Eagle Forum Insights

Eagle Forum Insights

INSIGHTS is an e-publication of Eagle Forum highlighting current issues weekly.

When Political Ideology Takes Over Advanced Placement Courses 14/08/2024

When Political Ideology Takes Over Advanced Placement Courses Under the leadership of Common Core czar David Coleman, the College Board has been creating or rewriting Advanced Placement (AP) courses to reflect a leftist worldview.

Eagle Council 52 Registration 20/06/2024

See you in St. Louis!

Eagle Council 52 Registration Eagle Council is the National Eagle Forum’s Annual Leadership and Training Conference. It includes expert speakers covering various issues within a stellar program that is carefully designed to educate, enrich, and empower YOU to be a more informed, engaged, and effective U.S. citizen! We will als...

They Almost Always Grow Out of It 20/06/2024


They Almost Always Grow Out of It A recent German study on trans-identifying people has confirmed what other studies and most people already know: The vast majority of children and adults who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria, to the point of wanting to surgically change their s*x, will grow out of it within five years.

Let There Be No Doubt: Your Children Are The Target 13/06/2024


Let There Be No Doubt: Your Children Are The Target The Scholastic Bookfair used to be an exciting time for kids and a place where parents could feel safe knowing their kids would have a world of interesting, educational, and enlightening reading experiences. Unfortunately, like so many innocent joys of childhood, LGBT activists have taken that safet...

When An Administration Supports "Death to America" Calls on Its Own Soil 10/04/2024


When An Administration Supports "Death to America" Calls on Its Own Soil It used to be a foregone conclusion that the United States would always stand by Israel when it was threatened by Islamist nations who despise the fact that Israel even exists. Terrorists view the United States with the same hatred, and now we have an administration that openly supports those who wi...

A Few Undeterred Parents Can Move Mountains 04/04/2024

Parent power!

A Few Undeterred Parents Can Move Mountains With the onslaught of graphically s*xual and completely age-inappropriate children’s library books in communities all across the country, many parents have tried to fight but have often felt discouraged by librarians’ and elected officials’ deaf ears.

Hamstringing The Government Is Exactly The Point 28/03/2024


Hamstringing The Government Is Exactly The Point The social media censorship case recently argued before the U.S. Supreme Court highlights the worrisome perspective of many liberal justices today who seem to have forgotten the purpose of the First Amendment’s protection of free speech.

China's "Disintegration Warfare" Against America 20/03/2024


China's "Disintegration Warfare" Against America China knows that a weakened American society will mean an easier path for China to triumph on the international stage.


Kris Ullman will be on the panel!! Spread the word!

WHEN: 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. ET, Wednesday, March 20, 2024

REGISTER TO ATTEND: StopVaxPassports.org

WASHINGTON, D.C.—At the end of May 2024, the World Health Assembly will vote on two instruments that, if passed and implemented, would usher in a digital gulag from which there will be no escape.

If the WHO gets its way, it can take over your healthcare in case of a pandemic, including mask mandates, forced vaccination, quarantines, and lockdowns. It will require a massive surveillance state using Digital IDs, which will track nearly every aspect of your life, and if you step out of line, it can be used to sever you from your bank account and credit card.

It is urgent that people wake up to the fact that we are dangerously close to losing our national sovereignty and personal medical freedom. Once these are lost, getting them back will be nearly impossible.

The next Committee on the Present Danger: China webinar will be a joint production with its Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force (SVPTF), entitled “Freefall into Tyranny: What's at stake at the World Health Assembly,” from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. ET, on Wednesday, March 20. It will inform the public on the WHO’s tyrannical reforms, and what citizens can do to stop them. Register to attend at StopVaxPassports.org.

The Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force is a joint project of the Committee on the Present Danger: China and Women’s Rights Without Frontiers.

Members of the public are encouraged to take action by signing the American Sovereignty Declaration at SovereigntyCoalition.org.
WHAT: A CPDC/SVPTF webinar | “Freefall into Tyranny: What's at stake at the World Health Assembly”

WHEN: 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. ET, Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Co-Host and Moderator
Frank Gaffney, Co-Chair, Stop Vax Passports Task Force (SVPTF); Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition; Vice Chair, Committee on the Present Danger: China; Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy
Co-Host and Panelist
Reggie Littlejohn, Esq., President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers; Co-Chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force; and Co-Founder of The Sovereignty Coalition – TOPIC: What’s at Stake at the World Health Assembly

· Bill Walton, Host, The Bill Walton Show; Vice Chair, Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) – TOPIC: “The WHO agreements and the great transfer of wealth and technology”
· Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D., Board-certified internist; biological warfare epidemiologist and expert in anthrax – TOPIC: “The WHO and the Spawning of Pandemics”
· Dr. Kat Lindley, D.O., family physician and president of the Texas branch of the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons; Co-Founder, Global Health Project; member – TOPIC: “The WHO Treaty will Destroy the Physician/Patient Relationship”
· Alex Newman, Contributor, The Epoch Times and other diverse publications; award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who co-wrote the book “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children” – TOPIC: “Life After a Globalist Coup”
· Hon. Michele Bachmann, Member of Congress (2007-2015); Presidential candidate (2012); Dean, Robertson School of Government, Regent University – TOPIC: “Leaders Must Take a Stand Immediately to Preserve our Sovereignty”
· Kris Ullman, National President, Eagle Forum – TOPIC:“A Call to Action: What Can the Grassroots Do?”
HOW: Register at StopVaxPassports.org

The Steady Hand of Clarence Thomas 15/02/2024


The Steady Hand of Clarence Thomas During times of uncertainty and unrest, it is helpful to look to leaders like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for a steady hand and fidelity to that which makes our government work best for the people.

The New Trojan Horse in Civics Education 09/02/2024


The New Trojan Horse in Civics Education The indoctrination of "action civics" is coming to states who receive grants from the Educating for American Democracy (EAD) national initiative, Civics will no longer focus on mundane things such as the Constitution and how government works but on "systemic injustices" and raising an "anti-oppressi...

Your Retirement Account Doesn't Have To Be Tied to Leftist Values 31/01/2024


Your Retirement Account Doesn't Have To Be Tied to Leftist Values Many people are starting to realize that their retirement accounts and other investments are captured by corporations who have no interest in basic conservative values or even in the best financial return for their shareholders.

Anti-Human Agendas At Davos 26/01/2024


Anti-Human Agendas At Davos Insider reports of events that are not always depicted with the utmost accuracy by the mainstream media can provide insights that either confirm or refute what we might have previously thought. Larry Taunton’s description of the people and ideas being touted at the World Economic Forum in Davos pr...

Tomatoes and Cotton: How Democrats View Illegal Immigrants 17/01/2024

Tomatoes and Cotton: How Democrats View Illegal Immigrants While Democrats refuse to acknowledge the dangerous realities of the illegal immigrant invasion at our southern border, one prominent Democrat congressman has finally said the quiet part out loud. They need illegal immigrants to pick vegetables just as they needed slaves to pick cotton in 1823.

Solzhenitsyn's Calls for Courage Are Critical Warnings For 2024 03/01/2024


Solzhenitsyn's Calls for Courage Are Critical Warnings For 2024 At a time in our country when we see daily examples of creeping – no, galloping – authoritarianism, it might be a good reminder to read what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote not that long ago about this human tendency.

Hope for Lost Boys 13/12/2023


Hope for Lost Boys Trail Life USA isn’t just a Christian alternative to the Boy Scouts; it’s an answer to the deep crisis affecting boys in America.

Woke = Chairman Mao: "It's All About Chaos" 30/11/2023

Woke = Chairman Mao: "It's All About Chaos" To understand the realities and underlying philosophies of cultural revolutions, it is always helpful to hear from those who lived through the revolutions. Samantha Aschieris’ interview with Xi Van Fleet, author of Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning, provides an important introduction to such...

Exhibit A In The Land of Slippery Slopes 16/11/2023


Exhibit A In The Land of Slippery Slopes Federal legislation being promoted for "the safety of us all on the highways" could lead to one of the biggest pro-surveillance federal mandates in recent memory. "Kill switches" in new cars are being considered to monitor "impaired driving" and automatically disable the vehicle if impairment is sus...

These Military Leaders Need To Be Stopped 08/11/2023

These Military Leaders Need To Be Stopped Col. Ben Jonsson, an Air Force officer who accused his fellow “white colonels” of being “blind to institutional racism,” is the subject of blistering criticism from subordinates at MacDill Air Force Base, where he served as commander from 2020 to 2022.

So Israel Should Be Blamed for Fighting Back? 20/10/2023


So Israel Should Be Blamed for Fighting Back? The tired mantra that Israel is always to blame could not be more tone-deaf and offensive than it has been from the left after Hamas’ barbarism early this month. No country in the world other than Israel would ever be encouraged to hold back from defending its citizens.

Ethnic Studies: The New CRT in Sheep's Clothing 04/10/2023


Ethnic Studies: The New CRT in Sheep's Clothing Just when you thought the left could not hijack the language any further (actually, that will never happen), “Ethnic Studies” is the new disguise for Critical Race Theory in the world of education. This stealthy push to encourage even more racial division in schools sounds benign at first glance...

Why attend Eagle Council XLVIII and be a part of Eagle Forum? 20/09/2023

Why attend Eagle Council and get involved with Eagle Forum...

Why attend Eagle Council XLVIII and be a part of Eagle Forum? EAGLE COUNCIL XLVIII is Eagle Forum's 48th annual leadership and training conference. Join us in our nation's beautiful capital city for a full and exciting...


Registration Cut-off is TODAY!! Are you coming... bringing others? We sure hope so as we wouldn't want you to miss out on our annual 'family' reunion!

We are FAMILY, I got all my EAGLES with me!! See you soon!! 💓

Marxists Really Are Attacking Your Children 20/09/2023

We hear more and more about the growth of Marxist ideology in our culture, but it is often hard to comprehend the breadth and depth of its presence. Virginia Allen’s interview of Liz Wheeler offers important insights from Wheeler’s new book, Hide Your Children: Exposing the Marxists Behind the Attack on America’s Kids. Wheeler names names and offers strategies for what we should be doing to stop the attempted overthrow. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.

Marxists Really Are Attacking Your Children We hear more and more about the growth of Marxist ideology in our culture, but it is often hard to comprehend the breadth and depth of its presence.

Thank Goodness for One Courageous Senator 14/09/2023


Thank Goodness for One Courageous Senator We hear on a regular basis about the military’s unfortunate trek toward wokeness, but Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama seems to be the only person in Washington trying to stop it.

Fool Me Once... 06/09/2023


Fool Me Once... A presidential election year is right around the corner, so we should not be surprised to hear rumblings of a new disease outbreak that might prevent us from having ordinary voting procedures. We cannot fall prey to the hysteria this time. The dress rehearsal to see how compliant we would be is over...

American Cities Plan for No Meat, No Dairy, and No Private Vehicles in Seven Years 23/08/2023

Do you live in one of these cities?

American Cities Plan for No Meat, No Dairy, and No Private Vehicles in Seven Years It is one thing to listen to climate change fanatics’ fantasies about living in a world free of SUVs, meat, and light bulbs that provide light. It is something completely different to discover that fourteen American cities are actually going down this path over the next seven years. Does it make s...

No Need For a Law Degree To See The Dangers of The Indictments 09/08/2023

No Need For a Law Degree To See The Dangers of The Indictments The never-ending indictments of Donald Trump should alarm citizens on both sides of the political aisle, no matter how one personally feels about the former president. As former federal prosecutor Will Scharf explains, the legal, ethical, and political problems with these criminal accusations are nu...

Department of Defense Shuts Off Military Children's Medical Care From Their Parents? 02/08/2023

Parents rights are again being usurped! Outrageous!! Rise up, people!

Department of Defense Shuts Off Military Children's Medical Care From Their Parents? As parents increasingly must fight for their proper role as their children’s guardians, the Department of Defense has joined the movement to shut parents out of their children’s lives.
