Dahlia's Hope

Dahlia's Hope

Dahlia's Hope provides complete aftercare for trafficking survivors


Huge shoutout to Dr. Ryan Averett DC, MS for being an incredible supporter of Dahlia's Hope!
Your dedication and generosity are making a real difference in our community. Thanks to your support, we’re able to continue our mission and bring hope and healing to those in need. Your commitment to both chiropractic care and our cause is truly inspiring.
Let’s all give Dr. Averett a big round of applause and show our appreciation for everything he does!


Hope is the sunrise after a long night. At Dahlia's hope, we stand with survivors of trafficking, offering them a path of healing, growth, and a brighter future. Everyday is a new opportunity to live a better life, to reclaim one's story and to step into the light. Together, we empower survivors to rise above the darkness and build a life filled with hope and possibility.


S*x trafficking is a hidden crisis that affects countless lives. By staying vigilant and informed, we can make a difference. Here’s how you can support survivors and recognize signs of trafficking:
Listen First: When interacting with a survivor, the most crucial thing is to listen. Let them guide the conversation at their own pace. Your presence and attention can be incredibly validating.
Be Welcoming and Empathetic: Approach conversations with warmth and empathy. Show that you genuinely care about their well-being. Your compassion can help create a safe space.
Be Sensitive to Triggers: Understand that certain topics might be triggering. Ask if there are subjects to avoid and respect their boundaries. This helps in building trust and shows that you are considerate of their experiences.
Practice Patience: Trust isn’t built overnight. Give survivors time to open up and feel secure. Your consistent patience can help them feel safe and supported as they begin to trust.
Together, we can create a more compassionate world and be allies to those who have endured unimaginable hardships. Keep your eyes and ears open, and remember, your support can make a huge difference. *xTrafficking

Photos from Dahlia's Hope's post 23/08/2024

At Dahlia’s Hope, we blend art and horse therapy for a unique healing experience. Not only do our horses support horse therapy, but they also become canvases for creative expression. Through painting on their gentle coats, we combine art therapy and horse therapy, offering a fun and transformative way to heal.


Every journey begins with a single step, and it's never too late to pursue your dreams. Embrace the process, stay determined, and trust in your own path to growth and success.


Looking to make a meaningful impact? Volunteer with a non-profit like Dahlia’s Hope or start your own fundraiser event to support their mission. Your time and efforts can help change lives and raise awareness for vital causes. Get involved today and be a part of something that truly matters. Visit our website or contact us to learn more about how you can contribute.


The statistics speak for themselves, don’t hesitate to speak up if you suspect trafficking. Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.


Subscribe to our email list for inspiring stories of healing and triumph, updates on volunteer opportunities, and information about events with Dahlia's Hope. Your support helps survivors of human trafficking in Utah. Get involved and make a difference today.

Join our mailing list, link is in the bio


At Dahlia’s Hope, we're inspired by stories of resilience and strength like Disha's. She reminds us that with determination and perseverance, we can transform our lives and uplift those around us. Disha’s journey from survival to empowerment underscores the power we all have to change our circumstances and live with dignity. Let's honor her courage by supporting efforts that create lasting change and inspire others to believe in their own potential. Together, we can make a difference.


We meet survivors where they are and help get them to self reliance.

That means staying on the cutting edge of therapy to ensure they have the tools they need to thrive.

We use the latest modalities of traditional “talk” therapy which is supported by recreational therapy, animal assisted therapies, life skills training, and other support.

That’s what success looks like for survivors at Dahlia’s Hope.

Photos from Dahlia's Hope's post 03/08/2024

❤️‍🩹 Complex trauma is as complicated as it sounds, and it requires specialized therapy. At Dahlia’s Hope, we stay up-to-date on the most effective therapies to ensure our survivors are getting the care they need.

President and Founder Cherstyn Stockwell explains:

“At Dahlia’s Hope, we’re proud that our therapists are trained in the most current modalities for complex trauma. If they’re great therapists but not yet trained in a new modality we want our therapists to provide, we pay for them to get certified. We don't know who's going to come to us as a survivor or what they'll need, so making sure therapists are trained in various modalities has to be a priority.

Complex trauma is just what it sounds like–multiple traumas that have happened to a person. There’s the horrible trauma of a s*xual assault, of course, and then made more ‘complex’ by repeated, additional traumas. For some survivors, it’s the trauma of assaults happening multiple times over a long period. Also, maybe a survivor was trafficked by someone they knew and thought they could trust. Those are just some examples, and every situation is different. Trafficking involves the stacking of multiple traumas, which requires specifically trained therapists for healing.”

Read more: https://dahliashope.org/finding-success-through-cutting-edge-therapy


“At Dahlia’s Hope, we’re proud that our therapists are trained in the most current modalities for complex trauma. If they’re great therapists but not yet trained in a new modality we want our therapists to provide, we pay for them to get certified. We don't know who's going to come to us as a survivor or what they'll need, so making sure therapists are trained in various modalities has to be a priority.

Complex trauma is just what it sounds like–multiple traumas that have happened to a person. There’s the horrible trauma of a s*xual assault, of course, and then made more ‘complex’ by repeated, additional traumas. For some survivors, it’s the trauma of assaults happening multiple times over a long period. Also, maybe a survivor was trafficked by someone they knew and thought they could trust. Those are just some examples, and every situation is different. Trafficking involves the stacking of multiple traumas, which requires specifically trained therapists for healing.

Two of our board members are highly skilled therapists who provide us with valuable guidance regarding the most effective therapies needed for complex trauma. Over the last five years, we’ve continued to expand and adapt modalities specific to survivors of s*x trafficking. For example, EMDR is a highly effective modality we use. New data has shown that ART is also very successful and when appropriate, replaces EMDR. We arm our therapists with the best tools, ensuring excellence for our survivors.

Other modalities include recreational therapy and animal-assisted therapies. Our therapeutic animal farm is the perfect setting to give our therapists the opportunity to be flexible and adapt their sessions, a critical component of growth for survivors.

But talk therapy has got to be primary. They can process a memory or a trauma in front of a therapist and regulate. And, they're taught tools on how to regulate outside of therapy, because you're not in therapy 24/7. They can regulate themselves, enough to last them until their next therapy appointment. With repetition, they learn to do this independently, which is the goal, and very empowering for a survivor.

With these wins, survivors progress and feel strong. They never have to feel like they’re on their own, and they can keep coming back to work with a therapist, even when they’ve ‘graduated’ from Dahlia’s Hope. We never say, ‘Okay, you've been taught the tools, you're done.’ They can actually come back again if they need to.

Survivors can achieve independence and self reliance. And, if they fall upon hard times again, we help them again. That’s still a success story.”

That’s still a success story. Following the data to embrace new modalities ensures we have more of them to offer.”

Cherstyn Stockwell
President and Founder
Dahlia’s Hope
Salt Lake City, Utah


Our Restoring Hope Gala will be held October 24!

Learn more about the work we’re doing to help survivors heal, help us honor those who are helping the most, and hear from survivors who have been helped by Dahlia’s Hope.

Save the date and we will share more information in the weeks to come!


If you are a trafficking survivor in need of support or services, we are here to help you!

💌[email protected]

Or simply click here: dahliashope.org/contact-zxb5Y0


Traffickers want the men and women they victimize to feel like just that–victims.

But we know they are survivors, just like Julie.

And Dahlia’s Hope is committed to working with them until they reclaim their inner strength and have the tools to live independently.


It’s important to shine a light s*x trafficking, which is so often kept in darkness.

But, as Tim Tebow points out, we need to follow that up with action.

That’s why we created Dahlia’s Hope–to be a place where survivors can heal and learn to thrive independently. We offer the care and resources survivors need in one place, so they can focus on finding their strength again instead of finding people to help.

Recently, we got a humbling message from a survivor of human trafficking and s*xual exploitation. The message read, “thank you for speaking up for us…”

If all we do is speak up, we have missed the mark.

For more than 50,000 unknown children around the world, their day doesn’t begin like yours -- with love, hopes, dreams, and goals. Their day starts with darkness, terror, fear, and desperation.

For so many, their day starts with a cry for rescue and protection. For too long, our society has looked away from one of the darkest evils in our world today—human trafficking and child s*xual exploitation. Right now, there are more than 50,000 children whose images of s*xual abuse, torment, and torture have been uploaded to the internet. But we don't know where they are or who they are. We have to go get them...

At TTF, we are so blessed to work alongside our partners and law enforcement to identify, protect, and rescue precious lives who have been trafficked or exploited. Because of our Defender Community, we have helped build or operate 42 safe homes around the world, with nine more in progress.

In total, these safe homes across the United States, Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia have the capacity to care for 500+ survivors of this evil. Every survivor is given love, medical care, trauma-informed counseling, a safe place for healing, and the good news of the Gospel. Our hope and prayer is that each survivor experiences true freedom and restoration!

But, to continue getting to the next victim and caring for more survivors, we need you in the fight. We need a larger community of Defenders to help us identify the children who are vulnerable and unknown.

If you are called to the fight against human trafficking and child s*xual exploitation, we invite you to join our Defender Community. Your monthly gift as a Defender is a badge of commitment you have in the fight for some of the world’s Most Vulnerable People.

➡️ Change a life while adding significant meaning and impact to yours by standing on the front lines in this global fight against human trafficking and child exploitation. Join the Rescue Team as a Defender today: https://community.timtebowfoundation.org/TTFDefender


Once survivors have made it out the other side, they don’t always have a support system.
Dahlia’s Hope provides therapy, life skills training, transitional housing, and other important resources – all in one place.

Learn more at DahliasHope.org.


S*x trafficking happens in secret–but the victims often live among us. Here are some of the signs to look for. If you suspect trafficking, don’t be afraid to speak up!

National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-7888


Who do you picture when you think of a s*x trafficking victim?

The truth is–they can be anyone.


If you met a s*x trafficking survivor, would you know how to talk to them?

Remember, each survivor is an individual with different needs. But here are some general tips.

👂The most important thing you can do is listen and let them lead the conversation.
😊 Be welcoming and empathetic.
💙 Be sensitive to potential triggers. It’s ok to ask if there are certain topics you should avoid.
⏳ Patience is key. Trust is earned over time as the survivor learns you are safe.

If you don’t know how to be helpful, ask. Let them know you want to support them and let them tell you how.

Learn more about supporting survivors at DahliasHope.Org.


Our organization is named for the Dahlia, a flower of incredible beauty that blooms in difficult conditions.

It reminds us of the strength of our survivors, who have been through unimaginable circumstances–but show resilience through hope.

The beauty that emerges through recovery is no accident, it is part of the healing process here at Dahlia’s Hope as each individual learns to embrace their inner worth.


Survivors are all unique.

So there’s no one way to respond if someone shares that they were trafficked.

The best thing you can do is listen with empathy.


It’s easy to think s*x trafficking can’t happen here in Utah.
But it can—and it does.

This form of modern-day slavery is happening now.

And these survivors need support. Dahlia’s Hope provides it.

How Recreational Therapy Changes Lives at Dahlia's Hope 13/07/2024

“Recreational therapy is all about processing trauma when talking isn’t enough. Any time you can help a survivor process trauma and get rid of it—and the natural reactions to it—they can see their own power. They know they can do hard things and live a life worth living." – Caroline Marriott, Dahlia’s Hope

Read more about how recreational therapy and more traditional forms of therapy work together for healing at Dahlia’s Hope.

How Recreational Therapy Changes Lives at Dahlia's Hope “Recreational therapy is all about processing trauma when talking isn’t enough. Any time you can help a survivor process trauma and get rid of it—and the natural reactions to it—they can see their own power. They know they can do hard things and live a life worth living."


Every trafficking survivor has a different story.

A different journey.

That’s why we meet survivors where they are and offer individualized paths to healing. ❤️‍🩹

Learn more about our holistic approach to complete aftercare for s*x trafficking survivors at DahliasHope.org


Led by Founding Survivor Faith’s vision, Dahlia’s Hope provides holistic aftercare services to s*x trafficking survivors including:

👉 Outpatient clinical therapy
👉 Case management services
👉 Recreational therapy
👉 Animal-assisted therapy
👉 Educational services
👉 Medical services
👉 Life skills training
👉 Vocational services
👉 Transitional housing

📺 Watch the video below now to learn more about our work!

Photos from Dahlia's Hope's post 10/07/2024

“Recreational therapy is all about processing trauma when talking isn’t enough. Any time you can help a survivor process trauma and get rid of it—and the natural reactions to it—they can see their own power. They know they can do hard things and live a life worth living.

A lot of research has shown that when someone experiences trauma, they often store it in their body, almost hiding it. And the trauma of s*x trafficking is really very physical. So recreation therapy sometimes releases that tension or trauma, and it allows movement in a safe space.

Recreational therapists are trained to notice what types of trauma memories are coming up and what types of activities would be most helpful for survivors. The therapists are really focused on safety. For example, during yoga therapy, there might be a response to a movement and trauma comes up and they’re able to stop and talk to a therapist and process it in that moment. In an office, a survivor might be so used to hiding the trauma that it doesn’t come out.

We had one survivor say yoga therapy changed everything for him. The movement and feeling the power of his own body in a way he chose to move allowed him to move the trauma away from him.

The activity itself can be so many different things. At Dahlia’s Hope, we’ve done animal-assisted therapy, hiking, learning to do makeup or hair, going river rafting, and even self-defense classes. And so many of the experiences, even when they have individual goals, are done as a group. So, survivors are there supporting each other as well.

Dahlia’s Hope has an animal farm, and animal-assisted therapy is important. In fact, research has shown that spending time with animals lowers blood pressure and increases confidence in survivors. We’ve also seen survivors build trust in themselves and learn to form healthier boundaries after working with the farm animals. It is effective because it allows survivors, who are resistant to talk therapy, to address emotions and issues through direct experience and nonverbal communication. For example, during equine therapy, a survivor can interact with one of our Dahlia's Hope horses. The survivor's interpretation of the horse's behavior may be the way the survivor would interpret the behaviors of their trafficker or how they felt when their trafficker approached them. They may say ‘The horse feels skittish, scared, and wants to get away.’ There is often a connection and recognition of the horse's behavior and how they felt with a past abuser. By letting the horse embody the emotions or experiences and ‘be there’ for the animal, the survivor can reprocess the trauma in a gentler way.

The survivors at Dahlia’s Hope look forward to recreation therapy more than ‘talk therapy’ because there’s an element of fun. Sometimes, people think it’s just play, but it does release trauma and teaches survivors they are in control of their bodies. It shows them they are strong and can conquer fears.

We work with a program called Smart Defense through the Elizabeth Smart Foundation which offers self-defense classes. Some survivors were in fear before the class even started, but the knowledge they were not alone kept them going. That’s what got them to stand up and say they were ready to be taught how to protect themselves. Survivors do want to trust someone—even when they haven’t before.

Those experiences support Dahlia’s Hope’s mission of having survivors lead independent lives that are worthy, empowering, and a life they want to live.

So while there is an element of fun, recreation therapy is still therapy. And it changes lives.”

Caroline Marriott
Clinical Therapist, LCSW
Salt Lake City, Utah


Traditional “talk” therapy is incredibly important, but so are other formats like recreational therapy.

At Dahlia’s Hope, we have seen how the two types of therapy can work together to create healing. In addition to cutting-edge individual and group therapy, our survivors take part in:
🧘 Yoga
🐴 Animal-assisted therapy
🎨 Artistic opportunities

This National Therapeutic Recreation Week, we recognize how these activities can help release stored trauma and allow our survivors to work through it.


“The founders of our country knew we were endowed with certain inalienable rights from our Creator. We feel that we’re stewards, finding every way we can to improve care and provide more care. To provide better therapy, in every way, because each person is an individual who has that freedom. And as we come upon the Fourth of July, this is everything that I can imagine our founding fathers of this great country could imagine.”

Get the full story ➡ https://dahliashope.org/layne-thompson-story


🎉 Save the date! Our Restoring Hope Gala will be held October 24.

This evening will be dedicated to benefitting the survivors of trafficking at Dahlia’s Hope.

Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the date!

Videos (show all)

Dahlia's Hope - Complete Aftercare for Sex Trafficking Survivors
We were READY FOR IT! Our survivors and their families hopped aboard the Taylor Swift Dance Party Train at Heber Valley ...
Our mission at Dahlia’s Hope is to provide multi-faceted, trauma-informed aftercare services to survivors of trafficking...
HERE ARE 5 WAYS TO SUPPORT SURVIVORS when they trust us with their story! 1. Consider the language we use and not push f...
We just wanted to introduce the newest member of our marketing team! She first joined the program as a trafficking survi...
TEAM BUILDING FIELD DAY with staff and board members! It was great to get away from the office for the day, enjoy each o...
Traffickers can be any gender, race, or ethnicity. In sex trafficking situations, they are often intimate partners, spou...
Survivors and our recreational therapy team enjoyed a fall canyon E-bike ride up to a waterfall last week! They got to t...
This past Saturday, we were also at the Goldilocks women’s bike race! This is the second year that a portion of race pro...
Uniting therapy and nature’s wisdom on our transformative backpacking adventure. 🌿🌄 Amidst breathtaking landscapes, we f...
The purpose of Dahlia’s Hope is to meet each client where they are at, in their healing journey. It is one place where a...
Our clinical team loves @trevorhallmusic! His music is often used and quoted during clinical and recreational therapy se...
