Alan McBride Your Money Guy

Alan McBride Your Money Guy

Hi, I’m Alan McBride! Your Money Guy. I help people get the ANSWERS to the four (4) most difficult Financial questions that they will ever face.

Click the link for the 4 questions:


🙏🏾 🙏🏾 Oh, thank You, Jesus.

Blessed assurance, that Jesus you’re mine. You’ve been my fourth Man in the fight time after time.

Born of Your Spirit and washed in Your Blood. And what You did for me on Calvary is more than enough.

So, I trust You God, my Savior the One who will never fail, You will never fail.

I trust You God, my Savior the One who will never fail, You will never fail.

Perfect submission and all is at rest. You are the author of tomorrow and You order my steps.

So, this is my story, and this is my song, my song. I’m praising my risen King and Savior all the day long.

I trust You God, my Savior the One who will never fail, You’ll never fail. You will never fail.

I trust You God, my Savior the One who will never fail, You will never fail.

You’ll never fail, never seen the righteous forsaken. Never seen Your seed begging for bread.

Oh, we serve a faithful, God. Yes, Lord!

I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered, I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered. I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered.

That’s why I trust You, that’s why I trust You.

I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered, I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered me. I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered.

That’s why I trust You, that’s why I trust You.

I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered. You did Lord, yes You did, Lord. You answered, me. I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered.

That’s why I trust You, that’s why I trust You.

I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered my cry, I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered.

That’s why I trust You, that’s why I trust You God, my Savior the One who will never fail, You will never fail.

I trust You God, my Savior the One who will never fail, You will never fail.

I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered, I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered. I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered.

That’s why I trust You, that’s why I trust You.

I sought You Lord, in the midnight hour and You heard, and You answered. I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered.

That’s why I got to trust You, that’s why I trust You.

I sought You Lord and You heard, and you answered.

Yes, You did! Yes, You did!

I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered. I sought You Lord and You heard, and You answered.

That’s why I trust You.

That’s why I trust You, that’s why I trust You God, my Savior the One who will never fail, You will never fail. I trust You, God!

Aware Worship – Trust In God (personalized) 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

College of Health and Human Performance 02/05/2024

College of Health and Human Performance Join us May 2-3 as we recognize graduates earning degrees from the College of Health & Human Performance. The college ceremony will take place Thursday, May 2, 2024, from 2-4 p.m. in the Stephen C. O'Connell Center. Note, the processional will begin at 2 p.m.

Why do Renters Have to Save More? 09/01/2024

How much more would you have to save for retirement if you owned your home rather than rented? Would it surprise you to learn it might be several times less? Learn more about the relative advantages below.

Why do Renters Have to Save More? How much more would retirement cost if you owned your home rather than rented? It could actually be several times less.


“Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless.”
(Ecclesiastes 5:10 NIV)

What’s in a Brand Name?
by Chuck Bentley

When it comes to shopping, are you trapped in a cycle of buying products with the most prestigious brand names? Have luxuries become necessities?

Satan never wants you to be happy with equality. Instead, he wants you to engage in a process of comparison that constantly drives you to buy those “top-of-the-line” brands, those that make you appear slightly better than those with lesser brands. Doing so may help you feel better about yourself, but it can put you on a treadmill that demands higher and higher levels of spending.

For many people, only the “deluxe” package will do. This means that if they have a choice of low, middle, or high, they’ll always choose high, whether they’re considering a house, a car, a handbag, a wristwatch, or even a pair of eyeglasses.

Focus on what your necessities actually are. Having a roof over your head, being able to get from one place to another, and keeping track of time can be had for a lot less money than what many people feel compelled to spend. And when it comes to eyeglasses, the most important thing is not the fashionable brand but whether your vision is corrected!

Don’t buy into the lie that only the “best” will do. Satisfaction isn’t found in a name. Freeing yourself from the cycle of comparison can save you a lot of money and take a tremendous burden from your shoulders.

Daily Scripture Reading:
Genesis 23 – 24

The post GIF What’s in a Brand Name? appeared first on Crown Financial Ministries.

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Types of Stock Market Analysis 08/12/2023

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Investments 07/12/2023

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It was placed on my heart to share my personal Daily Devotional with you. It is my prayer not to offend anyone, but to share personal growth that I experienced personally in my time with the Lord, this morning. Be Blessed!

14 Then the women said to Naomi “Blessed is the LORD who has not left you without a redeemer (grandson, as heir) today, and may his name become famous in Israel. 15 “May he also be to you one who restores life and sustains your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you and is better to you than seven sons, has given birth to him.” Ruth 4:14-15 (AMP)

The Commentary Reads: Ruth, although not knowing the outcome, sowed kindness by staying with Naomi. Because of this she also reaped what she had sown: abundant blessing. She became the great-grandmother of King David, and had a place in the genealogy of Christ Jesus.

Personal Reflection: There were many times this week alone that I had not shown kindness to others, some because they were not kind to me and others because I did not feel like being kind or loving. Clearly this is wrong in the eyes of the LORD, who sent His only Son Jesus Christ 1st to be the example and show us God character. 2nd sacrifice Himself (who was totally sinless) for our ungodly sins. All of our sins, thank You, King Jesus!

My prayer 🙏🏾 LORD, thank You for this day and Your grace and Mercy. Abba Father, thank You for loving me even when I am at my very worst. Please forgive me for my ugliness. Lord forgive me for my unkindness and sinfulness. Touch my heart and mind to always be loving and kind to all, even against my own will. Develop within me the character of Christ. Bless me with the humility, submission and obedience of Ruth in order to bring honor to You, Father. Thank You for hearing my prayer, Lord. It’s in the precious name of Jesus Christ that I ask this. - AMEN! 🙏🏾 🙏🏾

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