Southern Girl Glamour by Bettye Jo

Southern Girl Glamour by Bettye Jo

I'm hoping to empower & help women by pampering them with amazing products & sharing the business op


I’m watching This is Us finally. I’m at the scene where the Folksy Dr. is talking to Jack about losing the third baby.

I too have an Angel Baby 👼 And I like to think I have 2 children I’m trying to make proud. I think about him/her a lot & wonder why at times, but I know the answer. God knew Hayden needed me most & he could see my future and my struggles.

I relate most to this quote: You took THE sourest lemon that life has to offer and turned it into something resembling lemonade.

Most of you know, I’ve been given THE sourest 🍋 and I WILL turn it into something resembling lemonade.

I’ve had a tremendously difficult past 2 weeks & I’ve seen things in my classroom that I should NEVER witness in a Pre-K class. And it has shaken me to my core & triggered my PTSD.

I’ve lost who I am momentarily & that little girl 👧 is back. But I WILL find the Strong, Courageous, Amazing Force I once was again. I can promise you that.

Prayers please as I face this journey once again. I Love You All. Blessings.

Right now, I’m focusing on NOT allowing anyone to steal my Peace. Thank You Shannon Presha Nelson. I love you. ❤️


Today My Hayden was invited to a friend’s house for the first time EVER!! I dropped him off around 1:30 & he’s still not home! I keep checking on him. He’s doing fine, but poor Penelope is not a fan! She keeps pacing wondering where her Hooman is 🥺. And I admit, I feel that way too! The house is SO quiet!

My baby is growing up & finally coming out of his shell! I’m SO proud of him! I mean this is such a HUGE step for him!! And he looked SO handsome too! ♥️♥️♥️



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