Asaya Wellness Sanctuary

Asaya Wellness Sanctuary

Asaya Wellness Sanctuary is in vision to become a healing collective. Stay Tuned! She also offers Life Path Guidance via Intuitive Tarot. Want to learn Reiki?

Melissa Baker is a certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher and Intuitive Energy Healer. She combines all of her abilities to create a personalized energy healing session for her clients, involving Reiki energy, intuitive messages/guidance and subtle body energy work. With tarot she is able to offer insight and clarity on the energy surrounding your current life situation. With this clarity we can help


Capricorn Full Moon at the 29th degree. This is mastery level s**t. Are you going to evolve or repeat? Take a look at the last 6 months for a closer view of the patterns you’ve been running and what’s asking to be transformed. It is in the saying “I’m ready to begin again” (often with a beginner’s mind) that we enter the next cycle with a fresh start. And that fresh start is not yet known. It begins in the dark. (Balsamic moon)

So, returning to where we currently are: we will be seeing in it’s fullness…BRIGHT AND VISIBLE, the shadows the lurk before you. In other words, you are seeing in it’s totality now, what wants to be known. Can you face it? Can you let it in? Can you love those parts of yourself? Can you let those bits that seem to be tripping you up, into your heart, like a loving parent would when their children f**k up or do something simply because they didn’t know any better?

That’s where we are on a personal level. And it’s time to see how those parts of part of your greater purpose in life (meaning those parts are part of your story, which allows you to know yourself more intimately and allows you space now to grow, evolve and welcome who you are into this world more fully)

On the bigger screen, we rewind time to 2008 and look at where the collective have been traveling or shall I saw unraveling since then. It’s been a big shift, hasn’t it? And all within Capricorn themes of power, detachment, responsibility and achievement. Ruled by Saturn, there is a lot here around the “old ways of power”. Saturn is quite the devouring energy (literally ate his children) and will devour for the sake of keeping power and/or control. This is also earth energy, so very connected to matter, the earth and body. And last but not least, the polarity of Cancer, or the Mother. While this isn’t necessarily, Father energy, I feel like this full moon is affecting the masculine energy/male bodies more so as it seems so many are getting some massive upgrades/awakenings/shifts of consciousness (which I personally find very exciting. I know it sucks fellas, but all the ladies are cheering you on!

Photos from Asaya Wellness Sanctuary's post 12/05/2024

When all the lights come on, let your knees hit the ground in gratitude. Nothing is ever lost, only transformed. It’s all love, anyway. Solar energy is healing energy. Open your hearts and receive. ⚡️❤️☀️


Chiron's orbit takes approximately 50 years and stays in a zodiac sign for 4 years.

Chiron is the archetype of the Wounded Healer.

Many of you reading these words are wounded healers, we share the same path and understand the same journey of meeting and embracing our sacred wound.

I want to point at something that I feel is important to note and also one I haven't heard spoken about yet.

There are people walking the same path as YOU when it comes to a core wound. This wound may not show up not exactly the same, or in the same way, but it is within the same theme. For example, my Chiron is in Ta**us, which means I have a deep wound around my very survival, stemming from safety, security and having my needs met. To illustrate what I'm talking about, basically, everyone in my high school has the same theme we're working. This core wound is not quite generational, but to me this is a big invitation and opportunity for deeper empathy, understanding and wisdom that we a little collective of people can offer each other.

Those who share the same Chiron zodiac placement are mirrors. They are the reflection to your pain and genius. They are the catalysts and the cross bearers that walk over the same burning embers. These are your people, when it comes to facing and meeting the part of you that may be partially hidden.

It's why some words written by certain folks resonate so potently. It's why some people just feel like home. The paradox is that it's equally their darkness and their magic that compels you to move a little closer and love with more abandon. There is a mutual understanding, even if at first you resist it.

The Wounded Healers of the world, will never fully heal, but we will learn to love ourselves in the exact place we hurt. And in turn learn to love and accept others in the exact place they hurt too. This is the work and equally the Gift.

It is the Path that we walk as humans and there's no escaping it, avoiding it or running away. There is only understanding the medicine and magic within it all.

The medicine is love. Always.


The Lunar Eclipse and Full moon in Libra that happened around 2am CDT today, has been an interesting energetic that in my opinion started it's process a few weeks ago with the Pisces New Moon, but also the previous eclipse that occurred October 23, 2023.

What themes have been arising and unfolding for you during this time?

Yes, there is a big theme around relationships, and the higher octave of relationship, meaning where are you cultivating conscious relationships that are rooted in interdependence and honoring each person as sovereign while simultaneously weaving together your soul's callings and heart's desires?

This is deep. It can feel magical and potent, but also if you had karmic imprints or anything misaligned in the had to sift it out, didn't you?

That is the power of the Sun, Moon and Earth aligning. Consciousness, Soul and the human body, figuring out how to co-exist in harmony.

What isn't meant for you will leave, abruptly. Think of it like "divine protection". What IS meant for you, will continue to invite you deeper into an ecstatic love, that first your soul will recognize.

This is also the power of the Lunar nodes, working in your chart. In this case, it's Libra energy, playing ever so sweetly with the neptunian Pisces vibes that began this journey to higher relationship, one that aligns with what your heart truly wants.

Partnership, that is balanced in harmony with all your parts.

Personally, the theme is also around WEALTH. I'm looking at outdated patterns and belief structures that are still trying die off, not only in the world, but in my own personal life as well.

It's about career, it's about money, it's about partnership, it's about deep love. It's about VENUSIAN energy, loves.

She is the mistress of Wealth and Abundance. And because I am also Venusian, the impact is FELT. Deeply.

So, where in your life are you being asked to more deeply meet yourself and the rhythm of your own soul? What needs to shift, change or leave your life, for you to land more firmly, grounded, rooted in the truth of who you are, but also what you wish to create in your life?

Listen to whispers of your heart in stillness. She will speak to you ever so gently and sweetly, with a clarity only the heart can bestow.

The unfolding of this invitation will continue until April 8th, when we have a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aries. This solar eclipse is expected to be "extra" potent, but I'll save that for another post.

Until then, be gentle with yourself. Listen to the whispers and pay attention to the over arching themes unfolding in the world. There is a bigger message unveiling itself, while your own story, weaves a single thread into the tapestry of many. Together, we evolve.


This evening in session, towards the end of our shamanic journey, one of my dragons appeared.

I have 3. 🤍✨🐉✨🤍

But it’s been some time since we’ve directly worked together in the space between worlds.

I felt her calming presence, fierce yet knowing. A protector. The fuel to my creative spark…

And through her presence I was reminded, the Lunar New Year is February 9th-10th. This year is the year of the Wood Dragon.

Fire burns wood, which means the energy of the Dragon is even more intense this year than other dragon years.

And what else? 2024 is an 8 year.

Imbolc is this coming weekend on February 3rd. We are emerging from the darkness of Winter. Our plans are starting to break open from our carefully held seeds and plans we wish to create.

Are you following the thread?? ✨ 🌹 ✨

What I sense my Rose Sistars and Brothers, we have a powerful year upon us and many Dragons will awaken. Venusian Stargates will activate and massive healing for our lineage is coming as we finally let go of lifetimes of karmic ick from persecution, playing small from hiding ourselves and being burned to death simply from knowing and embracing eternal wisdom of the heart.

This is our year to truly understand who we are, the meaning of WEALTH and to not only step into, but embrace fully, the depth of our power.

The Heart is the gateway, the portal to quantum creation which means our creative energy is going to be on 🔥 this year!

Weaving, dancing, birthing, singing, creating masterpieces…

And it won’t be easy of course, no initiation is.

But - those of you who are resonating with this, you’ve been in preparation mode for some time now. In your heart you know….you’re ready whatever is coming next.

And most of you are coming into alignment with divine partnership if you haven’t already.

✨⚡️ ❤️‍🔥 ⚡️✨


People always want to “get their money’s worth” on their investment into their relationships, failing to remember, all you have is Now.


The double edged sword of scanning, needing to create safety for ourselves at all costs, is that when we’re literally looking for everything unsafe, we will find it.

What if you look for all the places love exists?

What if you look for kindness, compassion, peace and harmony?

What if you honor the gentle moments, the laughter, the warmth found in an embrace, the surprises that arrive when you least expect it?

What if the liberation to your anxiety, fear and uncertainty is found the second you choose to look at what really exists in this precious moment?

Linger in the undercurrent, the original spark…⚡️ because it’s here you remember that the original spark is never altered, nor will it ever go out. We just diminish it’s light, or turn away from it, believing the love, the safety, the beauty, the connection is gone.

No, love. Fear blinded you from the truth. Let yourself return to the moment and Grace will meet you here.


With so much out there on the shift of Pluto into Aquarius, look to where Aquarius lives in your chart (what planets and what house does it rule) These are the areas your life will be affected. 👇


Are you used to people who don’t choose you? (Part 1)

Do you find yourself suddenly overwhelmed or not desiring of those who show up fully to love you? (These are clues that you’re not fully choosing yourself and have become used to a world and people who can’t see or value you for all that you are.)

Affirm: I am abundant by nature and I am fully supported. I am loved. I am loveable. I can give and receive love in equal measure. I allow myself to be seen so I can attract/see/choose those who align with my heart of hearts. And so it is.


Melissa Baker Cosmic Oracle 15/01/2024

Can you love yourself here?
In the mess, in the purgatory of your own mind?
Can you honor your pain AND choose to let love in?

But what does that look like?
If you have no reference point?
What does that look like when all we’ve known is anxiety, betrayal or grief?

There is a simplicity that is available when we realize that our core desire for a deeper kind of love, is directly interconnected with the humanity of our need for belonging, connection and joy.

We find this joy, this purpose we're seeking when we choose to let love in and choose to experience life differently.

It’s when we consciously choose the higher trajectory, the path that is less followed, when we stick one toe into the unknown and then allow ourselves to be consumed by the sheer possibility that love exists HERE.

We can let happiness in. By embracing it. By not being mad at the world or letting our grief consume us. We can let joy in by not pointing fingers at all the s**t that’s wrong and by noticing the small things that are so f**king right.

Life is happening for you. Can you let yourself see it?
Can you see where all the things you long for are reaching for you too?
Can you see how life’s little surprises and synchronicities happen when you stop focusing so hard on the things that aren’t going right or the details that need to happen or it’s a failure?

What if life’s idea of perfect is beyond what you could ever imagine….
Because you don’t have the reference point yet and you’re clinging still….
To everything you know which is rooted in the traumas of the past.

This is life. Life is not a pleasantry 100 percent of the time. It’s full of disappoints and failure. Heartbreak and loss. But it’s also full of successes, surprises, radical love and a life so full it brings you to tears.

This is the gift of contrast and depth. It’s miraculous nature of being human and living on this difficult, but beautiful planet of mastery.

And so, can you love yourself here?

In all the places and parts that have differing ideas and experiences, memories and desires. Can you choose when the fear arises to trust the part of you that knows it’s gonna be ok? Can you lean in to the ones who show up for you and trust that love exits here in the middle of the road you haven’t yet traveled?

This is the work. This the path I can meet you on, when you’re ready to stick a toe into these beautiful waters of healing.

For those of you who don’t know or haven’t worked with me, I am an Intuitive, a high frequency activator, quantum energy worker. I help you uncover and meet the places that hurt, while showing you the higher perspective, the higher wisdom and give you tools to help you choose differently. By letting go, we choose love and in this choice we ultimately choose the purpose, the life we’ve always dreamed of.

Call me for a consultation. Sending Love.

Melissa Baker Cosmic Oracle Transform your life and achieve your goals with personalized Intuitive coaching and Quantum Energy Healing.


This is also called, the Law of Rhythm.

Everything in life vibrates at its own speed and rhythm. Which means everything in life is always changing, evolving, emerging.

If you’ve noticed…Life is cyclical and we move in and out of phases or seasons.

This means, when we encounter an inwards or what may feel like a “negative” phase, we have entered a part of our journey that is asking for reflection, introspection and ultimately, mastery.

Cycles and patterns exist so we can master them. This is why I am fascinated and intrigued by astrology. As the wheel spins, as does the entire cosmos, within and all around you. Your blueprint is to be understood and mastered, this is how “the darker part of your nature” becomes your power.

For example: my extreme sensitivity is reflected in who I am astrologically, but I was also born 3 months early, I was in an incubator for 41 days and being hard of hearing has affected my life in very traumatic ways….however, it is THE REASON I am able to connect with earth and energy in the way that I do. I FEEL and HEAR vibration. This is my gift, born through birth trauma. But, I had to find it and master it throughout the years.

The other piece to this is: we are not meant to be “on” all the time. If that was the case we would suffer burn out, adrenal fatigue, dysregulated hormones, and other stress related diseases….. 👀

Our natural rhythm includes periods of pause, rest and space to breathe life into new creations. Our natural rhythm includes time in the void. Just like the moon, just like our seasons, just like the entire cosmos…we move with nature.

Let’s stop avoiding or “pushing through” phases of our lives that are asking for space, rest and pause. Perhaps it’s time to embrace the invitation when it arrives on your door step. What does your wisdom want to reveal to you in this time? And will you stop to listen?

Ps. This is the “inwards” time of year if you live in the northern hemisphere. We are in the depth of the dark right now till Winter Solstice. This is our annual time to rest, to be and to listen to the wise old crone within.

May she remind you of your power.


Sending love.

- written last year on 11/25/22


This Saturday, January 28th I will be at Pure Serenity in Hastings for their monthly healing expo! I’ll be available for 15 minute, 30 minute and 45 minute Intuitive Guidance sessions or Intuitive Multi-Dimensional Energy Healing. I will also be debuting my new clothing line Cosmic Oracle Designs!! High vibe and cozy clothes that Inspire! I have Yoga tank tops, comfy unisex hoodies and soft worn in t-shirts, with sacred geometry, cosmic and retro vibes. ⚡️

Message me directly or call Pure Serenity to book a session time with me! I’ll be there from 10am-3pm. ✨❤️✨

15 min = $35
30 min = $65
45 min = $100

**I accept cash, Venmo, PayPal or Credit Cards.


Today at 10:08pm CST, the Moon will be full in Gemini. This moon is not going to act like other fulls moons because it is aligned with Mars which is currently retrograde in Gemini as well. Not only is this alignment bringing on some high intensity in the emotion department, anger and passion are a primary focus here. You may also be feeling big waves of energy (or burnout). Adding to the frustration, Uranus is quincunx the Sun, creating what is called "The Irritation Triangle." 😂 which is not exactly dishing out pleasantries either.

As I mentioned, the Moon is aligned closely with Mars tomorrow night and the Moon will also eclipse Mars (or hide Mars completely) for about 1 hour. So not only are we being asked to reflect, pause, look at our stuff when it comes to our big feelings, particularly anger, rage, passion, and our sexual energy/desires, we will be experiencing quite a profound shift when it comes to how we navigate Mars vibes moving forward.

To put it nicely, we're in a s**t show of intensity, clearing out past hurt, drama, and there is an invitation here to make amends with our beautiful hearts for past pain we have caused others or ourselves.

This moon is not for manifesting. It's not for creating vision boards or the like. This moon is for pause, reflection, taking a hard deep look at where you may be burning yourself, or moving too fast into situations that don't ultimately serve you. I keep hearing "where are you getting burned?"

This Moon is also an invitation to refocus and redirect your energy towards that which inspires big energy! Where can you direct your passions, your sexual/creative energy? What do you desire to create and move in your life so you can take action in ways that support and provide substance for your life?

Because it's a powerful full moon with eclipse like intensity, expect BIG ENDINGS, lots of letting go, doors closing, grief, and a clearing of the old (whether it's people, situations, things) Now is the time to let that s**t go and get comfortable in a new space.

This is the last full moon of the year, so it's prime time to purge, clear out and settle into the darkest part of the year. (in the northern hemisphere)

If you're feeling the waves of irritation, anger, or hurt, don't ignore it's calling. FEEL IT! There is wisdom in what is coming up to be seen right now. I also feel there are major karmic contracts coming to a close right now. We are clearing the chess board so to speak and making room for totally new players. This feels like a massive season shift and we're aligning more closely with a healthy warrior heart. (one that honors gentleness and honors our humanity, while committing to taking action to support our passions, our desires and our beautiful creations!)

Yes, it might suck for a few more days here, but we got this!

Sending you love.



Meditation and Crystal Bowl Sound Healing this Saturday at Yess Yoga! -


Samhain Meditation Online this Saturday! -


Dark Moon season is upon us. As we enter the dark of the dark, the depths of the blackness, we journey into the fertile black soil (soul) of our annual cycle. We are nearing Samhain or Halloween, the end of summer and the Celtic New Year. Others celebrate this day as the Day of the Dead as it's a time when the veil is thin and we have more access to our ancestors. Making it a perfect time to remember our ancestors and pay homage to what was. As we journey through this season, this place on the wheel, we are also preparing the womb space of creation to release another seed.

This is the darkest part of the year, as the daylight hours continue to shorten and the dark night grows longer.

Let's gather to pay homage to our ancestors. To be with their wisdom. To honor their lives and their courage. Let's journey together and welcome, embrace the dark season we are entering, one minute at a time.

Our next live group event will be ONLINE ONLY. I will be discussing the season we are entering, it's significance to our own lives and journey, along with leading a guided meditation. We will honor our ancestors and I will provide a playlist/ritual for you to complete after your journey if you feel guided. Please bring an item for our cosmic altar. (An apple, a gourd, a pumpkin, cinnamon stick, sunflowers...) We will be celebrating the end of our harvest and honoring all our hard work that we've done the past 6 months.

We will gather on Zoom at 10:00AM CST on October 29th, 2022. This event will be 90 minutes long. It will be recorded for those who cannot join live, but would like to join the replay.

This meditation and ritual is a $35 investment. You may secure your spot to join us by clicking the link in the comments below.

✨ 🖤✨

Sending love.


The Warrior Goddess Moon…

Today the Aries New Moon happened at 2:24am EST. This moon signifies a great initiation, as Aries is the beginning of the zodiac wheel. Since we are dealing with Aries energy, we are seeing this as a great influence to our sense of self, our identity and our purpose. And so, we begin.

This particular lunation is creating a powerful healing opportunity for the collective to heal our minds and where we fight with limited polarized thinking vs. using our heart and our heads in one swift aligned motion to create harmony and understanding.
What I see when I look at this chart, is not just the significance of the moon conjunct Chiron and Mercury, but also the conjunction of Pallas Athene and Eris. This means we have some goddess energy amplifying this moon. More specifically the warrior goddess.

Chiron and Mercury are of medium influence with this moon, suggesting that we are doing deep healing work, particularly healing of the mind and our thinking patterns, unconscious beliefs or how we sabotage with our mind. Where is there still a disconnect? From your heart and your mind? Where does your mind seek to control the body? Where are you still not listening with a deep appreciation of your innate wisdom that flows through you?

Pallas is a strong influence with this moon and I have yet to read any other astrologers speaking about this aspect. Pallas is an asteroid connected to the Greek Goddess Athena. Pallas, while similar to mercurial energy, is different because she is a feminine body. Her influence with this moon, suggests we are healing our intuition and our pattern recognition, trusting our body’s wisdom and our creative power.

Pallas shows us the true meaning of sovereignty and how to lead with our head and our hearts in alignment. She stimulates our curiosity and our genius. She is the embodiment of Wisdom herself.

So what does all this mean? It means this moon is asking us to dive into the deep with our hearts and understand that our heart/body and mind work together in harmony. This is an initiation with the Warrior and it is the first step to understanding the path of Mastery. This time we are healing the inner wounded warrior. We are healing the one who still feels we have to fight to be heard, while not listening to the deeper underlying wisdom seen through all the patterns in life.

This moon is the initiation this year to continuing to align with the left handed path, vs. the patriarchal one. To deeply know our roots, our core foundation and to stop fighting, but instead start listening, leaning in with curiosity to the wisdom that lies in our creative power, in our hearts and in our Shakti.


Addiction and Self- Abandonment

Addiction to substances is a form of escapism. In relationships, being with an active addict can feel like abandonment.
And it is. Both partners are participating in self-abandonment which ultimately means you are not choosing yourself or the relationship. It means you are not yet sovereign, but in active denial of your unconscious beliefs around worthiness and love.

Remember, there is no where to go but here.
There is nothing to escape.
The grass is not greener on the other side.
Life happens right now and the more you run or deny what is happening inside of you and all around you
The more you deceive yourself
Of your own Truth and happiness.
And all relationships will suffer the same deception.

You can run, love.
But you cannot hide.
What is real exists in the moment.
Self-abandonment only serves the one inside of you who believes you are unworthy of love.
And that is the greatest lie of all.
You are so worthy and so loveable.
Exactly as you are.
All escapism and addiction is just a symptom of a greater story where you forgot how amazing you are.

Need some self- love support? I’m always here to shine a light on that beautiful heart of yours.


Are you looking for some mid-month guidance?

I’m offering a Sunday Magic special!

From 10am-3pm I am available TOMORROW to help unveil or reveal themes in your life you’re feeling stuck or unclear about. I also offer guidance and tools to help course correct or ground your desires.

1 hour intuitive reading for $95!

Book here:


There is so much astrologically going on as we inch towards Imbolc. During the cold, dark winter nights we are indeed in the “belly of the Mother”.
A month deep into a fresh new year, the moving forward has a certain sting from a familiar past lingering and trying to hang on. Our fragile hearts are feeling tender right now as many are doing some profound inner work and healing. Grief may be a very real experience right now, but hope is still alive within.
On February 2nd, 2022 is the final feast and fire day of Imbolc, while also entering the Crescent Moon phase of the year. THIS is the energy that will be felt. This is an outer cycle that shifts the collective wheel. With so many talking about 2 codes, yes numbers have a role to play in sacred geometry, divination, but the energy you’re feeling during this time is actually the rhythms and cycles, the macro and micro of collective energies.
And so the seeds that were planted this past month are beginning to move, shift and ready themselves for new roots in the month of February. There will be struggle this month as we are feeling the past and the new simultaneously. You may be feeling the inner excitement stir from new ideas and an awakening to a new year. While the past lingers on, with it’s regular rhythm, a weary density that loiters, refusing to leave it’s comfortable home of “never enough”. This is why February can be such a brutal month for many in the Northern Hemisphere.
Whenever we begin to focus our energy and intention towards new possibilities, the old resistance and fear will arise almost as if it’s refusing to budge. What this is actually is our crystallized habits now as an embodied karmic sludge that is now your unconscious psyche.
Crescent Moon phase may bring up the “hungry ghosts of the past” or unconscious patterns, addictions, fears, and insecurities. This means this is not a whimsical time to run from our fears or pass the buck, but rather a time to face them willingly and create new patterns, new habits that break the old personal and collective conditioning.
This is the perfect time to FOCUS your vision and tune into what really stirs your heart awake.
With the Great Transformer or Capricorn as a prominent energy this past month (Mars in Cap, Mercury RX in Cap, and Venus in Cap) we have been powerhouses doing massive transformational work. Notice what has shifted in your life during the Venus Retrograde now that this feminine planet is moving direct January 29th. What wants to change? What no longer feels good? Look to areas in your life regarding money, work, relationships. What wants to be expressed from a more authentic place?
As for Imbolc, or Saint Brigid Day, (also in connection with Athena) this is a day for lighting a fire, doing fire ritual, doing some Divination, writing poetry, crafting, and tuning into Prophecy.
How many of you started some crafty project this week? Or started spring clearing early? What about booking a reading or 2 with a favorite reader? Now is the time. I have a few spots open for readings this week and next if you’re looking to dive in a little deeper and see what wants to be revealed during this shift of the wheel. ❤
art by: cocorrina&co

Our Story

Melissa is an Empathic Intuitive Energy Healer and Divine Wisdom Channel. In 2014, she discovered her purpose, which is to help inspire others to reconnect with their own divine blueprint, life purpose and awaken/embody their Soul. Throughout the years Melissa has studied Astrology, Tarot, Oracle Cards, Sacred Geometry, Reiki, Energy Healing, Shamanic and Esoteric Wisdom. This ancient wisdom is the backbone of Melissa's healing and coaching practice, along with connecting via channel to help co-create our New Earth Paradigm by inspiring and creating new practices as they become available. Melissa has a unique ability to connect to the Collective grids or unique soul blueprint in session or in a group circle. This inspires profound awareness and transformational shifts which creates space for deep healing to occur. Melissa facilitates Dark Moon/Lunar meditations by connecting to the Divine Mother/Earth and cosmic energies. She also leads Wild Wombyn Circles, Meeting Shadow With Empathy Workshops and Gratitude Circles to holistically address the whole experience, all of your humanity, so that you may experience pleasure, joy and grace in all of areas of your life.

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Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 15:00
Thursday 15:00 - 21:00
Friday 10:00 - 15:00
Saturday 10:00 - 15:00