Futures by Design

Futures by Design

Futures by Design is my professional life coaching business. Read the description below for detailed information and visit my website (address below).

We all encounter obstacles in our lives when we feel we experience loss of power in our lives to create what we want. We may not be able to control our life circumstances, but we DO have power in how we respond to them and what we create from that. If you’re not fulfilling your dreams – in relationships, career, health, spirituality – as a Certified Professional Coach I will support, empower and n


I chose the title "Futures by Design" for my life coaching practice because it asserts that each of us have the ability to create/design our lives the way we want them to be. Perhaps YOU can do that and haven't believed you could. Well, you CAN--try it--you will likely be very pleasantly surprised. 💖


I know many people have had a very difficult time during the Covid-19 pandemic. For those of you who are struggling financially and don't see a clear way out of it, I'm offering my life coaching services at a greatly reduced rate. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have about this offer.


During this very difficult time many of us are experiencing, I'm offering my coaching services at a greatly reduced rate. Please visit my site and see if life coaching would help you in any way. I maintain the strictest confidence about whatever you choose to share with me.


Like many of us, I have suffered not only from the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic, but from the necessity to stay at home more than I have in years since I am in a high risk category for the virus due to rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease.) So I started looking for ways I can contribute to people even while staying at home. I've decided to reactivate my life coaching practice: Futures by Design. I'm offering this service on a sliding fee scale based on your ability to pay, ranging from $10 to $20 per hour. If your financial circumstances are such that even those amounts are beyond your means at this point, please email me and we'll discuss what could work for you. Don't be hesitant to state your needs--many of us are "shell-shocked" by what we've been through the past couple of years. Blessings to you and all of us.