Dynasty Wealth Partners

Dynasty Wealth Partners

We teach multi-generations financial principles based on wealth creation / accumulation that have been in place for over 150 years.

Michael & Alecia Sparks discovered the Ininfite Banking Concept in 2013 at an event called "The Night Of Clarity" held in Nashville Tennessee. Michael has had a life long interest in personal finance and at one time even wanted to become a stock broker. After learning about Infinite Banking he decided to take part in the benefits of wealth building and tax savings by using a properly structured wh

Jury Orders Pacific Life & Agent to Pay $1.5 Million in IUL Lawsuit 13/06/2024

This is why we are not fans of Indexed Universal Life. Too much risk for my clients. https://investorlosscenter.com/jury-orders-pacific-life-insurance-company-to-pay-for-indexed-universal-life-insurance-case/

Jury Orders Pacific Life & Agent to Pay $1.5 Million in IUL Lawsuit Canyon County, Idaho -- May 13, 2024 -- An Idaho state court jury ordered Pacific Life Insurance Company and an insurance agent to pay a retiree


Did you know we are the Infinite Banking Sponsor for the Real Estate Investors Network of Tennessee?

We love working with Real Estate investors. Many of get the Concept of Becoming Your Own Banker right off the bat because they understand what owning an asset means.

A whole life insurance policy is an asset that you own and control. Because we work with Mutual Life Insurance companies each policy owner is also an owner in the company. This means that any excess profits above what it takes to run the company and retain their contingency assets must be returned to the policy owner in the form of a dividend. Over time these dividends can grow quite large.

Unlike real estate, a whole life insurance policy is guaranteed to grow each and every year. Secondarily all whole life insurance policies have available cash value that can get loaned against. This policy loan feature allows many investors to access capital to be used for their investment purposes.

Some ideas for accumulating capital in a whole life insurance policy:

-- Emergency fund holdings
-- Opportunity fund for liquid capital to take advantage of deals that come your way
-- Funding for downpayments
-- Fix and Flip funding
-- Hard money loans
-- Investing in syndications
-- Holding future income tax payments
-- Deposit money for renters

If you have any questions about real estate investing using a whole life insurance policy for the purpose of Becoming Your Own Banker get in touch and schedule a call! We'll help you learn the inns and outs of this unique financial strategy.


IBC Audible - Dynasty Wealth Partners 19/04/2024

New Podcast is up! Episode 2 is out.

IBC Audible - Dynasty Wealth Partners Michael Sparks, Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioners reads articles about The Infinite Banking Concept written by others.


"Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately (company name removed) would not be able to offer on this life due to the combination of co***ne use history, and current suboxone use." ~senior underwriter

Just got this reply 5 minutes ago. Insurance on kids, along with the guaranteed insurable rider will go a long way to ensure that they can protect their families down the road.

STOP Stealing From Your Future Self! 02/04/2024

Remember even if you pay cash for things you need to account for the future cost of month. Pay yourself back with interest as well. This is called EVA, or Economic Value Added. All money has a cost. The key to the Infinite Banking Concept is to have your money continuously compounding even when you are using it for other things.

STOP Stealing From Your Future Self! In the fall of 2014 economist Robert P. Murphy had a lengthy interview with Nelson Nash, author of *Becoming Your Own Banker: The Infinite Banking Concept*. ...


⬇️ Financial abuse: How to recognize it & tips for protection ⬇️

Financial abuse from a family member, friend, partner, or carer can be when someone: takes out money or gets credit in your name without your knowledge or permission, makes you hand over control of your accounts, cashes in your pension or other cheques without your permission, adds their name to your account, asks you to change your will, has offered to buy shopping or pay bills with your money, but you don’t see this happening, or, prevents you seeing other friends and family.

Here are a Few Tips for Protection:

✅ Passwords and security
If you’ve given anyone your passwords, it’s important to change them as soon as possible! This will mean your abuser will not have access to your accounts.

✅ Opening a new account
Open a new account, as this will help separate your money from your abuser. If you don’t want your personal documents delivered to your home, speak to your provider about getting them posted elsewhere or E-statements.

✅ Your Debts
Some abusers will take out loans or credit cards in your name, or use your property for security for a loan – either with or without your knowledge and permission. It’s worth accessing your free credit report online to see what credit is against your name.


Do you earn then save then spend? Or? Do you earn spend then save what's left over?


This is a story posted on LinkedIn from an insurance influencer that I follow. Yes Children need life insurance...You can't convince me otherwise. Prayers to anyone who's lost a child....This quote hits the nail on head.

"All grief and anguish aside, I thank God that I bought life insurance on my kids. I certainly didn’t budget for AJ to kill himself."

September 16, 2015 by Sheryl J. Moore
Starting out in the insurance industry 20 years ago, there was one thing that I learned quickly and that was life insurance was a necessity. Life insurance guards against the risk of dying unexpectedly. And let’s face it – we’re all going to die.

For that reason alone, I thought that I should purchase life insurance on myself. However, I was also a single mother and I wanted to make sure my kids would be able to be raised in our home, attend college, and have a comfortable life, even if I died early.

Working in the home office helped me to learn that life insurance could be used to accumulate cash values, which you could access for any purpose including funding your children’s educations. In addition to making sure that my children were covered in the event of an unfortunate accident, I wanted help saving for their college dreams. These features motivated me to purchase life insurance not only for myself, but also for my children.

I was tremendously concerned about the health of my first child, AJ. AJ was my first child and only son. He was born with birth defects and health problems. He had his first major cleft lip and palate surgery at the age of six months and was averaging one surgery per year for the majority of his young life.

What if my AJ couldn’t qualify for life insurance as an adult? What if any of my kids developed a health condition that would make it difficult for them to obtain life insurance? Diabetes ran in my family…cancer on my father’s side too. I thought, “Better to purchase the kids’ life insurance while they were children.”

A Guaranteed Purchase Option Rider, where my babies would be guaranteed additional life insurance at periodic intervals throughout their lives without underwriting, provided me the peace of mind I needed.

While many have opined on how selling life insurance on children is a “scam,” I felt confident that I was doing the right thing by purchasing life insurance on my three kiddos before they even entered elementary school. There were just too many things to chance, had I left them uncovered. Little did I know at the time of my purchase just how true those words would ring…

Before long, my employer changed their health plan to exclude AJ’s surgeries for his cleft. I was forced to leave the home office that I loved, and take a higher-paying job that I loathed, simply because my new employer’s health plan covered AJ. For nearly a year, I explored every type of self-motivation to get me through my hellish job so I could get my son the surgeries he needed.

Just before his biggest surgery, my position was eliminated. And so, I had no choice but to start my own company, so that I could ensure my children got the health coverage that they needed. Fortunately, the Shriners Hospitals for Children decided to step-in at just the right time, and gave AJ all of the care that he required. By the time my son reached age 14, his face had transformed into one that he could embrace. He was finally happy with his appearance and loved himself. How satisfying to see my child feeling so free for the first time in over a decade! I wept tears of joy when I saw my son smile with his teeth showing for the first time in his life!

And yet despite enduring 16 surgeries, AJ’s life was secretly in shambles. Although he was the nicest human being I’ve known, he was bullied at his school because he was bi-racial. He was made fun of for his slight lisp, which evolved as a result of his cleft. His nose looked a little crooked and his lip had a scar on it – all targets for teasing. He may have been friends with everyone, but nothing trumped that when AJ came-out as gay.

High school suddenly became a lonely place for my son. While he was busy listening to all of his friends’ teenage angst, he kept his own emotions bottled-up. He smiled and laughed as others called him “Gay-J,” and told gay jokes. He never had a boyfriend, but kids bullied him for his “gay” label alone.

After years of relentless taunting, AJ took his own life. That was [five] years ago. It is hard to believe that he was doing cartwheels in my backyard and playing with our dogs just less than an hour before his senseless act. It is hard to believe that I’ve lived a single hour without my child, much less years. My son chose a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and as a result, my heart and soul have been obliterated. My daughters’ and husband’s lives have also changed in an irreversible manner. Our family will never be the same without AJ.

All grief and anguish aside, I thank God that I bought life insurance on my kids. I certainly didn’t budget for AJ to kill himself. And while I have plenty of assets, I was pretty cash poor at the time of my son’s death. I definitely didn’t have the $35,000 needed to pay AJ’s funeral expenses, headstone costs, and medical bills as a result of him being on life support for four days. It is only because I purchased life insurance on my babies that I was able to focus on my emotional debt, rather than a financial one.

And although my heart is broken, I know I will see AJ again one day. I have no choice but to carry-on, for my family’s sake. I am still working, educating people about life insurance and annuities every day. The companies of Wink and Moore Market Intelligence have been profitably performing for over a decade now – all thanks to motivation to care for my little boy.

I know that if there is one thing that I can share, which will impact others’ lives, it is AJ’s story. Please help people to understand that life insurance is essential, not a nicety. If even one family is protected as a result of AJ’s passing, then his death is not in vain. I offer my sincerest thanks to those serving in the life insurance industry. I know that this is a thankless job, but please know that the service you perform is so important. Thank you.



Things we don't think about. Just another reason you're children need life insurance.

Our Story

Michael & Alecia Sparks discovered the Ininfite Banking Concept in 2013 at an event called "The Night Of Clarity" held in Nashville Tennessee.

Michael has had a life long interest in personal finance and at one time even wanted to become a stock broker. After learning about Ininite Banking he decided to take part in the benefits of wealth building and tax savings by using a properly structured whole life insurance policy.

After many months of learning about the Infinite Banking Concept through reading, and talking with industry experts, Michael and Alecia decided this idea is too important to the financial well being of others. They decided to become Infinite Banking Specialists.

Dynasty Wealth Partners, (Dynasty Banking) College Savings Plus and Business Without Banks were born. The idea that a Dynasty is very old, is accumulated wealth that passes through many generations. (The Ming Dynasty lasted 276 years) The principles of the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) will enable anyone who decides to take part, the ability to grow personal wealth and pass that through their family for many generations.

Dynasty Banking is the "New - Old" way to save, borrow and build wealth.

Old: Modern life insurance policies were established in the early 18th century. The first company to offer life insurance was the Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance Office, founded in London in 1706 by William Talbot and Sir Thomas Allen.

Famous people have used and borrowed from life insurance. People like Walt Disney, JCPenney, Joe Biden and John McCain, John Rockefeller, Doris Christopher (Pampered Chef), Ray Kroc (McDonald’s), Max & Verda Foster of Foster Farms


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 18:00