Dakini Movement Arts

Dakini Movement Arts

Dakini Movement Arts Dakini Movement Arts offers both Performances and Workshops to inspire the medicinal movement of others.

As individuals, Dakinis work to help us overcome obstacles on our path to self-discovery and expression. They operate under the wisdom that every body is capable of feeling ecstatic, that every person deserves to give and receive love, and that every soul can know bliss.


ISO an air brush body painter to vend at a metal festival in Daytona.


What feels like a million years ago, in a galaxy far far away. I facilitated ecstatic dance rituals at the DAKA. I am being called to return to this practice again! For those of you who danced with me so many years ago. I would love to see you tonight at the Enlightened Soul Center & Shop, from 6:30-8:00. Lets celebrate Valentine's Eve falling in love with movement. Details in the comments.


Class begins January 24th and meets online every Wednesday at 7:30pm est.

☀️ 5 Community Coaching Circles
☀️ 5 Live Chakra Yoga Classes
☀️ 5 Guided Mindfulness Practices
☀️ 5 Elemental Ritual
☀️ Access to recordings and materials for LIFE *So if you have to skip a class, you can watch the replay at any time

Link to register: https://www.omni-integrative-wellness.com/groupprograms

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I am so proud of this program. It is the culmination of all the healing arts I've spent over a decade exploring and facilitating and I know it's really going to help people. If you know of anyone in search of new ways to better their mental health, send them my way.

Ele.Mental Health Online begins January 24th and meets every Wednesday at 7:30pm est.

☀️ 5 Community Coaching Circles
☀️ 5 Live Chakra Yoga Classes
☀️ 5 Guided Mindfulness Practices
☀️ 5 Elemental Ritual
☀️ Access to recordings and materials for LIFE *So if you have to skip a class, you can watch the replay at any time

Link to register: https://www.omni-integrative-wellness.com/groupprograms

Omni Temple | Spiritual Coaching 27/12/2023

Interested in Astrology? Want to learn how to integrate its lessons into your life? I am creating a FREE monthly series of zodiacal rituals, each inspired by the various sun signs. They will be available at the beginning of each cycle and Capricorn just dropped today!

Contemplative Practice | Mantra Meditation | Intention Setting

If you want to take advantage of Capricorn's earthly ways and get clear on your intentions for 2024, check out my Mini Offerings:

Omni Temple | Spiritual Coaching Omni Temple provides spiritual coaching without the dogma, helping to cultivate more magick and joy in your life.


Happy full moon in Leo! What are you letting go of this month?

We’ll be in Detroit tonight leading friends through a ceremony of release at 6:30.

