Good Food Vibes

Good Food Vibes

I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I am your guide to achieving your health goals, and revealing the things you could do once you reach them.

I am here to motivate, inspire, support, listen, and hold accountability for you.


Hello Good Food Vibes community ;). I am getting ready to get some group health coaching programs going at the start of the new year!

What a great gift or resolution to commit to reaching you wellness goals!

I currently have openings for 2 group programs
6-8 spots each!

What is a group health coaching program?!

In a group health coaching program, you journey beside others to determine your own personal health and wellness goals, and then set off to achieve them.

You venture through a series of coaching sessions that will cover various wellness and nutrition topics. There will be personalized time to discern and discuss your own personal health goals, and possibilities of cooking demonstrations, trips to grocery store or farmers markets, along with discussion and in depth questions and answer sessions to cover all of your needs.

In a group you can learn from and relate to what others are going through as well. Group programs are dynamic and fun, and there are more people to hold you accountable to meet your health goals-which is something that seems to really motivate us to reach those goals! ;)

Possible groups:
*co-workers on site at a job location
*family and/or friends in a home
*a church group at a congregation
*any community members at any community location
*an online group at a Skype or Google Hangout location ;)

contact me with interest or sign up for my free initial consultation:


Photos from Good Food Vibes's post 30/11/2018

I got permission to share these sweet photos from a birthday boy I made a super healthy and super tasty 100% organic - gluten free - sugar free - dairy free smash cake for! I was told it was yummy! I'm happy to help people out with these specialty healthy options for parties if ever needed!

Heal, Lose Weight, and Live Better With Your Breath | caitlinargotsinger 30/11/2018

Here's my newest blog post. Check it out! Leave comments on your thoughts if you have any!! :)

Heal, Lose Weight, and Live Better With Your Breath | caitlinargotsinger It may be a new idea to think that some of us might need to simply relax more often to feel better, but the reason for this is pretty simple, and it has to do w


I feel that I need to get back at this social media scene- if only to continue sharing the great things I've learned with the world.

Sometimes even a health coach gets off track and needs to get back on! Sometimes I need my own accountability coach or friend.

It's difficult for me to find balance with time for family and time for work (esp. when I don't want my daughter to see me on the computer!)

As I work on managing my time better, I am reminded about how important that is for all of us to find balance in all parts of our lives to maintain health- it's not only about what we eat ;)

I am doing these things now:

1. Making a NOT TO DO list

2. Prioritizing my big goals and leaving the small stuff for later

3. Making a routine for my family and myself with scheduled down time, play time, and work time

What are some ways you manage your time well and keep balanced?

Timeline photos 28/09/2018

This is our first apple cider straight from the tree to the press. It is delightful.


This is how we celebrated with food for our daughter and her friend's 3rd birthday Woodland party!

It was gluten free, sugar free, and made from scratch with lots of love. We featured only a couple of dairy items, and we labeled everything for all of our friends with allergies and sensitivities. We worked to get everything as organic, fresh, and and local as we could.

We wanted to make sure the kids were eating as healthy as they always should :)

The food was delicious. The cake turned out phenomenal. And, the day was beautiful.

It was a very festive fun and good food filled day!


What a way to get your kids to WANT those veggies!

Timeline photos 08/07/2018

GF pizza 😊😊😊

Timeline photos 06/07/2018

Wild blackberries! They're out, go forage!


Milk & Honey was a great place to stop for an Iowa locally sourced (and lots of organic) lunch! It was awesome food and large portions enough to fill you for sure! I enjoyed a grassfed burger with goat cheese and raspberry preserves. My mom and daughter shared a massive house made black bean burger. Both were served on a truly lovely and delicious gluten free bun. Oh yeah and I can't forget the salad served with this delectable blueberry vinegar dressing and sweet potato bites. This a *must stop* place if you ever find yourself in Harlan, Iowa. Definitely the best food I've eaten at a restaurant in a while!

Eat local!! 😁

Super Power Bowl | caitlinargotsinger 11/06/2018

For those who requested this recipe, and those who didn't: ;) enjoy!

Super Power Bowl | caitlinargotsinger Ingredients: In the pictured recipe: Base: 1 cup ice Juice of 1 orange 1/2 c. almond milk 1 c. frozen pineapple 1 baby bok choy used here 1 mango 1 banana Toppi

Timeline photos 07/06/2018

Trying to get your kids to eat more greens (or yourself?) Try putting them in your pops! I put an entire bunch of spinach in these and the only detectable flavors are πŸ‘ peach πŸ‹mango and 🍊 orange. (Not that spinach is not delicious πŸ˜‰) add a little grass fed yogurt or milk of choice (I used almond) to make them not so rock hard. No sugar.


Golden Power.

Timeline photos 07/06/2018

Mmm. These are good farmers market eggs. Those pretty shells are only half the story- these are some golden yolks!

Timeline photos 05/05/2018

Those look like some nutritious and delicious eggs!!

Check out the yolk height and color of our farm fresh eggs right now. We're running a little special tomorrow to celebrate the first Cedar Falls Farmers Market of 3 dozen eggs for $10 (regularly $4/doz). The market opens at 8:30am till noon and it looks like it'll be a beautiful morning weather-wise. Hope to see you there!

caitlinargotsinger 01/05/2018

Friends and followers! Today I will be sending out my first monthly newsletter! Be sure to hop over to my website and sign up for it if you want updates (upcoming classes, blogs, recipes) and FREE NEWSLETTER EXCLUSIVE health coach tips! It's just one time per month, and I promise, it's all good stuff :).

caitlinargotsinger HOME

Find Exercise That You LOVE | caitlinargotsinger 30/04/2018

Looking for inspiration to get out and move your body? The first step is finding what you love to do and what works for you.

Check out my new blog post today and comment about how the exercise you love and where you find your motivation!

Find Exercise That You LOVE | caitlinargotsinger You do not need to go to the gym if that is not what you love to do. Exercise and activity should be something you wake up in the morning and want to do, otherw

Sweetcorn Cornbread | caitlinargotsinger 23/04/2018

Here is my cornbread (and recipe) that I brought to the Cedar Falls Food Co-op pot-luck! If you live in Cedar Falls and you are not a member yet, it's a great time to sign up! The sooner the co-op reaches 1000 members, the sooner the doors will open! Come to the pot-lucks in the mean time, everyone is welcome! :)

Sweetcorn Cornbread | caitlinargotsinger Gluten free, dairy free, sugar free Preheat oven to 425. Ingredients: 1 c. Cornmeal 1 1/4 c. Gluten free flour blend (I used: 1/2 c. oat, 1/2 c. rice, 1/4 c. ta


Gluten free, yeast free, one handed 15 minute naan (prepping ahead for our Indian food tonight! πŸ˜‰)

Timeline photos 20/04/2018

Green eggs and ham 😊

Timeline photos 20/04/2018

Making Miso! And sampling...mmmmmmm. with Tomie Sasaki 😊

Timeline photos 20/04/2018

Do you soak/sprout? Soaking and sprouting make our whole grains and legumes much more digestible. In fact our bodies cannot get to most of the nutrients these wonderful foods can offer of we skip this crucial step!

Choosing What's Best- An Animal Products Dilemma | caitlinargotsinger 18/04/2018

Do you feel confused about what you are or what you "should be?" Vegetarian? Paleo? Very omnivorous? If you have a minute, check out my newest blog post and comment about what works for you!

PS Iowa folk- In case you miss you haven't tried these wonderful local producers, I recommend all of these in this blog :)!

Kaiser Farm
Kalona SuperNatural

Choosing What's Best- An Animal Products Dilemma | caitlinargotsinger Choosing what is best for you-for the environment-for animal welfare-and the farmers usually makes for a really hard decision. In the most recent years of human


Thank you community for getting me here! This is what is new and good. :)

Butternut Squash Soup | caitlinargotsinger 13/04/2018

Here's a recipe to warm your soul on this cold and blustery April day (In Iowa). Maybe this warmth will help banish the cold once and for all from our Spring!

PS- if you want to keep seeing posts like this, be sure to set your "Following" setting to "see first" in your feed (you do this at the top of my Good Food Vibes page. If you leave it to default, there is a good chance you will miss it!

Butternut Squash Soup | caitlinargotsinger Ingredients: 1 medium butternut squash roasted (Prep ahead, directions below) 1 onion diced into large chunks 3 cloves garlic chopped 4 carrots peeled and slice


Has anyone heard of CBD oil? I have just gotten involved in being a distributor of it and just started using it myself; I'm excited to tell you more about my results soon. The reason I got into it was actually through my dog Lola! She has been suffering from a leg problem that has been leading to arthritis and we've tried everything (seemingly). We started giving her CBD oil and within 1 month her leg was dramatically better. She went from hobbling on 3 leg to using all 4 again! Since reading and learning more about it I continue to be blown away by it's amazing health benefits.

Are you using it now? Are you thinking about using it? What are your thoughts?


Gratitude is something that I can never remind myself to use enough on my path to wellness.

Today I'm really grateful for people who have helped me get to where I am today. My parents, my husband, my family, friends, and community all have contributed to shape me and my path.

Are there or have there been people in your life you could thank for helping you get where are? If you could express gratitude to them now, what would you say?

So,...What is a Health Coach? | caitlinargotsinger 05/04/2018

Health Coaching is a relatively new career that may take very different forms depending on education, certification, and different fields on interest of the coach. I wrote this post to tell a little bit more about what I do. Hope it is helpful!

So,...What is a Health Coach? | caitlinargotsinger Definition The definition of a health coach is not going to be the same everywhere you look. Since it does not have strict guidelines and regulations like the t


Hey world!

I am ready to let you all in on the new adventure I’ve set out on. As many of you know, I am really passionate about wellness and health. A little over a year ago I decided to follow that passion down a path that would lead me to become a Health Coach.

I spent the past year managing my time between my daughter, daily life, and my courses. It wasn’t easy. Somehow, I was able to keep all of our made from scratch meals and snacks going and our lives moving along in the meantime. It’s hard for me to believe looking back, but there are certainly people that helped out along the way so I am very grateful to all of you.

I could not have done any of it without the support of my husband, Blake. He was always there to reassure me that my ideas are possible, and that I could do this and that we would be alright.

My journey was really incredible! I loved every minute of my studies at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. It was amazing content! All of my lectures were given from top nutrition authors and scientists, meditators, doctors, financial advisors, therapists, relationship experts, spiritual leaders and other world renowned wellness motivated individuals including, Dr. Oz and Deepak Chopra!

My life was transformed from this experience; inside and out. I can also see that my family has transformed in incredible ways that I never would have imagined. I am so grateful to have set out on this path with big goals for myself; and I have achieved them!

Fast forward to the present and, I am here! I am official! I am I have followed a real fire that I had in my heart to ensure that what I do everyday is what I love. I feel so alive- like I have really found my purpose, but more than anything I feel like I can truly help others. Spreading the ripple effect of wellness and guiding people to reach their health goals and beyond is really something that brings me joy.

It is now time for me to reach out to the world and set even bigger goals. I am now taking clients in one-on-one sessions, and group coaching sessions. Please take a moment to explore what I do as a health coach, or better yet, just ask me if you are curious!

3 tips to stay on top of your health this winter | caitlinargotsinger 28/02/2018

Winter is almost over, but we still want to stay healthy until spring! Check out my blog to find out how!

3 tips to stay on top of your health this winter | caitlinargotsinger 1. Stay hydrated We need LOTS of water, even in the winter. I find that many people think about sweating in the summer and always having water, but we need a lo

My holistic practice philosophy

You might often hear that being healthy is about counting carbs and dwelling on the amounts of calories, fats, or proteins you need (or don’t). I take an entirely different approach to teach you exactly what your body needs, and how to listen to it.

There are reasons some dietary theories work for some people but not others. The same is true about exercise, meditation, spirituality, relationships and so on. It is crucial to understand that every person is an individual with unique biological needs. In order to create a plan that works for you, I guide you through discovering what your needs are.

Most of us have lost our innate senses of knowing what our own bodies need. We are overwhelmed by damaging foods, toxic environments, or unbalanced lifestyles that have become β€œnormal” in our society. My role is to help you forge your own path to wellness and get you back on track to be the person you were born to be.

Learn about my journey to wellness and more at

Videos (show all)

This is how we celebrated with food for our daughter and her friend's 3rd birthday Woodland party!It was gluten free, su...
Golden Power.
Gluten free, yeast free, one handed 15 minute naan (prepping ahead for our Indian food tonight! πŸ˜‰)
Thank you community for getting me here! This is what is new and good. :)
