Aloha Touch Massage

Aloha Touch Massage

MOBILE Massage Service
Client Focused Care, Lomi Lomi Based with a Foundation of Love for the client Let Aloha take you there.

Through the healing power of massage with aloha & intention, I am able to provide pain & stress relief, relaxation and renewal.

What Is Your Back Muscle Spasm Telling You? 11/11/2019

What Is Your Back Muscle Spasm Telling You? Muscle spasms in your back may be a sign that your body is trying to tell you something. Learn how to listen to and treat these painful messages from your muscles.

Photos from ʻOnipaʻa Kākou's post 06/08/2019

To Whom It May Concern,




Aloha everyone! Seems I've been gone for quite some time, huh? Time sure flies when life is throwing curve balls at you. :-D
Hope you are all doing well.
A.T.M. is working on getting back to a full time schedule soon. I will see about opening up Thurs-Sat appointments and then go from there. Stay tuned for times and dates. As always, mahalo much for your loyalty and friendship. Be well.


Hi. Aloha. How are you? FB kindly informed me that my LIKErs haven't heard from me in a while. Forgive my absence. If you are on my ATM personal Facebook account you know I've been on semi-hiatus for quite some time now. I'm still working on a handful of clients that have standing weekly appts, But that's it. Looking to get up to full capacity soon. Maybe after the holidays.

While I'm here, I'd like to send out a very big MAHALO to all of you who have given Aloha Touch Massage a thumbs up and LIKE'd us. Wishing everyone a happy & safe holiday season just in case I do not stop in again until the new year.

Much Aloha & Be well ~ Amber


Hey! Its November already! Its been awhile since I've checked in here. Just a little update for y'all..

Aloha Touch Massage has been on a hiatus for a while now and will continue to be until further notice. However, keep checking back, I may open up appointments along the way.

Until then, I wish you all well and much aloha!

Timeline photos 02/08/2016

Good Monday everyone! I'm back in Cali and opening up my calendar for August Sessions. Call me or text (fastest response) @ 424-256-8426.

Looking forward & can't wait to getting back to work at helping all of you feel better.

Aloha TouchMassage is Mobile in Torrance, Redondo Beach, select So. Bay beach cities & parts of RPV, PV & RHE - dependent on accessibility by car and physically for me to carry my table & stool. Text for more info/book.

Timeline photos 03/06/2016

Insert Massage Table HERE!!

Timeline photos 30/05/2016

Blessed Memorial Day

Timeline photos 27/05/2016

Spreading the Aloha Always. Have a great holiday weekend, Loves!

How to Reduce Breast Size Naturally | Top 10 Home Remedies 06/05/2016

In case you're interested. Most people would like to know how to make them bigger - not me! These girls could use a little reduction. :)
How many ladies feel the same?

How to Reduce Breast Size Naturally | Top 10 Home Remedies Breasts develop from embryological tissues, and the high estrogen level in females during puberty causes breasts to start growing bigger. Breasts are mammary glands composed of layers of different types of tissue, including adipose, glandular and connective tissues. As these tissues have hormone rec... 17/04/2016

Plantar Fasciitis & Its Myofascial connections, click below

Yoga Poses to Soothe Sciatic Nerve Pain in 15 Minutes | Top 10 Home Remedies 10/02/2016

TOTALLY Recommend!! They're not hard to do.

Yoga Poses to Soothe Sciatic Nerve Pain in 15 Minutes | Top 10 Home Remedies The sciatic nerve is the widest and longest nerve in the body. It begins near the spine in the lower back, runs deep through each buttock and travels down along the back of each leg. A shooting pain often so severe it makes standing up seem like an impossible task, sciatic pain can be an

7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Posture at Work 21/01/2016

Most people are guilty of bad posture, especially at the computer for hours on end. I'd say 75% of my clients come to me mainly due to this one bad habit. Hopefully this will help.

7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Posture at Work Sitting down all day is rough, but here are seven simple ways to improve your posture at work.

What Is Tui Na Massage? 12/01/2016

Some info on other types of massage modalities available. Tui Na helps with my joint pain, especially in conjunction with acupuncture and routine Chiro adjustments.

What Is Tui Na Massage?

Timeline photos 10/01/2016

It's important to take care of yourself. Take today for you.

How to Stretch the Psoas Muscle | eHow 09/01/2016

Stretches for relief of pain with the psoas muscle.

How to Stretch the Psoas Muscle | eHow

Timeline photos 08/01/2016

Lovin' my massage clients! Have a great weekend everyone.

Aloha Touch Massage 08/01/2016

`Alala-Hawaiian Crow. My Grand Uncle told me of the birds that "...sound like dey crying. No can sleep, dey make noise early in da mo'ning. B'foa time...dem guys (he meant fruit/coffee farmers) used to shoot em cuz da buggah ate all the fruit. Bumbye a`ole! No moa!" Well, he was right.

Aloha Touch Massage

Office of Dietary Supplements - Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Selenium 07/01/2016

Selenium is something we rarely think of....but here's why we need it.

Office of Dietary Supplements - Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Selenium Office of Dietary Supplements - Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Selenium

Breathing Techniques: Less Anxiety and More Energy 04/01/2016

BREATHE! My clients may be tired of hearing me say that, but it's more therapeutic than you know.

Breathing Techniques: Less Anxiety and More Energy It's crazy to think you could be messing up something you do some 20,000 times a day: inhaling and exhaling. Well, maybe not so much "messing up" as not doing it as efficiently and effectively as you could be. "When done well, breathing can regulate and revitalize your body, your energy levels, and…

Timeline photos 01/01/2016
Timeline photos 24/12/2015

Have a Merry Christmas!!

Timeline photos 19/12/2015

Aloha Kakahiaka! Enjoy this beautiful Saturday.

Timeline photos 18/12/2015

Enjoy your weekend. Make some good memories!

Timeline photos 18/12/2015

Is this you at the end of a long work week? You may knead a massage!

Timeline photos 17/12/2015

Like an excuse is needed :-)

Timeline photos 17/12/2015

Good Morning Everyone! Have a beautiful day. Be kind to each other and do all things in love.

