

In the CBD Business helping people with natural medicine to correct their unwanted conditions without becoming addicted to pills or opioids and narcos!


The Dumocrats are projectionists meaning they accuse people of what they themselves are doing.
They are the real racist party they're the ones that always bring it up they're the ones that always keep it going they're the real party of Jim Crow Abraham Lincoln was a Republican he's the one that freed the slaves the Democrats are the ones that didn't want slavery to go away in this country matter of fact there doing it now trying to enslave us all you people need to wake up on that side just because your parents were Democrats don't mean you have to be. if you love your freedom you need to start researching
Both parties there's bad people in both parties the Democrats are on the wrong side of all this they keep half of our country misinformed with lies so if you watch CNN MSNBC CBS ABC these are all propaganda outlets for the government they've been paying these channels money for a long time to spew their garbage we are now reaping the fallout of a illegitimate president who's been bought and paid for by every country but this one he's a hollow man did I imagine doesn't even know what the word moral means I'm not political it's just getting way too extreme and hard for me to keep my mouth shut anymore and if you can't see the difference between these two presidents and which one was a real leader you've got some serious work to do in your head peace out



Happy Independence Day from Sierra Valley CBD

Photos from Cbdbythedrop's post 16/06/2021

Some of the best fishing right down there


LOL I drive this road several times every year as soon as it's accessible I noticed something different this trip as this rock used to point up with a slight tilt right
So I'm taking that as a clear sign when mother nature is telling you things are going to s*** fast you better take note


Massive fire northeast loyalton which is being evac
