Better Body by Plexus

Better Body by Plexus

Plexus Slim is The Pink Drink and The Most Natural Way to Lose Weight and Feel Healthy. Just one pin

Timeline photos 05/01/2017

Amanda discovered that Plexus helped her lose weight and gain health.
At 29 weeks pregnant I feel pretty darn amazing and although I've never been pregnant before, I know that I am having such an easy pregnancy in no small part thanks to Plexus! I started these glorious products early last year because I was 29 years old, exhausted, run down, sick and gaining real weight for the first time in my life. I have always had stomach issues since childhood being nauseous more often than not, acid reflux, and a colon that would not make up its mind if it wanted to be stopped up or run for days! Starting the triplex last year {and accelerator to lose the weight which was beyond awesome} I could not believe what was happening. I felt... normal! Light, airy, awake, energized, and my tummy and hips were shrinking! But more importantly, I had my cravings under control and my gut in check which made for a much happier, less irritable, more active me. It totally changed my life, not waking up feeling sick and just kinda always "off" is something I didn't know could be real life. And with my doctor's approval and praise I am rockin' this pregnancy! 11 weeks to go and I will take plexus until the end and long after. There is no reason to have a miserable pregnancy, plexus makes it so much more enjoyable! Natural, safe, effective. Little miss and I love Plexus!

Timeline photos 03/09/2016

Plexus “Nerve Health Support” was created by Dr. Harris, MD, who has dedicated the past 40 years of his life studying pain management and rehabilitation. He is currently the Medical Director for Plexus Worldwide!!
So, how does Plexus Nerve Health Support work?
1. It contains 3 proven and natural ingredients that pe*****te the damaged nerves and stimulate the production of nerve growth factor: Methylcobalamin, Acetyl L-Carnatine and Alpha Lipoic Acid.
2. When nerve cells are damaged, the capillaries that feed and support them begin to shut down. There are ingredients that help to open these back up so that the healing nerves have a source of nutrients.
3. Finally, Nerve Health Support has a blend of vitamins and minerals that have been proven to maximize the conductivity of the nerve impulse so that the nerve can work to its potential and function can be restored..
Nerve damage is present to some degree in most cases of chronic pain, especially neck & back pain. Nerve Damage can occur due to trauma, medication side effects, or other metabolic issues.
Plexus Nerve can provide symptomatic relief while promoting the regeneration of damaged nerves by stimulating the body to create Nerve Growth Factor.
Features & Benefits
*Specially formulated combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs & amino acids.
* Plexus Nerve helps the body generate Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), the only peptide that can help stimulate the regeneration of damaged nerve fibers.
*May reduce the associated symptoms from nerve damage of pain, numbness, tingling, ‘pins & needles’ sensations, & weakness

Timeline photos 25/08/2016

Michelle was tired of hurting, but like most of us, we don't want surgery. She decided to try Plexus.
Okay, so I have this thing called "cubital tunnel." It's like carpel tunnel, but it's in my elbow. The nerve that runs long the outside of my arm, across my elbow, has been compressed because of YEARS of leaning on it at the computer, arm rests, etc. The nerve damage is so bad that my pinkie and ring finger tingle and ache on a daily basis. I sleep in this brace every night to keep from fully extending (bending) my arm b/c that makes things worse. Sometimes I have to wear it all day, depending on how bad it's bothering me. Sometimes I have to wear it for weeks.

I was diagnosed a couple of years ago. And it hasn't gotten better. In fact, I think it's gotten worse. The brace was one option. Surgery (to move the nerve so it is no longer compressed) is the only thing left. But I don't want surgery. B/c I'm left handed and recover requires 6 weeks of no mobility. I wouldn't be able to work. I wouldn't be able to wash my hair, eat or brush my teeth effectively. I mean, I could use my right, but let's be honest... I've been a leftie for 34 years and that will be hard to do.

So, I thought I would give the Plexus Nerve Heath Support pills a try. I've been on them for a month. And all be honest, the first two weeks I didn't notice any change. But my research showed that this is one of the Plexus products that actually has results over extended use. Like many other things, it's not a "quick fix."

For the last couple of weeks however, I've noticed that the tingling in my fingers is practically non-existent - occasionally I feel it a bit, but it is not an all day issue. And things that cause the aching to flair up, like holding the microphone during worship at church or braiding my hair, have not been a problem. I still sleep in my brace. I think I'm going to have to long term just to keep myself from messing things up again unknowingly. But the Nerve Health Support is working. And that's only 1 month in. I'm excited to see what this does for me on the long term!

Timeline photos 09/08/2016

Why does our Probio5 stand out among the rest? How is our different? It's very exciting and simple...
One word: Chitosanase. It's the difference between our probiotic, (ProBio5) and all other probiotics.
Most probiotics on the market today, promote a large quantity of probiotic strains. You've seen it - "50 billion strains per capsule!" or "14 billion good bacteria!" or (my favorite) "85 billion live cultures, GUARANTEED!". But, like most things, it's the quality, not quantity that counts. And, none of these probiotics can be absorbed as thoroughly as ProBio5.
Why exactly? Well, yeast overgrowth actually INHIBITS the absorption of probiotics. When yeast multiplies in the gut, it forms a tough, protective cell wall called Chitin. This is what makes yeast overgrowth hard to kill. ProBio5 (unlike other probiotics) includes the enzyme, Chitosanase, which breaks through that cell wall and effectively attacks the yeast overgrowth, so that the intestines can properly absorb the culture forming units.
The ProBio5 capsules are also specially formulated to dissolve when they reach the pH of your gut. Why is this important? Other probiotics dissolve in your stomach. Unfortunately, stomach acid will kill off a large percentage of the bacteria before it reaches your gut. ProBio5 ensures that 100% of live cultures and enzymes make their way to your gut - exactly where they need to be.
Why is yeast overgrowth a big deal? Because it prohibits vitamins and minerals from being absorbed fully. Everyone has a yeast overgrowth to some degree (yes, you too) and it could be the reason you feel sluggish, crave sugar, get headaches/migraines, feel bloated, experience constipation, or many other symptoms.

Timeline photos 25/05/2016

Jody's story:
My Plexus journey has been nothing short of a blessing from God! My entire family is just as blessed as I am as we have developed many great new friendships that I'm sure will last a lifetime, earned the extra money needed to get us past the "paycheck to paycheck" mentality, and have been able to live so much healthier. Here is a quick glimpse of my personal health testimony.
As a 2x cancer survivor you can only imagine all of the build-up of synthetic drug residue in my system. With the addition of the Plexus Slim, XFactor, BioCleanse and ProBio5 to my daily routine between late February and early March, I have been able to not only clean out all of that residue from by body, but to get rid of lots of lingering side effects that troubled me for years after chemo and radiation. Some of these things I didn't even know existed until they were gone because I just thought that they were part of my "new" life after cancer. These included things like skin irritations, restless legs, chemo brain, brittle nails, IBS, hot flashes, headaches, seasonal allergies, bruising, and so much more. Another huge positive for me is that I have been able to maintain my lymphedema flow since adding in the products which was way out of control before. I was paying for around 20 supplements, lymphatic massage and was taking body talk sessions that were costing way more than these 4 products but not bringing in nearly the results. And the biggest thing for me is that my oncologist loves my lab results today! He even supports me taking Plexus. My body is no longer acidic, no longer lethargic, no longer haunted by the fact that I've had to endure chemo and radiation and I thank God and Plexus for that daily!! My body is happier today than ever in my life in the few short months I've been taking the Plexus products!!! That means that I AM HAPPIER and a day won't go by without these amazing products. (This picture was taken during a photo shoot for breast cancer survivors and for the first time in forever, I was not only smiling on the outside, which I always do, but also on the inside!)

Timeline photos 19/04/2016

Here's Toni's story.
I signed up to be a part of the plexus family on July 4th, 2015. I am 34 yrs old have type 1 juvenile diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, suffer from depression and am classified as morbidly obese. Since the start of my journey 3 weeks ago, I've noticed less cravings of non healthy foods, eat way less, have more energy, no afternoon crash, sleep better and my blood sugars on average are 30pts less! I've lost 15 lbs and feel wonderful 😀
I'm taking triplex combo, boost, block and xfactor. Hope you can see a difference?


If you are interested in trying Plexus, now is the time to do it. Pm me for a special percentage off your next purchase.

Photos from Better Body by Plexus's post 09/03/2016

My coworker and friend, Beverly, has had some health issues that has really taken a toll on her this past year. She has found that Plexus has helped her feel like she is healing now.
My name is Beverly and I am 65 years old. I’ve been taking Plexus on and off for about 9 months. I have not had any weight loss or inches lost, but I have found that I no longer have chronic pain and I walk a lot easier. I also sleep better when I use Plexus, so I’m here to tell you that I will continue with Plexus for whole being wellness.
Besides, the Plexus drink, I use Plexus Protein powder, which comes in packets you can carry with you. Not only is it protein, but it is also a helps maintain glucose levels. Since I am also diabetic, this product is great to use when I’m out and need something between meals to regulate myself. Just mix with cold water (or milk) and shake and drink. Tastes good and satisfies.
I also use the lotions as I have very dry skin. The plexus lotion only takes a dab and goes a long way. It soothes the itches of my dry skin.
The Plexus Ease is also an awesome product. Just put a little in your hand and rub on the joints that hurt. It gives relief quickly with a cool tingling feeling.
I haven’t found anything I don’t like. True, the Plexus slim doesn’t help me lose weight, but I can feel it helping my body center itself. For me, that’s everything.

Timeline photos 26/02/2016

Kaycee has had an amazing time with Plexus. What can Plexus do for you?Looking back on this last year is crazy! It's amazing to see where I started this journey. Beginning of last year I had reached my breaking point where I was struggling so much with looking in the mirror, taking pictures, and even finding the energy to go out to dinner with friends. I was miserable, my blood pressure was through the roof, my dr wanted me on blood pressure medicine and wanted me to meet with a dietician for my health, my arthritis was kicking in again and that made me tired and sore, and I couldn't sleep to save my life. It came to the point where I didn't even feel like a women because nothing my body was suppose to do was working. My PCOS turned to Severe PCOS. My dr told me I most likely never would have my own cycles, never ovulate on my own, and most likely never get pregnant on my own. I felt less like a women every single day. And this was heart breaking because having my own family one day was and is my biggest dream. Thanks to my mother-in-law when June came around, she had mentioned that her friend was really into a this pink drink called Plexus. At that point I was like "sure I'll try it, I've tried everything else." Little did I know this little pink drink would change my life and give me back everything I thought I had lost. Thanks to Plexus my health is so much better, I'm down over 30 pounds, my blood pressure is regulated, I have more energy than a 2 year old, I feel good, I look good, and I finally sleep through the night. I finally have been able to take control of my PCOS, cycle on my own and test positive for ovulation. This is a big deal for me and an answered prayer. I am so blessed that this company and their products have changed my life and I will forever be passionate about what these products have done and continue to do for my and thousands and thousands of people! This is why I'll never stop sharing Plexus 💕


Timeline photos 12/01/2016

All right, guys, this pink drink can work for you as well. Here is what Matt says.
The picture in the white shirt was taken on January 1st 2015. The picture in the blue shirt was taken January 7th 2016. I started Plexus on April 15th 2015.
# # shirt vs. XL shirt
38 " shorts vs. 34" shorts
237 lbs vs. 193 lbs

Timeline photos 16/12/2015

Merry Christmas, Charai! Plexus has been a great gift over the past year.
It's been 6 months now since I started this journey. I get all emotional thinking about how far I've come and SO excited for what's next. This has been the most rewarding and freeing journey physically, mentally, and financially for me and my family.

TWENTY pounds are gone! I didn't lose them because I have no intention of finding them again. My smallest sized pants now have extra room. I have all the energy I could hope for to take care of myself, my babies, and all my business. The business which, by the way, I'm working part time from home around MY schedule which means I'm not having to work my family's schedule around my job. And I stay busy between homeschooling my oldest and caring for my infant. I'm healthy, I'm happy, and I think it shows just a little bit.

Timeline photos 02/12/2015

Skeptic about Plexus? So was Angelia.
My Plexus journey is just beginning thanks to meeting my awesome sponsor Julie Graber!! I must say that as much as I wanted to try Plexus in the past, my skepticism kept me at bay. I finally decided that with all the amazing full health testimonies I had read...I had nothing to lose but pain, fatigue and maybe a little weight. I have numerous auto-immune disease including lupus, hypothroidism, fibromyalgia and am currently undergoing testing for MS. For years I've dealt with aches, pains, dizziness, brain fog, slurred speech, numbness, tingling, needing to nap all the time, and most recently. (9 months) severe burning in my feet--so bad that some days even standing on soft carpet is miserable. Fast forward to Oct 12, 2014...yes just 12 days ago...I met Julie, we chatted a bit and I jumped feet first into Plexus. I started Probio5 at bedtime on October 15th, did the Bio Cleanse the next day, and kept that up for a few days. Started Slim a few days after and now just 9 full days in I am down 9.5lbs and the burning nerve pain in my feet is at an all time low. That in itself makes me want to stay with Plexus. I'm happy to see a slight slimming in my face as well!! I'm so excited to see what more time on Plexus does for me!!

Timeline photos 28/10/2015

Sherry is a great example of how Plexus can help you get better, and save money.
Sherry Lynn Knebel I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. My life consisted of Methotrexate, Prednisone, Dilaudud, Mobic, Plaquenil, Synthroid, Xyzal, Flonase, Lasix, Losartan, Diclofenac, Ambien, Vivelle Dot Patch, Prescribed Vitamin D3 & B12. I couldn't get out of the bed or recliner on the weekends. I had no life....only an existence. Thanks to God and Plexus...only 3 of those medications remain and I'm training for my first 5K...after ONLY 2 MONTHS of Plexus!!! God bless Plexus!!!

Timeline photos 20/10/2015

Nikki's daughter has had great success with the Triplex Combo. Also, one of my faves.
One word: AMAZING!!! This is a before & after picture of Neely's (my daughter) legs. She has struggled with Atopic Dermatitis aka Eczema (severe case) almost her entire life. We have tried everything under the sun to help her including steroids, in which have been the only thing to clear her up but as soon as she stopped taking it it would come back full force. Nothing has ever helped her. I was introduced to Plexus back in May of this year by one of Jeret's baseball teammates mom. She took a chance on helping my little girl & I'm so glad I let her. I was skeptical at first but within a month I was already noticing a change in Neely's was slowly clearing up. I really wish that this could have came sooner but I know God hears our prayers and answers in his timing & his timing is perfect; never late but right on time! Such a blessing!!! We are so thankful that God sent her our way that day! This was Neely's ticket for complete healing & the answer to our prayers!!! I can't thank her enough for what she has done to help my little girl! She takes the Triplex Combo

Timeline photos 13/10/2015

Way to go Aly!
For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Aly. My Plexus story starts way before Plexus. I didn’t become a big person until I had my son. I gained 60 lbs while I was pregnant and a lot more after he was born, a total of 105 lbs to be exact. That was 8 years ago.
In 2011 I decided that I’d had enough. I decided I was going to lose this weight and get my body back. Even though I had seen all the testimonies and all the hype about Plexus it unfortunately wasn’t the weight loss program I ran to. I started a weight loss program with a Dr. in my home town. I lost 40 lbs before my wedding. The next year I gained it all back after a spell of pneumonia and LOTS of steroid shots. My illness did get me to quit smoking though. I guess everything happens for a reason.
So back to square one, I decided to try Weight Watchers because Plexus still seemed too good to be true even though by this time I had seen what it did for my sister-in-law, but she’s young and it’s easy for her to lose weight, right? Weight Watchers did help me to lose 40 lbs in about a year and I did keep that off, but I was at a plateau and I felt like I was throwing away money and not getting anymore results.
Time for Plexus right? Nope, still too skeptical. Next was Medifast and let me tell you it went fast. That stuff was horrible even though I kept telling myself that it wasn’t that bad. I got to where I couldn’t even eat the stuff anymore so, yes, I lost weight, from not eating! Not to mention Medifast is VERY expensive. But I did lose 20 lbs that month. And gained it all back the next.
One evening after Thanksgiving out of the blue, I text my sister-in-law and said, I’m ready. My actual intention was the business part of Plexus, not the weight loss. Yeah, I was STILL a skeptic. But the money that I saw that was being made by my family was real.
I really want to take my husband on a trip for his 40th birthday this year and have it be a surprise so, yeah, I’m ready to sell Plexus.
Well, when you decide to sell Plexus you get to pick a welcome pack. My sister-in-law suggested the Tri-Plex Combo welcome pack which is Slim, Bio Cleanse, and ProBio5. And she sent me Block as a welcome gift from her. That is all she wrote. After about 3 days I was hooked. No, I didn’t magically lose a bunch of weight in 3 days, but the way I felt was amazing!
I have been on Plexus for about a month and a half. I have lost 10 lbs, but even better than that, I have lost SO many inches. It looks to me like I’ve lost 20 lbs. My nails grow out white; before they had a yellow tent to them, my hair feels softer and looks shinier, my eczema has gotten A LOT better, and my complexion is so much better.
It took me 3 YEARS to try Plexus. Don’t be a skeptic like me. Embarrassingly so, this is me before Plexus. Plexus has helped me to get on my path to a healthier me. I love my products and even if I never lost another pound I would never give up my products. I feel AWESOME!


Did you know that Plexus was originally designed for diabetics?
Here is what Angel Thomas has to say about her Plexus journey - so happy for her:
"I'm DOWN WITH PLEXUS! Calling all diabetics...Drink the Pink! 3 months ago my A1C was 8.4 after month & half of Plexus my A1C is 6.6! Folks, that is AMAZING! I can't tell you enough how much that means to me!"
Designed for diabetics, but is helping so many people in so many ways - it's about getting healthy from the inside out!

Timeline photos 22/09/2015

That is the ratio of yogurts to ProBio 5 pills. You would literally have to eat 21 yogurts to get the equivalent of 1 ProBio 5 pill! ProBio 5 has helped not only me, but so many of my friends and family members who have suffered from migraines, autoimmune disorders, brain fog, acne, the list seriously goes on and on! If you want to try some just let me know!

Timeline photos 06/09/2015

Want to know more about Plexus but on a budget? We are having a Labor Day Sale! PM me if interested.

Timeline photos 31/08/2015

Here's why gut health is so awesome. It took Autumn 6 weeks to get her gut back in line, but once she did, she saw a world of difference!
I started seeing a rheumatologist about this time last year. She ran test after test...CAT-Scan, MRI, etc....had blood drawn numerous times. Gave me meds for fibromyalgia which didn't help so she took me off. Thought it might be RA. Found a lesion on my spinal, but wasn't sure what it was....SO she wanted to run another series of test (now it's spring break). I was soooo done with the run around without any answers or relief. I tried Plexus as literally a last ditch effort. It was made ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD. It wasn't a instant change for took about 6 weeks, but it has been a life changer!! Make a change...give Plexus a chance!!

Timeline photos 21/08/2015
Timeline photos 16/08/2015

Check out Jacque and see how Plexus has helped her overcome her health obstacles!

Timeline photos 12/08/2015

Amanda shows just how great Plexus is for skin problems. I think she looks wonderful.
This is probably the most embarrassing post I have ever posted as I have always suffered with psoriasis that's apart of my arthritis. The psoriasis was only on my face and so I was always 100 % paranoid and felt so unattractive. I also have lupus and have what's known as the butterfly rash. I remember when I was growing up always being asked if I was severely sunburned on my face. It was completely embarrassing, humiliating, and made me feel so ugly. With being consistent of the triplex combo and using our body cream daily on my face my butterfly rash is no more and my face is now smooth and I can honestly say that I feel beautiful for the first time in forever.

Timeline photos 06/08/2015

This is why Plexus really helps and why the ingredients are so important.
Harmful organisms such as yeast/fungus/candida in your gut actually have a protective exoskeleton called “chitin.” Kind of like a cockroach that crunches when you step on it… bad yeasts and fungi in the gut have a layer of “chitin” that helps them survive and grow in your body, annihilating the walls of your intestine, making it almost impossible to actually absorb nutrients and wreaking havoc on your body. If your probiotic contains “chitosanase” you can actually breaking down that chitin and help kill off those harmful overgrowths which could be causing numerous health issues and auto-immune disorders. Which is EXACTLY why our families and so many others are seeing noticeable differences from other expensive, refrigerated probiotics we had been on for years. It makes a HUGE difference!


Plexus isn't just for weight loss. It works great for headaches too. And you don't even have to take a pill for it. Just rub it where it hurts on your head. Terrific! Jut see what Lacie has to say.
"I worked a 17 hour day on Friday with half of that being at a local festival. I ended up with a killer headache that night (Headaches are extremely rare for me since I started taking Plexus) and the next morning from a combination of no sleep, drinking a Starbucks (that I rarely drink anymore), loud music and heat. I took two Advil that night and another three the next morning. It didn't put a dent in my headache! So....after I got out of the shower, I rubbed a little dab of Plexus Ease cream on my temples about 3 times. Headache gone!!!!! Every day I love my Plexus products more and more!! "

Timeline photos 29/07/2015

Tiffany noticed that she has not only lost weight, but has also become beautiful inside and out. She feels better, less emotional, and has become energized!
"Does Plexus work? Well. Y'all. That's me. A 1 year later me, on Plexus. Where I was, to where I am now...
First, I ask myself a lot "who is that?" It was me, a very unhealthy, depressed, emotional me. I never realized how bad it had actually gotten, until now. I feel like I should be embarrassed and ashamed. But by the Grace of God I found Plexus, or it found me. Happy tears now.
Second, I’ve had ADHD since I can remember and for years I’ve always had high and low mood swings. My Dad passed away February 26, 2013, THE hardest day and moment of my life. I soon after went to the doctor for depression, anxiety and to check for bipolar (which runs in my family). I was diagnosed borderline bipolar, therefore put on Lexapro for that and my anxiety/depression. I had since then gained 20+ lbs, but with this medication keeping weight off was THE hardest thing to do. I didn't like taking this pill every night, for the fact that I had to live a NORMAL life by taking it, but I came to accept it....
Third, I continually watched my friend post about plexus, but was very skeptical. Thinking, I don't want to spend all that money or be involved, no way that stuff works that great. Well, look at the chance I took. I started my Plexus journey July 15, 2014 and shortly after became an Ambassador (Sept. 2014). It took awhile for much of a change because of the Lexapro, but I was able to stop the Lexapro after a few months and once that happened, everything went to a whole new level. My weight was disappearing before I even realized it (and I've never worked out while on plexus). With consistency and investing my time into these products, I can PROUDLY say that ONE year later I've LOST 25 lbs. I look at this comparison and ask myself... "Who is that person?" "How did I get there?" It was easy to get there, but not easy to get back. Without a doubt, without these products I would still be "that" person and I thank God every day I'm not. I also sleep better, no longer binge eat (which was my biggest enemy), hardly eat sweets anymore, mentally stable and oh my gosh, my nails and hair are crazy healthy and grow like weeds. I feel pretty freaking good because PLEXUS CHANGED MY LIFE, and I'm so Grateful!
Finally, I wasn't in it for making money, other than my full time job, BUT I have AND I love helping others to a healthier, happier life. I wouldn't promote or feel passionately about something that didn't work. My favorite parts of Plexus is how it can help with medical conditions, many many of them, and breastfeeding mommy's, but most of all, the health and wellness, because that's what Plexus is about!
My daily Plexus regimen is the Pink Drink first thing with 2 XFactors, then 2 Probio5 and 2 BioCleanse at bedtime."

Timeline photos 24/07/2015

Brian has had an awesome experience with Plexus. Not only did he find health and weight loss, but he found that his grocery bill had gone way down. Way to go savings!

I'm pleased to report that Plexus is working wonders for me! Measurable results too! I just had bloodwork done to switch to a new life insurance policy and the results were so good that I was rated super preferred! Three years ago I had high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high lipid levels and elevated liver enzymes all resulting in a higher premium and increased risk of heart disease (and who knows what else). I've been able to bring these measurements into the normal range though the use of our natural, plant-based supplements, without having to resort to a bunch of meds. Other measurable results include fewer daily calories (I eat A LOT less and make better choices now), smaller grocery bills ($avings), fewer naps (I don't even need an afternoon coffee), plus I lost 20 lbs (more than I thought I had to lose). All the credit goes to Plexus! I used several products regularly and started making changes to my diet when I started craving better foods. I'm so glad I started my Plexus journey

Timeline photos 16/07/2015

Kathy Yates used to suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. After a year on Plexus, she no longer suffers!
"I started Plexus the last day of July 2014. I had IBS, woke up every night with hot flashes, was on BP med, sinus issues so bad I woke up every morning with a head ache, fibro pain, and I was drinking 8-9 sodas a day. Today, July 14, 2015, I no longer suffer from all these issues. I still have a little fibro pain that I can deal with. I'm off 3 prescription medications and have lost 44.5 lbs and multiple inches. I'm so blessed that I was introduced to Plexus! It has been a life changer for me."
