Your Guided Spirit

Your Guided Spirit

Katie is a Reiki Master and energy healer trained in Hawaiian shamanism. She also serves as an intuitive and yoga & meditation teacher.


This handsome guy is always Zen. Me. I need the AM yoga…


Trying to convince Creation of how inadequate you are and undeserving of mercy, love and blessings is like believing Elmo can explain the mysteries of life. You did not create yourself. Your parents did not either. You are unlimited potential. Telling Creation (infinite, unlimited intelligence) you are flawed, broken or faulty is insulting, basically saying, “crappy job but nice try”. Why not allow Creation to show you all the magnificence Life is revealing through you? It starts with asking. The receiving is revelation… Shine on!

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Interested in trying a super simple and short pranayama practice? Here you go! In peace, Friends! 💙💙💙
