Medicare superman by John Weaver

Medicare superman by  John Weaver

Medicare is complicated and locating an agent to help is a challenge.

This Medicare Information page can provide you with the information necessary to help you make those health care decisions when and after you turn 65.


Medicare AEP is almost here.
Medicare is complicated as there are over 400 plans in California alone. Finding the plan that would suite your individual needs is difficult at best. Find a broker, such as myself, that is contracted with 8 different health insurance companies and ask for help.

Remember, Medicare agents are not allowed to call you unless permission is given. This could be in the form of a letter you send back, a message you leave an agent, speaking to an agent at an event and so on...

Annual Open Enrollment (a period of time each year advantage plan members can make a change) begins October 15th. to December 7th.

Don't wait til the last minute.

Speak soon...


Friday is almost here. Friday is when you can learn about the new 2022 plans. Let me know how I can help.


Medicare Seminars.

I'm available for Medicare Educational Only Seminars with no cost or obligation. These seminars explain how much out of pocket you might be responsible for, what plans may cover what medical expenses, what types of plans are available, when to enroll, and so on. They are very educational and last about an hour.


There is a birthday rule in CA. It states you have 60 days after your birthday to apply for a Supplement or Medigap policy without underwriting and you are granted that policy. The insurance company cannot turn you down. A supplement is the same as a Medigap plan. Its just a different word for the same insurance health plan. Medigap/Supplements are part of Medicare Part C.

There are stipulations;
Be a CA resident.
You must already have a supplement or Medigap insurance plan in place.
Submit an application within the 60 day grace period.
You can switch to a supplement or Medigap insurance plan with equal or less benefits.

Why would you switch?
Premium Cost.
You are paying for benefits you don't need.
You need more benefits.

What is underwriting?
Underwriting is a process each insurance company undertakes where you are asked several medical questions, who your doctors are, your medications and so on. Underwriting usually takes between 24-48 hours unless they ask for your medical records.

One more thing...

When you first turn 65, you have 6 months to apply for a supplement without underwriting. After the 6 months have passed, you will be underwritten.

Thank you for taking the time to read the information about Medicare and how you could be protected.



Comparing Medigap Policies.

Hello again.

Medigap or supplements follow federal and state guidelines so insurance companies must follow specific requirements and Medigap health plans are identified by 10 different letters. Each letter has specific benefits.

Insurance companies can decide which Medigap plan to sell although some laws in some states might affect which plans these companies can offer. Plus, insurance companies are not required to offer every plan. However, Insurance companies must offer Medigap Plan A, Plan C or Plan F if any plan is offered.

Comparing benefits is easiest by following a chart. Let me know if this chart is of interest to you and I'll send you Medigap info via email.


Advantage Plan Star Rating? What is that?
The Centers For Medicare and Medicaid created a star rating system to help us compare plan performance and quality. The rating system is from one to five stars, five being the best performing plan. Some of the money health care or insurance companies receive is based on the 5 star system. The more stars the insurance company receives, the more money the company will receive from the federal government.

One of the ways the 5 star system is determined, there are questions in a survey that is given to patients of the plan. They might be sent to them in the mail, email or given out at the particular clinics. Depending upon how the questions are answered helps to identify whether the plan receives 1-5 stars.


A Very Simple Planning Guide for Medicare.

Before you turn 65, plan on receiving dozens of letters and advertisements from agents and health care companies. It's going to be a confusing time. Why? You need a plan.

6-8 Months Before You Turn 65:

Learn about Medicare including the types of plans and when you are eligible.
Contact an agent like myself to explain how the process works. I have a power point presentation that explains Medicare, advantage and supplement plans, medications, how to avoid penalties, and so on.

4-5 Months Before You Turn 65
If you are collecting Social Security benefits, you may be automatically enrolled in Medicare Parts A & B. How will you know? I would contact your local social security office to be sure. (Remember there is a monthly cost to Medicare B.)

If you are not collecting Social Security benefits, contact your local social security office and enroll in Medicare A & B.

If you are still employed, you will want to contract your benefits department to compare your current health plan with Medicare. Some health plans may want you to enroll in Medicare. Remember, after you speak to an agent, you should have a good idea what Medicare offers.

2-3 Months Before You Turn 65:
Your Medicare card should arrive in the mail. This card is necessary to enroll in either a supplement (Medigap Plan) or an advantage plan.

1-2 Months
You have an Initial Enrollment Period which begins 3 months before your 65 birthday and 3 months after your 65th. birthday for advantage plans. Supplement (Medigap) plans have an enrollment period that begins on your 65th birthday and ends 6 months later.

It's important to enroll during you Initial Enrollment Period to avoid a penalty.

Thank you and I hope this helps.




Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00