Cory Schidler

Cory Schidler

Coach Cory Schidler is a Certified Behavior Change Specialist Health Coach. Whether you want to lose


Rest in Peace, dad! You taught me to work hard and be a good husband and father. I cherish my memories with you.



Love seeing owls! However, they way they stare at me gives me the chills!😬


(update for those who asked)

Yes, there’s a big opportunity to increase your DISTANCE off the tee box.

(on average, 10 yards increase - not bad!)

And it’s thanks to the latest Titleist Performance Institute Power Program.

Without getting into too much detail, here’s what’s happening:

When you create a customized exercise program specific for golf…

You will increase your swing speed and hit the ball farther

For those who showed interest, I’ll update you about how many of my clients are hitting the ball farther from using my customized Titleist Performance Institute Power program…

HIGH expectations based on what I’ve seen so far.



Anybody tired of the restaurant upcharges? Extra $2.50 for cooking bacon well done? You should be ashamed


🏌️Success on the golf course isn’t something we “find” — it’s something we CREATE.

Drinking water instead of soda? Doing for a warm up before playing instead of swinging cold?

They may not seem like much…

But eventually, all those small choices add up to a happier, healthier round of golf.

So, what’s a small habit you can change today that could move you a little closer to a better round of golf?

Some ideas:

👉 Start your round with healthy meal
👉 Stay hydrated throughout the week
👉 Stretch every 2-3 hours if you work at a desk

You might be surprised at how much better you feel in just a few days!


🇺🇸 Let Freedom Ring!

On this Memorial Day, we pause to honor and remember the courageous men and women who gave their lives for our freedom.


Looking for 5 busy Golfers that want to move, feel & play better. I'm creating custom Titleist Performance Institute programs. Comment below for details!👇


So proud of Ryann Schidler! 😍 Graduation with Magna Cum Laude!👏 🐘



King of the Gym | Suno 17/03/2024

This was a lot of fun to create this. 😂

King of the Gym | Suno aggressive intense gangsta rap song. Listen and make your own with Suno.


📢 Public Service Announcement!

Maybe your handicap is going up… suddenly have the yips… and you’re struggling to enjoy golfing.

Or maybe it’s been a couple of weeks since you even THOUGHT about swinging a golf club.

✌️ I’ve got a simple 2-step solution to get you back on track.

👉 Step 1. Do ONE HEALTHY THING for yourself. (Check out the graphic for ideas!)
Just like that, you’re back on track!

👉 Step 2. Reevaluate your approach to your golf goals.

Why are you struggling, and what can you do to make it easier?
Were you trying to do too much, too soon? Did you need a bigger fun factor? Did you feel like you weren’t getting results?

Once you know what stopped you, you can change things up to make it easier.

Goals are a LOT easier to stick with when they hit your mind-body-spirit “sweet spot.”

You can learn how to make that happen with my brand-new ebook: Your 2024 Mind-Body-Spirit Goals Roadmap (+ printable worksheet).

Comment the word “GOALS” to get your free copy!


Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger ~Arnold Palmer


Happy Friday!🎉

🧑‍🍳I’ve got a DELICIOUS healthy copycat recipe for you —

We’ve taken the sweetness down a bit in this revamped version (based on a popular restaurant’s recipe), but if you really want to add it back in: add a few tablespoons each of no-sugar-added canned mandarin oranges and pineapple chunks.

Make this for lunch, you won’t be sorry!

Strawberry Poppyseed Chicken Salad
(makes 2 servings)

4 big handfuls (cups) mixed salad greens
1 cooked chicken breast, diced
4 large strawberries, hulled and sliced
½ cup (75 g) blueberries
¼ cup (30 grams) goat cheese crumbles
¼ cup (30 g) chopped toasted pecans

Poppyseed Dressing
(makes 4 2-tbsp servings)

½ tsp sea salt
1 Tbsp honey
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
¼ cup (55 g) plain Greek yogurt
1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp poppy seeds

First, make the dressing: Place all of the ingredients in a mason jar, screw on the cover, and shake until well combined. Or, place the ingredients in a bowl and whisk until combined. This recipe will keep in the refrigerator, covered, for 2-3 days.

Make the salad: Place the salad greens, chicken, strawberries, blueberries, and goat cheese in a large salad bowl. Drizzle 4 Tbsp (half the recipe) of the salad dressing over the top of the salad and toss well. If using, sprinkle the pecans over the top.

Divide into two portions and serve. Yum!

Tag me at if you try this recipe 👩‍🍳

Photos from Cory Schidler's post 30/01/2024


With a simple formula! 🤓

How many times have you made a goal of "practicing more," “working out more,” “eating healthy,” or “fitting into my favorite dress”?

There’s a more effective way that will help you zero in on the BEST ACTIONS you can take to make the goal a reality.

🤯 Just fill in the blanks:

I will [specific action you will take] [how long/how often] for [time frame].

Examples: shave two strokes, lose weight, get more active, play with my Grandkids
I will [practice my short game] for [30 minutes 5 days a week] during [the next 4 weeks].
I will [bring my lunches to work] for [4 days a week] during [the next 6 weeks].

This works because it focuses on YOUR PERFORMANCE. You have direct control over the things you’re choosing to do.

What goal are YOU working toward? Post below for some support and accountability. ⬇️⬇️⬇️


I just launched a new Advanced Strength and Conditioning Program.


🌱 No matter how hard you might try to fight it sometimes, things change!

And you really don’t have a choice in the matter…

But what you DO have control over is how you handle it.

You can choose to see change — and use that change — as an opportunity to grow. 🤔

Here’s a mindset shift to think about:
What if change is the Universe's way of pushing you toward your best self…
And challenges are an invitation for transformation?

Looking for more motivation and inspiration? I can help — just direct message me!


Get stuff done


Time to go for a run🏃‍♂️


Should you download a free workout OR invest in a customized workout based on your fitness, goals, schedule, and unique needs?
Here’s my take: Having a plan — ANY plan — is better than having no plan at all.

But I know that when I’m investing my time, energy, and effort into reaching my goals, I don’t want to just HOPE all that hard work pays off.

I want some real evidence that it will deliver!

PLUS, a real game changer is having someone who can hold me accountable, give me support when I’m struggling, and help me troubleshoot if something’s not working.

Want to know how we help our clients find the balance? Drop me a DM and we can chat.


Rock N Roll 10k


My thoughts🤔

All the great football coaches have/had something in common.

Great coaches such as....

I could list more coaches, please feel free to list more below in the comments 👇

The thing they have/had in common is they didn't achieve greatness until after age 50.

I believe, if I'm not mistaken, none of these coaches won a championship before age 50.

That means they had to grind, and learn, and make mistakes, and learn some more.....for 15 to 25 years before they were truly great coaches.

They had to persevere for all of those years before they were admired for their efforts.

They had to hear all of their critics and naysayers for most of their career.....

And then something happened.

They won a championship.

And their status changed.

They achieved greatness.

And then the last third of their carrer is/was their best.

Where am I going with this?

I'm 52 years old.

I have had my nose to the grindstone for 30 years.

Making mistakes, learning, seeking knowledge

Grinding nearly everyday for 30 years to achieve a goal, to realize my vision.

Now I am reminded by these great coaches that the best is yet to come.

And if you are like me, you should be excited about the next 15 to 20 years.

Your are about to live the best years of your life.


