Elearning in Motion

Elearning in Motion

In designing courses for online delivery, or elearning as is commonly known, Elearning in Motion app

In designing courses for online delivery, or elearning as is commonly known, Elearning in Motion applies engineering approaches to course delivery.

9 eLearning Trends that will Grow in 2024 22/03/2024

9 eLearning Trends that will Grow in 2024
We still don't have people predicting the future, we still don't have future prediction coaches (neither eLearning courses) but this 2024 is shaping up to be the artificial intelligence (AI) year.

9 eLearning Trends that will Grow in 2024 We still don’t have people predicting the future, we still don’t have future prediction coaches (neither eLearning courses) but this 2024 is shaping up to be the artificial intelligence…

Incorporate Instructional Methods and Learning Styles into Your eLearning Training 21/03/2024

Incorporate Instructional Methods and Learning Styles into Your eLearning Training
You need to choose instructional methods and learning styles that can work for the subject and the style of the trainer. You need to consider the trainees as well.

Incorporate Instructional Methods and Learning Styles into Your eLearning Training I love planning training courses for job skills because it tests a lot of your creativity as an instructional designer. The challenge is even greater when you consider that your training will be de…

Experiences of implementing a learning management system (LMS) within an organization for eLearning 11/03/2024

Implementing a new learning management system (LMS) can be challenging, and I had the opportunity to work for organizations that went through that process.

Experiences of implementing a learning management system (LMS) within an organization for eLearning Implementing a new learning management system (LMS) can be challenging, and I had the opportunity to work for organizations that went through that process.

Designing Learner-centered Branching Scenarios for eLearning 10/03/2024

Branching scenarios are a design choice for eLearning courses where you allow a learner to move through a course in a non-linear way, instead of a linear course where all learners follow the same learning path.

Designing Learner-centered Branching Scenarios for eLearning Branching scenarios are a design choice for eLearning courses where you allow a learner to move through a course in a non-linear way

The Top 5 eLearning Authoring Tools for 2024: A Comprehensive Comparison 10/03/2024

I was thinking about reviewing the article I published last year regarding eLearning authoring tools for course production. Since I want to stay in the education sector, I believe this comprehensive list is still valid this 2024.

The Top 5 eLearning Authoring Tools for 2024: A Comprehensive Comparison In the digital era, eLearning has emerged as a popular mode of education and training delivery. To create engaging and interactive eLearning content, organizations and instructional designers rely …

7 Effective Strategies to Build an eLearning Business 10/03/2024

As an eLearning Engineer, I have built many eLearning courses, in both academic and corporate settings. I know what it take to build a course but to build an eLearning business (which I have), you will need a set of complementary assets.

7 Effective Strategies to Build an eLearning Business As an eLearning Engineer, I have built many eLearning courses, in both academic and corporate settings. I know what it take to build a course but to build an eLearning business (which I have), you …

A Comprehensive Comparison of the Top 5 eLearning Authoring Tools for 2023 10/03/2024

During my more than fifteen years as an instructional designer, course developer, and eLearning engineer, the choice of technology to develop eLearning courses or modules boils down to the nature of the project.

A Comprehensive Comparison of the Top 5 eLearning Authoring Tools for 2023 In the digital era, eLearning has emerged as a popular mode of education and training delivery. To create engaging and interactive eLearning content, organizations and instructional designers rely …

Exploring the Distinction: eLearning Software vs. eLearning Authoring Tools 10/03/2024

In today’s digital age, eLearning has become an indispensable component of education and training. With the rise of remote learning and the need for flexible learning solutions, it’s crucial to understand the difference between eLearning software and eLearning authoring tools.

Exploring the Distinction: eLearning Software vs. eLearning Authoring Tools In today’s digital age, eLearning has become an indispensable component of education and training. With the rise of remote learning and the need for flexible learning solutions, it’s cr…

How the Development of Courses Using eLearning Software is Changing Education 08/07/2023

How the Development of Courses Using eLearning Software is Changing Education
Education is a vital pillar of human development and progress; humans need to learn in order to face the troubles of this world. Over the years, technology has played a significant role in revolutionizing various industries, and education is no exception.

How the Development of Courses Using eLearning Software is Changing Education Education is a vital pillar of human development and progress; humans need to learn in order to face the troubles of this world. Over the years, technology has played a significant role in revoluti…

7 eLearning Trends that will Grow in 2023 12/06/2023

7 eLearning Trends that will Grow in 2023

There is no such business as predicting the future, otherwise there would be future prediction coaches already (and maybe some eLearning courses.) All kidding aside, we can see some trends and make some educated guesses but sometimes what we think will be big in the future either never happens or if it does, it is way in the future. Now let me try and explore some of what I believe are the 7 eLearning Trends that will grow during 2023.

7 eLearning Trends that will Grow in 2023 There is no such business as predicting the future, otherwise there would be future prediction coaches already (and maybe some eLearning courses.) All kidding aside, we can see some trends and make…

Connectivism Learning Theory and eLearning: Some Examples 10/05/2023

Connectivism Learning Theory and eLearning: Some Examples

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Connectivism Learning Theory and eLearning: Some Examples Today we will talk about connectivism theory, as it relates to eLearning. Honestly, constructivism theory is not the only one you can base your eLearning on, in particular in medical education.

Some Research Results on the Negative Effects on the Use of eLearning for Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic 04/05/2023

Some Research Results on the Negative Effects on the Use of eLearning for Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Some Research Results on the Negative Effects on the Use of eLearning for Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic In a previous post I talked a little bit about my experience during the lockdown and how we all went remote during 2020. On the personal level, that affected how I interacted with my coworkers, als…

The Use of Social Media Platforms for eLearning Medical Education 02/05/2023

The Use of Social Media Platforms for eLearning Medical Education

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The Use of Social Media Platforms for eLearning Medical Education It is undeniable that the use of social media in medical education is an ever-growing field and has the potential to revolutionize the way students learn and connect with one another (at least we e…

Implementing eLearning Flipped Learning in the Medical Curriculum 29/04/2023

Implementing eLearning Flipped Learning in the Medical Curriculum

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Implementing eLearning Flipped Learning in the Medical Curriculum In recent years, eLearning and flipped learning have emerged as powerful tools for transforming the way medical education is delivered. When I was an instructional designer for a medical program, I…

Start Your eLearning Train the Trainer Project with These 7 Suggestions 28/04/2023

Start Your eLearning Train the Trainer Project with These 7 Suggestions

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Start Your eLearning Train the Trainer Project with These 7 Suggestions In a sense, designing any eLearning course is challenging, but an eLearning course for training trainers can be even more so, but there are some best practices you can follow to ensure that the cou…

How to Employ eLearning to Assess Clinical Skills of Medical Students 27/04/2023

How to Employ eLearning to Assess Clinical Skills of Medical Students

How to Employ eLearning to Assess Clinical Skills of Medical Students Assessing clinical skills is an essential component of medical education, and the development of eLearning technology has revolutionized how medical students learn and are evaluated.

Some Examples of Using eLearning Discussion Boards for Medical Education 27/04/2023

Some Examples of Using eLearning Discussion Boards for Medical Education

Some Examples of Using eLearning Discussion Boards for Medical Education In recent years, eLearning has become increasingly popular in medical education. One of the key tools used in this approach is the use of discussion boards.

Some Subjects in Medical Education to Consider for Conversion from Classroom to eLearning 26/04/2023

Some Subjects in Medical Education to Consider for Conversion from Classroom to eLearning

Some Subjects in Medical Education to Consider for Conversion from Classroom to eLearning Some subjects that can be converted to eLearning from a Medical Education Curriculum.

How to Motivate eLearning Students to Engage in Online Activities with Other Students 25/04/2023

How to Motivate eLearning Students to Engage in Online Activities with Other Students

How to Motivate eLearning Students to Engage in Online Activities with Other Students In recent years, eLearning has become increasingly popular, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic forced many students to attend classes remotely. While eLearning offers numerous benefits, it can …

eLearning for Continuous Professional Development of Healthcare Workers 25/04/2023

eLearning for Continuous Professional Development of Healthcare Workers

eLearning for Continuous Professional Development of Healthcare Workers The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and it is crucial for healthcare workers to keep up with the latest developments and knowledge to provide the best possible care to their patients.

Monitoring eLearning Students Using Artificial Intelligence 22/04/2023

The Useof AI for eLearning student monitoring has now advanced to a point where privacy issues may be of concern.

Monitoring eLearning Students Using Artificial Intelligence Introduction I would like to start this post with a little bit of background on Artificial intelligence (AI), feel free to skip this part if you do know what this AI thing is all about. AI is a com…

Integrating Gamification in eLearning in Six Easy Steps 21/04/2023

Six easy steps to implement Gamification in eLearning

Integrating Gamification in eLearning in Six Easy Steps Six easy steps to integrate Gamification in eLearning

Designing eLearning Modules: Five Basic Elements 02/12/2022

Designing eLearning Modules: Five Basic Elements When you are assigned the task of designing an eLearning module to train learners (or for education purposes), you should start with a plan, as I have already mentioned in a previous post. Not only…

Some Remaining Challenges for eLearning 25/11/2022

Some Remaining Challenges for eLearning There is no doubt that eLearning has some areas of opportunity, and in some cases, these seem like unsurmountable obstacles. But in many cases, the limitations do not have anything to do with lack …

Five Reasons We Must Keep Instructor-led eLearning Training 18/11/2022

Five Reasons We Must Keep Instructor-led eLearning Training Even an eLearning training course needs instructors to guide trainees for different reasons. I don’t believe that eLearning means to automate everything or to convert all your training into asynchr…

Dealing with the Digital Aspects of eLearning 11/11/2022

Dealing with the Digital Aspects of eLearning I am taking this opportunity to explore a subject that may seem obvious to many, but to me it shows a deep philosophical question that I just cannot avoid (I love me some philosophical explorations…

For eLearning, Virtual Reality or Immersive Technologies is Just Another Tool 03/11/2022

For eLearning, Virtual Reality or Immersive Technologies is Just Another Tool VR or Immersive Technologies can help eLearning but they should not be the main driver for course design.

How To Effectively Monetize Your eLearning Course 09/10/2022

Are you trying to monetize your ? This post might give you some ideas. I am sure many have heard of these but the key here is ex*****on.

How To Effectively Monetize Your eLearning Course eLearning courses are becoming increasingly popularThis article helps you understand how to effectively monetize your eLearning course.

Ways to Make eLearning More Effective Using Gamification Tools 09/10/2022

It is, for some applications, a good choice of using game mechanics (not particularly fond of the tools title) in but it is not the solution to all problems. Bad design does not get resolved by using game mechanics.

Ways to Make eLearning More Effective Using Gamification Tools Gamification in eLearning has been globally accepted as an effective way to engage and motivate employees.

Why the Evolution of Technology Hasn't Truly Improved Digital Learning 04/10/2022

Sometimes, I like a post that deals with philosophical questions like the evolution of digital learning and the influence of technology. Enjoy!

Why the Evolution of Technology Hasn't Truly Improved Digital Learning Technology isn't the answer, it's a medium to provide scalable individualized instruction. The biggest flaw is our lack of experience and skill in designing individualized instruction.
