Evangeline, Presence Coach

Evangeline, Presence Coach

The Work is a gentle, powerful modality of structured questions that provide a loving way to look at the places inside that are painful.


About 5 years ago I began a journey of inner work and self discovery. The path lead me to Adyashanti, Byron Katie, and several other beautiful teachers. The practices of meditation and spiritual inquiry have become a central aspect of my life. I still have plenty of shame, self-critical thoughts, and fear inside of me. And yet, through the Work of Byron Katie, and much stillness and silenc

When two or more are gathered 18/06/2024


Place of Peace Sanctuary - we yearn, so deeply and unknowingly, to BE with another or others in a profound presence. I think we may need it above all else right now in our personal and collective lives. I talk about that in this video, I have a feeling that Place of Peace Sanctuary will be a place where we can do this together.

When two or more are gathered We yearn to join with others in deeper experiences of being. Place of Peace Sanctuary is a place that this deeper connection of being is facilitated.

True Love and Trauma/Wounding/Ego 17/06/2024


Let me know what you think if you watch this! I think I described what I was trying to convey fairly well, but you never know :)

True Love and Trauma/Wounding/Ego


message me to learn more!

Stillness & Silence; A Second Client's Reflection 18/09/2022


Good morning Friends,

I have the delightful honor of working with Gabrielle, a client who is a champ at opening into stillness and silence. We recorded an interview earlier this week where I ask her about her healing journey, and how having signifigant access to stillness and quiet has facilitated leaps and bounds in her ability to have clear and laser sharp insights about unconscious areas of her psyche, insights that quickly translate to concrete changes in how she relates to people and situations in her life.

These concrete changes in her life have brought increasing freedom, jurisdiction, and peace into places that, a short time ago, were full of confusion, shame and fear.The transformational healing capacity of stillness, silence, and peace cannot be overstated. I think of these qualities as enormous reservoirs of power just waiting for us. They are here, right inside of you, and all around you. Everywhere in fact.

The transformational healing capacity of stillness, silence, and peace cannot be overstated. I think of these qualities as enormous reservoirs of power just waiting for us. They are here, right inside of you, and all around you. Everywhere in fact.

A Call to Quiet is a solid way to increase your ability to touch this healing power within YOU. Developing an ability to go to the stillness and silence requires devotion and sincerity, and access grows in proportion to the amount of time given.

The eight weeks of practice provided by A Call to Quiet supports the accountability needed to strengthen an ability to move into stillness and silence in the most difficult moments. And that, my friend, is a thing worth giving time to.

Stillness & Silence; A Second Client's Reflection In this interview I speak with the delightful Gabrielle about her personal experience with stillness and silence, and how bringing pain, agitation, and shame...

Stillness & Silence; A Client's Reflection 14/09/2022

This video is an interview I did with a long-term client, Julie, in which we talk about stillness and silence. Julie talks about what it was like when she first touched upon the quiet within her own being, how spending time there has enriched her life, and how now when she reads or remembers certain poem that she has known all her life, they suddenly take on a deeper meaning because she gets the place that they were written from.

Stillness & Silence; A Client's Reflection It can be challenging to understand why devoting time to stillness and silence is worth it. In this video Julie, a long-term client, talks about her experien...


FREE Live Mini Class: Shifting Out of the Energy of Ego Identification.
Join me for this (Free!) live mini class on how to shift your consciousness out of identification with the energy of a painful thought, inner child, or old trauma, and into a position of allowance, freedom, and friendliness.
I have used this process over and over for years with clients (and myself💕), and by guiding people through it many times I've discovered that most people really can learn the techniques, and by practicing these shifts often throughout the day, great insight, relief, and clarity can be born.
We will meet on Saturday, July 23rd at 10am EST. Leave me a comment and I'll send you the link!

Do you need a place of Respite? 31/05/2022

Hi Firneds, What does it mean to build your house upon the rock? How could that help you live a life of peace, and become a fountain of peace for others?


Do you need a place of Respite? The Bible talks about building your house upon the Rock. So does Eckart Tolle. What does this mean?In this video I talk about how you can start to discern th...


A bit of Stillness and Quiet for you this evening ❤️


Dear Friends,

Note: This material contains imagery that maybe triggering, and rest assured there is resolution at the end.

Four years ago there was a period of roughly a month when I found it difficult to do anything except watch Netflix and lay in bed. I'd get the kids on the bus, tidy up, and then revert to the bed and episode after episode of Outlander. I'm sure that a couple of you can relate :).

This month was an anomaly, set smack dab in the middle of an over-arcing period of about a year marked by hours of meditation a day. During this year I was drawn to meditate many times a day.

And here, in the middle of it, I believe it was October, I couldn't do it. I'd sit down to meditate and almost immediately a unique and bizarre energy of horror would rise up through my core. It was new and unfamiliar, and so strong.

I could not handle it, and would stop meditating. This happened over and over, and if I pushed a bit I would start sweating and have to stop when the horror reached too intense a pitch.

During the longer attempts to sit with this I received fevered glimpses of a snarling wolf mouth and desiccated dried-up meat in piles of dirty snow.

The correlation between the horror and the need to numb with Netflix seemed reasonable, and as such I was easy on myself. I intuitively knew that now was not the time to push any harder. Now was the time to lay in bed, the autumn rain pouring down outside the window, watching Jamie and the Sessenach slowly fall in love.

I also knew that at the beginning of November I was to fly out to the West Coast to sit with Adyashanti at a silent meditation retreat for 5 days. Within the container of 200 fellow meditators, Adyashanti's powerful presence, and the entire Pacific Ocean, I trusted that I would be supported to let the horror play out.

And so the days of Netflix, bed, and cooking dinner for kids passed, and there I was in Monterrey California.

I purposefully kept it light the first 2 or 3 days, letting the place, people, and sincerity of the group grow and fill. Then, one day in the middle of the week, I was ready. The gong sounded, signaling the start of a 40 minute sit, and I turned to the horror.

Immediately it was there, a visceral wave rising up through my body. I began to give it Ho'oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian ritual of forgiveness. For those of you who don't know this ritual, it is simple and powerful. You simply say or sing four sentences to a person, dead or alive, present or distant, and let the words carry the healing.

The words are:

I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

I had discovered prior that one could sing or say these words to an energy or feeling in the body, or even to parts of physical body, and evoke much healing.

I trusted the practice.

I trusted giving these words to the horror.

I began to gently say them to the horror itself, directly addressing the energy of it. Immediately the horror took the form of the by-now familiar image of desiccated dried up strips of meat in dirty old snow.

The image rapidly became more focused, and I saw a snow bank on the side of a road strewn with dead bodies. It was very cold and grey.

They were from another century, and looked like peasants from somewhere in Eastern Europe. Men, women, children, all dead, all bloodied; they had been lying there for about 3 or 4 days by the look of their bodies and the snow. Massacred and left, with no one to take care of them. There was a grey heaviness in the air, and old filthy despair.

The horror did not have hold of me. I felt the support of the meditation hall around me, I was separate and sovereign. Whatever this was I knew that it was ready to pass through me and be cleansed and put to rest. I would not be harmed.

I continued to sing the words of ho'oponopono over the bodies. Quickly, very quickly, the bodies and I were inside an old-fashioned farmhouse kitchen, big wooden tables lined up in neat rows. The bodies were laid out on the tables. They were clean now, and shrouded in rough white cloth. The children were along side their parents. A feeling of peace and quiet filled the kitchen.

There were candles lit all around the room, and a quiet and stillness like that of the deepest winter night filled the space.

A vigil.

I continued to sing, and walk between the tables. Suddenly I knew that I was to put a little white wafer in all of their mouths, and to tuck a holly branch into the crook of each of their arms. I did so.

I understood that they had been lost for years, perhaps centuries, without the proper death rites and ritual that they needed to be at peace. Peace enveloped the room, so full I could have sat there forever.

Presently souls of blue and green light became visible around the periphery. Soon there were many, a village worth. The entire village had gathered on the edges of the room, the souls of all of the bodies. They were dressed in traditional garb, happy and calm. I no longer needed to sing the words.

An older man and woman stood out from the rest, the elders. They approached me in wordless thanks. The woman, very old and with clear countenance and wise eyes, reached her hands to her forehead where a blue star was shinning in the middle of it. While looking directly into my eyes she took the star in her hands and placed it into my forehead.

Then she drew a huge gold coin from an embroidered purse and slipped it into my pocket. The man stood behind her, looking at me, and the whole village behind him. It was an honoring.

The scene shifted and it was midsummer, the moon high in the sky. I could tell that a season had passed. I was in a graveyard from long ago, beautifully tended and set in rolling farmland. There was a huge tree with boughs spread wide over the grave stones. Oak I think, but perhaps not, as this was long ago and in Europe. Everything was perfectly tended.

There was church on the top of the hill above the graveyard. I went there and walked in. The church was small, a rectangle, and simple. The walls were very thick, and the window sills were deep and set with burning candles, quiet in the night. At the front of the church was a pulpit adorned with dark holly boughs.

Everywhere was so silent, the deepest, most profound and holy silence I have ever experienced. It brimmed with vitality, a deep and dazzling darkness. I could have stayed forever. This, I thought to myself, this is what I want.

This is the end of the vision, or healing. I came back to the meditation hall as the gong sounded, and make my way out onto the stone patio, the Pacific booming a short distance away.

I had much to reflect upon.

In the days that followed this healing I contemplated and wondered many things. Were these my ancestors? How did I happen that I had the horror in me, in my body?

There was also, and still is, such gratitude. How did I get to be a part of this profoundly beautiful and far reaching healing of so many people? Why was I so honored?

The church has stayed with me. I want to have a church like that, to tend a church like that. To create a place like that, were people can come and sit in holy stillness and quiet. A place that is imbued with old magic, ancient ritual, and a quiet beyond quiet. A place that heals by virtue of its energy. A place where people can come to steep in quiet and be healed.

How can I make this church?

Another thing that I learned from this healing is that the things that haunt us in our energy fields, minds, and bodies, well, we can't really know what they are until we bring our presence to them. They could be childhood trauma, they could be the collective unconscious, they could be something that happened to our ancestors.

What is clear is that once there is enough presence and support in a person they can turn that presence and gentleness towards the things that seem terrible and filled with horror, and immense healing can happen.

This can happen in you as well.
And so, let us be so tender and kind with each other and ourselves, and when we cannot, may we be so tender and kind with that. It is as it should be. I wish you much love today,

PS - please forward this to anyone you know that could use it.

How can Returning Home help you? 03/04/2022

Hello Friends!
I have a favor to ask. I'm almost done creating a live online course in stillness and presence.
Returning Home, the beautiful and long-awaited 8-week course that will help bring a loving presence to old reactive patterns and trauma responses, is almost ready for her unveiling.
I will be releasing this course by mid-May, but before I do, I would love some feedback from you.
Your answers will make sure that this course can give you exactly what you need to find a place of true equanimity and peace within so that you can meet whatever arises in your life from a place of calm power and presence.
Click this link to answer a few question about how Returning Home can better serve you.
Thank you in advance, co-creation is good! And so is a life lived from consciousness rather than through the lens of trauma and old inherited coping mechanisms. Let's heal!
I will be in touch soon,

How can Returning Home help you? Returning Home is poised to burst to life above ground. She has been smiling and swelling down in the dark ground, the light of stars scribing their shine and wisdom deep into her DNA. All of this to pour forth into this world and help you to transform your life into one of peace, presence, power an...


Dear Friend,

In early winter the idea of a course in presence, stillness, and peace came to me. You may remember, I wrote about it at the time.

The course was planted deep in the winter ground, biding in the dark until the time came to cleave the seed hull and send up green cotyledons in ancient accordance with the pulse of spring.

And so, the time is nigh. I feel this seed, I see it. It has swollen with the wetness of melted snow, cold to our fingers, the baptism of life for a seed.

How can we know these mysteries?

And how right that I, too, needed to gestate and rest while the unknown worked its potent magic in the interstitial space between she and I.

As I peek again at this course, beginning to take form in this world of ours, I have been in dialogue with Stone Buddha. Some of you may remember him, I wrote about him some time back.

He is one of my most beloved teachers. And behold, he can be accessed from anywhere, just by dipping down into quiet, bringing his face to mind, and tuning into his clear radiant stillness. It is always the same, and I am filled with gratitude.

I asked him the questions about this course, the questions that my ego rankles with, the ones my inner child looks at wide-eyed. And by some grace, when I ask him, I hear the answers.

I will share some of the dialogue here, his wisdom is transmitted in the place before words, the place that is real; below is my best translation.


Me: Do I offer this course?
Stone Buddha: The course is me (Evangeline) sitting like Stone Buddha.

Me: What is the transformation for the people that participate?
Stone Buddha: That they steep in stillness and presence, that they learn to do that while holding the trouble/pain/or question that is here. To learn to use stillness and peace rather than the mind to answer and act. To unravel in the stillness rather than in the chaos of belief.

Me What is the course called?
Stone Buddha:
A Return Home, an 8-week group course in dropping into the Heart of Stillness. The course is a place to steep (underlining is Stone Buddha's emphasis) in the stillness and quiet. A place to practice that. A devotion to that which they love.

Me: How do I talk about it to people?
Stone Buddha: Let those who are ready feel the call, the same way you felt me. Radiate the clear presence. Those that are ready will come.

Me: What do I say about Returning Home?
Stone Buddha:

There is a way to be at peace here, no matter what is happening. There is a place in you that is already at peace, no matter what is happening. That is you. The rest is fear, trauma, and conditioning.

In the 8-week course we will learn to touch directly into that peace, stillness, and quiet so that you can let it infuse, inform, and heal your life.

Be the Peace you want in the world. Return Home and Light the Candle in the Window.

And so, this is what the Stone Buddha told me. The punctuation is his.

For now, that is all. I will reach out again to you soon. For now, rest assured, these things take their own time. If the fire to participate in this course is to catch in you, it will. Do you feel the first flicker of a flame?

And so, let us be so tender and kind with each other and ourselves, and when we cannot, may we be so tender and kind with that. It is as it should be. I wish you much love today,

PS - please share this with anyone you know that could use it.

Does this work resonate with you? PM me!

Timeline photos 19/03/2022

Hi Friends,

A client said this during a 1:1 session earlier this week. It is a good description of the kind of healing that I do, succinct, indicative.

There is a dream-like realm that opens up when I work with people, and describing it can be hard if one does not already have a reference point.

I imagine this realm is much like the plains that shamans go to, or the archetype world that Jung describes. I'm not sure, but I know the place, and have travelled there often, on my own and with clients.

It is beautiful and rich there, and incredibly powerful healing can happen because it is not on the level of our ordinary transactional, habitual, and conditioned mind.

This realm does not open up every time a client and I work, it seems to depend on a certain readiness, and a certain soul ripeness.

I have travelled there quite often, and because of this, I provide a resonance, or an energetic path that others can follow. Clients are often surprised to find themselves in this place, as it is not somewhere they have been able to access on their own.

One unique aspect of this healing work is that when clients open up to this realm, I am able to be there with them, exactly where they are.

By this I mean that whatever dream-world they are immersed in, I am in the exact same world, and as such we can travel there together, and I can gently guide, as I am accustomed to the nature of this place.

There may be an established healing modality like this that I have not heard of. I was not trained in this type of work, but it is what comes through me.

The quality of the healing that happens in this realm is significant. Because it is beyond the level of the conceptual mind it is not subject to the usual rubric of thinking. When clients 'see' something in this place there is a profound knowing of the truth of it.

Adyashanti says 'the Truth is self-authenticating.' That is, when someone comes upon real Truth (with a capital T), they know it, and that's that. The whole world could tell them they're crazy, that it's not True, but that would not matter because they have Seen.

This Seeing cannot be undone, and therein lies the foundation of healing.


Hello Friends,

At the core of spirituality is silence and stillness. I want to say right off the bat that these are facets of everyone's being, and as such, they are in you.

Contrary to what it may sound like, silence and stillness are not conceptual ideas about your being. They are actual real things in you. As real as things come in fact.

Until one has touched the REAL silence, stillness, peace, or vastness in one's being, these things will sound good, lofty, annoying, or downright triggering. There will be some thought or reaction to them, but the profound REALNESS of them will remain hidden.

Words are sounds, symbols, stand-ins for something REAL, so don't stop there and spend all of your time in the conceptual...let the words point you to the experience that they stand for.

The first time I touched silence I was on a 7-day meditation retreat with Adyashanti (there was a 3 year period when I went to either a Byron Katie retreat or a silent meditation retreat every other month. My soul was on a serious rampage). He guided us down deep into our bodies and showed us the silence and stillness there.

I was astounded. It was there, it was REAL, like, actually a thing in me, a thing I could touch, rest upon, melt into. I couldn't believe I'd never experienced it before when it was right here all along, in my very own body!

The work I do with clients is directly inspired by this initial experience with Adyashanti, and the cascade of inner work inspired by it.

Healing sessions with clients can go right to one of these aspects or facets of being. The particular one that opens up in a client depends upon which quality is the most innately developed in that person. Sometimes we go to stillness, sometimes sturdiness, sometimes peace, and there are many more.

When I feel a client directly encounter a facet of their being, I rejoice. I know that we're good to go. The longer we spend time there, steeping in the elixir of presence that heals all wounds, the better.

The stress and emotion brought to the session falls away. The longer we stay in the deep experience the suffering and confusion on the surface level tends to be understood and seen through from a perspective not available to the suffering one.

Peace, joy, bliss, devotion, silence, stillness, any of them, when they are developed and given attention, they become a ballast, a bedrock of stability that one can turn to when times get rough. In the Bible it's referred to as building you house upon the rock. These qualities are the rock because they don't change. In Buddhism you would say that they are outside of the wheel of samsara.

Being able to touch something outside of the wheel of suffering, of samsara, is the basis of all soul evolution. I want to repeat that.

Being able to touch something outside of the wheel of suffering, of samsara, is the basis of all soul evolution.

Without it we are wandering, wondering and floundering in the conceptual, the unreal, the changeable. We are caught in the caprice of the mind and ego, it desperately trying to talk and reason its way home.

I recorded a meditation into stillness and silence for you. My intention is for the meditation to provide an avenue into these facets of Being. Perhaps you have not touched them yet? Perhaps you will with this meditation.

It is an amazing experience, and one of the great joys of my work, to usher people into these places, especially if they have not gone there before. There is a unique quality the first time one of these places is experienced, something akin to joy, surprise, and an ancient recognition. Ah! This is where I have been trying to go... I found it!

The response clients have where they first touch this place is 'I want to stay here forever.' And no wonder. The soul knows home.

Here is the meditation. May it usher you into a place that has been patiently waiting for your return.


And so, let us be so tender and kind with each other and ourselves, and when we cannot, may we be so tender and kind with that. It is as it should be. I wish you much love today,

PS - please forward this meditation to anyone you know that could use it.

Does this work resonate with you? Sign up for an exploratory initial session to see if 1:1 coaching is the right for you. Just message me right here!


Hello Friends,

We are filled with emotions, inner children, inner teenagers, beliefs, and traumas that have not been Welcomed. We spend enormous amounts of vitality trying to push away, fix, or hide the parts of us that we don't like, the parts we are ashamed of.

What if we employed a diametrically opposite approach? What if we Welcomed what we most dislike about ourselves rather than mitigating it? What if we Welcomed the things we are most ashamed of rather than relegating them to the hidden depths of our unconscious?

For I tell you, down there, pushed deep into the sticky dungeons of the semi-conscious these poor parts of ourselves struggle on, but they cannot heal.

They want to rest. They want a real life in the sun and wind and stars. They want us to heft open the trapdoor to the dungeon and let the fresh wind blow down the grimy stairs, and they want us (yes you) to gather your courage and duck down the steps and open their cages, bless there wounds, brush their tangled hair and bathe their filthy bodies.

They want you to pull them in close to your chest and press their heart to yours. They want to be held safe through the night, their bellies full of a hot supper, and their bodies warm and tucked up under thick blankets. They want to be loved.

The sacred energy of Welcoming is an aspect, or facet, of pure unbridled Awareness. The soul's awareness is Welcoming. It is like the sun. The sun does not recoil from a rotting co**se and bend in preference to a new spring flower. The sun's rays are given in equal measure to whatever is here.

I tell you friend, your soul's awareness is the same as the sunlight, more brilliant in fact. There is something in you that knows how to gaze with pure light on the terrifying parts of you. The gaze of pure awareness is curious, it welcomes everything it sees, it does not give preference, it is gentle, it is patient beyond measure.

This gaze of pure awareness, I tell you, is in you.

I created the 3-Day Mini Exploration into Welcoming as a devotional act of love, as a service to that which I hold sacred. It may fall short of the mark, but I offer it all the same. I offer it for all of the little ones out there, living in the dungeons, perhaps disguised as monsters, who are waiting for our return.

I invite you to direct message me, or go to the website (in comments) to sign up for the Exploration.

May we be free.
May we have peace.
May we know wholeness.
May we be safe.

And so, let us be so tender and kind with each other and ourselves, and when we cannot, may we be so tender and kind with that. It is as it should be. I wish you much love today,

PS - please forward this 3-Day Mini Exploration in Welcoming to anyone you know that could use it.

Does this work resonate with you? Sign up for an exploratory initial session to see if 1:1 coaching is the right for you. Either message me or sign up on the website (in comments).

Timeline photos 16/02/2022


It's Sh*t. It's muck. It's ancestral trauma.

Whatever we call it, it's here for us to transform into Spiritual Gold.

Get the FREE 3-Day Mini Exploration into the transformative power of Welcome and let some alchemy in.


A Heart That Yearns to
Love Well
a transformative 1:1 session

Hi Friends,

If you've been in spiritual work for awhile, and I imagine you have, you know that particular irrefutable experience of true and permanent transformation.

Earlier this week I worked with a dear client (let's call her Deborah), and she was ready to look at her inner teenager. The inner child gets all the press, and of course attention is due there, but there is a wide array of inner characters... inner baby, inner teenager, inner young mother, inner first job, inner bride, inner day of giving birth, the list goes on. There is even an inner 5 seconds ago you. (.....Yup, there they are.)

Through years of working with people I've come to see that there needs to be a preparedness to work with any inner part of ourself. Sometimes when people first meet their inner child there can be a lot of resistance, sometimes the inner child repulses the client, or they feel like they don't deserve to be with the little one.

All of this is diagnostic, and it is counterproductive to add any self judgement to it. It is just information. When a person is repulsed by, or feels unworthy of meeting an inner child, that is the place to gently start the healing journey.

It is easier to work the inner baby, child, or teenager than a part of you that is closer to your current age. I believe that this is because as we age the years make it easier to not identify with the younger ones. They exist long enough in the past that they can more easily appear as Other. This is helpful.

Extracting the identity out of a behavior, thought pattern, or inner child is necessary before a true adult loving presence can preside. Ultimately it is when this loving adult presence (a presence that is in all of us, though may be latent) can be with the inner hurt part that real transformation and healing commences.

However, I digress. I want to tell you about Deborah, and the beautiful work she did with her inner teenager.

Going into the session she had shame, guilt, and a high degree of self judgement related to something that she had done when she was 19. Current circumstances where bringing the old memory right to the forefront, and triggering shame throughout the day.

This client has been with me for awhile, and has a heart of pure gold. She also has a well established ability to know when she is ready to look at something and when she is not. This is essential. When we look at something, and are not ready to, we retraumatize ourself all over again, albeit innocently and with basic good intention.

As soon as we started the 1:1 call Deborah said she was ready to look at this moment with the 19 year old, a moment we had touched on briefly many times before, but in the past the readiness was not yet available.

Deborah dropped right in and went back in time to the 19 year old, to the exact scene that had tortured her for 45 years. Once she got there I guided her to just sit and watch the young woman. To just sit and, with a relaxed body and gentle eyes, look at the young woman. To look at her expression, her body language, her energy.

This step is so important, and patience is the name of the game. This sort of calm, relaxed looking, given enough time, will show you everything. And I do mean everything. When this sort of looking opens up (I call it Opening the Eyes of Love... more on that later) the ego, or identified self, has taken a step back and the true self has open its eyes and is bringing great healing to bear on the past.

Deborah looked and looked with the Eyes of Love open wide, and, as is the way, saw what really happened. Up until this moment she had believed that the 19 year old could have done better, that she was weak and had been bad.

The Seeing that arose when the Eyes of Love opened saw something else. They saw what was real (in other words what was True). The ego just can't see the Truth. It can't see what really happened to you in the past. You cannot understand the past when you are looking from inside of the unhealed inner child, teenager, etc.

Einstin says that the thinking that created the problem is not the thinking that will solve it. This is true, and it is related to what I am saying here.

Deborah sat and watched this lonely 19 year old and the tears started to come. (I have been told that tears wash the lenses of perception clean so that they can see the Truth. I love that).

Here stood a 19 year old girl that had recently moved out of her childhood home, a home full of abuse. She was totally unsupported. She didn't have money. She didn't have a car. She was dependent on her emotionally unreliable partner for transport. She was a le***an teen in 1977. This girl was alone, without any of the support and resources that Deborah has now.

Deborah looked at this girl, and started to cry. She saw, with a seeing that does not need outer confirmation, that the girl was trying so hard, and was doing everything she could. The girl had a heart of gold.

And with that, in an instant, all shame and guilt left Deborah and was replace with only love and compassion for the girl. Oh sweetheart, I'm here now. We can do this together now.

I don't worry that Deborah will fall back into shame around this part of her life. Seeing with the Eyes of Love is complete and final. A done deal. Game over. It cannot be unseen.

The healing I have describe here happens over and over in the 1:1 sessions I do with clients. I love it. I am in awe of how blessed I am to get to be with people as ancient pain and suffering transforms into understanding and compassion.

“Forgiveness is realizing that what you thought happened, didn't." ~ Bryon Katie

If you are ready for the caliber of healing that transformed Deborah, respond to this email or sign up for a session on my website.

Let us be so tender and kind with each other and ourselves, and when we cannot, may we be so tender and kind with that. It is as it should be.

I wish you so much love today,

Videos (show all)

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I want to share the JOY that has reawakened in me after sitting in silence and quiet.  I used to feel this, and then it ...
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