Oliver Investigations

Oliver Investigations

We work cases involving death, catastrophic injury, cold cases, missing persons and more. Call us!


Happy Friday!

It is June 14th, 2024, and it is 71 degrees at headquarters. NE Ohio will be sunny, cloudy and maybe rainy, with a high of 78 today.

Today is Flag Day. Flag Day marks the Second Continental Congress’s adoption of the first U.S. national flag on June 14, 1777. The first flag featured the same 13 red and white stripes we see today. We’ve added more stars, because we are super cool. There is probably a video of me from 35+ years ago, jumping on a fella who was burning the flag. I was standing there with a bunch of guys, and I said out loud, “I think he’s going to burn the flag.” Another fella said, “If he does, I’m going after him.” The flag was ignited. When I got to the flag burner and his friends… I was all alone. All those other guys stayed put. So- me, the flag burner and a bunch of his friends had a quick talk about not burning the flag when I’m around. From my perspective, it went well.

Today is… NOT my birthday.

Happy birthday to all of you who were born on this date. We hope you get a new flag and flagpole and the “Okie from Muskogee” album from Merle Haggard. We fly an American flag every day. I am proud of our country, even in the bad times. The secret is- we have to meet each other and compromise every once in a while. We need to talk more and yell less.

Today’s birthdays include Burl Ives (singer, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer), Steffi Graf (great tennis plater) and The United States Army. On June 14, 1775, the Congress passed a resolution forming the Continental Army. "Resolved, that six companies of expert riflemen, be immediately raised in Pennsylvania, two in Maryland, and two in Virginia … [and] as soon as completed, shall march and join the army near Boston, to be there employed as light infantry, under the command of the chief Officer in that army." Today, the U.S. Army is one of the best fighting forces in the entire world. Happy Birthday, Army!

Our song of the day is “Okie from Muskogee,” by Merle Haggard.

“We don't make a party out of lovin';
We like holdin' hands and pitchin' woo;
We don't let our hair grow long and nasty and dirty,
Like the hippies out in San Francisco do.

Everybody sing one time

I'm proud to be an Okie from Muskogee,
A place where even squares can have a ball.
We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse,
And white lightning's still the biggest thrill of all....”

Today’s Quote: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” ~ Albert Einstein

Pitch some woo today!

Carry on.


Good Thursday!

It is June 13th, 2024, and it is 64 degrees at headquarters. NE Ohio will be sunny, with a high of 86 for today. We’ll go from 55 to 88 in three days. Welcome to Ohio!

On this date in 1920, the United States Postal Service announced they would no longer be mailing children. Mercy, they were sending children in the mail! I can tell you right now, if I had been living during those times, I would have been shipped somewhere. I wasn’t a bad kid… I was just talkative and energetic. When I wore out grandpa, grandma would step right in, and we’d color or talk. Grandpa loved me, but I am convinced there are days he would have mailed me off. I had that effect on most adults.

Today is… NOT my birthday.

Happy birthday to all of you who were born on this date. We hope you get “Dallas” on DVD and the “Georgia Satellites” album from the Georgia Satellites. Boy, you will enjoy Dallas. A rich oil family, fussing, smooching and trying to kill each other. That is some top-notch television. Folks nowadays don’t know what it’s like to wait a whole summer to see who shot J.R.

Today’s birthdays include Tim Allen (actor and comedian), Chris Evans (Captain America), and Ally Sheedy. Ally is an actress and was in one of the best movies of the 80s, The Breakfast Club. I watch that movie when I can, because it is a hoot. “Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?”

Our song of the day is “Keep Your Hands to Yourself,” by the Georgia Satellites.

“Ooh, baby, baby, baby, why you wan' treat me this way?
You know I'm still your loverboy, I still feel the same way
That's when she told me a story 'bout free milk and a cow
And said, "No huggee, no kissee until I get a wedding vow"

My honey, my baby, don't put my love upon no shelf
She said, "Don't hand me no lines and keep your hands to yourself…”

Today’s Quote: “Home is where your books are.” ~ Erica Jong

Have a wonderful day!

Carry on.


A note from Lisa Oliver:

Thank you for the kind response to my posts. I have decided to get back on FB for the sole purpose of interacting with your comments. David has been reading them to me and you’ve been so kind.

I agree with those of you who said you are on FB to keep in touch with people. It’s just like anything else; moderation.

Thank you again. You have no idea how much it means! ❤️



It’s Wednesday!

Today is June 12th, 2024, and it is 52 degrees at headquarters. NE Ohio will be sunny, with a high of 80 for the day.

Today is Superman Day. I’m conflicted about celebrating today. On one hand, I like superheroes. On the other, I’m not a fan of aliens. Superman was sent to Earth from his home planet by his parents, to save him from the planet’s impending destruction. Batman is a good old fashioned American orphan billionaire who hangs out in a cave and has sweet karate moves. Ergo, my dilemma.

Today is… NOT my birthday.

Happy birthday to all of you who were born on this date. We hope you get a View Master and the “Book of Dreams” album from the Steve Miller Band. When I was a kid, the adults around me often said “Hey, David, why don’t you look at your View Master again.” That usually meant I was talking non-stop again and the adult needed a break from my questions and general outlook on life. I have no regrets. I had lots of questions and those demanded answers.

Today’s birthdays include George H.W. Bush (41st POTUS), Timothy Busfield (actor), and Armando "Chick" Corea. Chick was a jazz pianist and composer. He was nominated for 72 Grammy awards and won 27 of those. He made some great music.

Our song of the day is “Jet Airliner,” by the Steve Miller Band.

“Leavin' home, out on the road
I've been down before
Ridin' along in this big ol' jet plane
I've been thinkin' about my home
But my love light seems so far away
And I feel like it's all been done
Somebody's tryin' to make me stay
You know I've got to be movin' on

Oh, Oh big ol' jet airliner
Don't carry me too far away
Oh, Oh big ol' jet airliner
Cause it's here that I've got to stay...”

Today’s Quote: “I do not like broccoli. And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I'm President of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli.” ~ George H. W. Bush

Thanks for stopping by!

Carry on.


Good Tuesday!

It is June 11th, 2024, and it is 45 degrees at headquarters. NE Ohio will be mostly sunny today, with a high of 70. I’m not a fan of 40ish in June. Mother Nature needs a glass of wine.

Today is National Corn on the Cob Day. Boy howdy, if there is corn on the cob, I’m in. We do our share of outdoor cooking and I love to have corn on the cob as a side dish. It goes with just about everything. I just lay out the stick of butter and twirl the cob until it is nice and lathered up.

Today is… NOT my birthday.

Happy birthday to all of you who were born on this date. We hope you get a 20-piece corn on the cob holder set and the “On the Border” album from the Eagles. The holders are tiny skewers. You pop one in each end of the cob, and you are off to the races. You have to have more than a couple, just in case the neighbors smell the corn and wander into your yard.

Today’s birthdays include Jacques Cousteau (oceanic explorer), Vince Lombardi (football coach), and Peter Dinklage. Peter is an actor. He was in Game of Thrones. He was also in the movie Elf, as the author Buddy referred to as “an angry Elf.” Peter won three Emmys for Game of Thrones and a SAG award for his role in “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.”

Our song of the day is “Best of My Love,” by the Eagles.

“Every night I'm lyin' in bed
Holdin' you close in my dreams
Thinkin' about all the things that we said
And comin' apart at the seams
We try to talk it over
But the words come out too rough
I know you were tryin'
to give me the best of your love...”

Today’s Quote: “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” ~ Vince Lombardi

Have the will today!

Carry on.


Back, by popular demand...

The PI Chronicles (Part 3), By Lisa Oliver

(The previous stories linking to this one can be found on posts dated May 30th and June 6th (4 days ago on your timeline). Changes are coming to link the stories together, so you don’t have to scroll through your feed every time.)

She knew this day would come. Janice thought he would die in prison, at least she hoped he would. Wishing death on someone is never something she thought would enter her mind. She wasn’t a hateful person, but this man was a monster. She was thankful to hear from Elaine, even under the circumstances. Elaine had cut contact with her years ago. She knew it had nothing to do with her. It was self-preservation. She prayed Elaine could find a way out, but Jake had always been one step ahead, until now.

When they were in their twenties, Janice thought moving out of state we be an opportunity for her sister to get away from the limitations of their small town. There had been a time when the middle class was thriving where they lived, but those days were long gone.

Streets lined with two-story colonials, cape cods and bungalows once boasted well-manicured lawns and tasteful flower gardens had been in rapid decline for years. Families were fleeing to cookie cutter allotments in the suburbs with top rated schools and little (if any) crime.

They were fortunate to grow up during a time when kids spent time riding bikes and running the neighborhood until the streetlights came on. On hot summer nights when the stifling air of their bedroom was too heavy for sleeping, they would camp out in the backyard, catching lightning bugs and eating smores. Inside the tent their father set up for them, Janice would hold a lighted flashlight to the edge of her chin, casting ominous shadows across her face to add to the drama of the story. They shared everything with each other, strengthening a bond only sisters know.

With the mass exodus of manufacturing, homes were abandoned or taken over by slum lords with no connection to the history of the town. One by one, small businesses and family-owned restaurants closed. Janice knew things would never be the same when the local cinema was razed and replaced with a dollar store.

Janice and Elaine were just a few years apart, and both dreamed of moving away to find a better life for themselves. Janice stayed in their family home for a few years, but after graduating from nursing school, she moved several hours away to a small city with a flourishing arts and entertainment community, still rooted in its history. She felt safer and more connected in her new neighborhood.

Elaine, on the other hand, moved several states away. She chose to live in a warmer climate, with an exciting night life. She made friends easily and life was good, until she met and fell in love with the wrong man.

Jake was a charmer. He was tall and athletic, but not traditionally handsome. It was the way he made her feel like the only woman in the room that attracted her to him. He was confident when he spoke, but more importantly, he listened. They would talk for hours about nothing and everything. She let down her defenses, almost without realizing it. Being with Jake was intoxicating to the point of drunkenness.

The newness of a relationship sometimes causes a person to become “love blind”. She didn’t see the little red flags or the changes in her behavior everyone else was seeing. Jake’s attention was like a tidal wave from the very beginning. He wined and dined her, sent flowers, cards and gifts. She would get a little rush when they would unexpectedly run into each other at places she frequented for years. Even though they had lived in the same city before meeting each other, it was only now she was seeing Jake at these same places for the first time. It didn’t occur to her these happy coincidences were not coincidences at all.

Elaine didn’t realize her friendships were beginning to fade, as well. She was spending almost all of her free time with Jake. She began making excuses for not seeing her friends. Jake thought her friends were rude, making it uncomfortable for him to be around them. When anyone suggested Jake might be the problem, she made excuses. It was a sore subject with Jake. She felt like she was walking on eggshells but thought over time she could change his mind. For now, she thought creating some distance with them might help everyone to work through any mutual feelings of distrust.

Janice was the only person she communicated with on a regular basis. She always spoke highly of Jake, minimizing the negative aspects of her life. Elaine found ways to justify his bad behavior. He was just misunderstood.

During arguments, Jake had her convinced she was misremembering things, accusing her of being overly dramatic. He could always find her weaknesses and used them to his advantage. He was a skilled manipulator.

She didn’t see the wall as it was being built around her. Jake seemed to always know where she was and what she was doing. Elaine would find herself constantly explaining her every move. She stopped seeing her friends, spoke with Janice less frequently and rarely left her house. She didn’t realize what was happening to her, until it was too late.

Jake’s charm had slowly turned dark. His threats turned to violence and after the birth of their first child, she had no chance of getting away from him. He made it clear he would never let her leave, not with his children. She believed him.

On most nights, Jake spent his time at a seedy local bar, known for its cheap beer and suspicious characters. Jake would sit at the bar, telling tall tales and flirting with any woman who would look in his direction. On one of these nights, he was a little too thirsty and let the beer get ahead of him. He flirted with the wrong woman, at the wrong time.

As he was making his move, he found himself between her beefy companion and his brother who was recently kicked out of boot camp for his attitude. Jake’s pride got the best of him and when it was clear he couldn’t handle the two of them in his current state, he pulled a knife, slashing one brother across the face.

The brothers claimed self-defense. With no witnesses from the bar to support his side, Jake was sentenced to three years in prison.

Elaine sat stoically during the trial and sentencing, giving Jake smiles of encouragement when he turned to look at her. Silently she was praying for his conviction and a lengthy sentence. She needed enough time to get a job, hire an attorney and finally be free of him.

Six months into his sentence, Elaine learned Jake was being released early. The prisons and jails were understaffed and overcrowded. In those few months since the trial, Jake had been a model prisoner. As a first-time offender with no strikes against him, he jumped to the top of the list for early release, with parole conditions attached.

It hadn’t been enough time for Elaine. The girls were happier, she was well liked at her job and finally felt unencumbered by the weight of the stress she was carrying for so many years. It was devastating news. All she could do now was hide the money she was saving and wait for another opportunity, if one ever presented itself.

Life slowly returned to what it had been before. Jake started out making promises to change, but eventually slipped back into his old ways. He demanded she leave her job and focus solely on raising their children now that “the man of the house” was home again.

Jake charmed his way back into his old job. They were back to living paycheck to paycheck and although a condition of his parole was no alcohol, Jake found another bar in a neighboring county that called itself a “key club”. This meant only members with a key card could access the front door. Anything that went on in the bar, stayed in the bar.

Elaine knew he must have found another girl on the side, because that is when the violence started up again. When he came home angry, slurring hate in her direction, she knew he was feeling the resentment of being tied down to a family. It was in stark contrast to his need to keep and control her when he was sober. She desperately wanted off the emotional rollercoaster.

The hitting was becoming more frequent and severe. She would take anything, if it protected the girls. On one particularly bad night, she tried to leave with them after Jake passed out. She was on her second trip to the car when he pulled her back into the house by her hair. He told her if she tried it again, he would leave with the girls, and she would never find them. It was the final blow. She was defeated.

Jake thought he was bulletproof. He believed he could do whatever he wanted without getting caught, because so far it was working. One night at the bar, one of the regulars walked in smiling like the Cheshire cat. He won $5,000 on a scratch-off ticket and was buying rounds for his bar buddies, which included Jake. He didn’t think twice when the free, endless rounds of shots started. They closed the bar and headed out to a 24-hour waffle house to end the night. Jake was in no condition to drive. He wasn’t paying attention when he nearly side swiped a state trooper. When the blue lights starting catchup up to him in the rearview, the chase was on.

Jake had one thing in his favor. The trooper was just released from training two days earlier without any real-life experience in high-speed pursuits. Jake on the other hand spent his childhood at the local racetrack learning the nuisances of taking a curve at high speeds. While his muscle memory kicked in, the trooper’s inexperience landed him in a ravine, trapped and unable to move.

Jake saw the crash but kept going. He was not going back to prison. The only life he was saving in that moment was his own.

Elaine was barely asleep when the phone started ringing. Jake had called a bar buddy for help, giving him the details of the pursuit, but the call was cut off before he could get the details. Elaine told him she hadn’t seen him since he left for the club.

A cold chill ran through her. If he came back to the house, there was no telling what he would do under desperate circumstances. She knew he would never let her go, even if he was thinking of ending his life, something he hinted at during their arguments.

It had been years since she spoke with her sister, but Janice was her only lifeline. She would know what to do. Janice told her to barricade herself into the bedroom with the girls. She doubted Jake would return tonight while the police were looking for him, but leaving would put her in more danger if he was hiding on their rented farmland, lying in wait. She and the girls would have no chance. She promised to call back with a solution.

Janice dialed her friend, the former cop turned private eye, but this time it was the female half of their business she called. She knew her background was best suited for this situation.

Within hours, a team was sent to the house to check the property and take Elaine and the girls to a safehouse, while her friend worked on locating Jake. She used every tool at her disposal to track him down. It took nearly a week, but she was confident she had the right location. She provided a detailed account of her findings to a former female colleague now working with the state patrol’s specialized tactical unit. They were responsible for executing search warrants and high-risk entries. She assembled a team and a few hours later, Jake and his bar buddy were arrested.

The young trooper had life altering injuries from the accident, resulting in charges far worse than the parole violation Jake was so worried about. He would be a very old man before he was released from prison.

Janice hired an attorney for the divorce, which included an agreement Jake would never contact her or the girls for the remainder of his life. They moved in with Janice, giving Elaine an opportunity to heal mentally and physically. The girls loved their new school and like their mother, made friends quickly. Elaine would go on to finish her degree, becoming a victim’s rights advocate for women and children.

The investigators put the file away and moved on to the next case, no one ever knowing their role, just as it should be.

As the PI sat at her desk, sipping a cup of coffee the next morning, an email popped up on her screen. It was from her assistant, marked “Urgent”. As she read through the email, she could only shake her head. So much for catching up on paperwork- they were off to the races.


Good morning!

Today is Monday, June 10th, 2024, and it is 56 degrees at headquarters. NE Ohio will be mostly cloudy today, with a high of 64.

This squirrel is slightly aggravated with me. I changed feeders to one he can't eat from. Now, he just sits and stares at me. I stare back.

I bought a pressure washer yesterday. We had an electric one, but it was sort of like holding your thumb over the garden hose. Anyway, Willie and pressure washed all afternoon. He liked standing down range, in the mist. Neighbor Ed, who is like Inspector Gadget, kept pulling attachments out of his inventory for me to use. One is a round surface cleaner, and it was awesome. Pressure washing is kind of therapeutic. When we finished, Willie and ate cheeseburgers from the grill. His was without a bun.

Today is… NOT my birthday.

Happy birthday to all of you who were born on this date. We hope you get a Bluetooth speaker and the “Vacation” album from the Go-Go’s. Technology is a love/hate relationship. I love wireless speakers and have a few of them, including in the back garage. The sound quality is good, and I can play music from my phone. The bad thing about this technology is the “based on your listening” nonsense. The suggested songs are not remotely relevant to my very refined music taste. If it doesn’t have a banjo, I’m hitting “skip song.”

Today’s birthdays include Nicolaus Otto (invented the internal combustion engine), Judy Garland (the Wizard of Oz), and Darren Robinson. Darren was better known as the “Human Beatbox.” He was in a rap group called “Fat Boys” back in the 80s. Being short for my weight, I liked the name. Darren could make all kinds of crazy sounds using only his mouth. They were a hoot.

Our song of the day is “Vacation,” by the Go-Go’s.

“A week without you
Thought I'd forget
Two weeks without you and I
Still haven't gotten over you yet

All I ever wanted
Had to get away
Meant to be spent alone...”

Today’s Quote: “The fact that a great many people believe something is no guarantee of its truth.” ~ W. Somerset Maugham

Get a great start to the week!

Carry on.


Good Sunday!

Howdy, folks. Today is June 9th, 2024, and it is 61 degrees at headquarters. NE Ohio will be mostly sunny today, with a high of 75. Willie and I worked in the yard yesterday. Well, I worked, and he supervised. He did raise his head up a few times, just to make sure I was still at it.

I’m thinking about doing a little fishing this morning. We’ll see how the morning shakes out. I love Sundays. We usually have a little breakfast, drink coffee and read the Sunday papers. Yep. We get newspapers on Sunday. I don’t care much for the political spin most news outlets have, but the classified ads never change. You can still find a goat for sale, if you’re looking.

Today is… NOT my birthday.

Happy birthday to all of you who were born on this date. We hope you get Monopoly and a Texas Instruments calculator. I’m not sure these gifts are related; however, if you get into a fuss over banking and passing Go, a calculator may come in handy. Our youngest daughter was a stone-cold embezzler during Monopoly when she was a kid. She called it “banking fees,” which makes sense if you think about it.

Today’s birthdays include Jackie Wilson (singer), Michael J. Fox (actor), and Aaron Sorkin. Aaron is a screenwriter, giving us “A Few Good Men,” and “The West Wing,” amongst others. Boy, A Few Good Men was a good movie. That Jack Nicholson was not at all likeable as the colonel. Mercy, he was wound tightly.

Our Sunday hymn this week is “Shall We Gather by the River.”

“Shall we gather at the river,
Where bright angel feet have trod,
With its crystal tide forever
Flowing by the throne of God?

Yes, we’ll gather at the river,
The beautiful, the beautiful river;
Gather with the saints at the river
That flows by the throne of God...”

Our Bible verse this week is 1 John 3:19. “Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.” Think about that one for a moment. Folks can say things all day long. Being truthful and following through are what matter. If you love someon, actions and truth are how you express it. Or, as Elvis said, “A little less conversation and a little more action, please.”

Today’s Quote: “Well done is better than well said.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

Enjoy the day!

Carry on.


Good morning!

Welcome to the weekend. Today is Saturday, June 8th, 2024, and it is 56 degrees at headquarters. NE Ohio will be sunny today, with a high of 78.

On this date in 1949, George Orwell’s book “1984” was published. Boy howdy, what a story. Big brother, illegal thoughts, the Ministry of Truth and the list goes on. It’s a good thing none of that could happen nowadays. We are far too advanced for that, right?

Today is… NOT my birthday.

Happy birthday to all of you who were born on this date. We hope you get an Ant Farm and the “True Colors” album from Cyndi Lauper. One of the kids had an ant farm growing up. Those things were always moving. It was neat to see the tunnels and drop an insect in there and watch them carry the carcass around like they were at the airport.

Today’s birthdays include Nancy Sinatra (singer), Tony Rice (bluegrass picker), and Butch Reynolds. Butch is from Akron and is an Olympic gold medal winning runner. He is a few years older than me, but we played in some of the same neighborhood football games. I’ve never seen someone so fast in my life. I was short for my weight as a kid, and there was no way I was catching him. It was like watching a motorcycle whiz past you.

Our song of the day is “True Colors,” by Cyndi Lauper.

“You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow....”

Today’s Quote: “The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” ~ George Orwell

Get some fresh air today!

Carry on.


Happy Friday!

Howdy, folks. Today is June 7th, 2024, and it is 58 degrees at headquarters. NE Ohio will be partly sunny today, with a high of 67.

Today is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. Any day we celebrate ice cream is a good day for me. Surprisingly, an article I read recently listed Mint Chocolate Chip as the #1 flavor in the United States. Chocolate was second and Vanilla was fourth. Cookies and Cream was number three. I know it may fly in the face of my reputation; however, give me vanilla in a great big bowl. I know, I seem more like a butter pecan guy.

Today is… NOT my birthday.

Happy birthday to all of you who were born on this date. We hope you get a gift certificate to Friendly's and the “Million Miles Reflections” album from the Charlie Daniel’s Band. They used to have Friendly's restaurants everywhere. We used to go the location on State Road in the Falls. You could get a burger and onion rings and then follow it with a giant five scoop sundae. I limped out of there after all that eating.

Today’s birthdays include Jessica Tandy (actress), Liam Neeson (actor), and Prince. If you listened to music in the 70s and 80s, you heard a lot of Prince. He was a singer, musician, and actor and remains one of my favorites. Being the old country music fan I am, some people find that odd. I am a fan of music, and good musicians and Prince could play just about every instrument made.

Our song of the day is “The Devil Went Down to Georgia,” by the Charlie Daniel’s Band.

“The boy said, "My name's Johnny, and it might be a sin,
But I'll take your bet; you're gonna regret 'cause I'm the best there's ever been."

Johnny, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard.
'Cause Hell's broke loose in Georgia and the Devil deals the cards.
And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold,
But if you lose the Devil gets your soul....”

Today’s Quote: “To silence gossip, don't repeat it.” ~ John Keats

Finish the week strong!

Carry on.


Good Thursday!

Buenos morning, cousins. Today is June 6th, 2024, and it is 65 degrees at headquarters. NE Ohio will be mostly sunny today, with a high of 77.

On this day in 1944, American and allied warriors stormed the beaches of Normandy. By dawn on June 6, thousands of paratroopers were already on the ground behind enemy lines, securing bridges and exit roads. The amphibious invasions began at 6:30 a.m. I’m not sure another generation of young men has ever done what those troops did that day. What a display of honor and courage. When the day starts by jumping off a landing craft in neck-deep water while being fired at by an enemy, you have to be thinking about your mortality.

Today is… NOT my birthday.

Happy birthday to all of you who were born on this date. We hope you get “Band of Brothers” on DVD and the “Moods” album from Barbara Mandrell. Band of Brothers is a series about Easy Company and starts during parachute training and right around D-Day. It is one of my favorite WWII stories.

Today’s birthdays include Bjorn Borg (tennis great), Paul Giamatti (actor), and Robert Falcon Scott. So, we all know by now, I am not the explorer type. I’m not using a machete to cut through forests to find the mouth of a river. I’m also not going to any poles on the top or bottom of the world. Mr. Scott was in a race to get to the South Pole in 1912. Roald Amundsen got there first. Scott and his posse died on the return trip from exhaustion, starvation and freezing cold weather. He died and became a hero. His last note, written as he froze to death, said "For God's sake look after our people.”

Our song of the day is “Sleeping Single in a Double Bed,” by Barbara Mandrell.

“Sleeping single in a double bed
Thinking over things I wish I'd said
I should have held you but I let you go
Now I'm the one sleeping all alone, oh

Sleeping single in a double bed
Tossing, turning trying to forget
I could be lying with you, instead
I'm sleeping single in a double bed...”

Today’s Quote: “Three things tell a man: his eyes, his friends and his favorite quotes”. ~ Immanuel Kant

Thanks for being here today!

Carry on.

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Lucy, the dog who was missing for five weeks, was reunited with her human this afternoon. What an experience!A huge "job...
Howdy…Hanging out with the grandson Brian today. He sure is growing!He has a message for all of you, so listen closely!C...
