New Life After Cancer

New Life After Cancer

We provide the information and skill set to help breast cancer survivors to proactively adopt health habits that will keep us well.

New Life After Cancer is a non-profit organization created to support cancer survivors’ transitions to wellness through whole-person oriented educational workshops, retreats, advocacy, research, and promotion of academic-community collaborations. How we are unique:
* Our emphasis is on survivorship as a way of life rather than support during treatment, which means that we target the point in t


Registration is now open for our 6th annual What Now retreat. Join us in Asheville, NC at the beautiful OM Sanctuary from October 22 - 26, 2015. Go to our website for more info,


Save the date for our 6th Annual "What Now" retreat. The 6th annual What Now retreat will be held from October 22 - 26th, 2015.

We are shaking things up a bit this year. After 5 years of retreats at sea, we are creating a land-based retreat for those of you who've told us that they prefer terra firma.

We are also shifting the date from January to October, to allow us to enjoy the beautiful NC mountains during peak colors.

Stay tuned for full details.
