CityChurch Network of Arkansas

CityChurch Network of Arkansas

CityChurch Network is a relational network of Christ-followers uniting churches in Central Arkansas for the good of our communities..

Arkansas Prays - City Church Network 05/09/2024

Arkansas Prays is a statewide movement of churches committed to unceasing prayer. By adopting a day of prayer each month, your church can help sustain this powerful 24/7 prayer chain, fueling spiritual awakening and unity across Arkansas. Imagine the transformation as believers join together, covering our state in prayer and seeking God's presence.

Arkansas Prays - City Church Network Direct Calendar Link View Map Arkansas Prays is a city and state prayer movement to strengthen churches in Arkansas with this simple, church-based model for unceasing prayer. Local churches are working together across denominations, ethnicities, generations, and locations to collectively cover Arkan...

Arkansas Prays: Covering the State in Unceasing Prayer - City Church Network 04/09/2024

"Prayer is like fire—it ignites everything it touches and keeps spreading."

Imagine a movement uniting churches across denominations, ethnicities, and backgrounds to transform cities nationwide. In Austin, Texas, a 24/7 prayer movement has brought unprecedented unity and change to a city once considered "too far gone."

Our latest article explores the Austin Prays story and how Arkansas Prays brings churches together to cover our state in unceasing prayer. Learn how your church can join the movement Pastor Kie Bowman says has the "potential to usher in the most widespread spiritual awakening in American history."

Arkansas Prays: Covering the State in Unceasing Prayer - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More In 2008, Trey and Mary Anne Kent began a prayer walk in their Austin, Texas neighborhood. Surrounded by darkness and illuminated by the light pole above them, God spoke clearly to them, setting them on a path that would change their lives—and their city......


Lord, let this prayer be true of us, our families, and our communities. We approach Your throne with confidence, asking that many would believe in you through our words.

🟣 Give us your heart for the broken and lost in our city.
🟣 Fill our lips and hearts with your word for our city.
🟣 Draw many to you as we speak your word with boldness.

The Silence of Adam & the Roar of the Lion - City Church Network 30/08/2024

"The silence of Adam has echoed throughout generations in every man who has wrestled with the tendency to abdicate his God-given responsibility." Men, God has called us to break the silence. As a husband and father, you are called to lead your family with courage like Jesus, the Lion of Judah. The impact of a father’s presence in a child's life is unmatched, something current data and biblical evidence are proving. Click below to read more about how, together, we can break the silence of Adam.

The Silence of Adam & the Roar of the Lion - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More How significant is a father’s role in healthy marriages? In the spiritual formation and flourishing of their children? In church growth and societal flourishing? The findings from the faith-based non-profit Communio in their Nationwide Study on Faith and R...

An Open Door Across the Street - City Church Network 29/08/2024

"We are here for one reason—to glorify God and live out His purpose." Fellowship North's mission shines through its deep connections with Pike View Early Childhood Center and Ridge Road Elementary. Led by Barbara Scorza and Dena Nash, this church is more than just a neighbor—they’re a vital presence in the lives of students, families, and teachers. Through consistent acts of love and service, they’re transforming lives, one relationship at a time. This isn’t just about service; it’s about being a tangible expression of Jesus’s love in their community.

Read their powerful story.

An Open Door Across the Street - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More The story of Fellowship North began in 1984 when a group attending Fellowship Bible Church in West Little Rock decided to plant a church north of the river to reach their community. Since the church opened its doors, its mission has been clear – to make di...


We long for our schools, that they would be filled with the fruit of righteousness.

🟠 Bring healing and restoration to struggling families.
🟠 Provide godly mentors for every student in need.
🟠 Equip our churches to be a strong resource for our schools.

The Home is a School - City Church Network 23/08/2024

"As new parents, we want our home to be the first and most important 'school' our daughter ever attends." Parenting our kids is a joyful journey, but it also has its challenges. Check out our article on helpful resources, like Jeff Reed's "Parenting with a Plan" and Paul Tripp's insights on gospel-centered parenting, to help you build a home where Jesus is at the center in all things.

The Home is a School - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More A month before my daughter’s due date, my wife came into the kitchen with a look of shock on her face. “I think my water just broke.” Stunned and my brain trying to process the news, I asked a dumb question, “Are you sure?” Oh, she was sure. In [.....

A Vision for Educating Youth & Equipping Leaders - City Church Network 22/08/2024

Explore the inspiring journey of Roger and Regina Doyne of City Church College Station and how a vision 30 years ago shaped a community-focused approach to disciple-making and education. Read this month's church profile to see how this church is advancing the kingdom and establishing believers, young and old, in the essentials of the faith.

Click below to read the full article.

A Vision for Educating Youth & Equipping Leaders - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More Pastor Roger Doyne and I are 45 minutes into our conversation when he tells me about a vision God gave him 30 years ago. In vivid detail, he describes to me what he saw: I saw a manufacturing plant in College Station. In this plant, they were producing souls...


We pray as one Church in the city that our education system would approve what you call excellent.

🔵 Build strong church-school partnerships that strengthen families in every school in our community.
🔵 Help our educators to lead with excellence in your sight.
🔵 Raise up young leaders who set an example in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.

The True: Flourishing in Knowledge and Education - City Church Network 16/08/2024

"Families, churches, and schools together form the foundation for raising a generation that knows the Truth and flourishes in life." As part of our Flourishing Series, we explore how true knowledge and wisdom, rooted in Jesus Christ, guide our children toward a better future. We also look at the “Golden Triangle,” which emphasizes the vital role of home, church, and school in shaping a flourishing future for the next generation.

The True: Flourishing in Knowledge and Education - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More Why did Jesus come to this earth? What did he do and teach? What does he want for us? We could speculate, but it is better to let Jesus speak for himself. Let’s begin with how Jesus chose to launch his ministry. In Luke’s gospel, Jesus has just spent [.....

Churches Helping Families Flourish in Schools - City Church Network 15/08/2024

The new school year brings mixed emotions of anticipation and anxiety for parents and children. In our featured article this month, we explore how the Church plays an essential role in supporting parents and schools in educating youth. We also discuss the Golden Triangle, which God's Word and social science say produces the greatest outcomes for students.

Discover more about the Golden Triangle by clicking the link below.

Churches Helping Families Flourish in Schools - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More Each August brings both anticipation and anxiety for many families. Children are excited about new school supplies, new clothes, reconnecting with friends, and getting back into sports. Some parents look forward to returning to the school routine like their....


With a new school year, we pray with ONE VOICE that our education leaders would have knowledge and discernment.

🟢 Give them your wisdom as they begin the school year.
🟢 Bless every teacher as they prepare for their students.
🟢 Provide for the needs of our students as they return to class.


Lord, let this prayer be true of us, our families, and our communities. We approach Your throne with confidence, asking:

That our love would abound still more and more:

🟣 In our personal relationship with Jesus.
🟣 In every family in our communities.
🟣 Between the churches in our city.


Lord, revive us!

🔵 Release a spiritual awakening in our city.
🔵 Demonstrate your power through the unity of our churches.
🔵 Fill us with your Spirit as we declare your word with boldness.


We pray that our unity in Jesus would overcome the division in America.

🟣 Break down every wrongful barrier that divides us.
🟣 Bring us to authentic unity at the foot of the cross.
🟣 By your stripes, heal the wounds of our relationships.


Father, we lift up this prayer to You, asking that our cities would be united in Jesus.

🟠 Make our city a light to the world, a city on a hill.
🟠 Unite our leaders in government, business, and education.
🟠 Bring us into unity with heaven’s unceasing worship.

A Homegrown Faith: The Heartbeat of Holland Chapel - City Church Network 10/07/2024

Luke Brown was raised in Holland Chapel's youth ministry ⛪️. Two years ago, he made the journey back home 🏡 to be one of the pastors there. We sat down with Luke to hear his story 📖 and how Holland Chapel has been raising up and sending out leaders in-house for over 77 years! 👏👏👏

👉👉👉 Read more in this month's church profile 📰 on the church.

A Homegrown Faith: The Heartbeat of Holland Chapel - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More How many things do we pass by in life and never seem to really notice? For years, I passed Holland Chapel Baptist Church, usually on my way either to or from Dallas when I was in seminary. Chances are, you have seen it, too, if you ever traveled down […]


As one Church in the city, we long for unity. We pray that our churches would be united in Jesus.

🟢 Unite our teams under the leadership of Jesus.
🟢 Be glorified by the harmony of our churches.
🟢 Show us how to align with your heart for our city.


This Independence Day 🇺🇸, we pause to remember the brave ones who went before us and fought for the liberty we have today. As we gather around the table with 🍖 BBQ and 🍉 watermelon, play in the 🏊‍♂️ pool, and watch 🎆 fireworks with friends and family, let us reflect on the One who gives us true freedom—Christ ✝️—and the unity we have in Him.

A united and thriving Church is the greatest hope for our city and the world. May God bless our churches as we work toward that unity in our city! 🙏✨

Amplify: From a Church Backyard to the National Stage - City Church Network 03/07/2024

Amplify 🎶 is a free Christian music 🎸 festival that brings churches together to lift up Jesus 🙌 and reach people who don’t know Jesus ✝️. Since 2012, this two-day evangelistic event has exposed youth to the Good News 📖 through the power of music 🎵.

This year's Amplify will be 🌟 August 9th and 10th 🌟.

👉 👉 👉 Click below to read our community spotlight 🔦 on Amplify, learn how you can get involved, and get FREE tickets for this unforgettable event.

Amplify: From a Church Backyard to the National Stage - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More If I asked you where the nation’s largest free Christian music festival takes place, you might guess a city like Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix, or Denver. Actually, the answer is somewhere closer to home for many of us—Benton, Arkansas. That’s right. For ov...


📢 Calling all churches! 📢 In the lead-up to the 🎵 Amplify Festival 🎵 on August 9th and 10th, churches ⛪️ throughout Little Rock are hosting prayer 🙏 gatherings for the event. 🗓️ Mark your calendars and join us! 🎉


We pray with ONE VOICE that Jesus would be exalted above all.

🔵 Draw our families closer together in Jesus.
🔵 Make our leadership teams sensitive to your direction.
🔵 May Jesus be exalted as the head of all our churches.

The Toxic War on Masculinity - City Church Network 27/06/2024

Is masculinity inherently toxic?

Nancy Pearcey's The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes challenges the prevailing cultural narrative against men and offers a renewed understanding of what it means to be a Good Man and not a "Real" Man. Learn more in our recommended resource this month on Pearcey's book.

The Toxic War on Masculinity - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More Is masculinity inherently toxic? In her book The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes (Baker Books, 2023), Nancy Pearcey answers that question by challenging the prevailing narrative in our culture regarding men. Pearcey makes the....


You love our state and its people. We long for and pray that Arkansas would magnify and exalt You.

🔵 Break down barriers of division in our community.
🔵 Fill our city with united, unceasing prayer.
🔵 Make Arkansas a “city on a hill” in America.

Every Soul Matters: First Assembly of God North Little Rock - City Church Network 20/06/2024

"Every soul matters to God."

This month we are highlighting First NLR, a church with over a century of history serving their community and showing others that every soul matters to God. Discover more from our interview with Pastor Randy Jumper and how their statewide fatherhood initiative, Arkansas Better Dads, is transforming men's lives and strengthening families.

Every Soul Matters: First Assembly of God North Little Rock - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More Recently, I spoke with Randy Jumper, one of the pastors at First Assembly of God North Little Rock. Our conversation covered a lot of ground, from First Assembly’s rich and storied history in their community to the impact of a statewide fatherhood initiati...


May it be true of us, our families, and our communities that our souls would make their boast in You.

🟢 Provide for our needs according to your will.
🟢 Strengthen us with Your Spirit according to your might.
🟢 Help us to trust You fully and to find our peace in You.


Father, we offer this prayer to you. May your praise would fill the lips of…

🟣 Our families in every area of our city.
🟣 Our leaders in every capacity.
🟣 The lost in our community.


We pray with ONE VOICE that our lives would praise you at all times and in all seasons.

🟠 We give you praise in seasons of joy, pain, and uncertainty.
🟠 Help us always to maintain hearts of gratitude.
🟠 Let your praise be my strength in every season.

The Surrendered Life - City Church Network 06/06/2024

"Men don't retreat. They muster."

Fellowship Bible Church in Conway helps men reconnect with God and each other through events like Men's Muster. Learn how they equip men to muster for the battle that ensues every day in our community spotlight this month. You can also read stories and gain insights from three of the Fellowship's men's ministry leadership team. Check out via the link below.

The Surrendered Life - City Church Network Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More On a Tuesday evening, I walk into the Fellowship Bible Church in Conway’s office and find the conference room. Eric Martin and Cain Newton have already arrived and are sitting there, waiting. Eric has been on the men’s ministry leadership team for over a...


We pray that our churches would be filled with hope, joy, and peace in believing.

🟣 Give hope to our hurting church members and families.
🟣 Speak peace to the storms of our hearts.
🟣 Make our churches a joyful place for our communities.

Videos (show all)

One Voice Citywide Prayer (Little Rock) is two weeks away! Join churches from across Central Arkansas as we gather to pr...
Stories from One Voice
The Power of Pastors Praying Together
Vital Families in Schools: The Impact of Mentoring with Windsor Williams
Trained Leaders Are Shaping Central Arkansas for Christ's Kingdom
Dr. Don Moore shares how prayer is growing at Immanuel Baptist Church (Little Rock)
We want to share this encouraging story from Pastor Bill Elliff, Pastor Iverson Jackson, and Pastor Drew Edward Cline ab...
Little Rock churches are gathering to pray together on Thursday, May 5, the National Day of Prayer! Details: https://cit...
Prayer Summit Stories
Nolan's First Words to His Vital Families in Schools MentorWe hope this Christmas has offered an opportunity to spend sp...
Churches united in extraordinary prayer not only impact the community but also benefit every participating church! Liste...
Stories of Extraordinary Prayer
