Kelly Ann Matuskiewicz

Kelly Ann Matuskiewicz

You were born perfect.

I teach & facilitate Empathic Entrepreneurs, Neurodivergent Leaders & Rebel Artists how to release the invisible barriers to the business, love, & life your soul is here for through Energy Medicine ✨, Emotional Freedom 💫 & Consciousness Rebirth 🌟 My work is to guide you to remembering how amazing you are, to discover your inner dreams and desires, and to lead you to living a life your heart holds for you.


The Quantum Illumination sessions are tomorrow.

Have your questions answered re: business, money, relationships, patterns, what’s stopping your flow, what messages is your body telling you, is there something blocking your hearts toroidal field…?

The lines are open.

Your enrollment provides 2 sessions a month, the recording, and a private chat.


Energy & Psychic readings, channeling your heart & higher self. I see the invisible that creates the tangible.
These sessions are the secret weapon to your success in love, business, money, home, life…

Photos from Kelly Ann Matuskiewicz's post 18/06/2024

It didn’t start with you.⁣

The only thing consistent about her income was its inconsistency.⁣

She would receive influxes of income with clients and have a six-month waiting list. And then it would all go away.⁣

Up / down, feast / famine / fear.⁣

In attempting to resolve the problem, she branched out into other business ventures. None of them took off. ⁣

(Reaching 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 of herself rather than going within - where our power to create change resides).⁣

This cycle created mounds of debt, stress, heartbreak, and cracks her confidence.⁣

In a session, I identified precisely where the energy of this pattern was originating from.⁣

My client saw exactly how the past events in her ancestral lineage were manifesting in *her* reality now.⁣

These patterns pass down energetically, through our nervous system, and DNA. ⁣

𝗨𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗶𝘁. ⁣
(𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤)⁣

In her 27 years of doing healing work and trying to get to the root cause, she never received this clarity and awareness. ⁣

Awareness is power.⁣

What is happening in your business, art, love, or life! that no matter what level of effort you put in and actions you take, you don’t receive the outcome and results you desire?⁣

If you came this far, you’re likely the cycle breaker and pattern alchemist. ⁣

You know there is more and better on the other side and you’re ready to claim it!⁣

Ready to shave off years of figuring it out and finally allow yourself the freedom to be who you are and do what you’re here to do? Reach out.⁣

It doesn’t have to be so hard.⁣

Photos from Kelly Ann Matuskiewicz's post 15/06/2024

A story of choice, listening, allowing, and aligning… ⁣

I was in my hotel room mapping out in Google maps where I would catch the sunset in Charleston, SC. ⁣

I was in the city with a lot of tall buildings around me. I was searching restaurants and rooftops near shorelines to get the best view. (Because why not?!)⁣

I figured out a place and hopped in my car. ⁣

When I began driving, I immediately saw the sun and an open road toward the water. 😍⁣

I found this fabulous spot! 📸⁣

It was right around the corner from the hotel (vs the 10 min drive I was going to take).⁣

After snapping a few amazing pics, I was then led back into my car and guided to an even closer, more amazing place. ⁣

A park with a long pier that went into the ocean.⁣

The message…⁣

We just need to 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘀𝗲, 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻, and 𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄. ⁣

The “how” (or where) is none of our business.⁣

(𝘮𝘺 𝘵𝘺𝘱𝘦 𝘈 / 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘺 🤓 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘢𝘺). ⁣

What we need / desire always arrives. (Always!)⁣

Many times in ways we couldn’t even imagine! 🤩⁣

Stop trying to figure it out. ⁣
Choose the outcome. ⁣
Open your heart and listen. ⁣
Take the inspired / intuitive led actions.⁣
Know it is done.


What needs to shift for you to make the m0ney you desire? 💰

Photos from Kelly Ann Matuskiewicz's post 12/06/2024

What if you knew the EXACT thing in your way of what you’re working so hard to create and make happen?


What if you knew the EXACT thing in your way of what you’re working so hard to create and make happen? ⁣

Nicki’s money and business has been in ebbs and flows their entire life. ⁣

Money would come, business would be booming and then huge dips. This caused a constant state of stress. ⁣

What they really wanted is a constant stream of financial flow. ⁣

No matter what plan they put in place, they would always come back to this place of lack, stress, and debt. ⁣

They tried side hustles too. Same thing happened. Never any success. ⁣

Why? ⁣

Because in their energy field and DNA there were energetic imprints (a few) passed down their lineage. ⁣

These imprints kept them from sharing the brilliant work they do too. ⁣

Underneath - fear of abandonment and being dismissed. Something that happened in their ancestry decades upon decades ago (it didn’t start with you).⁣

Once I helped them see these energetic imprints, they saw how it had manifested through their business and relationships for years. ⁣

In all their years of healing work (27 yrs = 9 = the end), they never discovered what was at the core affecting every effort they made to succeed.⁣

And because we align with what we are a vibrational match to, that was their reality.⁣

In the session I facilitated Energy Medicine to clear their energy field and DNA of these imprints and pointed them back to their power of creation. ⁣

It is SO much easier to create, align, and allow (Make Big Magic) without the weight and distortion of these frequencies and imprints. ⁣

I absolutely love being the Seer, Oracle, Magic Activator, and Freedom Facilitator for those of you here to do brilliant healing, coaching, and art making in this world. ⁣

You are the positive ripple effect here to Be the Change.


Are you seeking clarity on what's holding back your business, finances, or love life?

Join the Quantum Illumination sessions to discover and shift the energy blocks that are keeping you from achieving your desires.

Session TODAY starting at 1 pm Eastern.

✨ **What you'll get:**
- Insight into where and why your energy is blocked

- Guidance on how to realign and allow

- Energy & Psychic readings with channeled wisdom

💫 **Special June Offer:**
- Two 1:1 readings per month
- Session recordings
- Exclusive chat access

All for just **$62.26**!

Transform your life today. Enroll now and step into the flow of your true potential! 💖



In one Quantum Illumination session I helped a client save a couple thousand 💰💰plus brought relief to her heart and the healing she was seeking. Quite the ROI.

Photos from Kelly Ann Matuskiewicz's post 31/05/2024

How much is fear costing you, your business, your relationships, happiness and health? ⁣

Barbara was feeling strapped, stressed, and scared about her money situation. ⁣

She barely made payroll and cashed out all she could to take care of her and her family’s living expenses. ⁣

All the strategies and marketing she had done prior weren’t producing expected results.⁣

Clients were dropping off. Her group enrollments barely covered the cost to create and run them. ⁣

When I told Barbara the exact thing to say to shift the energy and money flow, her response was “I’m not good enough to speak that way”.⁣

That fear wasn’t what was actually creating her wonky money situation.. ⁣

The “I’m not good enough” came from an inner aspect of her - in place for decades - that was afraid of —-> actually allowing herself to have the money, business, and relationship she really desires.⁣

“I’m not good enough” is the surface level. ⁣

The fear of asking for and allowing what she desires kept her paralyzed from taking the real actions that would create a change. ⁣

So she’d be spinning and hustling and nothing worked. ⁣

Once the energy of the aspect / part in place was resolved, she spoke the words I gave her and invoices of $30k were sent with ease - a massive step!⁣

If what you’re doing isn’t giving you the anticipated ROI, it’s time for a different approach. ⁣

Energy Medicine. Where everything manifests from. ⁣

Keep in mind, these inner aspects / parts will work hard for their survival and tell you alllll the reasons you can’t take the step. ⁣

Go beyond it; your heart knows.


How does this land for you? What is your interpretation?

“Energy and consciousness are the currency.”


You’re sensitive and that’s a superpower.⁣

Yet, you were made wrong for how you feel and who you be.⁣

They conditioned to believe you were too much. ⁣

You shut down to fit in. ⁣

You became afraid and hid your own power. ⁣

But, now your heart and soul is bursting through the veil. ⁣

Holding back your full on energy, power, and essence is creating more frustration than the safety now. ⁣

You know you’re powerful and you’re done holding back. ⁣

You’re ready to focus all the energy and love and magic you give to others back to you. ⁣

You’re ready to unveil the magic and medicine within you - and let your wild, powerful self free to be. ⁣


Lets have a chat about how Make Big Magic mentorship facilitates the awakening and embodiment of all of who you are, activates your innate superpowers, teaches you how to work with energy, emotion, and consciousness for you to create a life you love - your way with ease!


Are you procrastinating? Let’s shift that! Replay on my page.


Wondering what you can ask and find out about inside the Quantum Illumination sessions? Here are some ideas… ⁣

Consider any questions you would bring to a coaching call, Psychic, Intuitive, or Channel that you want to have insight, a higher perspective on, or to know the energetic alignment of. ✅⁣

Is there something you desire to manifest (business, love, home, health, etc) and want to know the action to take or move to make for precise alignment? ⁣

There a pattern you are so ready to be free from. We’ll identify the origin of creation and clear the energy. ⁣

Are there energies in your field effecting your creativity, inspiration, motivation? (I’ll see them and share how to release them)⁣

Is there a repeating experience you're having and you want to know why it’s happening and how to shift it? (Clients not signing up, no dates, fear keeps popping up before you make a move).⁣

Are there family or relationship issues you want to resolve? ⁣

Is there something happening with your health that you want to get to the core of? ⁣

Is there a financial goal you want to hit and want insight on the exact moves to make for that alignment?⁣

Is there something in your romantic partnership you want to elevate, deepen or expand?⁣

Is there a business idea you want an energy read on? (Success and scalability)⁣

Tomorrow is the next season. You choose your time. We meet on a conference line. The recording is sent within 48 hours. ⁣

With your entry you receive two sessions a month and a private group chat. ⁣

Come and go as you please.

Photos from Kelly Ann Matuskiewicz's post 19/05/2024

Celebrating my 13th year on Facebook. 😳🤯 (more years on my personal page)

Thank you for your continued support, connection, collaborations, and sharing the love with others. 🙏🤗🎉

Together we can do great things.

When two or more minds come together, magic is made - with more ease than alone.

Partnerships, business collaborations, heart and soul support, mind expansion, muti dimensional healing, heart opening, inspiration, and so much more has evolved as we connect and grow our community.

As much as I’ve enjoyed the online space and all the connections I’ve made, I’m really enjoying living life, being in the now moment, and appreciating the in person / IRL connections and community that is growing locally and throughout the world.

Thank YOU 🙌 for being a part of my journey and world.

It keeps getting better and better from here!

Photos from Kelly Ann Matuskiewicz's post 16/05/2024

There is an infinite intelligence, a super consciousness, that when we connect, listen, and follow, we’re guided more quickly to alignment with the experiences, life, and love we desire.

Fearlessness and courage are required to allow ourselves to branch out beyond perceived limits.


For when you’re feeling intense emotions and body sensations… And from an Energy Medicine perspective….

We, as human beings, are made up of energy. When the energy around and within us shifts, our bodies also respond.

As a collective, we are all going through shifts and upgrades – also been referred to as the ‘ascension process’.

The shifts can feel uncomfortable, startling, and even scary in your mind and body if you don’t realize something larger than your symptom is going on.

I thought I’d share some of what I and others have been experiencing as ‘ascension symptoms’ so you do not feel crazy or alone in your experience.


Everthing takes care of itself when we align and allow it to.


The Quantum Illumination sessions - psychic readings, channel downloads, heart, healing, pattern, disruption, and empowered alignment… And more. ⁣

Two sessions a month with your enrollment and a private chat. ⁣

Details inside my bio next session is today at 1 PM Eastern.


Celebrating a client materializing magic money in the (current) amount of $115, 179 through my Breakthrough Activation.


Deep feelers…
How are you doin today?


Have you noticed...?⁣

When you take the steps toward your dreams and desires, distractions and drama arises. 💥⁣

It will manifest in many ways - the water heater blows, your schedule gets booked up, a friend calls for help, family or work drama ensues...⁣

And, logically, these suddenly need your attention and energy.⁣

Or do they?⁣

In the Quantum Illumination sessions, ⁣
:: you have the insider info on the energies running in your field and life, ⁣

:: you gain clarity on your truest desires and the precise action steps to take for alignment, ⁣

:: you become aware of the patterns and programs preventing the outcomes you desire, ⁣

:: you receive channeled guidance for healing your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual bodies...⁣

You receive direct, elevated insight for your success.⁣

The next session is this Wednesday. ⁣

With your entry, you receive two sessions a month and a private group chat.



The courageous choices she made to follow the energy and guidance led her through quantum leaps to aligning with her personal power, reclaiming her voice, embodying her leadership, and healing her heart from lifetimes of pain, betrayal, and oppression. ⁣

She is now sole owner of the business and building. ⁣

She expresses herself more freely and confidently. ⁣

She activated and unveiled her innate gifts and superpowers - sharing them more openly and freely. ⁣

The walls around her heart have dismantled and she is available to meet her soulmate. ⁣

When you’re ready to go further, faster, the Make Big Magic mentorship is the pathway.


Embodying all facets of ourself accelerates progress—tapping into our innate magic and superpowers propelling us further and faster than logic and analysis ever could. We are the Magic.

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Have the courage to release the version of you not in alignment with the new version of you birthing through and you’ll ...
You are the magic! Time to shine!
Quantum illumination sessions
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