Bible Baptist Radio Ministry

Bible Baptist Radio Ministry

Ministry outreach of Bible Baptist Church to families of Tillman County locally, and the World Wide Web globally, called Family Matters


Thank you for your faithfulness to our radio ministry. During this transition time as we search for a new pastor their will be no new posts added to this page. We appreciate your prayers.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 17/07/2022

Parents, are you leading your children to face or fear their giants? I fear if we don't teach our children to face our giants, that we will become as giants unto our children. We need to teach our children that with God's help we can run into the Valley of Elah! Because we can do all things, if the Lord is our strength.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 10/07/2022

Rather Than Let Worry Weaken Our Worship, Our Worship Should Weaken Our Worry! Philipians 4:6-7 gives us a solution to the problem to worry, it is our worship! Continuing to pray and to give thanks to the Lord brings peace; whereas, worry only brings us trouble, heartache, because of disobedience. Worry doesn't just bring disobedience, but worry itself is disobedience. Worry can make a wreck of your life and your family, when all God really wants to do is bless your family, by its worship of Him! Come join us in Worship and make an end of your Worry! We will be blessed to have you and your family!

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 03/07/2022

Teach your children not only to love and serve the Lord, but also to choose to do so. I am thankful to have children who have chosen to love and serve the Lord, but I want them to continue to do so; not because I say so but because they choose too. A person convinced against their will are of the same opinion still. You can force your child to obey God, but as adults they must choose to do so. Rules without Relationship will produce Rebellion in your adult children. We must encourage our children to choose to follow the Lord, not just follow the rules. No one's children are perfect and we must encourage one another in parenting, especially those families with difficult children. None of us are perfect parents, nor have we parented perfectly. It will take a personal relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ to perfect our children, so let's teach them to choose to obey Him.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.


Our children must be taught to hear God's Word, not just in the house of the Lord but also in your own house. We need to form a habit, either at the beginning or end of our day, of spending time with our children and family listening to and for the Lord's voice. It wasn't until the temple work was done and the temple lights had been dimmed that the Lord spoke to Samuel. We watch T.V., listen to music, and leave the lights on until we are exhausted from the business of our day, and there is still that voice reminding all the things we haven't accomplished or left undone that prevents you from sleep. All these things have drowned out the Lord's voice, and we must again be intentionally taught to hear God's Word. It's not that God is no longer speaking, but that we by and large are no longer listening!


To whom or what you turn in your time of difficulty and sadness may determine to whom or what your children turn in their time of difficulty and sadness. You may say if God would answer more of my prayers, I would offer Him more of my praise; but I say if you will offer Him more of your praise, then He will answer more of your prayer! Are you worshipping Substance or Savior? That which you turn to in difficulty and sadness is your God, and very likely will become the God of your children. The praise of God will not guarantee the answer of prayer, but it greatly increases the likelihood of it! Join me in praising God in the expectation of answered prayer of you and your family.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 12/06/2022

According to Boaz, Ruth showed more faith at the last than she did at first. We would not be able to talk about the faith of Ruth without talking about the faith of Naomi, but here we see the faith of Ruth encouraging Naomi in her own faith! Is this not how faith is supposed to work?

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 05/06/2022

Your friends will worship what you as their friend worships. Naomi was an example of a true friend, encouraging her family to worship and follow the Lord. Now will you be a Ruth or an Orpah and follow the Lord or choose family over Him?

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.


This is a rebroadcast of this week's lesson three years ago.
This is a good time to mention we have three years of
archived productions of Family Matters on our website.
We've been busy at church this week with v.b.s., and will
be having a special Sunday service. If you missed out, then
don't miss this morning's service! You will experience our
weekend within one hour. Enjoy this morning's devotional,
join us for our final v.b.s. service, and come back for our
Memorial Day family picnic for food fun and fellowship.


The gospel of Gideon begins and ends at a winepress. Your family will experience one of these two winepress... one of cowardice or of courage, one of defeat or of victory. The which will be determined by your faithfulness in the present... God has been faithful in the past and God will be faithful in the future, but "if God be with us why hath all of this befallen us" in the present. America is involved in a downward spiritual spiral that will only be stopped when God's people stand up and stop hiding; standing in the majority that is "us plus God"! God took a minority of faithful men and defeated the majority "as if it were one man"! That can be taken several ways, but I choose to believe that the "One Man" our victories depend upon is God alone and not of any one man. The rise of Gideon and the fall of Midian teaches us this trust that in our inadequacy the Lord is sufficient and we can trust Him in the future as we have in the past, if we will live for Him in the present!


That which is not God's genuine love is a counterfeit form of hatred.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 08/05/2022

How To Be A God Pleasing Mother
You Will Be Adapted To What You Are Adopted By

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 01/05/2022

If you are endeavoring to share the gospel, you can expect the world and the Prince thereof to distract and disrupt you, and if that doesn't work he will physically detain you, but it is so disheartening that for many believers the devil need only defame us to prevent us from sharing the gospel. Today as we discuss our gospel testimony we stress the importance of emphasizing spiritual, not physical, salvation. In Acts 16:16-34, we will see three different salvations, but only one which results in eternal life. After all, isn't it our intention of sharing the gospel for the purpose of others saying yes to the Lord Jesus Christ's free gift of eternal salvation, not just earthly salvation?

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 24/04/2022

Divine appointments, like doctor appointments, are not meant to be missed and often come with a cost to the believer and unbeliever alike. If Paul and Silas had not been willing to be forbidden, suffered not, and constrained by the Holy Spirit, then we might not have first and second Timothy in the canon of scripture and the woman leading a woman's prayer and bible study, named Lydia, might not have been saved. We need to examine life's delays and detours in the light of God's Word, that He may be drawing you to a divine appointment. It could be on our worst days, that God is trying to use us to make it someone else's best day ever! So, we must always be prepared in season and out of season to share the gospel with others!

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 17/04/2022

We need not only pray for rain with our umbrella in hand, but that we would pray with our umbrella's already open anticipating the blessings of God's answered prayers!

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Timeline photos 10/04/2022

Hope to see you!

Join us tonight for a family visit from our missionary friends from Brazil, Mark and Dana McCutchens as they report on their work in sao Paulo. Come see and hear real live missionaries, and see how your missionary dollars are being invested around the world and be challenged for the Great Commission at home. Mark is a hardworking and great preaching missionary, you will be blessed to join us this evening at 6pm!

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 10/04/2022

What God chooses not to do physically, He can do also spiritually. We do not serve a God who can't save us from death, but we serve a God who can also raise us from death. Though God the Father did not prevent the death of His Son Jesus, God did also permit His Son to raise from the dead. Here Peter has the opportunity by the power of Christ's resurrection to raise Aeneas from the bed and Tabitha from the dead. Not all of us will be raised physically, but by the belief in the resurrection of Jesus we will all be raised spiritually!

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 04/04/2022

Sorry for the delays in posting, and thank you for the prayers for our family. These two devotions are recordings from previously aired episodes of our Family Matters devotions. You can find 3 years of previous episodes on our webpage.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 20/03/2022

This Easter for the very first time, we are celebrating with everyone in our household professing a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and belief in His Resurrection. I pray the same for you and your household, and promise to help your child "run to Jesus", but also help you to "run to others". The good news for you as a parent is that Jesus, like with Mary and the disciples, will always appear and explain the gospel and resurrection to you or your family member, if they will but ask (James 1:5). Some will believe without seeing, some will see and believe, while yet some will not belief, but don't let that prevent you from presenting the gospel to your family and its members this resurrection season.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 13/03/2022

If Christ lived as we lived no one would be forgiven of their sins, but if we lived as Christ lived many more would be forgiven of their sins. Barabbas is a picture of man's love for the world, and we are guilty of loving the world much more than we love the Lord. In regards to our own salvation, we are much more like Barabbas than we are like Christ. Barabbas is never recorded in God's Word as having given thanks or his heart and life to the Lord who died so that he could be set free. May we instead be more like Christ, living as thou we were already "tried and crucified", so that others may be able to also go free!

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 06/03/2022

It's two for one Sunday, as I got locked out of the church website last Sunday.
Rather than teaching our children to only think of themselves and who will serve them, let us teach them to have a heart to serve all other not just our fellow believers but also our and God's enemies.
Our previous week's study upon the prodigal son.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 20/02/2022

It is always a pleasure as a parent for another adult to tell me how good my children are, but my end goal as a Christian parent is not to only have good children but godly children.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 13/02/2022

The golden rule is not just about man's relationship with his fellow man, but is about man's relationship with his Father God. Luke 6:31 reads, 'as you would that men should do to you , do ye also to them', but it easily could read 'as you would that God should do to you, do ye also unto man'. The bible gives us three things we are to be as our Father God is... holy, perfect, and merciful. We aren't only called to love our neighbor, but also our enemy as we love ourselves. This colors our understanding of the golden rule when we attempt to exclude our enemy from the definition of the question 'who is my neighbor?'. We need to tree treat our enemy as our neighbor, rather than treating our 'neighbor as our enemy', if we are to follow the Lord's teachings in Luke 6:27-38.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 06/02/2022

You have a roll to play in whether or not others experience the world's woes or the Lord's blessings, because the Lord's blessings flow upon those that follow Him and those that follow after them that follow after Him.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 30/01/2022

Teaching your children to be a friend and servant of the Lord Jesus Christ will help them experience His glory in your and their lives!

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Timeline photos 26/01/2022

Stay home, stay safe, stay warm. All services canceled this evening. See you Sunday!

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 23/01/2022

God bless you and your family! We hope to see you in the Lord's house.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 09/01/2022

By helping our children to see and identify God's little miracles in their life, they will not be alarmed when God performs His greater miracles in their life (such as salvation), nor will they be deceived when the Devil performs his counterfeit and imitation miracles he desires to perform in their lives. God moves us from observance of miracles, to belief, and then performance (rather participation) in His miracles so that others might believe. God is still in the business of the miraculous, why then do we observe these miracles less and less. Whether blinded by or bound by our unbelief, it may be we've grown increasingly oblivious to God's small miracles the Lord does in our daily life. Just as the Lord was concerned with an event of such minor significance as with a wedding at Cana; so also, the Lord is concerned with the mundane details of your day to day life. May we again through obedience and observance, see the Lord's small wonders in our family's lives.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 26/12/2021

God bless you and your family this Christmas!

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK 19/12/2021

Have you ever consider how very special you are, for God to allow His very special Son to die for you and me. As much as Jesus was different, His birth and childhood were very much like our own. Think about it, Jesus came to earth and took on flesh, so that He could be like us and identify with our humanity. Jesus Christ's birth, life, and death unite us more than they divide us, because His sinless, perfect life convicts us of our sin in the flesh. Despite our differences, we have this in common we are all sinners in need of a Savior, and the birth and subsequent death and resurrection of Jesus Christ provides for us that Salvation.

Bible Baptist Church 1600 N. 15th St., Frederick, OK Jesus, Grace, and Love. Our goal is to love God, Love others, and serve the world.


Opening Hours

Wednesday 17:00 - 18:00
Sunday 10:00 - 18:00