Yoga Kauai

Yoga Kauai

Online classes, teacher trainings, Sutra mentorship, Hatha #yoga immersions, & Patanjali #YogaSutra


Gratitude Yoga Immersion
November 25 & 26, 28-30, 2024
Monday - Saturday 8-10:30am
no class on Wednesday

In-mersion on Kauai’s North Shore with our amazing community of heart-centered practitioners in a focused and creative exploration of Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa, chair and rope-wall play, somatic experiencing, Prānāyāma, Nāda Yoga, Sūtra wisdom and chanting.

Full Immersion - early bird for first 5 participants to register: $295
Full Immersion: $350
Drop In: $55

Dm me if you want in!

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 20/08/2024

ततो द्वन्द्वानभिघातः॥४८॥
II.48 Tato dvandvānabhighātaḥ
Then the yogī is no longer distorted by the pull of opposites nor troubled by dualities of sense-experience.

Yoga teaches us how to live within polarities. In Āsana, the pulse of extremes reveals as bending from only a few places, doing an undoing, and ultimately how to ground our physical body within the gravity field. This requires us to develop a larger repertoire of responses in which we are always watching, feeling, responding and reevaluating. with practice, dynamic balance becomes our second nature.

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 05/08/2024

First day as a Middle Schooler
So grateful that Niko will become part of this seasoned school of learners, where he can express his creativity, form bonds with teachers that specialize in their given subjects and there is a focus on the Arts.
Niko shared, “I am starting a new chapter. This is such a good school and I am so excited!”

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 28/07/2024

II.47 Prayatna śaithilyānanta samāpatti bhyām
Slacken the tension born of your effort, and fuse yourself with the current of life force. Reconcile yourself with the realization it is an endless process.
Trust, relax, redouble your efforts, and keep going!

A maladaptive body indicates incoherency, in which pain arises as a signal that we have become rigid and frozen in certain areas, can’t find comfort in our own skin, and often feel neurotic. If we look at the old English usage of the word “suffer “, it means patience, which the dictionary defines as “a state of wonder and how things will unfold “. Movement is a function of who we are. When our body feels grounded to the earth, our mind is no longer tied to our body, and we are free to explore visionary states of dreaming of a larger vision.

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 29/06/2024

II.46 Sthira sukham āsanam
Posture is to be cultivated with the two qualities of stability and ease, supported by breath in communion with the eternal cosmic vibration.
Humility comes from the Latin, humous, something that brings us down to earth, in which we are honest with ourselves, and realize that there are powers that hold us in grace. Āsana is there for us to connect with our inner joy, resilience, capacity to heal, and see where we need support. The result of the functional practice is that we become more even, level, without slant or bias.


Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 04/06/2024

II.45 Samādhi siddhir īśvarapraṇidhānāt
Cosmic consciousness is to let go of identity with the ego-sense into devotion to the greater reality of Creative Source.

Surrender can be a word that chafes many; surrender to what and to whom? Patañjali invites us to dedicate our life to ALL! The world itself is a manifestation of divinity. When we embrace the Great Integrity that connects all, we practice the presence of Divinity. Uninterrupted consciousness that rotates from egocentricity to a greater reality is the perfection of Samādhi. ❤️ Love is our Higher Power!

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 20/05/2024

Sūtra 2.44 Self study developed to the highest degree brings about communion with Divine forces and discloses knowledge of our true self as sacred in nature.

Recitation and study of metaphysical teachings, put us in touch with the spirit of our dreams, fills us with sweetness, gets us out of our heads and the bellyache of life to live from our heart center. The Sutra are supercharged with a numinous power that illuminates our intuition and attunes our frequency with sublime resonance. Study gives us opportunity to be in company of bright beings of our choice and burn the midnight oil with illumined Masters. Svādhyāyād directly translated, means “to fill oneself with sweetness” and reconnects the full circle of love’s thread by spending time with enlightening teachings, wise mentors as well as create fellowship with other sincere seekers. In this way, Svādhyāyād draws the nectar of wisdom through and to one another.

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 10/05/2024

Calling out North East Yogi!
So excited to return to Maine May 24-26 for a weekend workshop of functional Yoga and Yoga Sūtra. I have been learning and discovering so much and am excited to share. Please share with your East Coast community who might benefit from meeting great community and interactive learning.

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 24/04/2024

Tapas is the opposite of Avidyā - not being with life as it is. Tapas is the spiritual fuel in which we yearn for something more authentic, earthy and natural. It takes effort to let go of neurotic obsessions and the futile strain to achieve false notions of perfection. As we let go of what is artificial, we are juiced in the discovery that friction is part of the creative process of productive suffering that results in expanded freedom.

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 15/04/2024

What a wonderful weekend being a student with Mary Bond. I am so grateful to receive her sage and seasoned experiential insights on functional movement based on perception rather than neuro muscular action. Yoga is so much more than making shapes with your body, it is an internal experience.
I will absolutely be sharing this with you!
Thank you for the tremendous effort you put forth to bring Mary to Kaua’

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 02/04/2024

In this episode “The Courage To Be Curious” Shinay and I discuss what it might take to have the courage to loosen up, the trust it takes to relax, and that we don’t need to have it all figured out—“I don’t know” as fertile ground for our true unfolding process.

This feels especially poignant to me as it is in vogue for teachers to tell you that you are doing something wrong and they can fix you for a fee of course. 😘


II:42 Santoṣād anuttamaḥ sukha lābhaḥ
When contentment is actively cultivated, it is an unparalleled sweetness of being.
Santoṣād is not suppressive, but contentment cultivated from turning minuses into pluses. Then we heal self-generated conflict and through taking ownership of personal sernity, we emanate peace that brings us into the joy of spontaneity. When actions don’t bear fruit, we remember that there is a higher reality that is working in our favor, and the less we have, the less worried we will be.



Kaua’i Yoga Shala, Yoga Hanalei new North Shore location is open for learning! Enjoy the support of chairs, ropes and honest community where our project is learn about self, build community, and join in the spirit of Yoga!
Please note there will be no class on Friday April 12th or 26th.

There is also the option of an 8 class bundle of 4 Tuesdays & 4 Fridays for $225
Call or text (808) 635-0246 for reservations and details


Kaua'i Yoga Shala, Yoga Hanalei new North Shore location is open for learning! Enjoy the support of chairs, ropes and honest community where our project is learn about self, build community, and join in the spirit of Yoga!
Please note there will be no class on Friday April 12th or 18th.

There is also the option of an 8 class bundle of 4 Tuesdays & 4 Fridays for $225
Call or text (808) 635-0246 for reservations and details

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 13/03/2024

Sūtra 2.41 “What follows cleanliness is pure clarity, serenity, focused senses, making one fit for communion with the innermost Self”
The pollutants of consciousness purify us to realize ourselves and become more high-minded. When we withdraw projections we enter a chrysalis of dissolution and recall our power of transformation. If we try to get where we are going in a straight line, it becomes devoid of imagination. Joyful patience and light-heartedness renders us fit for self-realization.



Happy to be offering general classes through April…. Enjoy our central location near Kilauea.
Tuesday Relax Deeply 5-6:30pm
tuition $30
4 classes in 5 weeks for $108
Friday Functional Hatha 8:30-10:30pm
Tuition:$35/ 4 classes $125
Relax & Hatha 8 class Bundle $225
Text (808)635-0246 to reserve🙏

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 26/02/2024

ब्रह्मचर्यप्रतिष्ठायां वीर्यलाभः॥३७॥
II.40 Śaucāt svāṅga jugupsā parair asaṁsargaḥ
Cleanliness of the mind-body complex reduces the identification with one’s own form and reorientation towards the Divine, and away from the coarse physical world.

Embodied Yoga is a continuous cleansing that often entails an emotional detox. This does not mean finger-pointing or negativity, but to realize the underlying purity of your heart and others.


II:39 Aparigraha sthairye janma kathamtā sambodhaḥ
On becoming steady in non-hoarding, one gains complete knowledge of the how, whys and wherefores of one’s birth.
Aparigraha is our capacity to value ourselves according to the self-esteem and self-sufficiency earned through self-honesty, our accomplishments, disciplining our desires, and overcoming our challenges. It is our ability to never be beyond reproach, to clearly own what motivates us, and to recognize the impact of actions. Once we disentangle ourselves from our involuntary tendencies of insecurity (abhinivesha) and grasping (rāga), we are free to experience the abundance of life’s infinite possibilities, and to realize we have everything we will ever need.


अपरिग्रहस्थैर्ये जन्मकथन्तासम्बोधः॥३९॥
II.39 Aparigrahasthairye janmakathantāsambodhaḥ
Knowledge of the beginning and end of all past and present being comes through the continued correct practice of not holding on to things.

When we know what to let go of and what NOT to let go of, our life is rebuilt on the foundation of adaptability, grace and to be a part of life’s flow. Aparigraha invites us to question daily “What do I really want?” This raises questions as to the true purpose of our life and fulfillment.


ब्रह्मचर्यप्रतिष्ठायां वीर्यलाभः॥३७॥
II:38 Brahmacharya pratiṣṭthāyām vīrya lābhaḥ
Being established in moderation, the yogī has unparalleled physical-mental-spiritual energy and resilience, along with potent fortitude and luster.

Your attention & vitality are your most treasured resources
Yoga is Vidya, to really see and be penetrates with spiritual intent behind everything you do. Yoga utilizes wisdom & love to guide us, not repression or force. When we appreciate the divinity in others, we commune with Higher Forces that empowers us, rather than dissipates. This brings unparalleled vitality and vigor into our lives.


ब्रह्मचर्यप्रतिष्ठायां वीर्यलाभः॥३७॥
II:38 Brahmacharya pratiṣṭthāyām vīrya lābhaḥ
Being established in moderation, the yogī has unparalleled physical-mental-spiritual energy and resilience, along with potent fortitude and luster.

The only savior we have is willpower, and the Creator wants us to develop ourselves, have courage to face challenges and heal from our emotional wounds. Brahmacharya remembers the sacredness of our energy and to cultivate balance in which moderation allows for intimacy, with all layers of self and others.

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 08/12/2023

Words can harm or heal.

Living in authenticity is a spiritual practice in itself. What are the stories you tell yourself? Spirituality is radically non-avoidant, in which we align ourselves with a greater perspective that appreciates the whole, Holy and the greater arc of the unfolding of consciousness. Words can harm or heal.

When you feel you need to say something, remember that once you do, you can’t take it back. We would be wise to examine: Does this need to be said? Does it need to be said by me? Is now the time? Is it worth breaking the purity of silence?

Know Thyself, Love Thyself…. The truth will set you free!

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 25/11/2023

“My religion is kindness” -The Dalai Lama

One of the most common ways we dwell in injury is through passive aggression. Managing our emotions is key to choose healing over harm. Address concerns directly, set clear boundaries, and breathe! No eye-rolling please 🙂

Passive aggression is an indication that there is deep unmetablized anger, sadness or frustration that needs to be held in the light of love.

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 16/11/2023

Balance is knowing what the extremes are.

II.34 Vitarkā hiṁsādayaḥ kṛtakāritānumoditā lobha krodha moha pūrvakā mṛdu madhyādhimātrā duḥkhājñānānanta phalā iti pratipakṣa bhāvanam | वितर्का हिंसादयः कृतकारितानुमोदिता लोभक्रोधमोहपूर्वका मृदुमध्याधिमात्रा दुःखाज्ञानानन्तफला इति प्रतिपक्षभावनम्॥३४॥

Most have mastered art of justifying negative behaviors and ignore their inner voice. To know when actions bring unnecessary suffering is a manifestation of your own intelligence. It helps when we can center on common values, as described in the Yama.

“Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life. Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something.” - Henry David Thoreau

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 31/10/2023

Before we can counter maladaptivity, we must encounter.

II:33 Vitarka bādhane pratipakṣa bhāvanam | वितर्कबाधने प्रतिपक्षभावनम्॥३३॥

Negative thoughts harass us and neuroscience corroborates the Sūtra in that dominate mind more easily than positive ones. When a negative pattern reveals, don’t berate yourself, this is the process of Yoga! Sit with the intensity with gentleness. This allows you to develop insight, consider consequences and work out the antidote from bhāvanam, a place of heart-centered awareness.

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 10/10/2023

Self-care isn’t selfish!

II:32 Shauca santoṣa tapaḥ svādhyāyeshvarapraṇidhānāni niyamāḥ | शौचसन्तोषतपःस्वाध्यायेश्वरप्रणिधानानि नियमाः॥३२॥

The Niyama remind us that self-care is integral to our sense of coherence or Samādhi. The Niyama are the ways we support ourself to have a clear mind, body and heart to further accelerate and engender Yoga as a state of being. A simple and effective practice is to ask yourself daily “What can I do today that will show love for others and myself?"

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 21/09/2023

Action comes with Invocation.

जातिदेशकालसमयानवच्छिन्नाः सार्वभौमा महाव्रतम्॥३१॥ | II:31 Jāti desha kāla samayānavacchinnāḥ sārvabhaumā mahāvratam

The metaphysical practitioner utilizes practices to turn on the spiritual juice, open pathways for transmission, and call in their higher calling. Grace is not simply what happens to us, but being open to see, without complaint, that you are being guided to be motivated to discover greater purpose and meaning in life. The more gratitude we have, the greater the guidance.

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 13/09/2023

Let Love Love!

अहिंसासत्यास्तेयब्रह्मचर्यापरिग्रहा यमाः॥३०॥ | II:30 Ahimsā satya asteya brahmacarya aparigrahāḥ yamāḥ

When we live our own fullness, there is little energy left to meddle in other’s affairs. This frees up others to live their own lives, and affirms that they will find their own way. The wise is willing to relinquish criticism, as they know the pain they cause is also their own.

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 29/08/2023

“The nature of life itself has to be realized in the acts of life.” - Joseph Campbell

तस्य सप्तधा प्रान्तभूमिः प्रज्ञा॥२७॥ | II:27 Tasya saptadhā prānta bhūmiḥ prajñā

There are the seven stages of great insight that follow. Yoga invites you to also trust in your intuition along with discernment. To awaken clear intuition, we must develop intimacy with what we are holding in our field, and be willing to face our own ignorance. It’s not about perfection, but capacity to self-correct with proper wisdom, right action and right intent.

Photos from Yoga Kauai's post 14/08/2023

A boundary is a standard

विवेकख्यातिरविप्लवा हानोपायः॥२६॥ | II.26 Viveka khyātir aviplavā hānopāyaḥ

This Sūtra advises you to explore what you need to do to cushion self from the world.

• How is your picker?
• Do you pick folks who aren’t emotionally available?
• Is it possible that you aren’t emotionally available to self?

An indication of self-alienation is that when we don’t allow them to be experienced, we become our feelings and project them onto others out of proportion. It isn’t easy, but when we make the commitment to not allow others to take our peace or serenity, we feel protective of our own divinity. This new perspective ends narratives of misfortune to one of unfolding life in grace, blessings and healing.

Videos (show all)

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ततो द्वन्द्वानभिघातः॥४८॥II.48 Tato dvandvānabhighātaḥThen the yogī is no longer distorted by the pull of opposites nor t...
Let’s talk Mulabandha. Bandha is often misconstrued as a lock of contraction. Bandha means a network or a web. Yoga prac...
Our boy wonder chanting Pranavah….😂तस्य वाचकः प्रणवः॥२७॥I.27 Tasya vācakaḥ praṇavaḥThe pronouncement of the forever rene...
Playing music and sharing the Aloha Spirit with our new friends at the Paleo Kalamaki beach 🏖️ #nikolamaki #hawaiianstyl...
स्थिरसुखमासनम्॥४६॥II.46 Sthira sukham āsanamPosture is to be cultivated with the two qualities of stability and ease, su...
Simple Hip Opener with Shoulder StretchThis pose is so simple, it can be done in an airplane, a car, train…… Remember to...
समाधिसिद्धिरीश्वरप्रणिधानात्॥४५II.45 Samādhi siddhir īśvarapraṇidhānātCosmic consciousness is to let go of identity with...
Super grateful to be folded into the  @inbalanceyogablacksburg Yoga community. #travelingyogateacher #theyogisroadmap #y...
Marichiāsana A | Hip OpenerThis standing variation alleviates undue pressure on the sacroiliac joint which is commonly a...
स्वाध्यायादिष्टदेवतासम्प्रयोगः॥४४॥II.44 Svādhyāyād iṣṭadevatā samprayogaḥSelf-erudition developed to the highest degree ...
कायेन्द्रियसिद्धिरशुद्धिक्षयात्तपसः॥४३॥II:43 Kāyendriya siddhir aśuddhi kṣayāt tapasaḥThrough the transformative fire of...
