

⏃ Empowering high-achieving women to create a life of success on their own terms.


I love learning more about ancient feminine mysteries and teachings as this is a large part of the work I do with women. However, this season called for something different - a coming home to the sacred masculine.

From a visitation by Jesus Christ and feeling his ethereal love radiate into my being, my entire life has been transformed…my heart has been born anew.

This work in honoring the sacred path of the divine feminine is so beautiful and needed on the planet at this time. And yet, a key element to this uprising is also respecting the presence of our inner sacred masculine, holding space for these next levels of growth and evolution on our respective journey.

Not playing into a dance of how do we balance the polarities through perfectionism but allowing both aspects to naturally ebb and flow, as they are meant to, given these aspects are not gender-specific.

In the healing work that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene did, they were known to do this work together. At times, certain devotees would go to whomever they needed for a distinct type of healing, whether soul retrieval, energy extraction, etc. However, this divine union must have inherently known that they were a team, yet equal in his and her own right to be a spiritual wayshower, teacher, and healer.

The power of unity. The power of men and women coming together. This is more important than ever. Even womb healings today use ancient shamanic techniques that involve Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Goddess Isis, and also …Jesus Christ. He provides a safe space for the transmutation and alchemy of lower, dense energies into divine love and light. So not only is any trauma healed but also that women can access that space within where they remember who they really are - divine beings having this really raw, human experience.

There’s a part of me being activated right now (as it is for much of humanity) where I just know I was born for THIS work and THIS lifetime - to teach, to heal, to empower. To be a proud participant in the ascension of humanity at such a revolutionary time as this.

So much more is coming. 🌹

Ps. This is the childhood church I grew up in. It feels so good to be home. ♥️


With a balanced throat chakra, you have the courage and strength to speak your truth authentically and confidently.

Years of generational trauma and societal oppression have led to many people holding back from speaking what is really on their hearts. However, humanity is literally in a time of rapid evolution and ascension where more people want to share their innate gifts and wisdom. To give voice to their self-expression. To share their soul medicine and gifts with the world.

Throat chakra healing involves clearing away any perceived blocks, residues, and imprints that would have you falsely believe that you are not worthy of speaking up, consciously communicating, and boldly asking for what your heart desires most.

🗣️ When you show up authentically, you allow your true self to shine and be illuminated. Your words and your voice carry powerful frequencies that have the ability to heal and transform this planet.

🎤 Link in bio to receive the healing frequencies for your throat chakra + a potent activation to help you unleash the power of your voice today. All you have to do is sit back and listen.


You can’t miss that window when you are embarking on an initial spiritual awakening. Your entire world crumbles as you previously knew it - except the world is still, in many ways, the same. It is the perception that changes from a mental perspective.

Then there are times in your life where you might go through the dark night of the soul, when reality is really shaken up through some major life transition. Your entire life feels like an abyss that you keep falling deeper into and you just don’t know how much more you can take in those moments. These moments constitute the void. An uncomfortable space of uncertainty, where your trust and faith are tested over and over. When you come out of it and walk out the other side a transformed human, you feel incredible and can see what had unfolded in hindsight. How it added layers to your story, your depth, your mystery, your beauty, your evolution.


There are times in your life where you sit there in the void again and instead of asking yourself how you would re-invent yourself, you surrender into the deepest abyss of your life by asking God who he would have you be.

This space is not just uncomfortable…it’s a STRETCH.

Because his vision will stretch you beyond what you ever knew was possible for your life.

Infinite possibilities?

He says…do you know about infinite potential?

He raises the standards again and again, not to overshadow others but to show us that our dreams are his dreams.

Our prayers are his answered prayers.

Imagine sitting by the beach and hearing these words wash over your soul and purify you to the core essence of who you are, remembering that you coming onto this planet, to exist as you are in your divinity and humanity just as you are...

is enough for him.

In fact, it is more than enough for the creator.

For in his eyes,
we ARE his answered prayers.

This is the place where we learn to detach from the outcomes we have created in our mind
and to let him enter our vessel so he can show us what it truly means to live Heaven on Earth.

What space have you found yourself in lately?


Let it be what it needs to be. ♾️

Not what the mind wants it to be.

Rather, what is meant to be in this moment… for each moment is fleeting. Each encounter comes and goes. To stay in detachment when the mind would get easily attached to certain outcomes.

Our entire existence on this planet is transitory, a temporary stop as we evolve and move onto higher planes. Everything is of impermanence, yet we have been wired to want things to stay the same.

Time and time again, I have witnessed change occur no matter how much I resist, and that change being the very thing that aligns me with my higher purpose.

When things get a bit too serious, remember that we are living in a mystery no matter how much security we assume we have. Everything is in a state of flux. Down to the atomic level, everything is vibrating and moving. Life is constantly in motion, even when things feel stagnant.

We are being molded and recreated every second, because we are here to expand. In God’s eyes, our expansion is boundless. He continues to remind me that our purpose becomes greater when we let him stretch us beyond the confines of who we would have ourselves be molded into. His molding of us doesn’t consist of any edges because we just keep expanding out…

like the ocean,
without any end in sight.

The moment we let life be what it needs to be,

we yield to what is.

We accept.

And perhaps more importantly,

we arrive.


My experience of coming out of what seemed to be a 7-year voyage into the underworld.

She watched over and over…

as the strong winds had come.

The storms that came with it.

The floods.

She said “stop this.”

She couldn’t handle it anymore.

She waddled.

She stumbled.

She fell many times.

Enough was enough.

She wanted it all to be done.

A hand reached out.

She asked “who are you?”

No answer.

She felt the strength beckon her forth.

She became anchored.

She knew this was her time to plant a new seed.

She asked to be made strong.

She asked to be able to move the mountain.

She quickly learned…

that her spirit is UNBREAKABLE.

She is a force to be reckoned with.

She is here to fulfill prophecies

her ancestors once foretold.

She could not be made to move the mountain,

for he who created her...

wanted her to see…

she IS the mountain.

Photos from theyogamovement's post 19/08/2024

When things are seemingly falling apart...
could it be that they are actually coming together?

When things are breaking down front, center and back...
could it be that life is being rearranged and restructured to fit a grander vision?

When things collapse and it feels like you’re back at the zero point...
could it be that God is stretching the vision by restarting it altogether?

When things are seemingly falling apart...
could it be that you are being redesigned and reconfigured to receive and hold that which you desire?

When things are moving in a hazy fashion...
could it be that your own free will and personal power is being asked
to come to the forefront to gain clarity in your life?

When things appear to not be working out...
could it be that God is trying to move past the hurdles you created with your mind
and is bringing you the easiest solution possible and available?

Could it be that it was meant to be easy?




Divinely perfect?

Could it be…

Could it be?

Photos from theyogamovement's post 16/08/2024

The power of intuition.

One of the most underrated superpowers a woman has is her innate and intelligent ability to intuit -
for herself and the world.

In 2023, nature had me release intentions I had planted for ages, crystals, tarot,
and a bunch of other tools I was using to tap into what I thought
were holding the keys to my desired reality.

Instead, she showed me that it was time to step up…

not as a teacher…

but as a master.

A master of intuition.

A master of inner power.

A master of fortitude if needed.

This means not looking to external sources to receive clarity
on what could only come forth from inner planes and higher dimensions.

In Hinduism, a popular topic is astrology and I have mixed opinions. I have seen plenty of cases where people go to astrologers looking for guidance and find the support they need. Other times, the guidance is completely off.

All of these tools are meant to help us;
they are not meant to replace what can only be sourced from within.

And…they are TOOLS.

Not the answers.

As a collective, we are so powerful that we can create shifts in the quantum which then ripple out into the cosmos and universe. Is it that we are moving according to the planetary alignment or is our collective consciousness ascending so quickly that the planets are trying to catch up with us?

Did 2020 happen because it was “written in the stars” or could it also be that enough people on the planet raised their consciousness to see there are new ways of being…that the cosmos was like “Hold up. It’s time to clear lower densities. Let’s accelerate it.”

There are those of us who believe in destiny as our life mapped out…

Something so heavenly it’s just magically written in the stars…

I believe in a divine mix of fate and free will.

That we are so powerful that even with the lives we signed up for,
we are also creating our destiny along the way.

Shape-shifters of our reality,

masters of our energy.

You are…THAT powerful.

Intrinsically made as a force of nature.

As within,
so without.

As above,
so below.

When the student is ready,
the teacher disappears.

Ignite the master within.

Photos from theyogamovement's post 14/08/2024

Goddess Kali is one of the most powerful feminine archetypes,
yet can often be misunderstood.

Some have argued to understand whether she is a goddess or a demon...

in truth, she transcends both the darkness and the light.

She is the ultimate divine mother,
with a hungry thirst to annihilate all illusions of the ego
so that one can remember the inherent divinity that lives within them
and to come back to a place of unconditional love.

This is a fierce protector,


who unveils all the perceived barriers to love
and has you face your biggest fears
so that you can detach yourself from any self-imposed constriction
and become LIBERATED in your expression...

your expression of love.

Walking through the portals she opens up aren't necessarily easy,
but they are so powerful.

She ignites your highest potential because she wants the best for her children.

A love so fierce it aims to dissolve all the barriers...
so that she can open up her arms to welcome you
into the floodgates of a love so deep,
it can sometimes feel overwhelming.

To be open to a love this fierce requires courage...
to meet yourself in the greatest depths
so that you can rise in the flames of transmutation
and blaze a movement inspired, sewn, and woven together by DIVINE LOVE.

+Kali energy transmission and more...available in THE GODDESS CODES.

Link in bio to receive lifetime access.

Photos from theyogamovement's post 12/08/2024

Do you know your core values?

Two core values I stand by are authenticity and vulnerability.

August 2023…I head to a speaking competition within two-days notice.

The whole experience felt to be a thrill.

After winning two rounds of auditions,
I felt a newfound sense of confidence open up.

The next day, I walked into the Bvlgari Hotel just to acclimate to the feel of a higher sense of luxury.

Could this be possible for me?

I walked around and absorbed everything - the sights, the sounds, the taste, the feel.

It was magical and luxurious.

It had a vibe of next-level wealth to it.

I walk out.

I sit down.

I take it in.

It starts to settle back in again…

This feeling of inadequacy.

The competition had gone by.

The experience at this fancy mansion had passed.

Now what?

A huge reminder…to stay true to my core values.

Self-discovery is an inward journey and designed that way for a reason.

While my human loves a certain type of material wealth (and this is beautiful), my soul craves spiritual evolution. It craves natural surroundings and luxury with jungle vibes. It craves beauty and aesthetics. It craves trees and sunlight. It craves spaciousness. It craves peace and quiet.

Knowing this brought a deeper sense of fulfillment…

rather than fleeting satisfaction or a temporary high that falls as quickly as it had risen.

This type of intimacy has brought forth a deeper connection within myself and with those I relate to.

This involves meeting yourself and others on a more intimate level.

And I believe this is the work of a lifetime…
to help women meet themselves on this deeper level as well.

To become allies with your emotions.

To feel the breadth and width of your multi-dimensional existence.

And to embody all of it.

It is an honor to meet you here.

Photos from theyogamovement's post 11/08/2024

The power to love vs. the power to wage a war.

I pray that you choose love over fear.

I pray that you choose decisive and positive actions that serve the collective
for the long-term over short-term opinions.

I pray that you choose clarity over confusion.

I pray that you choose peace over chaos.

I pray that you choose unity over separation.

The wars previously inflicted in childhood will dissipate the moment humanity awakens
and reclaims their power - through love, acceptance and forgiveness.

Through respect for oneself and another.

Through an openness for all diversity and uniqueness.

Through heart expansion and gratitude.

Let love be your lineage.

Let gratitude be your religion.

Photos from theyogamovement's post 09/08/2024

Enchantress so embodied in her sensuality that nature gets turned on. 🌱

Goddess so edgy she can slice you with her words.

Dark feminine so hungry she will devour you with one glance.

Wild woman so untamed the cages ran from her.

Queen so unf*ckwithable her aura naturally pushes naysayers out the way
and brings her tribe into full devotion.

High priestess so mystical and tapped into higher realms
that people stare at her like “tell me what you know.”

High priestess so deeply devoted to God that she won’t let anyone talk smack about her man.

Which feminine archetype are you? ♥️

Photos from theyogamovement's post 08/08/2024

You know a woman is in her power when everyone around her naturally feels elevated.

When even the biggest skeptic begins to question the possibilities of something greater that could exist.

That there could be other avenues and roads to be taken
that may stretch them outside of their comfort zone,
yet lead to the most beautiful visions that were once unimaginable.

A woman in her power is so deeply anchored in her own magnificence,
and power...
that it naturally radiates outward and shines a light on others.

Her natural illumination
carves a path for others to be witness to their own beauty.

These are the women who start movements.

These are the women who create revolutions.

These are the women who go on to create a powerful, long-lasting and impressionable legacy.

It is a legacy of love.

Love that is channeled into something much greater than one would have dreamed up in the mind.

It is a vision that a higher force casts over her and plants as a seed in her heart,
so that in her own process of creating,
she is led to see that she is being re-created as well.

In her birthing,
she is r e b o r n.

These are the feminine leaders the planet has been seeking for a long time…

These are the feminine leaders I am here to serve as they rise.


Be your own muse first...

No matter how good it gets,
no matter what opportunities are being presented to you...

a woman who knows her worth from deep within her core,

who feels inspired and lit up by her own beauty and expression,

is a woman who welcomes compliments and kind gestures

but doesn't need them to define what she already knows to be true about herself.

No matter how good it gets,
remember to meet the beauty within you,
to embrace the light that emanates from you,
to let your sensuality be expressed and moved through you.

And to be your own muse.


Any time a woman lowers her standards to meet the world,
she creates a distortion.

Feeding into an illusion that to be a loving person
she has to be less of herself rather than her fully expressed multi-dimensional self.

You can be both loving and hold yourself to a higher standard,
from a place of deep sovereignty and self-respect.

The way you would treat a child.

Would you let a child bounce around from just any person to another?
No, you would be so careful and want to make sure the child
is treated with the most tender love and caress.

Why would you be any different?

Somewhere along the journey, it’s as though a switch went off with humanity
where self-love and self-care were put to the wayside while doing
and being on “go” mode incessantly became the norm…
but times are changing at an accelerated pace.

More women are honoring that their bodies are different
and not designed to operate traditional work hours and being ‘on’ all the time.

The reality is…

when a woman makes space for her sacred bleed 🩸,
when she prioritizes her bodily needs,
when she reclaims the power of her shakti,
when she accepts her primal wild nature that exists within,
her unique sensual expression…

The Goddess within wouldn’t have her lower her standards to meet anyone.

She would have her see the world in their sovereignty and personal power
so that they raise their frequency to align with hers,
knowing this place is accessible to them as well.

Sovereignty meets sovereignty.

Eye to eye.

This is how women help the world rise…

rising to the occasion of life. 🥂


The intensity of this Lion’s gate is like no other.

The collective is ascending rapidly…it’s palpable.

To all the light workers (or love workers)…

it is more important now than ever to protect your energy.

So many potent light codes are being activated at this time so that more people can fully step into their mission… with the additional boost of Leo-like confidence and what feels to be a super recharge for the solar plexus.

It is so important to keep your field clear so that more miracles can move through your body and aura rather than being an open magnet for unwanted projections.

We are here to birth powerful creations into the world and are only able to do that potently (and with ease) when our field is a clear channel to create.

Energy protection can look like allowing your light body to expand further out, letting the light dissolve any obscurities and resistance.

It can also look like verbally communicating “I don’t have the capacity for this right now, however thank you for sharing.”

It can look like naturally changing the conversation to something more high-vibrational by gently guiding the recipient with a simple question “what’s been going well for you lately?”

And it can also look like… walking away.

Cutting cords instantly.

Taking a full day to yourself to reset and just be.

Staying off technology.

Letting yourself be refueled by nature and conversations that nourish you.

Everything can be done with love.

Boundaries can be instated with love.

Walking away can be done with love.

Preserving your life-force energy that is here to shake things up in the best way so that you can align more fully with your purpose can be done with love.

We’re here to experience this life as a celebration,
not through ignorant eyes but through an open heart.

Lion’s gate is teaching me no matter what happens externally,
we always have the option to choose having a zest for life.

And to celebrate the entirety of this one beautiful existence.

Let this be your reminder that you don’t have to save anyone.

The more of you that is alive,
the more this world is set free.

Can you feel the energy shift?


Self-empowerment is the new paradigm for health and well-being.

This means that more people are reclaiming their power with their health -
honoring the body's innate wisdom and intelligence
that breathes through each cell and fiber of their being.

This means listening to your intuition
rather than mindlessly giving your power away to what others deem is the right plan for you
without you checking in with your own innate guidance first.

The tools that clinicians and healers provide may certainly be helpful along the healing path but nothing would prevail over your own personal power and asking yourself more empowering questions such as...

"Does this feel true for me?"

"Does my body agree with this?"

"Is this the most empowering and aligned approach for me going forward?"

And then giving space for the body to speak.

The body speaks and when you give it space to communicate,
you will hear the messages it conveys loud and clear.

The new paradigm of health and well-being means you are so empowered as your own advocate
that you remember to bring your body and intuition into these conversations.

You follow through on the messages being expressed.

You take a stand for your health on all levels and from the inside out.

From mind and energy
to emotional and physical
to spiritual and mystical
and sensual
and more.

Giving space to your emotional needs,
your sensual desires,
your creativity and your expression.

All of it constitutes multiple facets of your holistic well-being.

You remember that you are a multi-dimensional being
with a multitude of aspects that need your utmost care...

and what a gift that is.

Photos from theyogamovement's post 05/08/2024

It isn't surprising that so many people are wanting to activate their throat chakra...

and use the power of their voice at this pivotal time as humanity is on the rise...

As the Age of Aquarius shines a light on self-expression and uniqueness,
more people are wanting to convey their own unique essence.

The throat chakra is the center for self-expression but not just any self-expression.

AUTHENTIC self-expression.

Using the power of the voice to communicate consciously and authentically to what feels to be your truth.

Society has not taught individuals how to communicate effectively -
both with oneself as well as the world at large.

So much can be cleaned up in regards to any dissonance in relationships
when there is an open line for healthy communication.

Any illusions of division could dissolve if we all learned to communicate
our feelings and needs from a place of self-empowerment.

Relationships thrive where there is space for vulnerability and true intimacy.

When we learn to honor our own perspectives,
to listen to ourselves,
to hear what is truly on our hearts and own our desires,
we can more clearly hear others - what is being spoken verbally
as well as telepathically communicated.

We can perceive what is being shared on an unseen level.

We can adjust to the emotional intelligence of those around us,
and really meet people in that deep place of feeling seen and heard.

In that space,
no one has to silence other people just because perspectives are different.

In fact, in the differences lays the beauty of a stronger sense of unity...
where differences mean we each have something to learn from another.

Who would want to silence that?

The power of multiple brilliant minds coming together to share their unique perspectives.

THIS is freedom.

THIS is creating spaciousness for self-expression of all kinds.

THIS is the power of using the throat chakra for the highest self-expression
that liberates all beings everywhere...through one person liberating her voice.

I truly feel that my entire life was pre-destined for this era we are stepping into...

and I'm here for it.

Voice activation sessions are in bio to book today. 🦋

Photos from theyogamovement's post 05/08/2024

The Goddess cannot initiate you until you are ready...

even during the transitory moments where it seems as though
the worst may have happened,
and you just cannot take anymore,
and the victim mentality sets in,
while your personal power goes out the window...

she is calling you...

she is calling you HIGHER...

she is calling you to step into more of your power and leadership,
to wash away the remnants of victim mentality with love and self-empowerment,
and to step into your highest timeline now...

at such a time as this...

when the world needs more compassionate leaders who are locked in arms,
as a COLLECTIVE force to be reckoned with...

here to anchor in the codes of a divine love so powerful
that it strips away all illusions of separation and division...

and into a force-field of unified love.

Unity consciousness.

UNITED in love...

ANCHORED in love...

GROUNDED in love...

SHINING in love...

RISING in love...

Photos from theyogamovement's post 05/08/2024

A collective theme this year (8 year in numerology) is… our relationship with abundance.

Abundance is relative and each person associates it with something different. Whether it is monetary wealth or a simple lifestyle or having time freedom…it encompasses so many options.

For me, abundance is both spiritual and financial wealth. It means I have the freedom to choose whatever I want and when I want, as long as it is in the highest alignment of all.

The greatest teacher I have had in reminding me of this is God. While watching numerous opportunities materialize, I have reflected on how many times I said no to some of them…whether it was out of fear or feeling unworthy.

None of that mattered to God.

He came back over and over again with second chances and thirds even.

Gave me plenty of space to reflect and to re-assess. Showed me that I don’t need to feel worthy to receive that which he desires for me.

All I have to do is say yes.

And the aligned opportunities keep coming.

In miraculous ways.

This is where the collective is heading…

Unity consciousness.

Miracle consciousness.

Rising to the frequency of understanding abundance is already here, available to us at all times.

All it takes is a perspective shift and an allowing in of all the treasures he has already given to us.

These last 3 months for me personally weren’t just about seeing how much can shift rapidly in a way that makes no sense…God also gifted me the opportunity to continue planting seeds and allow for infinite expansion to occur…because this is what he does.

Stretch the vision and go beyond the confines of the human mind.

Showing me that life is allowed to get bigger and better.

This is the world of infinite potential.

Taking a deep breath down into your belly and pelvis.


Being surrounded by lush greenery.


Watching your investments grow without touching a damn thing.


Being surrounded by people who see you and genuinely want you to thrive.


Having the freedom to work from anywhere and moving to a new country because you felt called.


Waking up to a new day.


It is already here…in the now. ♾️

Videos (show all)

Throat Chakra Activation.
Be Your Own Muse.
An ode to sisterhood.
Stay Rooted.
Goddess Kali.
Creative Consulting Sessions Now Open.
Claim Your Desires.
My path back to…Jesus Christ. ♥️This is a vulnerable share about how a recent healing portal led me back to the path of ...
Nature Ultimate Healer
Speak With Love.
IGNITE YOUR QUEEN - Leadership Coaching.


Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00