"Paint the Ta Tas" - Celebrating Life
Celebration of Life through ART Artists sharing, creating and inspiring awareness through their passion. Opening eyes and hearts though art.
Stroke Awareness Month Director of the Stroke Program at UConn Health, Sanjay Mittal, speaks on the importance of knowing the signs and symptoms of a stroke.
Call for Concepts - Pups in OurParks - Better Manchester Calling all early, mid-career, professional, and underrepresented artists! Showcase your creativity by submitting an original concept to paint a canine sculpture as part of the Manchester Bicentennial Celebration in 2023.
Manchester Announces Grant-Giving Program for 2023 Bicentennial - Better Manchester Manchester has launched planning efforts for its 2023 Bicentennial Celebration. Festivities will include historical and educational programs, special events, and commemorative projects.
Radiate light and love through your thoughts, words, actions, and deeds.