life and be mesmerized but its beauty. I’m done hiding.

I know this was long but I wanted to share my truth but also maybe encourage you to find the good in you. It changes everything.


So came home after track meet to do yoga! That leads me to my exciting news that would never have happened without MPC! I am now a certified gravity yoga instructor which focuses on flexibility and mobility. It was crazy intense and hard but I’m sooooo excited! Who knew how starting you believe in yourself can change everything!!!

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 30/04/2021

Happy 12th birthday to this spitfire! Your heart is huge and you make me smile! I can’t wait to see what you do in life! I love you to the moon and back!

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 30/04/2021

Happy birthday to the coolest coach around who shares a birthday with my amazing baby girl! Who would guessed that a television show would lead my to a group of people that push me to the best version of myself and love the woman God made me! Thanks Coach for your vision in MPC! It has truly changed my life! By the way, my 12 year old loves telling everyone that she shares her birthday with coach Sam! Happy birthday and have a great day! I know it’s already Friday in Scotland so Slainte!

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 19/03/2021

So big post day... I posted more of my body. I wanted to photoshop, filter something but we are all about being vulnerable us! So I wore shorts for a workout, the 1st time in 5 years. I don’t do shorts....previously , I lived for shorts. I loved my legs and everyone said they were one of my best features. Lol! My health issues cause scars, fascia dimples and inflammation. Somedays my legs have literally had no knees present. So I would hide them. Today, I wore them to workout and I could feel them fighting for me. I could feel with every deadlift, squat, penguin, and fast feet, the blood running through my veins. I get choked up writing this. This is not something I share with most because I always try to keep the brave face. Everyday I learn from all my peaker family that your valleys (struggles) push you to get to that peak. It may not be pretty and we may slide back a time or two. We may hit loose earth that makes us lose our our balance but we cling to the ground above us and hoist ourself to solid ground. We may be battered and bruised but we will not quit. We will not give into that voice that tells us “we are not enough.” You know it’s right. You are not enough. You are more than enough. So today I am thankful the legs that ground me, that carry me and see them for the scars. . Have a great weekend


So big post day... I posted more of my body. I wanted to photoshop, filter something but we are all about being vulnerable us! So I wore shorts for a workout, the 1st time in 5 years. I don’t do shorts....previously , I lived for shorts. I loved my legs and everyone said they were one of my best features. Lol! My health issues cause scars, fascia dimples and inflammation. Somedays my legs have literally had no knees present. So I would hide them. Today, I wore them to workout and I could feel them fighting for me. I could feel with every deadlift, squat, penguin, and fast feet, the blood running through my veins. I get choked up writing this. This is not something I share with most because I always try to keep the brave face. Everyday I learn from all my peaker family that your valleys (struggles) push you to get to that peak. It may not be pretty and we may slide back a time or two. We may hit loose earth that makes us lose our our balance but we cling to the ground above us and hoist ourself to solid ground. We may be battered and bruised but we will not quit. We will not give into that voice that tells us “we are not enough.” You know it’s right. You are not enough. You are more than enough. So today I am thankful the legs that ground me, that carry me and see them for the scars. . Have a great weekend


Waiting for little girl (not so little. Taller than me). I love feeling the sun on my face and a grateful heart beating in my chest! Sometime I’m so grateful, my breathe gets caught in my chest and I’m just in awe.


Happy St.Patty’s day to my family and friends!!! May this year be blessed and prosperous! slainte!🇮🇪☘️🍺🍻🍻


Hey peakers, so this week has been a hard week of mind over matter. This month’s workouts are so heavy with lunges and squats that it’s hard on lower back, sciatica and IT band, all which my autoimmune targets. Even with modifications, I’m struggling this month. I know many of you out there struggle with your own Demons. Mine is perfection and self esteem. I have been trying to remind myself all this month that the only person that sees my workout with all I have to to modify to show up is me. The only one passing judgment that it’s not good is me. Sometimes we have to get out of our heads. We need to be reminded that we are moving. We despite ever amount of dread comes flooding in still show up. This month, I have had to switch lunges to squats and hold from 30 to 15. I have had to take longer breaks and give my body the love it deserves for serving me. So thank you for a couple of my peaker fam that reached out this week. I needed it more than you know. Everyday is a journey but we are in this race together and no matter what it looks like, we will not fail! Love you my peaker fam Sam HeughanJohn Valbonesi Melissa MooneyThank you coaches! Everyday all remind me that I am so blessed! Keep peaking!


The sun on my face, the heat on my skin and the 30 degree temperature 😂. It’s amazing what the sun does to your body. I can’t get over how the vitamin d helps me mentally and physically. Exhausted after teaching but now ready to go home and work off my frustrations and stresses. It’s all about perspective


Another workout in the books. Weird glute pain today so my body didn’t love tempo squats but I worked hard to complete it today.My mindset is so different now than before mpc! I would hate my body for giving out but now I love it and honor it. I try to see the smile and not judge my body. I’m trying to fight that negative voice that tells me I’m not good enough! I think what I love most about mpc that I know there are people just like me fighting for the same thing. It’s not just about working out again when I believed I couldn’t, it’s about the company of my peaker family who love the crazy, nose crinkle selfies and reminded I was made to be me or the tough talks my brain tells me I’m not worthy of love .It’s about learning to treat my body with respect and teach the same thing to my kids. Words will never express how greater up I am for all of you! I know I wrote this to you all the time, but thank my mpc fam, I love you.


Whoop! Whoop! ... and m1c3s4 down! Fatigue high today but it’s done. Definitely tired but happy! Has to back down a little and my arms and legs feel like jello but it’s about meeting yourself where you are today! I’ve always been a numbers girl, have to beat last week, have to improve. What have I learned from all of you. They don’t matter. No one looks at your numbers but you. We give each other grace but sometimes I have to remind myself to give “me” grace. Going out of control will only make my body rebel and lead to flares. So here’s to imperfect but beautiful progress! Have a great night or day lol fam! Now for a comfy couch and maybe a dram! Slainte !


So today is a day where I say “when nothing is happening, everything is happening” especially when you have a chronic illness. Wanted to take a progress picture because I know how hard I work but I’m actually heavier than I was. Drs still seaching for answers and can’t find any. But I know I have to keep going, keep checking in and doing the do. It’s hard to stay positive but I will because I know there will be better days ahead. It’s not a matter of if but when. So if anyone feels like me today disappointed but hopeful, I see you and we got this. I did the whole 20 min emom on m1c3s1 and gave 110%. That’s all I can do. When you are a peaker for life, you embrace the journey to get to your destination. Have a super day peakers! Love you all!

Photos from McKissick- striving for a healthier you-Arbonne's post 09/02/2021

Another day done! My mantra I said over and over today was “it’s not about getting better at everything, it’s about slow progress. It’s ok if some things were better than others. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is your health. So put on your shoes and start building!” Did all 4 rounds today with some sweat, 🤬 and finally listened to savage love and pictured coach Sam doing the tik tok dance and instantly felt better! Sorry coach! It always make me smile! Change your mindset, change your life! Then I needed to give myself some foam roller gentle love. Slow and steady wins the race!Have a super night fam! strong

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