Super Dog Lovers United

Super Dog Lovers United

Uniting Dog Lovers Around the World! Amazing products for Dog Lovers!

Dr. Jones's Flea Repellent Solution: 3 Simple Ingredients for an Effective and All-Natural Solution - Nutritional Direct 09/05/2024

Does your pup love exploring the outdoors, but hate the itchy souvenirs? We hear you! Thinking of trying natural repellents this year? (Remember, always consult your vet before using any new product on your dog!)

Dr. Jones's Flea Repellent Solution: 3 Simple Ingredients for an Effective and All-Natural Solution - Nutritional Direct Dr. Jones’s Flea Repellent Solution: 3 Simple Ingredients for an Effective and All-Natural Solution By rjoachim | May 8, 2024 | 0 Essential oils: Some essential oils, such as cedarwood, lemongrass, peppermint, and rosemary, have natural flea-repellent properties. However, be sure to use pet-safe e...

Boost Your Dog's Gut Health - Holistic Nutrition Secrets Revealed - Nutritional Direct 09/04/2024

Fiber-rich fruits & veggies: These support digestion and keep things moving smoothly.
Probiotics: These friendly bacteria can help balance the gut and promote good digestion. You can find probiotics in yogurt or as supplements. Always consult your vet before giving your dog any supplements.
Prebiotics: These prebiotic fibers act as food for the good bacteria in your dog's gut, helping them thrive!
Remember: Every dog is different, so talk to your vet about the best food for your pup's individual needs.

Boost Your Dog's Gut Health - Holistic Nutrition Secrets Revealed - Nutritional Direct Boost Your Dog’s Gut Health – Holistic Nutrition Secrets Revealed By rjoachim | April 8, 2024 | 0 These act as food for the beneficial bacteria already present in your dog’s gut.Look for ingredients like:Chicory rootOatmealBananasApples (without cores or seeds)Probiotics:These are live bacteri...

The Surprising Benefits of Sleeping With A Pet - Nutritional Direct 16/03/2024

There's nothing quite like curling up with your pet at night. Not only are they the ultimate cuddle buddies, but there's actually some science behind the feel-good vibes!

One of the biggest perks? Feeling safe and secure. Having your furry friend by your side can reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm, making it easier to drift off to sleep.

Who else sleeps with their pet? Let's hear about your snuggle monsters in the comments!

P.S. Remember, co-sleeping with pets isn't for everyone. If you have allergies or your pet disrupts your sleep, there's no shame in a separate bed!

The Surprising Benefits of Sleeping With A Pet - Nutritional Direct The Surprising Benefits of Sleeping With A Pet By rjoachim | March 15, 2024 | 0 Reduced Allergies: Studies have shown that exposure to a pet’s fur and dander early in life may help reduce the chances of developing allergies later on. This is because early exposure helps the immune system develop a...

Stop a Dog Fight Instantly - 'Unlock' a Biting Dog in SECONDS !! - Nutritional Direct 15/03/2024

Keep your dog on a leash in public places.
Socialize your dog with other dogs from a young age.
Be aware of your dog's body language and remove them from situations where they may feel threatened.
If you see two dogs fighting, the best thing to do is to call for help from a professional.

Stop a Dog Fight Instantly - 'Unlock' a Biting Dog in SECONDS !! - Nutritional Direct Here are some methods you can try to distract and disengage the dogs: Do not attempt: Prioritize safety: Distraction Techniques: Barriers: Remember: Once the fight is broken up: Prevention is key: Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be solely relied...

10 Signs Your Dog REALLY Trusts You - Nutritional Direct 18/01/2024

That enthusiastic when you walk in the door speaks volumes. It's their way of saying, "You're back! I'm so happy you're here!"Remember, trust takes time and patience. Shower your pup with , , and , and witness their trust blossom right before your eyes! .

10 Signs Your Dog REALLY Trusts You - Nutritional Direct 10 Signs Your Dog REALLY Trusts You By rjoachim | January 17, 2024 | 0 They greet you with excitement: When you come home after a long day, does your dog greet you with a wagging tail, excited jumps, and happy yelps? This is a clear sign that they’re thrilled to see you and can’t wait to spend t...

How to Train Your Dog to STOP BARKING at EVERYTHING That Moves!! - Nutritional Direct 03/01/2024

Is it anxiety ? Loud noises, unfamiliar strangers, or even separation anxiety can cause some to express their distress through . Providing a safe space, calming toys, and positive reinforcement can help ease their worries. Remember, barking is a 's natural language. Instead of getting frustrated, let's be patient, understanding detectives, and learn to speak woof woof ourselves! Work with a trainer: If you're struggling to understand your dog's barking, a professional trainer can help you decipher the message and teach you techniques for managing excessive vocalizations.

How to Train Your Dog to STOP BARKING at EVERYTHING That Moves!! - Nutritional Direct How to Train Your Dog to STOP BARKING at EVERYTHING That Moves!! By rjoachim | December 31, 2023 | 0 Is your dog bored or lonely? Provide them with adequate exercise, mental stimulation (like puzzle toys), and attention.Does your dog feel anxious or insecure? Work on socialization and confidence-bui...

Teach Your Dog To Stop Jumping Up In 2 Simple Steps! - Nutritional Direct 10/12/2023

Jumping is a common behavior in , but it can be inconvenient and even dangerous at times.

Here are some tips to help you stop your dog from on people:

Ignore jumping: When your dog jumps, turn away from them and don't make any contact or give them any attention.
calm behavior: When your dog greets someone calmly, praise them and give them a . Be patient and consistent: It takes time and patience to train your dog to stop jumping. Be consistent with your and your dog will eventually learn the desired behavior.

Teach Your Dog To Stop Jumping Up In 2 Simple Steps! - Nutritional Direct Teach Your Dog To Stop Jumping Up In 2 Simple Steps! By rjoachim | December 7, 2023 | 0 Ignore the jumping:When your dog jumps, turn away completely and stand still. Don’t make eye contact, speak, or push them away. This lack of attention communicates that jumping doesn’t get them what they want...


Just like us, our also require a balanced and nutritious diet to maintain their vitality and overall well-being.
Here is a more information below on our furry friends.

Can your PETS make you SICK? Doctor Explains 5 Real Cases - Nutritional Direct 11/11/2023

I know that many of you are also owners, so I wanted to share a story of my niece dog pet story, she is #15 years old and got a check up, she is in good health but at times because when she barks because her voice box got smaller, If your pet is ever sick, please don't hesitate to take them to the . Early diagnosis and treatment is key to a full recovery. Your pet being means you will too.

Can your PETS make you SICK? Doctor Explains 5 Real Cases - Nutritional Direct Here are some of the most common illnesses that pets can transmit to humans: There are a number of things you can do to reduce your risk of getting sick from your pet: With proper precautions, you can enjoy a healthy and happy life with your pet.

8 Weird Things Dogs Do That Have Secret Meanings - Nutritional Direct 31/10/2023

If you are interesting in why behave in a certain way then you will love this information check the link for more information.

8 Weird Things Dogs Do That Have Secret Meanings - Nutritional Direct It is important to note that these are just general explanations of some weird things that dogs do. If you are concerned about any of your dog’s behavior, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian or animal behavior.

World’s Oldest Dog, Bobi, Dies Aged 31 23/10/2023 wow!

World’s Oldest Dog, Bobi, Dies Aged 31 The world’s oldest dog has died at the age of 31 years and 165 days.Born on 11th May 1992, Bobi gained the title by Guinness World Records in February.Bobi p...

How to Calm Down An Overly Excited Dog - Nutritional Direct 17/10/2023

can get overly excited, which is natural but what if it gets to be too much to handle. Here is a link for more information.

How to Calm Down An Overly Excited Dog - Nutritional Direct How to Calm Down An Overly Excited Dog By rjoachim | October 14, 2023 | 0 Ignore them. This may seem counterintuitive, but if you give your dog attention when they are excited, it will only encourage them to continue that behavior. Instead, turn your back on them, cross your arms, and avoid making e...

Natural Flea And Tick Remedies For Dogs and Cats - Nutritional Direct 14/10/2023

If your is itching it could be ticks check this out for more information

Natural Flea And Tick Remedies For Dogs and Cats - Nutritional Direct For cats: It is important to note that not all natural remedies are safe for all dogs and cats. Some herbs and essential oils can be toxic to pets, so it is important to do your research before using any natural remedy on your pet. You should also talk to your veterinarian to make sure…

Don't ignore the PAW 🐾 licking of your dog. Know the reasons of it and QUICK treatment. - Nutritional Direct 20/09/2023

If a dog there paws is this a serious condition? here is one condition, Allergies: can be to a variety of things, including pollen, dust mites, fleas, and food. Allergies can cause itchy skin, and dogs may lick their paws as a way to relieve the itching. Not all are the same but if you fear there is a serious conditions check this out.

Don't ignore the PAW 🐾 licking of your dog. Know the reasons of it and QUICK treatment. - Nutritional Direct If you’re not sure why your dog is licking its paws, it’s best to take it to the vet for a checkup. The vet can rule out any medical problems and help you develop a treatment plan. Here are some quick treatments for paw licking: In addition to medical treatment, there are some things you…

Treat Itchy and Allergic Dog Skin!!! | MUST WATCH - Nutritional Direct 14/09/2023

If your dog is feeling you may want to try this,

Treat Itchy and Allergic Dog Skin!!! | MUST WATCH - Nutritional Direct If your dog’s itching is severe or does not improve with home treatment, you should see a veterinarian. They can help you to identify the cause of your dog’s allergies and develop a treatment plan. Here are some additional tips: With proper care, most dogs with itchy and allergic skin can live c...

STOPPING A DOG FIGHT (Cesar911 Shorts) - Nutritional Direct 30/08/2023

Does your reacts with other in the dog park? Or get annoyed walking among dogs in the neighborhood?. How does your dog reacts with other dogs? How we stop a dog fight? Here is more information here.

STOPPING A DOG FIGHT (Cesar911 Shorts) - Nutritional Direct Here are the steps on how to stop a dog fight: Here are some additional tips for stopping a dog fight: If you can’t stop a dog fight on your own, call for help immediately. A professional dog trainer or animal control officer will be able to safely break up the fight and assess the…

5 of the DEADLIEST Veterinary Medications for Pets - Nutritional Direct 30/08/2023

What if our get ill? What should we do? First off watch the and any that could be dangerous for our pet. Here are a few bad ones here. Check this out for more detail.

5 of the DEADLIEST Veterinary Medications for Pets - Nutritional Direct It is important to keep these medications and plants out of reach of pets. If you think your pet has ingested any of these substances, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. Here are some additional tips to help keep your pet safe from toxic medications: The Pet Poison Helpline is a 24...

10 Odd Dog Behaviors and What They Actually Mean - Nutritional Direct 17/08/2023

Dogs are known for their quirky and sometimes strange behaviors. Here are some of the oddest dog behaviors:

their tail. This is a common behavior in puppies, but it can also be seen in adult dogs. It is often playful, but it can also be a sign of or .
in circles. This behavior can be caused by excitement, anxiety, or pain. If your dog is spinning excessively, it is best to take them to the vet to rule out any conditions.
Running around after p**ping. This is a behavior that is thought to be a way for dogs to mask their scent from predators. It is not harmful, but it can be annoying if your dog is doing it indoors.
p**p. This is a behavior called coprophagic #, and it is not uncommon in dogs. There are a few reasons why dogs might eat p**p, including nutritional deficiencies, boredom, or anxiety. If your dog is eating p**p, it is best to consult with your vet to rule out any medical causes.
Rolling in gross things. Dogs love to roll in things like mud, dead animals, and garbage. This behavior is thought to be a way for dogs to spread their scent and mark their territory. It is not harmful, but it can be smelly!

10 Odd Dog Behaviors and What They Actually Mean - Nutritional Direct If you’re concerned about any of your dog’s behaviors, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian. They can help you determine if the behavior is normal or if it’s a sign of a medical problem.


How do we know our dogs love us back? First of not all will show their love in the same way. Some are more expressive than others, and some may be more reserved. But if you pay attention to your and behavior, you should be able to tell if they love you

10 Critical Signs that Indicates Your Dog is Dying - Nutritional Direct 21/07/2023

This is a subject but it is good to know so you would know how to do. Here is some information here.

10 Critical Signs that Indicates Your Dog is Dying - Nutritional Direct Here are 10 critical signs that indicate your dog is dying: It is important to note that not all of these signs will be present in every dying dog. The signs that your dog experiences will depend on their individual health and condition. If you are concerned that your dog may be dying, it is…

15 Signs Your Dog Considers You Its Mother - Nutritional Direct 12/07/2023

Have you every wonder why your sees you has it's rather then a ?. Here is an interesting video on that topic.

15 Signs Your Dog Considers You Its Mother - Nutritional Direct 15 Signs Your Dog Considers You Its Mother By rjoachim | July 11, 2023 | 0 They follow you everywhere. Dogs who consider you their mother will want to be close to you at all times. They may follow you around the house, even into the bathroom. They greet you at the door. When you come home, your do...

What Do Dogs Think When You Leave the House? Do They Miss You? - Nutritional Direct 08/07/2023

How does your feel when you leave the home? Some dogs get depressed, confused or Angry? How does your dog behave? The answer will interest you check it out here.

What Do Dogs Think When You Leave the House? Do They Miss You? - Nutritional Direct Here are some of the things that dogs might think when you leave the house: It is important to note that not all dogs will experience the same emotions when you leave the house. Some dogs are more independent than others, and they may not mind being left alone. However, most dogs do form strong…

Allergies, Anxiety, Diarrhea: Simple Ingredient for 3 Common Dog Problems - Nutritional Direct 25/06/2023

If your dog has , and why not look for something else. Check this out.

Allergies, Anxiety, Diarrhea: Simple Ingredient for 3 Common Dog Problems - Nutritional Direct Allergies Allergies are a common problem in dogs, and they can cause a variety of symptoms, including skin irritation, ear infections, and diarrhea. Probiotics can help to reduce the symptoms of allergies by supporting the immune system and helping to keep the gut healthy. Anxiety Anxiety is another...

How to Stop Your Dog From Barking w/ Cesar Millan! (Dog Nation Shorts) - Nutritional Direct 22/06/2023

How do we stop our dogs from barking excessively.? Check this out for more information.

How to Stop Your Dog From Barking w/ Cesar Millan! (Dog Nation Shorts) - Nutritional Direct It is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem of excessive barking. The best approach will vary depending on the individual dog and the situation. However, by following the tips above, you can start to reduce your dog’s barking and create a more peaceful en...

Why Does Your Dog Sleep With You? 7 Reasons You'll Love - Nutritional Direct 17/06/2023

Have you ever wonder why your sleeps in your bed? Check out the answer here.

Why Does Your Dog Sleep With You? 7 Reasons You'll Love - Nutritional Direct Of course, there are also some potential drawbacks to letting your dog sleep in your bed. For example, dogs can be messy, and they may shed hair or drool on your bed. They may also wake you up during the night by barking or moving around. If you’re considering letting your dog sleep in your…

Vet Approved Homemade Dog Food: Good for Digestive Issues - Nutritional Direct 11/06/2023

Do you wonder which food is best for your dog? Check these out.

Vet Approved Homemade Dog Food: Good for Digestive Issues - Nutritional Direct Here is a recipe for a basic homemade healthy dog food: Ingredients: Instructions: This is just a basic recipe, and you can adjust it to fit your dog’s individual needs. For example, if your dog is overweight, you can reduce the amount of meat and increase the amount of vegetables. If your dog is ...

Itchy Dog? Find Out Why and What To Do - Nutritional Direct 07/06/2023

Is your dog constantly itching? Try this method.

Itchy Dog? Find Out Why and What To Do - Nutritional Direct If you find this topic helpful. Check out Diet/Nutrition on foods that fought depression and Anxiety,


What would you do if a charge at you and your ?Check this out. We got you covered.


Love the glasses 🤩🐶
