Unloved In Custody

Unloved In Custody

To help kids who are living with an abusive parent and family court will not help.

How SU***DE Was Created

I had been posting information on my site that proved my former spouse thought he was going to get custody before our divorce. He purchased a house and then sold it back to the owners. It went into foreclosure and then it went on sheriff sale. My former spouse got custody and then purchased the home again and then moved into the home where he currently lives.

My oldest child had been told so many lies and my public information was telling the truth. I had a dream from my deceits mother that my son was having a hard time and thinking about su***de. When I researched and found no help for children committing su***de due to the family court system, I decided I had to do something.

The name and acronym So Unloved In Custody I Died Everyday (SU***DE) just rolled off my lips and there it was. Like it was what I needed to do.
