Conquest & Challenge Youth Ministry Groups

Conquest & Challenge Youth Ministry Groups

Challenge and Conquest are ECYD Programs that form adolescents as Christian leaders to transform culture.

Pinecrest Academy Challenge Girls Club serves the most vulnerable in Atlanta - Regnum Christi 14/05/2022

Pinecrest Academy Challenge Girls Club serves the most vulnerable in Atlanta - Regnum Christi The Pinecrest Challenge Girls Club is a service-based, apostolic ECYD after school club at Pinecrest Academy, a private preK-12 Catholic School in Cu***ng, Georgia. The group meets regularly in teams to grow in friendship with Christ and with each other, and to undertake apostolic projects to serve....

ECYD Launches IMPACT One Appeal - Regnum Christi 30/11/2021

ECYD Launches IMPACT One Appeal - Regnum Christi From Maria Knuth, Director of the ECYD Life Department and a Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi ECYD, Regnum Christi’s youth organization, is celebrating 50 years of promoting and safeguarding lived personal friendships among our adolescents with Jesus Christ and with each other in order to build...
