Angelia Waite

Angelia Waite

Angelia is a speaker, bible teacher, author, and bible literacy advocate.


I am sitting in a coffee shop working this morning and a little boy (who looked to be about 7 years old) asked his mother about the war. He asked who the bad guys were. She said both Israel and Hamas are doing bad things right now. šŸ˜³

He said, Which one is ra**ng girls and killing babies? Those are the BAD guys!ā€ (Iā€™m not sure he can understand words like ā€˜rapeā€ at this age or not, but he said it.)

My. My. My. From the mouth of babes! You are right little manā€¦thatā€™s not war behavior!

Please continue to pray for peace in Israel! We cannot let up, friends.


Hey friends!

If you still need gift ideas, this is from my agent, The Blythe Daniel Agency, Inc.

ā€œEach year our agency puts together a Christmas gift guide from our authors, and this year's guide is an amazing line-up of books for adults and children. You can place a book in a stocking or under a tree for someone else (or yourself)! Feel free to share with your friends, and Merry Christmas from us to you! šŸŽ„šŸ“ššŸŽ…šŸ½ Link for the guide is in the comments below šŸ‘‡šŸ» Thank you!ā€

I love seeing my books alongside some of these incredible authors. He has been good to me! Merry Christmas!


Hey friends! These clips are released twice a week. So, although the pic is the same, the scriptures are not!

I pray you will listen in and allow me to declare His truths over you. Oh, and if you decide to share, I would be so grateful. Someone near you may need a miracle too. I am praying for you today. I believe. šŸ’œ


Friends, this is whatā€™s on my mind this morningā€¦

The world will try to silence your voice when it comes to things that really matter! However, the key is discerning when to speak up and when to remain silent. Everything doesnā€™t warrant your attention although most things beg for it. You should be the only person making the decision of when to respond and when to wait. šŸ’œ


God placed himself in a womanā€™s care when he came to earth, then entrusted a woman to announce his resurrection when he came back to life.

God loves women, redeems women, empowers womenā€”then and now.

I feel seen today ladies and I pray you do too. I am praying for you! šŸ’™


Hey friends!

We are stepping into a season where many people are grieving. Folks are beyond sad as they are forced to relive what used to be. The unexpected came knocking and many of us are forever changed. Deaths, divorces, sicknesses, economic declines, broken relationships, etc. have stolen what should be a season of thankfulness and celebration.

I will be releasing on Tuesdays and Fridays scriptures that I would love to speak/read over you, in this season. There are many scriptures of healing. Many of us need healing of various kinds. I pray that you will listen to them twice a week, 5-7 minutes each time, and allow His truths concerning healing to wash over your soul bringing the healing that you need.

I am believing with you during this season, my friends. I bless you today, and I pray you are healed to your core.

Please share and allow others to hear His promises too.

Hereā€™s the introduction. This Friday I will release the first 5-7 minute reading. I pray youā€™ll join me. Click below.

Much, much love!
Angelia šŸ’œ


Gideon called himself weak. God called him a warrior.

It doesnā€™t matter how we feel. What matters is what He said. He is a God of his word. Let that truth soak in, and letā€™s get it right. šŸ”„

Happy Sunday, friends!


Important Post:

Hey sweet friends. Several of you have reached out asking about a local womenā€™s event that is currently being advertised.

To clear up any questions: Iā€™m not hosting, speaking, attending, nor affiliated with the ministry, Winning Women, nor the church that oversees it.

However, I want to thank you for remembering Winning Women in its original form and reaching out to remind me of how great His plan was for His girls through this ministry. I am so blessed by your kind words, and it was an honor serving you!

I have some really exciting things to share with you soon so stay tuned. I am so blessed by you all, and I promise you will be seeing me real soon.

I love you, ladies! šŸ’œ


My. My. My. This photo speaks volumes. Letā€™s join them in prayer.


This morning a friend of mine wrote, ā€œAs I drive through Tel Aviv it hit me: only in Israel can we hang our flag EVERYWHERE, and not need to worry about antisemitism.

Why will Israel win the war against evil terrorists who want to destroy us? Because we have no choice. The Jewish people have no place else to go.ā€

This one hit hard. šŸ˜­ The next few days are critical. I cannot imagine being ambushed by evil, and feeling the whole world is screaming: stop protecting yourselves. šŸ˜­

Am I the only one that feels the entire world can no longer discern good from pure evil? Friends, this is biblical and we are there. Pray!


Sheā€™s baaaaack! Whew Covid was no joke, but I am thankful to be out and about today. My husband recovered quickly too. I am still tired. He is not. Lol Letā€™s decorate a tree.šŸŒ²ā›„ļøā„ļø


Praying for the children. šŸ˜­ This is currently happening.

ā€œThe sky of Gaza is lit up tonight. I hope our children see it from whatever dark hole the ā€œHā€ is holding them.

Look at the sky children. Donā€™t be afraid of the noise. Itā€™s us, your parents, your siblings, your people. We are coming to rescue you. We love you, always.ā€


This morning I was talking with my son about the young male and female soldiers at war. My heart has been so burdened for the long-term impact this is going to have on these young people, because once you see, you cannot unsee.

He said, ā€œMom, they live in a war culture.ā€ That broke my heart. Friends, sit in this truth for a moment, and it will cause you to pray a little bit longer. No one should have to live in a war culture!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and soon!


Hey sweet friends! Well, I recently shared on my other page a pic (below) and a post about hanging out with 95,000 of my closest friends at the Auburn football game? Well, not only did we come back with the Win, but somebody was kind enough to share their Covid with us. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø So, I just wanted you to know whatā€™s up with my absence. I appreciate your prayers. Oh, and FYI, this is my first time having Covid, and I never want it again. That is all. Ugh

Please continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I will. Back in a few.


Whatā€™s on my mind? Today, the silence is deafening. šŸ˜­

Israeli soldiers are currently working to demolish ā€œHā€ tunnels in the Gaza Strip! I saw quite a bit of footage early this morning and it is terrifying. Please pray for the brave young men and women of the Elite Yahalom combat engineering unit. I cannot imagine what they must be feeling unaware of what awaits them.

Today, I pray for wisdom, strategy, awareness, and a laser-sharp focus as they continue to uncover and demolish these tunnels. Please pray with me. Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May it be so, Lord.

ā€œSilence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.ā€ ā€“ Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Friends, in the craziness that surrounds us today, we must take some time, get quiet, and listen to what the Spirit is saying.

So many are talking and speaking lies while leading others astray; yet, the ones that should be talking, speaking truth, and leading the way, are silent. Take note of the silent ones. Jesus is!

Pray for discernment! Ask for wisdom (He freely gives when we ask). Keep Israel on your heart and in your prayers. Today, I am praying for the innocent. Those that are afraid, hungry, and heartbroken. Would you join me, my friends?


Gā€™morning friends. This is too good not to share today. IDF rescued a captured soldier yesterday in Gaza. Today, letā€™s pray for the other 230 captured.

The weekly Torah portion that is read in Synagogues around the world on Shabbat (this weekly portion: Gen 12:1-17:27) is about God telling Abraham to leave and go out into the land that He will show him. He tells Abraham to go until He tells him to stop. Embark on a new reality. Go and protect this land of yours. You donā€™t know what you are going to face, but you have to go and defend My land.

As you continue to read the Torah portion you see there are hostages taken. Friends, this isnā€™t something new. Israel is doing exactly what is written, ā€œThey are going out to free their families.ā€ Then, we read ā€œI will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you (Gen 12:3).ā€

Friends, God knew exactly which portion the Jews would read this week. He is clearly speaking to and leading His people. I stand with Israel!

ā€œJewish peoples war cry, is found in the shofar ā€“ the biblical ā€œtrumpet.ā€ With God on our side we surely will win.ā€

ā€œIf when the (watchmen) sees the sword come upon the land, he blows the trumpet, and warns the people.ā€


So, I posted this on the week of Oct 15th, but I felt it needed to be shared again in light of the recent UNā€™s nonsensical behavior. How do you call a ā€œcease fireā€ to a people responding to an ambush? So, Israel is not supposed to defend herself? What on earth is happening? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I love the Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan. He is proudly boasting a Yellow Star on his jacket, as a symbol of pride. ā€œA reminder that we swore to fight back to defend ourselves.ā€

Ambush-the act of attacking unexpectedly from a concealed position.

Israel released from the air thousands of leaflets making aware their intentions of attack in Gaza City this week. This method has been used by Israel for years in an effort to reduce casualties. This intentional warning (the opposite of an ambush) is evidence that Israel is at war with terrorists and not civilians.

There is grace on Jerusalem; yet they mourn.

ā€œā€¦ but I will pour out a spirit of grace and mercy on Davidā€™s house and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem. They will look to me concerning the one whom they pierced; they will mourn over him like the mourning for an only child.ā€ (Zech 12:10)


Jerusalem is the place where God has ā€œchosenā€ to put His name.

ā€œā€¦In this house and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I shall set my name forever.ā€ (2 Kings 21:7)


Well, and thereā€™s this. šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™


Gā€™morning friends!

An Israeli veteran said, ā€œI know the fear of waiting that these soldiers are experiencing. They do not know when it will happen, when they will get the instruction to move, and wondering what that will look like and will they return from it. I know the pit in their stomach while they wait.ā€

This fear he describes is normal. We are human. Many of these soldiers are 18 years old (male and female). Surely they are fearful of what awaits around the corner. How could they not be? Their eyes are witnessing evil that will forever be tattooed in their young hearts and minds. As my son recently wrote, ā€œHow can the human soul endure?ā€

Would you join me this weekend in praying for the soldiers? Please pray over what their eyes see (and have seen), the sounds they have heard, and the gut wrenching feeling that must be present in their hearts.

Pray that there would be peace in Jerusalem and soon.


Happy Saturday, friends!

If you are a believer, you cannot be consistent with the whole of Scripture and take a position that is passive toward the Jews and Israel.

Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We will not let up.

Shabbat Table For The Hostages 27/10/2023

Gā€™morning friends!

Yesterday I shared a pic of my friend and two young soldiers. The two men showered in their home (a luxury the soldiers had not had in weeks) and while they did, she baked them homemade chocolate chip cookies. Goodness, thatā€™s such a mom thing to do.

An Israeli veteran made this comment, ā€œI know the fear of waiting that these soldiers are experiencing. They do not know when it will happen, when they will get the instruction to move now, and wondering what that will look like and will they return from it. I know the pit in their stomach at this moment while they wait.ā€

This fear he describes is normal. We are human. The soldiers are surely fearful of what awaits around the corner. They are seeing and experiencing evil things that we were never intended to encounter. Their eyes are witnessing evil that will forever be tattooed in their young hearts and minds. As my son recently wrote, ā€œHow can the human soul endure?ā€

God knew we would have fear, my friends. We just canā€™t indulge in it nor make decisions during it. If we have ever needed to stand in His truth without being moved by what our eyes see more than today, I canā€™t recall.

Today, is Shabbat. God has appointed His people to keep the Shabbat. Itā€™s a time to step back, rest, and acknowledge Godā€™s Sovereignty. These soldiers cannot/will not be able to keep Shabbat today or any Shabbat until this war is over. šŸ˜­ Please view the video I have attached concerning the Shabbat Table. I believe it will give some perspective. Please continue to pray for the peace of Israel as our God has instructed.

Shabbat Table For The Hostages


I am a bit more weepy today than yesterday, as I pray that Jerusalem has peace (Ps 122:6).

Today, I have decided to share a pic of a friend living in Israel. I will not disclose her name nor specific location, but I want you to witness the peace of God on her face. Yes, you can have peace in the middle of war.

In this pic she is smiling because she gave these two young IDF tank soldiers the opportunity to shower in their home. It has probably been weeks since they had this luxury.

With me being a mom to boys, what she did next dropped me to my knees. She baked them chocolate chip cookies while they showered. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ This is such a mom thing to do. What kid doesnā€™t need a cookie to dry up their tears? šŸ˜­ Seeing their response reminded me of the many times a cookie replaced tears for my boys too. Then, she and her Jewish husband prayed over the soldiers as they left making their way back into battle.

She asked, ā€œWould you memorize their faces and pray for them?ā€ Friends, would you join me today? Letā€™s not just pray for the peace of Jerusalem today. Letā€™s pray specifically for all the soldiers. Today, I am undone. Tomorrow, is a new day.


Many are asking, ā€œWhere is God?ā€

I recently heard a pastor from NY talking about the war in Israel. He reminded the congregation that God has not changed (Heb 13:8). The God in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) is the same God in the New Testament.

We cannot read the New Testament acting as if the other half doesnā€™t exist, because it makes us uncomfortable. Oftentimes when witnessing what we call, the unthinkable, folks like to say, ā€œWell, that was in the Old Testament, but not relevant to today. Friends, His character does not change. He is a God of war AND a God of peace (Ecc 3:7-8).

Where is God? Make no mistake: this is a spiritual battle, and it is personal. He is Present and well aware!

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem. May it be so!

ā€œThere is a time for everythingā€¦a time for war and a time for peace.ā€ (Ecc 3:7-8)

ā€œThe Lord will go out like a soldier; like a warrior God will stir up rage. God will shout, will roar; over enemies he will prevail.ā€ (Is 42:13)


Gā€™morning friends! Iā€™m amazed at how often people tell me theyā€™ve been bullied into silence! This is not the time for silence. This is not a political war. Thisā€¦is spiritual.


Gā€™morning friends! This is probably not going to be a post that many respond to for fear of being seen. I get it, but let me speak into it briefly regardless.

Did you wake up this morning thinking ā€œLife is Good,ā€ or did you wake up dreading (loathing) the thought of facing another day of/at work? Is your stomach tied in knots at this very moment? Maybe itā€™s not what you do, rather where you do it?

If itā€™s what you do, then finish your education, start your education, get the certification, make the leap, get aligned into where your passion lies, and donā€™t spend another second doing the thing that is sucking the life out of you. If itā€™s where you work, since you spend the majority of your time in that environment and with those people, make a change because it is negatively impacting every other area of your life. Donā€™t quit without a place to land, but do something today to start the process.

Today, I write from experience and passion. I write from a different place. The passion you have deep inside, you didnā€™t manufacture that, He created it! Itā€™s for a specific purpose, my friend. Make the change. Thereā€™s freedom just on the other side of this decision. I promise. šŸ’œ


Somebody needs this on this beautiful Sunday morning!

Donā€™t cave to intimidation. Stare your fear in the face, point your finger at it, and overthrow it. Donā€™t just cover ground, take it. What if you only get one chance? šŸ˜³

Now this is whatā€™s on my mind on this beautiful chilly morning.


Gā€™morning friends!

Several days ago, as employees drove into a heavily secured Consulate, workers were busily trying to remove graffiti posted around the barrier wall to the office. Threats of racial violence and slurs of antisemitism following protest and riot behavior the previous night welcomed American citizens and Israeli employees attempting to show up for work. Can you imagine what that must have felt like?

300 people were detained during the protest, yet the damage was already done. Once you see, you canā€™t unsee. Several hours later, an unidentified pilot circled the Consulate pulling a banner with the words, Never Again, attached to an Israeli flag. šŸ˜­

I have attached a link to a very disturbing anti-Israeli story from a university in CA. (The emojis at the end of the post broke me) Open with caution.

Friends, please keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem and its people near and far. I continue to weep. šŸ˜­


Israel is the land that God declares prophetically, redemptively, and repeatedly in the Bible, ā€œThis Is mine.ā€


Happy Tuesday, friends. I am praying for you.

As a response to the hardships and war raging around Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, he wrote the words to Christmas Bells on Christmas Day in 1863. It seems appropriate to share today.

And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
ā€œFor hate is strong, And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep; The Wrong shall fail, The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men." šŸŽ¶

Friends, today I pray for Godly leaders to make godly decisions during these intense times. I pray that kings, presidents, and prime ministers will hear from heaven and align their decision-making with the priorities of God Almighty. I pray they would ask Him for wisdom.

Please pray this with me and continue
to pray for the peace of Israel.


Ambush-the act of attacking unexpectedly from a concealed position.

Israel released from the air thousands of leaflets making aware their intentions of attack in Gaza City this week. This method has been used by Israel for years in an effort to reduce casualties. This intentional warning (the opposite of an ambush) is evidence that Israel is at war with terrorists and not civilians.

There is grace on Jerusalem; yet they mourn.

Zech 12:10 (CEB)

ā€œā€¦ but I will pour out a spirit of grace and mercy on Davidā€™s house and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem. They will look to me concerning the one whom they pierced; they will mourn over him like the mourning for an only child.ā€


Gā€™morning loves! I remember one of the most vulnerable times in my life and someone said, ā€œYou are so strong. I could never endure this.ā€ Sometimes you have no choice but to be strong without understanding.

My son recently wrote this for work, ā€œTerrorism did not break us in the past, and terrorism will not break the resilience of the Israeli soul, ever." It's a powerful reminder of the strength of the Israeli people. My husband responded with, ā€œThey are genetically made for victory.ā€ Woah! Thatā€™s a powerful statement! Hereā€™s the thingā€¦if you know the outcome, the process is different. They know the outcome.

When God instructs you to do something, you have confidence like a toddler in a Batman cape, right? Well, that is the way we should be praying for Israel. We are instructed by God to pray for the peace of Israel. Donā€™t pray as someone not sure of Godā€™s will. Pray in strength because you know His hand is upon this Land and He has a plan. Now that should cause your prayers to shift. Amen?

So today, watch a football game or make some chili, do something for you that makes you happy and requires little effort, but donā€™t forget your assignment, pray for the peace of Israel and pray like you know He has told you so, because He has.

I love you friends, and I am praying for you too. šŸ’™šŸ¤šŸ’™šŸ¤

ā€œThe people of Jerusalem are strong, because the Lord Almighty is their God.ā€ (Zech 12:5)


I have spent most of today in prayer. I have prayed for many of you multiple times, as I have prayed for the peace of Jerusalem. I turned off the tv and I worshipped.

I heard this today, ā€œWhere are the mega pastors, the mega worship leaders that we all support financially, and where are the Christian Influencers? Why are they silent?ā€ I am haunted by this truth today, and I weep. There are pastors in my city that post daily on social media (nonsense quite honestly),and have not mentioned Israel even once. There is not a single statement on their website concerning the support of Israel. I have to ask, ā€œWhy?ā€ Surely they are reading the same Scriptures that I am.

I have not been silent nor will I. I have taken a lot of heat for my stance with Israel from those that disagree, I have dealt with it privately, but I will not be silenced by threats. I have been called a lot of horrible names over the last few days because of my voice. Friends, if I keep Israel and our responsibility to pray for her peace on the forefront of your mind, I have been obedient.

I have also encouraged you to take care of your mental state, to find balance in it, and to keep living. Please, do all those things while you pray for the peace of Israel.

I will continue to pray for you, and please pray for me too. Now, I am off to find some pics of babies, puppies, and all things that make me smile.

In search of balance and more of Him,


Gā€™morning precious ones! In this pic at the wailing wall I was calling out specific names in prayer. I would love to lift yours before Him today, as I continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Like, love, or comment below. No need for details. He knows. šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


Tonight I am praying for peace in Jerusalem just as I was in this pic at the wailing wall. I am also praying for peace for many of you, and for anxiety and fear to subside in Jesusā€™ name. I am praying for sweet sleep for you tonight, my friends. Say your prayers, thank Jesus for all things, and continue to pray for Israel. šŸ’œ Night night


Friends, many of you have asked for my input on how you can best help Israel at this time, practically.

I have known Robert Stearns for many many years. He is a man of integrity, currently in Jerusalem, and I trust his ministry completely.

He has launched ā€œI Stand with Israel Emergency Fund.ā€ The funds will be given to 3 areas of need:

1. United Hatzalah-First Responders
2. Abrahamā€™s Bread Feeding Center-feeding the sick & shut in, elderly, and holocaust survivors.
3. SDE Boaz-desperate of help

Go to: to give.

Keep praying, friends! I am praying for you! šŸ’™

ā€œLet God rise up; let his enemies scatterā€¦ā€ (Ps 68)

Videos (show all)

Hey friends! These clips are released twice a week. So, although the pic is the same, the scriptures are not! I pray you...
Hey friends! We are stepping into a season where many people are grieving. Folks are beyond sad as they are forced to re...
