Light of Life Healing and Wellness

Light of Life Healing and Wellness

Hello. My name is Kenna and I am a white witch, Reiki Master, Intuitive Healer and Card Reader. Come sit with me a while. I'm happy to meet you!


Now available:

-Immune Support Blend
-Wake Up! Blend
-Grounding Blend
-Pest Control Blend
-Custom Blends

Your first blend is free! Get at me!


I’m making oil blends today!

Since it’s that time of year again, I’m getting my Immunity Blend ready and lots of rollers on par! If you have seasonal allergies or are prone to getting sick when the weather changes, this blend is for you.

Experimenting with a couple other recipes, including a Grounding Blend (feat. Vetiver and Frankincense) and a Wake Up Blend (feat. Peppermint, Cypress, and Citrus oils).

If you want to try a blend, I’ll give you your first bottle for free!


Hello, darlings. My brain is swimming with everything I have to do by June 28th! It feels like a lot, but I know I can make it. In the meantime, I’m offering my first custom made blends for $15!

If you’re in the LOUISVILLE, KY or SOUTHERN INDIANA area, I can deliver or you can pick up these custom essential oil blends (my own recipe):

-Immune Defense (health and wellness)
-Dreamsicle (perfume)
-Tea Time (perfume)
-Pest Control (health and wellness)

Message me for details on what’s in each blend! I’ll be creating new recipes as they come to me, so stay tuned for updates on new blends!

If you’re not in Kentucky or Indiana and interested in a blend, message me!


Starting something new: daily attitude of gratitude!

Today, I am grateful for the ability to listen to my favorite music while I read manuscripts and prepare for residency.

Yes, even these little things count! What’s your attitude of gratitude for today?


Blessed Beltane! This fire festival heralds the impending arrival of summer. This is a day to take time for pleasure: any and all kinds! Enjoy a nice glass of wine (or drink the bottle, however you roll 😘), eat one of your favorite meals, spend the afternoon or evening with your lover enjoying each other...whatever this looks like for you, take this day to indulge in it! The sacred union of The Green Man and The Green Woman is always a cause for celebration!

Featuring: The Wildwood Tarot Deck


Sorry, friends. I had to take down my blend making video due to technical issues and the fact that my hiccups ruined the whole thing! See my latest live vid for details on more of this situation ♥️🖤


A little clarification...


Hello, dear ones. I have been silent for a while, as I rebuild some inner strengths and prepare for new ventures. However...I have an announcement! Coming soon:

-Daily live correspondence: tarot/oracle cards, messages from spirit, meditations, coffee and chat, or whatever I’m moved to do.
-Live distant reiki sessions for all
-Personal distant reiki sessions for individuals (PayPal and Venmo accepted)=$25
-Personal Tarot and Oracle Card readings (PayPay and Venmo accepted)=$10

Also, if you’re in the Louisville or Southern Indiana area, you are more than welcome to schedule an in person, one hour session with me for $50. These sessions come with a complimentary tarot or oracle card reading. Military discounts are available, and I am able to travel to you if you are home bound.

Finally, my newest and most exciting venture is to offer custom made essential oil blends! I’m still getting this bit together and will add more details about the blends and prices as I begin to experiment.

Stay tuned, and email or message me with questions! I’m holding space for and sending light to you all 🙏🏼🖤💕


Thanks to all who have visited so far! Welcome!


Today as I was taking out the garbage and letting my doggo go out before I have to leave for work, I received a message from spirit. Standing on my deck I began to have anxious thoughts about the day. All of a sudden a flock of birds on the power lines took collective flight. As I watched them go, it started to rain—nothing heavy, just a comforting, cool pop up shower. I closed my eyes and said “I hear you, and I’m listening to what you have to say.” In my head I heard loud and clear “you are not alone.”

What is spirit trying to tell you?

Have a beautiful day, loves 🙏🏼🖤🔮


My first Light of Life live vid—card of the day!


Blessed good morning, all! 🖤🐺🙏🏼 I have here the card of the day for Tuesday, a lovely card I welcome in all my readings!

Click on the pic to read the description. Today is your Field of Dreams—if you manifest it, it will come!


Hello, loves! It’s been a busy month in my household. My partner and I hosted thanksgiving dinner for our family this year and it was a wonderful experience.

I’m here today to announce my latest idea. I would like to begin broadcasting live from this page on Sundays with a tarot/oracle reading for the week ahead. If you’re interested, give this post a like or a comment and I will begin planning!

Sat Nam 🙏🏼 always holding space for you, my friends 🖤🐺


Hello my lovelies, Meihari here, checking in with you! Thanks for sharing this page and continuing to like and follow me!

Samhain is fast approaching, and for many of us this is the beginning of our new year. For me, Samhain is a time of reflection and renewing the self for the year to come. Therefore, I am offering a Samhain Special!

Beginning tomorrow, October 26 and lasting through November 3, I am offering a package deal: a reiki session (in person or distant) with a focus on rejuvenation and clearing of the chakras, and a Year-Ahead Tarot reading! And the best part? It’s all available for $40 bucks!!

Send me an email at [email protected] or a Facebook message for more info or to book your Samhain Special!!

Love and light,

Meihari 🖤🙏🏼


Oh, did I mention I also do home cleansings? I am a certified Reiki Master, but I’m not ordained to bless a home. However, I can cleanse negative energies from your home and invite the space for positive energies to flow! Ask me for details!


Giving a distant reiki session in an hour. Tomorrow, I have a client coming to me for a session. This could be YOU! Email for details: [email protected]


I will be broadcasting Live card pulls from this page soon! Stay tuned for more details 🖤🔮


To anyone feeling emotionally worn down due to the hearings and Kavanaugh nomination: I’m with you. Take some time for yourself and come see me for a discounted reiki session with aromatherapy and a free tarot reading.

We have to keep fighting, but trauma doesn’t care about that. We must respect the needs of our bodies and minds if we are to go into battle. You are safe with me. There will always be coffee, water, wine, beer, or tea for you here, along with a safe space to talk to a like mind and experience some healing. We have to take care of ourselves, and each other.

Light of Life Healing and Wellness 06/10/2018

Hello, my lovelies. It's your favorite earth/water witch! Any questions? Need Reiki, Tarot, or Oracle pulls? I GOTCHA!

Ask me about the Samhain special!

Light of Life Healing and Wellness Hello. My name is Kenna and I am a white witch, Reiki Master, Intuitive Healer and Card Reader. Come

Videos (show all)

A little clarification...
My first Light of Life live vid—card of the day!

