Ayurvedic Resources Company

Ayurvedic Resources Company

Ayurvedic Resources Company is the original brainstorm of Vaidya Mishra's vast knowledge and ventures from sutras, science, and practice and application.


We honor and remember our fallen soldiers today. These men and women who have sacrificed their lives for our country, and the sacrifices made by their families as well. We mourn for those trapped in cycles of endless war and violence, and we pray for a time of peace and unity worldwide- where everyone is safe and loved.


Our Memorial Day sale is on! 25% off all web sales in honor of those who have given their lives for our freedoms. Visit us today at

Ayurvedic Resources Ayurvedic Resources Offers Organic and Wild-Crafted Herbs and Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra's SVAFF products- made easy and affordable.


It is easy to get stuck in a routine and forget that we are more than worker bees. What dreams do you have and what steps are you taking to reach them? Did you know that our diet and routines can actually help or hinder us from reaching our goals? Different seasons and even different times on the clock work better or worse for people based on their body types. Do you want to learn more? www.ayurvedicresources.com


Biking to work for Bike to Work Day? If you can, you should. If you can't maybe take a ride after work or over the weekend- its great both to get some fresh air as well as to change our perspectives.


Things are getting messy here! For National Baking Day, we are making chapatis! We always love the savory flavors baked in- special recipe! What is your favorite thing to bake? Do you sometimes swap sweet breads for savory ones?

Photos from Ayurvedic Resources Company's post 15/05/2022

International Family Day- with or without genetics- today is a great day to celebrate those who bring you into their lives. We celebrate our grandparents, our parents, our children, our siblings, and our best friends- because family is about who you grow with. Who are you celebrating today?


Are you superstitious? Friday the 13th is a day that we have been taught will hold all sorts of negative things- but when we reframe it- it is Friday! A day to celebrate the weekend, a day where 13 is known as auspicious and brings joys. Just because we are told something is scary- doesnt mean it always has to be!


SVAFF, or Shakya Vansya Ayurveda Family Foundation was created in honor of Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, and his legacy. This is a picture of Vaidya's Father who taught Vaidya privately for seven years after college- giving him a lifetime full of knowledge (that has been in the family for over 5000 years!) that he has shared with those he brought into the family- as students, as brothers, mothers, sisters, and children. Want to learn more? www.ayurvedicresource.com

Photos from Ayurvedic Resources Company's post 08/05/2022

Today we celebrate Mothers- each unique and each loved. Giving birth is only one element- alongside love, nurturing care, and intention or promise for the future. All those who fill that role deserve a special moment today. If you forgot- get them a gift card that lets them pick something as special as they are! www.ayurvedicresources.com


Happy Cinco De Mayo! One of our favorite things about this holiday is the generational and cultural significance of staying connected to those we love. The colors of this celebration inspire awe as well.


May the Fourth- a uniquely special day for Star Wars fans- but also a great day to schedule a late evening walk under the stars and moonlight. The moonlight gifts us with soma- which is why we only make some of our products under the moonlight! www.ayurvedicresources.com


Every teacher has one been a student! Today is National Teacher's Day. Today we thank our teacher, Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, and all of his students who have taken on the task of carrying his legacy into the future.


Today is World Laughter Day. With so many bleek situations, it is still important to find the little joys. A good laugh is healing to the soul- how do you enlist laughter in your life?


May is a special month- full of special moments embracing the start of the summer and all of the wonderful memories that entails. Happy May everyone!

Photos from Ayurvedic Resources Company's post 30/04/2022

Animals have long been known to provide many blessings to us- from milk and cheese- to kisses and cuddles- what pets do you have? Do you incorporate ayurveda into their lives?

Photos from Ayurvedic Resources Company's post 26/04/2022

Lentils, Dahl, and Kitchari are all staples of a healthy diet and routine in ayurveda. Each takes only a short time to make so they are convenient as well as delicious! Do you have a favorite recipe?


It's Book Day! What are you reading? Where do you read? What books are on your must-read list? I love the way that books smell, the way the paper feels, the way the words jump off the pages!

Photos from Ayurvedic Resources Company's post 22/04/2022

Happy Earth Day! So much beauty exists around us and inside us. In case nobody said it today: You are amazing, you are beautiful, and you are the entire universe!

Photos from Ayurvedic Resources Company's post 22/04/2022

Happy Earth Day! As a kid, we learned to reduce, reuse, and recycle. But we are actually called to do more- we need to be a force of nature and work to preserve and protect our planet. What innovations or changes are you making? Please share!


Whether you celebrate Easter or not, today is a great day to give thanks for the many blessings that we have- from our bodies to our resources, for our families and friends, and for everything that motivates us.


The sun is rising earlier in the sky, bringing about new life and new beauty. Getting sunshine is essential to the body- it boosts the mood, and increases energy- essentially breaking our human hibernation season. Sunshine is free- get yours today!


Today is National Sibling Day. What is your favorite memory with your sibling? Don't forget to tag them! We will pick one lucky pair from the responses for a free gift! www.ayurvedicresources.com


Today is World Health Day. What do you do to promote health and wellness in your daily routine? In SVAFF Ayurveda, we look at the root causes of illness, and work to restore the body's natural intelligence. www.ayurvedicresources.com


Spring adventures are calling! A simple bike ride is a great way to both get some exercise and fresh air. Fill up those tires, oil those chains, and grab your helmet!


Self-esteem begins from moments like these- in the eyes of children seeing themselves with wonder and admiration. Today, a day of jokes, lets take a moment to celebrate and build on that wonder.

Photos from Ayurvedic Resources Company's post 28/03/2022

The birds have returned and are chirping away, the bees are busy pollinating. The flowers are blooming and in these moments, we get to pause. Nature and life are full of amazing moments that we see, hear, feel, smell, and sense. What other springtime joys do you celebrate?

Photos from Ayurvedic Resources Company's post 18/03/2022

Holi- our favorite "mess" of colors! We celebrate the vibrant hues, the playfulness, and the childlike wonders. In life, we have many labels that seek to divide us- Holi is a celebration that includes everyone who wants to participate- which is just one of the many reasons we love this holiday. Do you have any pictures from a Holi celebration that you have attended?


Love makes the world go round. For every sale made today, we will donate 5% to the Human Rights Campaign. To learn more, visit: https://www.hrc.org/



Self-care is self-love. Daily massage can nourish and restore your skin, and promotes great circulation.



Everyday is a good day for skin-care. Our unique blends are a daily dose of bliss- and they are 10% off this month!

